Smite - F7 Warriors, Give it a Rest Sometimes.

F7 Warriors, Give it a Rest Sometimes.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:56 PM PST

I understand the whole not wanting to lose thing and the whole never give up idea, but come on. When your team's Hercules has 10 deaths before 10 minutes, the enemy team has taken both your right and left towers (siege), and they're also ALL 4 levels ahead of you, just take the loss and move to a new game. It's not that hard to say yes.

submitted by /u/Arashi99
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I hate it when people don’t call their role

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:17 PM PST

People should always call their role before picking a character. I always see people lock in a character and not even call the role. And sometimes you'll see people call a role and then someone else will try to steal the role away from them. Can people just learn how to play multiple roles.

submitted by /u/LittyLogic
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Ra ult = PogChamp

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:25 AM PST

HiRez shows us that items are too mainstream for gods

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST


Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST

How To Play Cu Chulainn in 2 Minutes!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

Dr. Guan Yu Skin Concept

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:54 AM PST

Who would the strongest gods be if items didn't exist in SMITE?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:19 AM PST

Just based on core stats and abilities.

Who would be the top picks?

submitted by /u/robolink
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4.23 Skins in HD

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

Is pc smite really that much better than console?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:18 PM PST

Trying to settle a debate with a friend. Better as in quality of matches and players.

submitted by /u/C0ck0fthewalk
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Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:47 AM PST

Smite 4.23 PTS Datamining

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:29 AM PST

Ranked conquest scylla penta :D

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:50 PM PST

The Most God Tier Body-block Ever

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:43 PM PST

TFW you go Godlike with hunter Hercules

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:29 PM PST

What is your Conquest rank in Smite? I wanted to gauge what people are ranked in this subreddit.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:10 PM PST

[GOD CONCEPT] Atlas - Bearer of the World

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:43 AM PST


Class: Warrior
Pantheon: Titan (Greek)
Type: Melee, Physical
Pros: High Defense
Difficulty: Medium

Health: 500 (+75)
Mana: 200 (+40)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+0.8%) 1x/1x/2x


Atlas is the holder of the earth; the dividing boundary between Earth and Sky. Condemned by Zeus for eternity, Atlas is cursed to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders. If the Atlas shall fall, then so will the Battlegrounds of the Gods.


Atlas *Credit to the author, not me

  • Atlas is usually depicted wearing little-to-no clothing, with ripping muscles and a massive stature. His shoulders broad and stance wide, everything about Atlas screams masculinity, however his hair is graceful and flowing, yet unkempt. A brutal eternity as left his hair with a glistening silver glow and his beard rivals that of a lion's mane.


Passive - The Bigger They Are

  • Whenever Atlas dies, the Earth falls and all enemy gods, buff camps, and minions suffer tremors for 5 seconds.


Ability I - Heave

  • Atlas grabs a target within melee distance, ally or enemy, silencing and crippling them. Enemy gods must be stunned in order to be grabbed. After 2 seconds, Atlas throws the target at a ground target location, damaging enemies upon impact (including the thrown god if it's an enemy). Allies or Atlas may right click to cancel the grab.

Damage: 80/140/200/260/320 (+80% of your physical power)
Range: 55 units
Radius: 20 units
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana


Ability II - Perseverance

  • Atlas gains absorption, strengthening his muscles and providing him increased mitigation and CC reduction based on his current health. Atlas has a 70% healing reduction for the duration of this ability.

Mitigation: 2/4/6/8/10% per 10% of his missing health
CC Reduction: 20/25/30/35/40%
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12s
Cost: 70 mana


Ability III - Concuss

  • Atlas rushes forward and strikes the first enemy god, stunning them. If the enemy is already stunned, the cooldown of this ability is reset and the next dash will daze enemies. (The 'Daze' CC effect causes enemies to be inflicted with a "fading slow, a slow that diminishes over time rather than abruptly, and the enemies' camera sensitivity is decreased dramatically.)

Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+50% of your physical power)
Stun Duration: 1s
Daze Duration: 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5s
Range: 35 units
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16s
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana


Ultimate - Weight of the World

  • Atlas calls upon a massive rock as it slowly descends from the sky on Atlas' current position, dealing massive damage after 5 seconds.

Damage: 450/560/670/780/890 (+100% of your physical power)
Radius: 50 units
Cooldown: 95s




  • Heave (Ability I): This is Atlas' main wave clear. Atlas can grab a minion and throw it to clear the wave, or stun the enemy god, grab them, and throw them.

  • Heave (Ability I)[Edit]: Increased cooldown from 10s to 14 seconds.

  • Perseverance (Ability II): This ability gives Atlas a way to "sustain", much like Hercules' heal, without giving him a direct healing ability. This ability can be used in a multitude of situations, but doesn't make Atlas unkillable. At higher health percents, this ability can help mitigate some minor damage, but does not scale as her takes more damage. The mitigation only scales when the ability activates, not during the ability.

For example, if Atlas activates this ability at max rank at 90% health, he will only gain 10% mitigation. If he is hit by an ability that does 1000 damage, he will take 900 damage.

However, if he activates the ability at 10% health and he is hit for 1000 damage, he will only take 100 damage due to the full 90% damage mitigation. (Yes. He could in theory get 100% damage mitigation with Spirit Robe in the right circumstances.)

  • Perseverance (Ability II): This ability represents the endurance of Atlas's lore. The eternal curse of holding the world has made Atlas a sturdy stalwart.

  • Perseverance (Ability II)[Edit]: Added a 70% healing debuff for the duration of this ability.

  • Concuss (Ability III): This ability is meant to be a synergistic ability that gets more potent depending on your specific team composition, much like Awilix. This rewards team combos and communication to get the most efficiency from a gank or team fight.

