Pokémon GO - Gen 3 in Apple Watch App Store

Gen 3 in Apple Watch App Store

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:24 PM PST

Just got an iPhone X. Let’s hope I outgrow this, fast.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:54 PM PST

[Complaint] Niantic, it's time to admit that EX raids simply aren't working.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:19 AM PST

As per the post title, Niantic really needs to acknowledge that the EX raid system is completely broken and the current incarnation means that many players will never complete their Pokedex.

To put it into perspective, these are the hoops that you have to jump through to obtain a Mewtwo (current EX Raid boss) :

  • Raid at sponsored gyms, or parks
  • Increase your badge level on those gyms.
  • Increase your number of raids completed.
  • Hope that you have raided at the right time & with the right amount of people at a sponsored gym or park.
  • Pray that your trainer is pulled out of the hat and awarded an EX pass.

However, it doesn't stop there...

  • The EX raid needs to be at a suitable time that doesn't clash with working hours etc.
  • Have enough other people been sent an EX pass so that you actually have a large enough group to try and defeat Mewtwo ?
  • Assuming you now make the EX raid & can identify others taking part, will the other people co-operate with you or exclude you completely to maximise their balls ?
  • Finally you are in a large enough group and the raid takes place (assuming no network errors) & you defeat Mewtwo.
  • You now enter the final lottery system to try and catch Mewtwo. Good luck.

Honestly, this whole system is complete garbage and needs to change. I can't believe I read that the worlds number 1 player Brandon Tan has completed over 1000 raids and not been awarded an EX pass. That in itself shows that the system is completely flawed.

Niantic need to take a long hard look at this situation and start rewarding EX passes for those who do actually deserve it.

The selection process needs to be changed and made completely transparent, e.g. For every 100 Raids completed & if you raid at a gym where you have a gold badge then you receive 1 EX raid pass... or something similar. Sure, people who spend money on lots of raid passes will have more opportunities but they already have in other paid areas of the game (levelling up quicker through constant Lucky eggs, running 9 Incubators constantly, far more Legendaries than anyone else etc.).

Oh & did I mention that many EX raids are actually now filled with Spoofers ? Yes...those who can simply raid at sponsored gyms & parks whenever they please from their armchair & are somehow regularly pulled from the hat.

Please could someone from Niantic explain how this system is fair & rewarding players who have put a lot of time and effort in ?

We live in hope of course that the criteria selection is loosened later down the line but I fear that many players will leave the game for good before we reach that stage.

submitted by /u/oldskoolforever
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[Screenshot] I randomly decided to go do a magikarp raid, and this happened...

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:40 PM PST

[Idea] Hoping to see a different event pokemon this year

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:36 PM PST

Hatched those 9 10K eggs. Couldnt be happier.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:19 PM PST

[News]Ho-Oh will be available to battle for an additional 48 hours, until 12/14 at 1 P.M. PST. Get out there, Trainers!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:31 PM PST

"Sources indicate the victim was roped in the neck and limbs, effectively choking to death..."

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:09 PM PST

Battle stats while viewing Pokemon

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:37 PM PST

[Idea] [Discussion]

I don't know if this has been brought up before or not, why do we only get to view the battle stats of pokemon that defend gyms before a battle? Why cant we see how many battles they won when viewing them in your inventory? Would be a great way to show off to friends and compare the battle stats

submitted by /u/TrainerTITs310
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[Discussion] Does anyone else feel that Ex raids are a reward for spoofers?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:39 AM PST

With the new Ex raids, I really feel like this system is a reward for spoofing. Niantic made a nice and easy way for spoofers to get mewtwos where the rest of us have to get lucky enough to get a pass and then lucky enough that the time does not interfere with something we have already planned. I know there is a lot of discussion about the failure of this system. I just wanted to know if anyone else shared this sentiment.

submitted by /u/ToxicLuv
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Pokémon GO Podcast interviews Tara Sands who voiced over 50 Pokémon characters including Bulbasaur

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:29 AM PST

[Discussion] Why remove exeggutor raids?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:46 PM PST

i was discussing with other players, and i asked, do guys do any level 2 raids? They said none, so level 2 raids até abandoned rn (Because i know that lvl 1 has magikarp, lvl 3 has kazam and machamp, lvl 4 ttar and lvl 5 everyone does) so i was wondering, what level 2 excluding exeggutor is worth, since exeggutor is a great psychic and maybe the best grass Pokémon. The others u just raid so u can have them on ur account

submitted by /u/GordoASOIAF
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[idea] Increase Pokemon storage size

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:50 AM PST

We're stuck at 1000, which was initial size when the game came out, since then we got 100 more species and more are coming with gen 3. The gym rework helped, that we could release our boosting pokemon, but I think, that with gen 3, we will have much more issues with pokemon storage than before.

