Fallout - A fallout game with a snowy setting?

A fallout game with a snowy setting?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:32 AM PST

I've recently been interested in the idea of a snowy climate in the world of fallout. But I haven't found anyone else anywhere on the internet asking or discussing the same thing. Tons of showcases of weather changing mods but nothing about the actual world or lore. Would snow happen naturally anywhere in post apocalyptic North America? Or any other continent? I read someone's post saying it became too hot for snow to occur naturally in most places anymore as a result of the radiation. I think a nuclear winter would be cool in fallout.

submitted by /u/vexagon1
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[Fanart] Arcade Gannon - FNV companion portrait series! 3/8

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:58 AM PST

Thinking about doing a Creed from The Office play through of Fallout 4. Thoughts?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:05 PM PST

Is there a particular order in which I should play the New Vegas DLC?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:40 AM PST

Bought the ultimate edition last week and I finally want to start tackling the DLC. Is there any order I need to, or should, play them in to get a better experience? It should be noted that I have beaten New Vegas multiple times, so spoilers main story spoilers aren't a big deal if they come up.

submitted by /u/MrSpanky1193
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The Difficulty of Animating in Fallout 4

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:46 AM PST

Fallout Machinima maker UpIsNotJump released some interesting guides of what he has to go through to make his Fallout 4 animations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwoxm3KHlOs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1_fhmKxhqo Including how hard it is to work with crippled limbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgXQWXJnqd8

submitted by /u/superduperfish
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Coming to New Vegas for the first time.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:06 PM PST

Fallout New Vegas is now over 7 years old, and while I had heard all the glowing praise it receives on here, I personally had never played it before a few months ago. So after finally buying it and playing it quite a bit I thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts and feelings as a confessed outsider, having none of the nostalgia going in that so many people hold. Would it turn out to be the timeless classic so many people claim it is, or would it turn out to be an outdated relative kept around only out of fond memories for its glory days?

For context I bought Fallout 4 a little over a year ago after playing TESV Skyrim to death and them some. It was my first foray into the Fallout franchise and honestly my first foray in first person shooters of ANY kind. I remember the first session I played. Couldn't for the life of me figure out how to scrap junk, couldn't for the life of me figure out how to lower my weapon, but those first few hours were magical. I was well aware of all the hate Fallout 4 had gotten, (used to be an adventurer like you, until Bethesda took the RP out of my G) but something about that world just clicked for me. Since then I'm now pushing 400 hours in game, which while not much compared to some of you is still a lot, but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about over in the Mojave. I was hesitant at first, because I had purchased TESIV Oblivion on steam and just couldn't for the life of me get into it. It was so clunky it just turned me off and I couldn't go on. I don't think it's a bad game, but I just couldn't have fun with it. But still I gave New Vegas a try, and I suppose here we are.

For starters as someone who doesn't have experience with tradition more old school RPGs the character creation through me off, there's a lot there you've got to pick before you've really got a handle on the game. But character made I stumbled out into Goodsprings and gazed out over the sea of muddy brown. Let's be honest, the game is showing its age visually. But that's not to say its bad, just old. And while following Sunny Smiles around through the tutorial I did solely miss the sprint function. But that magic of experiencing a new world for the first time was defiantly there, I found myself a giant cowboy hat, led a militia against some convicts, then wondered off south. Gameplay is clunky, and at great distances I was having the hardest time figuring out if my shots were actually doing anything, but it wasn't enough to stop me. But sadly, the magic kinda died out for me until I reached Novac. Going back now there's shit tonnes in Primm and Nipton and Mojave Outpost I missed the first time through, but at the time I was defiantly on the fence until I got to Repcon Test Site. Watching the rockets take off for the Great Beyond, I wondered "That console with the science check I can't pass yet, I wonder what that does this late in the process." So after reloading a save and cheating myself some extra levels (I cheated them away again after, don't worry don't worry) I was absolutely shocked that I had the option to just crash the rockets into the ground. What the hell?! Fallout 4 would never let you do this. Imagine if you sided with Ironsides aboard the USS Constitution, but at the very final stage when he asks you to turn on the generator from the adjacent rooftop you could just activate a self destruct instead, or switch the engines on in reverse? Honestly the skill checks had kinda sold themselves short for the first few hours of the game for me. So far they had been pretty inconsequential stuff like getting additional help in the fight in Goodsprings, or ways of getting out of paying bribes, but here it drastically changed the outcome. It felt like my character could actually affect the world in a unique way. I was in then, I got it.

