True Dota 2 - Am I the only one that feels like cm doesnt really need to use her ult a lot?

Am I the only one that feels like cm doesnt really need to use her ult a lot?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:25 AM PST

CM ult is great, don't get me wrong, amazing damage, slow and great potential. BUT its mana cost is massive, and lets be honest, cm doesn't really have a way to get into a good ultimate position without risking hersellf a lot/without blink(a 2k item with no buildup on a pos 5 hero).

While the ult is strong, I ussually find it more as a side key spell, a spell that can be used if we need some more damage in the fight, but I find mysellf mainly spamming my frostbite and nova, to controll the enemies, and using her ultimate like 3-4 times a game.

What do u think?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Midas -> Heart(s) Bristle: An Examination of the top ranked bristle spammer

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST

Source for this build/style

I'm a 4.7k player analyzing this, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, and pls no bully.

This fellow is rated the best bristle on Dotabuff (>6.5k), and actually queues solo games, which is a rarity for high ranked hero spammers on the Dotabuff ranks. In the most recent patch, he switched from getting normal Bristle stuff (i.e, Hood, Crimson guard, Lotus, etc), to simple getting treads, midas, heart, blademail, then usually spamming hearts.

After going through a couple of replays, I think i understand his thought process:


Treads allows him to sustain in lane and in jungle. Tread switching is quite important, allowing far more farming and overall sustainability. Then, the midas allows him to quickly level up, getting all his points into the tanky talents after getting the mana regen talent. This will also let him continue farming into the late game. He is not afraid to ship clarities out to himself to continue farming, and only returns to base if it is absolutely necessary. Also, he will always get a wand to keep mana up during skirmishes, which actually helps out a lot during teamfights.


Once he gets heart (or if the game allows, before) the team begins to 5 man around him. If you've ever played bristle, you'll know that often times you get held up, nuked down, and if you don't die you must back to heal up, giving the enemies time to farm, ward up, and overall prepare and advance their strategy. An early heart eliminates this issue almost entirely. If they enemies want to kill you, then they must burst you down, likely taking damage from your quill spray and you blademail. If they don't succeed, you heal up, and proceed to take objectives. Get the idea? You're not leaving the enemies with time or space to farm, and you rarely get punished for taking damage. Your compensation for not farming/grouping all the time? Your midas. You'll always stay on par with levels.


If the game truly gets here, we have all of the factors shown above, then a new factor: status resistance. As you stack hearts, and as you level up, it's going to be difficult to keep you controlled. Doom starts to barely last, shadow shaman shackles break quickly, etc etc. When you're unable to be locked down, you can continue gooing and kiting enemies, or escaping the fight for a bit to heal all the way up.

Check the dotabuff page for more specific builds/situational itemization. We see the occasional hood, but generally, the above outlines the general way to play.


submitted by /u/FoldFold
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How does a support warm-up before a match?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:28 AM PST

This question is supposedly for more experienced to pro players, however, feel free to reply as I may learn a thing or two. You never know who you can learn from.

I'm a position 5 player and I get picked just about any pos 5. From dazzle to cm to lich to rubick and so on. How do I warm-up for matches/online tournaments? For carrys/mids, or evem offlaners, training last hits is always a good way, or for roamers such as earth spirit, practicing roll kicks or roll silences are a good way. But what about position 5 players?

submitted by /u/infernokunaal
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Shadow demon carry/mid, how and when?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:48 AM PST

Obviously he isn't the best, but it seems kinda fun to do. When do u NOT do it?

As for items, I think the best is to go for a kaya into mana boots into a blink or forcestaff, into aghs then octarine or something. Veil seems fine, but getting both veil and kaya seems overkill and kaya is better

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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How do you pull the enemy creeps as offlaner?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:55 AM PST

One of the best manuevers an offlaner can do this patch is to pull the enemy wave in the start of the game to behind his t1, giving him a free wave of xp, and making carry either lose last hits to tower, or tank wave.

Problem is, how do u do it without being seen by the enemy carry/supp?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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When is it good to build Drums?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:22 AM PST

I'm having a hard time figuring out Drums and what their strengths are. I understand them on a hero like Razor and some other cores, but I see supports buy it sometimes too. Could anybody explain this item to me?

submitted by /u/Phritz777
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Looking for a new hero or set of heroes to learn

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:07 AM PST

Archon 5/almost Legend player. I'm not necessarily tired of playing my usual hero pool, but as I've been playing more league/tournament-style games, I've realized that I'd prefer to play more technically viable heroes, i.e., not Zeus.

Here's my DB:

submitted by /u/wuweidota400
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