Super Smash Bros - What do you call it when FOW uses back throw to take a seat?- Tournament Tuesday #120

What do you call it when FOW uses back throw to take a seat?- Tournament Tuesday #120

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

A: Ness-ecary evil

That joke was submitted by /u/Vail1321. You can have your joke featured on a Tournament Tuesday too! Just leave it in the comments of this post and we'll pick from the top jokes. Make sure the punchline is seperate from the reel or we can't use it.

December is here, bringing us ever so closer to the new year. And well finals for some. Lets see what happens in the last month of 2017.


The Hypest Team and /r/smashbros are partnering up with New Challenger! We will now be hosting tournaments at New Challenger on a bi-weekly schedule. See tournament scheduling below to see the times! You can also check out this thread for more info about New Challenger.

Tournament Scheduling

Hypest Team

  • Smash Wii U and 3ds - Saturday, 9th December 2017. Both Wii U and 3DS will start at 12:30PM EST.

New Challenger

  • Smash Wii U and 3ds - Sunday, 10th December 2017. Both Wii U and 3DS will start at 2:30PM EST

Our website is currently getting a huge overhaul, so stay tuned!


Last tournament? Well, we have the stats for you, 30 people enter into Wii U and 31 enter into 3DS, with urboy15 and SVC | RaPid winning respectively.

Still wondering who we are? Look no more, we are the Hypest Team: the offical /r/smashbros tournament staff.

Facebook - Twitter - Youtube - Twitch - Discord

These are our various social media sources. Following/Linking/Subscribing will give you an edge on what is happening with us and hopping onto out Discord will give you instant access to out community.

We want to thank everyone who keeps coming to our events. We keep getting higher turnouts, stronger competition, and just plain ol' have a good time. With out continued growth we hope to bring you events that are even greater in the fitire. Keep on Smashing!!

Tournament Tuesday #120 :: 5 December 2017

Abracadabra'd by /u/RipWitch

Festive finals time~

submitted by /u/HypestTeam
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Nintendo is officially porting Wii games to Nvidia Shield in 1080p

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:30 AM PST

Virtual console for Wii and GameCube games seems to be real already, 1080p versions of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Mario Bros Wii have been demoed and are out in china for the Nvidia SHIELD.

Some different titles that are already announced

I don't want to get our hopes out but...

submitted by /u/manupenez
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Raito's Smash Story in 2017

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:07 PM PST

I feel like now's a good time as any to share my personal experience of Raito. During Big House my buddy and I faced him and amsa for our first doubles match in pools. We made a few instances close but we ultimately lost 0-2 but we got a sweet picture with him and amsa. Later before my buddy got annihilated on stream by BestNess, Raito also had a match coming up and there was a practice setup behind the stage. He offered to play Ness vs my friend to get him ready. The dude is really nice so if you ever see him in tournament make sure to say hi. I'll be looking out to support whatever he does.

submitted by /u/SC_Red
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My roommate is a nerd that just took up painting

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:36 PM PST

[Kotaku] The Newest Smash Teen Is Dominating With Luigi

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:41 AM PST

What is the smallest change that would make Falco #1?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:39 PM PST

What is the smallest change you could make to Falco that would make him the best character in the game?

This is for Melee but idk how to tag.

submitted by /u/IAMMO0K
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Tag I did at an abandoned train station

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:47 AM PST

Best Sets of 2017?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:39 AM PST

Now that 2017 is basically over as far as big tournaments go, what do you guys think the best sets of this year have been?