Since then I've played a ton more. No where even remotely near done mind you, but I've gotten further. And what really blows me away is just how fucking interconnected everything is. Like just the fact people get additional dialogue based on stuff you've done not directly connected to them, and then you can go talk to them about it. Like Boxcars for example, super minor character but you could kill him the first time you go through Nipton thinking you had seen everything he was good for, but a later quest out of Searchlight sends you back to the Nipton area to look for something and you can ask him for help! Like obviously the quest is designed to work that way, but just the fact it's a physically smaller map means things have to be reused in this way, and it just makes everything feel more alive. Or Sargent Aster over by Camp Searchlight (I bet you can guess what area of the map I was exploring today), you get there and he's got a fairly basic quest to mercy kill 10 NCR soldiers turned ghouls and retrieve their tags in an irradiated town. But once in there you find one of those ghouls is non-feral. You could just kill him too and be done with it, but you can go back to Aster and ask him about this non-feral, and there's tons of ways to resolve it. Then after finding Cottonwood Cove and coming back I talked to him again because he was on the road, and there's suddenly an option to say "Hey I just found this legion outpost". Like yes those locations are close together and along the same road so it makes sense they'd go together, but still the fact everything is so interconnected is just amazing. And also the fact that multiple quests can send you to the same place, like I'm here to kill Motor-runner, but under the pretense of delivering chems for the great Khans, who coincidentally I bet are going to be pissed I killed their biggest customer. It just makes the world feel like a more cohesive network, as opposed to segmented encounters happening in a vacuum. Or just for a final example: Cass. Her story connects with so many locations, and two major other businesses (I don't really want to call them factions), and more then that they actually conflict. You can't make everyone happy. This is what I wanted out of The Big Dig in Fallout 4: I wanted Hancock to tell you to piss off if you crossed him and you lose the opportunity to have him as a companion, but no, he contrives a reason to forgive you anyway.

But then there's writing. No where in Skyrim or Fallout 4 did I ever get the sense I had made a bad decision. Because A I could always just reload, and B the only real things that could go wrong most of the time were unnamed friendly NPCs dying. But here I got to the lucky 38 and delivered the chip (after stuffing Benny's corpse in a cupboard Agent 47 style, imagination ef tee double-u), because I had been hired to do it and I would see the job through to the end and didn't really care what he needed it for. But watching the demonstration of the securitron mark II operating system I had a real moment of "Oh shit, what have I done" but at the same time, "I don't want to reload because I want to see where this goes". That takes some good writing to pull off that combination of feelings. And speaking of writing: ignoring the main plot has been a staple of Bethesda games for years, but here it actually makes a huge amount of sense. You don't have to RP that you're not actually the SS and your son isn't actually missing to justify wondering off and not looking for him (if you need an explanation), you can just say "that bloke shot me in the head, maybe I should leave him alone," and go do whatever you want! It just works!

But the last thing I want to touch on quickly before this rant gets any longer is morals. I for one could never feel comfortable with the Concord encounter in Fallout 4. You're a prewar American. Even if yes Nate was in the army, and yes it's very possible that Nora has had fire arms training, they both were prewar people. They have no idea what raiders are, they wouldn't wade into a fight where they don't know who either side are and just start capping heads. That's always bugged me. But here you've grown up in the wasteland, you know this world. You can come into it with as much knowledge or as much bloodlust as you want, and again, it just works.

So here I am having just taken almost 1500 words to tell you something you most likely already knew. Fallout New Vegas is good. Even 7 years on from fresh eyes it is a good game that I have enjoyed playing, and look forward to playing more of in the future. I get it, I understand the circle jerk, I may even be part of the circle jerk now. And there's even stuff I haven't mentioned that I've noticed in my short time with the game, the shear number of different ways to conclude a quest, the fact you can piss off whole factions and they have the balls to hold it against you, the fact Jacobstown is absolutely beautiful, the fact you actually have to choose your perks carefully because you can't level infinitely, the list goes on. Yes it's clunky, yes my rifle looks like I'm aiming down a brick, yes I can't seem to install more then 5 mods at a time without triggering an infinite loading screen (I'm working on it), yes there's no sprint, yes it's visual outdated, but I don't care: I'm having fun.

Ramble concluded, have a nice day.

Edit, spelling and such

submitted by /u/MrSnek
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How do i beat the raiders in dunwich borders??

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:19 AM PST

I must have died 30 times, i just need to kill them

submitted by /u/andrewlapadula13
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Can I get Some fallout 1 advice?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:03 AM PST

I just keep dying so much, not even like a challenging amount. I left the vault and was immediately killed by three giant mole rats. Another character Ian just started shooting ppl in junk town. My favorite is when I consecutively miss 95% shots while the enemy tears me apart. Can anyone help?

submitted by /u/Sven-The-Hunter
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Todd Howard: From Movie Games to Skyrim - Did You Know Gaming?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:15 PM PST


This video is not entirely Fallout focused. Fallout discussion doesn't really start until about 9 minutes. But this is a wonderful video. A short, 15-minute documentry on Todd Howard and his career. Personally, I went in expecting memes and bullshit. Ended up walking away with a lot of insight, perspective, and a renewed and genuinely deserved respect for Mr. Howard.