  • Concuss (Ability III): This ability can be used in a multitude of ways. It can be used to set up Atlas' first ability, Heave, because Heave requires an enemy god to be stunned in order to be grabbed and thrown.

It can also be used to CC chain a target and elongate the pre-existing stun duration applied by an ally. By doing so, Atlas' dash will stun rthe target again and reset, allowing him to apply a 'Daze" to the same enemy or another enemy.

  • Weight of the World (Ultimate): This ability requires set-up in order to confirm (Odin ult, Ares ult, Da Ji ult, etc.), as it has a very slow travel time but very high damage. This ability is mostly used as a zoning tool to clear a large area (much like Ah Puch's ultimate; similar radius too), but much more punishing.

  • Weight of the World (Ultimate)[Edit]: This ability is no longer global and was not intentionally meant to be global. It summons where Atlas initially calls it and falls at that area.

  • Weight of the World (Ultimate)[Edit]: Reduced cooldown from 110s to 95 seconds.


Atlas as a Hybrid Jungler:

  • Atlas could be the only god who makes potent use of the Wrath relic in the current meta, since he only has one stun in a kit that synergizes with stuns. A potent combo could be to "Ult -> Wrath stun -> Concuss stun and dash reset -> Heave grab and throw them back into the Ult -> Concuss 'Daze' (with fading slow) -> Ultimate finally hits after 5 seconds -> They're dead...




Atlas is meant to be the introduction to the Titan sub-pantheon. He is a high defense, high peel, synergistic warrior, that shines in chain CC comps and against burst comps, however he has a clear weakness against poking gods, since he doesn't have any healing capabilities. He is a meat shield with high pressure and zoning. He works well in a multitude of roles such as an aggresive support since he has the CC, defense, and set-up. He could also be used to the jungle with the Wrath relic which allows his to increase his CC, set-up and burst even more.

Hope you enjoyed!



More Concepts:

submitted by /u/Draketsuka
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[PS4] Super Noob Here. Want Nu God

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:50 PM PST


I'm certain this question will have been asked before, but I'm sure this game has constant updates so maybe some Gods have been nerfed/buffed etc, etc.

I've picked Smite up and dropped it countless times (when I say picked up, I mean for 2 games - dropped for months.) Friends kept asking me to get it, so now I have and I'm actually really into it and enjoying it.

I play with 2 guys who are pretty experienced (95+, i think), so they've been helping me when building, so I'm getting used to that a little bit now and don't spend too long at the store.

I "main" Neith (easiest right now), who I actually like playing, and use Thor from time to time. I really want to try someone new and have looked on YouTube, but thought I'd ask here to get more opinions.

I want: Someone pretty easy to use (not TOO easy, I'm getting the hang of it and will have assistance) and someone who can maybe do damage. I'm not too confident jumping in the middle of players, so maybe with distance. Hunter? I have enough to buy one or two gods and am clueless with who they are and what they do lol

EDIT: The game mode we always play is Joust. Just in case that mode would prove better for different Gods.

submitted by /u/ThatNuSense
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What makes Osiris so good?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:51 PM PST

I just played 5 Osiris games in a row and destroyed the other solo laner nearly every time. I only have him rank 4 but I know his mechanics. I just wonder what makes him so strong right now. Is it his passive, tether or damage? Or is it all of the utility in his kit?

submitted by /u/IWatchMyLittlePony
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The Tryhard's Guide to Ymir

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:48 PM PST

Can we get actual LATAM servers on PS4?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:09 PM PST

Seriously, all my games are being ruined by LATAM people who either lag, feed or just quit after they give up first blood.

We need LATAM servers and for them to be locked into them and not allowed on the NA servers to increase game quality.

submitted by /u/Tridiego
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Transcendence is a meme.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:50 PM PST

Im sick of people telling new players who want to try out Ullr that transcendence is a good item on him. Transcendence is a meme build item at this point in our meta. Its horribly expensive and does not do well in late game and pretty much removes you from the game if you build it and get behind. Transcendence is an okay item IF YOU CAN HIT YOUR STUFF. If not, it is very bad.

Trans is still not even a good item if you can hit your shit. You will do just as well with devos if not better, especially late game. I dont care how many worshipers your Ullr has. If you are building trans, youre looking for some hot memes and that should be the only reason. Trans is hot garbage. Stop telling new Ullr players to build it.

submitted by /u/i_pr_prn
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Is it me or does the odyssey suck so far?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:54 AM PST

For me the only good skins were the primal shaman and pixel rush. Most of the other skins are just really edgy skins that are just not fun.

I don't blame the art team, but surely there's some better concepts going around, that geb skin was just honestly so boring to look at and the ao kuang skins only feature was the big snake thing instead of his dragon.

Also I know it's all down to personal taste and stuff but surely I'm not the only one who felt like last years was so much better

submitted by /u/Shivra076
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Anyone want help on adventure? (Easy or hard)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:53 PM PST

I have all items, can solo hard for the most part.....loki still kills me sometimes, but if anyone needs help beating it either leave your gt, or pm it to me. I'm a night owl, so I'll be on for about 4 hours starting now......and if I can't get to you tonight, tomorrow is another day :)

Edit......I forgot to mention I'm on xbox.

submitted by /u/orange_julius_x
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Should HiRez do away with Tier 2 bridge items?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

Tier 2 items in the past have proven to either be too strong with bloated stats or useless. Glad shield is heading down the same road as Ichival right now and it just made me wonder are tier 2 items just a flawed concept of items? They are trying to give a class everything they want for cheap in the beginning but they always seem to just do way to much. They even make it all the way into the late 30-40 minutes of the game and still perform really well. Is HiRez just failing to find the sweet spot for Tier 2 items or is it something else entirely?

submitted by /u/SoFlyKight
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