Personally I think Mango vs Leffen @ Genesis 4 was the best. Ironically, this was also one of the first tournaments of the year

submitted by /u/fancypantspenguin
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Ridiculous Pac-Man Combo Video by SAMO

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

Melee related gift for boyfriend?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:27 PM PST

hiiiii my boyfriend loves watching and playing melee and I was wondering if it was a thing to go to tournaments (like with csgo that he also plays)? like major ones with the famous players like mango and them? also I wanna get him a spare game cube controller and I was wondering if anyone knew where I can get one for a good price thank u so much!!!

submitted by /u/pajamastaco
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Smash 4 Boot Camp Invitational | Presented by VGBC | Feat. ZeRo, Nairo, Salem, MKLeo, Tweek, Dabuz, Larry Lurr, VoiD, Elegant, Marss, Mr. R, Xzax, Light, MVD, Peabnut and Cosmos!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:42 AM PST

Smash 4 Boot Camp Begins December 7th

VGBootCamp is excited to announce Smash 4 Boot Camp! We've been working on this for a very long time. You guys are going to love it! The event will span 4 days and feature a bunch of laid back Smash 4 fun with the final bracket on Sunday! We're running the event and as per usual we will also be producing and streaming it on our Channel.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Side Events

Streaming Information



Event Schedule

Full Schedule: Link

Time Zone Conversion Sheet: Link


All Times Pacific

Thursday, December 7th

  • 12:00PM | Iron Man

  • 03:00PM | Chaos Tournament

  • 05:00PM | Draft

  • 06:00PM | Quads 4v4

  • 08:00PM | Werewolf


Friday, December 8th

  • 11:00AM | Doubles Bracket

  • 02:00PM | Commentator Tournament

  • 04:00PM | Pools Groups

  • 08:00PM | Werewolf


Saturday, December 9th

  • 11:00AM | Doubles Top 4

  • 01:00PM | Connect 4

  • 03:00PM | Pools Groups

  • 07:00PM | Werewolf


Sunday, December 10th

  • 12:00PM | Losers 13ths

  • 01:00PM | Winners Quarters

  • 02:00PM | Losers 9ths

  • 03:00PM | Losers 7ths // Winners Semis

  • 04:00PM | Losers Quarters // Winners Finals // Losers Semis

  • 05:00PM | Losers Finals // Grand Finals

  • 06:00PM | Player Interviews // Overflow time

Other Information

Twitter // // Store

submitted by /u/DosRogers
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Now that ZeRo has cemented his #1 spot, let's talk about how close the race for 3-5 is.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:34 PM PST

With the conclusion of the 2GG championship it's pretty clear that ZeRo is still #1 with Salem behind him at #2 but what I found interesting is how close of a battle we have for the remaining spots after them, with the four main contenders being:
NRG Nairo
P1 Tweek
I found that the easiest way to help with this is looking at some of the biggest tournaments this season where at least two were in attendance and their head to head records.

EVO 2017
Tweek 4th
Nairo 5th
Dabuz 7th
MKLeo 65th (thanks /u/contractor316 !)

Dreamhack Atlanta
Tweek 3rd
Nairo 4th
Dabuz 7th
MKLeo 17th

Super Smash Con 2017
Nairo 1st
MKLeo 3rd
Tweek 13th
Dabuz 33rd

2GGC: SCR Saga
MKLeo 2nd
Nairo 7th
Tweek 9th
Dabuz Did not attend?

Shine 2017
Tweek 2nd
Nairo 3rd
MKLeo 5th
Dabuz ????

MKLeo 1st
Nairo 9th
Dabuz 9th
Tweek 17th

The Big House 7
Dabuz 1st
Nairo 9th
Tweek 17th
MKLeo Did not attend?

2GGC: Fire Emblem Saga
Nairo 2nd
Tweek 4th
MKLeo 9th
Dabuz Did not attend?

MKLeo Saga
Tweek 1st
MKLeo 3rd
Nairo 4th
Dabuz 5th

2GG Championship
MKLeo 1st
Dabuz 4th
Nairo 10th
Tweek 16th (rip)

Head to Head

x Nairo MKLeo Tweek Dabuz
Nairo x 1-0 3-3 2-1
MKLeo 0-1 x 1-2 0-0
Tweek 3-3 2-1 x 3-0
Dabuz 1-2 0-0 0-3 x

Conclusion So what can we conclude from all this? To be honest it's still unclear to me, but I would say that MKLeo will be in the #3 spot simply because of his wins at GTX and the 2GG Championship and not having too many crazy lows like he did at like Civil War. Nairo was pretty consistent for the first half of the season and has just recently started to miss top 8's so with that and his win at SSC I'd say he gets the #4 spot. Which leaves Tweek at #5. I feel as though Tweek has the potential but definitely still fluctuates with his placements so until he starts being more consistent then I'd say he would be under players like the other two. I'd love to hear all of your opinions though!