The dude has a passion about games. About fantasy, immersion. From story to gameplay. From engine to the player themself. This video is fantastic, please give it a watch. Even if you don't care for the Did You Know Gaming channel for whatever reason, this particular video offers far more insight their average videos. Which is really saying something because from Pokemon to Dragon Ball to Mario to the ends of your imagination, I feel they have something to offer anyone with an interest in gaming to any degree.

submitted by /u/strawberrymeiji
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TV Show or Movie Similar to Fallout

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:08 AM PST

Is there a TV show or movie similar to Fallout?

submitted by /u/edimuratov
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A space dlc for a new fallout game

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:02 PM PST

Maybe make a dlc were you find a launch site or something and activate it to go to the moon and find Chinese or enclave enemies or aliens and where space suit Maybe a dlc for a remastered Fallout New Vegas or in Texas fallout

submitted by /u/Ultraconservativhype
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Potential Fallout 5 Locations

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:38 PM PST

  1. New York

    I'm thinking uptown Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx, and then some areas north of the city like Yonkers, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, etc. You'd get the urban vibe of the three boroughs of NYC and some key places like Times Square and Grand Central Station, and then the more open expanse of downstate/upstate NY. And the DLC possibilities are endless - Philadelphia, Long Island, east coast of New Jersey, etc.

  2. Chicago

  3. Toronto (Ronto)

submitted by /u/R-L-A7
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What section of the game do you always metagame?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:35 PM PST

Is there a part of any of the games that you always use prior or outside knowledge on? For me, in any New Vegas plauthrough, on the road leading east from Nipton towards the farm, I always travel up the hill to ambush the Viper ambush, despite that my character shouldn't know about the ambush. So is there any section you always play the same way?

submitted by /u/gas_box
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What are the level recommendations for Fallout 3's DLC?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:20 PM PST

FO4 GOTY Edition is 50% off on PS

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:00 PM PST

Hey guys. I already have FO4 on pc but I don't have any of the DLCs and didn't finish the game yet. So should I purchase the GOTY edition since it's 50% off? (For ps4 pro / 1080p tv) I mean it is cheaper than season pass alone. What do you guys think about the deal? Also how is ps4 pro handling FO4?

submitted by /u/RetrospectiveIdler
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I have a question. Fallout 4 or Fallout New Vegas?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:53 PM PST

So I'm finally getting my lazy ass Arlington to getting Fallout for my PC. I have problem though. I realize it's stupid to ask, but it's a problem. I can't decide which one to buy: Fallout 4 or New Vegas. I don't wanna buy both yet, I wanna focus on one for now. So guys, can you help me? Which one, 4 or New Vegas?

submitted by /u/_LilGrinchDookie_
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What is going on with all those gunner attacks near Oberland Station?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:51 PM PST


so I decided to build my player home in Oberland Station. Apparently, there's an Eyebot pod nearby, but that's it. For some reason a crew of gunners decide to visit that spot every god-damn hour. I also spotted some of those robot raider dudes today. I don't know why, but some of them decide to bring bots with them. Like, I literally got a pile of SEVEN hacked sentry bots, countless swarmbots, dead scavengers and gunners. Why? I mean, it's literally just an Eyebot pod. Why do they visit like every five minutes, shoot at stuff and then die?

submitted by /u/quickscoperdoge
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I may have been shot in the mouth.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:14 AM PST


So all of a sudden, my Sole Survivor has his teeth coming out through his lip. Even after changing his appearance, it's still there. Anyone know why this glitch is happening?

submitted by /u/GhostOfMuttonPast
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Anyone got chords for RedEyes songs?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:48 PM PST

I play guitar, and I really want to learn these songs. If anyone has chords for them I'd appreciate it!

submitted by /u/Deadly_Perception
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This is kinda "out there", but do you think this song would fit Fallout 3's GNR station?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:13 AM PST

Duke Ellington - Take the "A" Train.

I think it would have, personally. Maybe Bethesda even looked at including it but the licensing costs would have been too high? And it does somewhat fit the time frame all the other songs are from... 1941.

submitted by /u/XanthosGambit
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New Fallout Game?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:24 PM PST

Is there any chance a new fallout will be released in 2018? Or even 2019? I need more

submitted by /u/Kack_Jelly
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Best settlement for a main base in Fallout 4 survival?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:40 PM PST

I recently started playing survival mode for the first time and I'm looking for a settlement to use as my home base. Travelling to the top corner of the map to Sanctuary after every mission seems like too big a hassle.

submitted by /u/Qaletaqa_
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