Niantic please increase the maximum size of pokemon storage!

submitted by /u/Melichorak
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[Bugs] 3 Week old Pokéstop gone

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:24 PM PST

3 Weeks ago a new Pokéstop showed up by the Bus Stop near my Husband's College called "Veterans Mural" or something. FF 2 Today, that Pokéstop's not there anymore. 'Twas a short lived Pokéstop, 'twas there 3 Weeks, now no more.

I've been taking the Bus from there since 2015 and the Stop wasn't there until about 3 Weeks ago, I play Pokémon Go on the Bus every time, so I'd know about a Pokéstop right next 2 the Bus Stop. 'Twas spinning it b4 I got on the Bus the last 3 Weeks. Can't anymore cause it's gone already

Any Ideas?

submitted by /u/VorePredReshiram
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[Question] Shiny spawn strangeness

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:18 PM PST

Tonight I caught my first ever shiny Pokemon: a Sableye appeared -- only one -- so I did my typical check, and it was shiny! I flipped out, told my sister, and proceeded to catch while she started PoGo on her and her boyfriend's phones.

Their PoGo clients both spawned two Sableyes. One was in the location of the shiny one I had just caught, and the other was a little ways away. Neither was shiny to them. My phone had only shown one Sableye spawn.

This leaves me with two questions: Are shiny Pokemon shiny for everyone, or for the individual? (and) Why did only one (shiny) Sableye spawn for me, but two (normal) spawned for the other two people?

I could not get them to take a screenshot, and I had not taken a screenshot of my one and only spawn, so there is no corollary proof (even if that could still have been fabricated). I showed them my journal to prove that I had just then caught the shiny, and it was not a troll.

submitted by /u/NobodyWhatsoever
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Anyone else having trouble accessing the shop? I can’t seem to purchase anything

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:06 PM PST

[Art] "What if your best Pókemon is a Ditto in disguise? what if your best friend is a Ditto in disguise? ...What if you are a Ditto who forgot it was pretending?"

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:05 AM PST

[Idea] Make Ex raids exclusive by having them only pop up once or twice a month with a multiple day egg timer.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:49 AM PST

This way people can plan ahead, everyone can have a chance to get one, but they can still be more "exclusive" than all the other current raids.

submitted by /u/ToxicLuv
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Drawing on OpenStreetMap?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:29 AM PST

Hey all, so I'm trying to contribute to OSM and to the future of the game, and I'm a little unsure of how I should be drawing on the map.

So in my suburb, do I draw a border around each block, lable that as a residential area, THEN draw each individual house within that area? Or should I only draw each individual house?

I realize this is probably tedious no matter what, but it's kinda fun. Any insight is appreciated!

submitted by /u/MichaelxBee
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When gen2 dropped, did nests "force" migrate?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:47 PM PST

Want to know if I should hit up my nests today or if they can wait till the weekend.

Not quite sure if this post is 75 characters. It is now.

submitted by /u/vanyaboston
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[News]Good news, Trainers! Deals on discounted boxes with Lucky Eggs, Lure Modules, Ultra Balls, and Great Balls have been extended for an extra week until Monday, December 11.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:06 AM PST

So with Gen 3 being leaked

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:33 PM PST

When would you all guess that they are actually released? And they will release them at all one time right?

submitted by /u/mistersmooth1225
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[discussion] What happened to Pokémon go AR playground?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:26 PM PST

[discussion] Does anybody know what's going on with that AR playground feature? I know they said it may not come to the game, but I really wanted to see it happen! Does anyone know if they scrapped the idea of it?

submitted by /u/Nick2102
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