TL;DR This PGR season was crazy y'all! My opinion:
3rd MKLeo
4th Nairo
5th Tweek

Also thank you CloudHead for all the info!
Edit 1 of many: I apparently suck at lists and tables :/. Also Leo's placement at EVO
Edit 2: Adding Dabuz to the conversation and other tournaments.

submitted by /u/APMoctezuma
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RIP Kage's Marriage - Bad Melee Podcast Christmas Special ft. Chroma and Diya

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:25 PM PST

The 4 BEST Characters vs Bayonetta #ESAMOpinion

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:06 PM PST

Project M Clips of the Week Episode 21

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:55 AM PST

Phresh Til Death 3: Supreme- A Project M Ice Climber video ft. FS l Phresh

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:50 PM PST

A Project M Ice Climbers video showcasing Phresh, one the premier Icies in the game and his desync heavy style.

submitted by /u/ElPanandero
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Reasons for why I think Bowser might be better than DK.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:25 AM PST

So I've talked about this topic before occasionally on here, but for once I figured I'd actually do a solid write up for why I think Bowser is better. Most of the sub seems to think DK is better so I want to give a case for Bowser since that seems to rarely be brought up. Of course, I'm slightly biased since I main Bowser, so if I got any of the below wrong please tell me in the comments.

  • Better recovery. DK might have slightly more distance horizontally but it's much slower and has a better chance to be gimped then Bowser's more vertical recovery.

  • Much better oos options. He has an intangible jab and one of the best oos options with up b. It's frame 6 oos JC and you can move it for a decent distance. Lasts forever as well.

  • Better grab range.

  • Their grab games are about even but I prefer Bowser's because while it kills later, it has larger % ranges which I just prefer.

  • Pure power. While DK has a better combo game, Bowser has some of the most powerful attacks in the game. He's the 2nd most powerful character in the game only after Ganon.

  • Starting around 70 DK has too much rage to ding dong certain characters, and that list of characters just continues as he gets more rage. Bowser on the other hand can koopah almost every character even at max rage. Sure they get smaller like DK's but it's certainly better than having no % range at all after gaining too much rage.

  • Is able to seal out stocks much easier when out of his up throw up air % range. This is a problem both characters have but Bowser's kill power doesn't make it as much of an issue as DK. It's also still a 50/50 for a bit more % when it's no longer true.

  • Better ground game and ground speed.

  • His dash shield is much better than DK's as mentioned by /u/Gonzurra and he can straight up do any grounded move right out of a dash.

  • Better survivability off the side.

  • Better at catching landings. With an invincible up smash, better pivot grab, and a very scary ground speed, I feel he does better than DK in this department.

  • Arguably better at anti-airing. Invincible up smash and up angled ftilt are both great for this. Also his up tilt while slightly slower than DK's, has more consistent power (I'm aware there is a sweetspot on DK's up tilt that kills earlier than Bowser's) and range covering the entire length of DL/BF's platforms. Heck even his pivot grab can just deny aerial approaches thanks to its ridiculous range.

  • Doesn't get juggled as hard. Bowser is actually quite floaty so he can sometime get out of or takes less % from combos than DK would. He can also straight up break weight dependent throws and can avoid a lot of combos from them such as Mario's, Link's, and Robin's.

  • Much better at landing. He's fairly floaty yes, but he can cancel all landing lag with an ac side b. He also can bowser bomb the ledge, which is never wise to challenge. Also while not wise, he can dair or bowser bomb to land aggressively. Not a smart option, but it is an option that DK doesn't have and rarely works.

  • Better at the ledge. He has longer I-frames on neutral get up, side b at the ledge, longer range on his ledge attack, and can actually airdodge from the ledge and cancel all landing lag with a special but the timing is strict.

  • Better at beating shield. Between side b, down b, and nair under platforms, Bowser has a plethora of ways to beat shield besides grab. I am aware that DK has side b though.

  • Flame breath and tough guy are things. Not used very often (especially tough guy) but they can situationally be pretty useful and it is something DK doesn't have.

  • B cancelling. If you buffer a special right before landing, you can cancel all landing lag and perform the grounded version of that special. Bowser can do this easily by buffering a sh airdodge and buffering a special before landing giving him a decent approach option that DK doesn't have.

  • He's really only slightly worse in the air. Air speed is rougly average. His fair is almost is as good as DK's bair and is better at covering himself from the front which is better imo. Bair is an aerial smash attack. Dair can be rarely used as a combo breaker though it's worse as a spike since it's a suicide move. Nair has huge damage and certain hitboxes of it can lead into some kill confirms (mostly on fast fallers). Up air is worse than DK's but is more powerful.

  • Arguably better MU chart overall. Now this is really subjective, but I think he has a better chance against the top/high tiers overall. Specifically, I would say Bowser does better against Cloud, Diddy, Fox, Rosa, Luigi, Mega Man and arguably better than DK against Mario, ZSS, Villy, Robin, and Sheik. I think DK does better in the M2, MK, and Bayo mus though.

I think that about sums it up. DK is better in the air, better neutral, slightly better frame data, better combo game, and kills earlier off of a grab. Though when he gets comboed harder, is worse at landing, worse grab range, worse oos options, worse at the ledge, worse ground game, worse at sealing out stocks outside of grabs, and definitely worse at recovering, I just can't see how Bowser isn't just maybe a bit better.

DK has more rep and results for sure. Though this is only because the best Bowsers rarely or never travel, and because Nairo is really the only top player that has him as a secondary. Larry has a Bowser as well, but we will probably see more of his DK in the long run.

So yeah, those are my reasons. Figured I'd maybe try and get discussion on this topic going again. Also again, please tell me if I got any of the above wrong.

submitted by /u/Pyrossb
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Discussion and Takeaways from the 2GG Championship

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:41 AM PST

Leo 12 stocked 6-0 Cosmos during MSM

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:04 AM PST

These new UCF pivots looking great!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:40 PM PST

If ZSS had a normal grab, would she be a better or worse character?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

While talking pure grab standards, she would, of course, be buffed, but this is also assuming she would lose access to her zair, which is heavily used in her neutral. While she still has nair, it has far less utility.

submitted by /u/jackrockstar
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Just starting to play melee.. help..

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:03 PM PST

Hi! So I've recently got really interested in Melee and decided to start playing. I've figured that once i start playing around and improving i would move on to playing on netplay. Ive heard that only one version is compatible with melee on netplay? If so what version? I also want to know what might be the best settings when playing. Thanks!

-Im really sorry if these are very noob questions

submitted by /u/LightlySaltly
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TIL that Hungrybox appeared on an episode of the TND Podcast with Anthony Fantano

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:28 PM PST

I was scrolling through the comments of a needledrop review when I saw that Hbox commented something. People replying to him mentioned that he was on one of Fantano's podcasts so I found this.

Melonhead is kinda out of his depth in the subject but it was still a pretty solid interview.

submitted by /u/Krokorona
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Has anyone become able to stepdash consistently yet?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:49 AM PST

If so, have they gotten far enough to consistently get the frame perfect full length version of it and/or have they been able to apply it at all to their gameplay? I know it's an dumb question, but I haven't been able to find anyone actually doing it in an competitive setting so I feel the need to ask.

submitted by /u/-Jigglypuff
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2018 Melee Guides Day 5: Zelda Melee Tech Guide

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:44 AM PST

Hey everyone, I'm back with Day 5 of the 2018 Melee Guides, this time involving Zelda! Zelda doesn't have too many techniques that I could find that I didn't already have in, but there are a few extras now that weren't in the old guide.

Here is the new 2018 Zelda Melee Techs Guide!

Added new sections for:

Moonwalk Up B Ledge Grab

Up B Turnaround

Anyways hope you all enjoy! Tomorrow's Guide will be Mewtwo! He got a big upgrade since last time!

Previous Guide:

submitted by /u/MGNinja_Raiden
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