Heroes of the Storm - Faye Jukes Every Skillshot on DunkTrain's Stream

Faye Jukes Every Skillshot on DunkTrain's Stream

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:18 PM PST

Some of Sgt. Hammer's "While in Siege Mode" talents need us to enter Siege Mode again

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:18 PM PST

When you pick talents that modify the Siege Mode, you don't get the bonus immediatly, but you need to go back to Tank Mode and activate Siege Mode again to get it.

In particular, the bug happens with the following talents:
• Graduating Range (level 7)
• Entrenched (level 13)

Tactical Mine Deployment (level 13) has a similar issue, since it doesn't create Spider Mines (Q) if the talent is picked when the Thrusters (Z) effect is already active.

However, it works well with the following talents:
• Ambush (level 1)
• Hover Siege Mode (level 7)
• Hyper-Cooling Engines (level 13)
• Ultra Capacitors (level 20)

submitted by /u/Elitesparkle
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Zarya is OP in the new heroic brawl. If you keep failing, just pick Zarya.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:17 PM PST

In every game I seen her in, the Zarya player topped Minion and Hero damage while also providing a ton of shielding (80-100k at the end). You can get to max energy almost instantly and with Feel the Heat + To the Limit, you will melt everything in sight with your AOE AA, while saving your teammates constantly if you went Give Me Twenty and Gain Train.

I don't think I have ever lost a game with Zarya on the team, even if we had less than optimal heroes like Jaina on it.

submitted by /u/servantphoenix
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[Fluff] I found a use for voice lines, a terrible terrible use...

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:33 PM PST

2000 gems for 5 Alex skins?? Not even the hero with it? What?!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:23 PM PST

What is this? I bought Alex with Gold and for 990 Gems I got the 5 skins, which Is dumb that I had to pay for 5 skins to get the one I wanted.

But since the bundle is not 'on sale' anymore you just remove Alex from the bundle and raise the price to 2000 Gems?!

So if someone wants Alex and ONE of those Dark Queen skins they'd have to pay 2750 gems. That is nearly 30 Euro's or Dollars.

Seriously 2000 gems for 5 skins is ridiculous...

submitted by /u/TheSammyKnight
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So you asked for an Auriel portrait...

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:05 AM PST

I don't think she is enjoying THAT pose. https://puu.sh/yxOAe/8a7e84b64c.png

submitted by /u/macrosdxc
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Heroic Escape from Braxis is incredible

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:26 AM PST

I've failed at it so far, even though we've played in parties of 3-4 people, but it's just so great to see a challenging PvE experience in HotS.

Can we keep it forever?

submitted by /u/TheNookle
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Hammer's E and D switching has seriously screwed me up

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:47 AM PST

Having played Hammer with almost 3 years, the switch on the siege mode ability in particular has caused me to cast armor when I don't need to/have half a second delay rushing to hit the D key.

This wouldn't be an issue except you can't remap traits, only QWER.

submitted by /u/silentcrs
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Instead of giving Ana a "self-healing mechanic to her trait" why not buff her self healing with Biotic Grenade?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:56 PM PST

As seen here, devs are willing to give Ana some self healing baked in her trait. I'm not sure what would they implement, but I hope it's not just a "vampiric" autoattack mechanic. It just doesnt fit her.

Instead, I'd like something added in her [[Biotic Grenade]] on the likes of "Allied Heroes hit are healed for 166 (+4% per level) Health, this effect is increased by 100% for Ana" or something. That way you have to really think before using it, even more than before. I guess it could promote using the ability just for self heals and not deny enemy healing, but most of supports have to make that kind of choices all the time.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Azei_zei
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As a long time support main, I've come to the conclusion that I like the support nerfs. I must be crazy.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:00 PM PST

So when I first read up on this balance patch and all the support nerfs, I was pretty upset. I've been a support main for a couple years now, and as much as I've loved playing that role, I always felt not-so-impactful playing support compared to when I played other roles.

Seeing this change, I felt like it would only make that feeling worse. Now all of my favorite heroes are that much weaker for the nerf. But looking at the overall picture, I've come to change my mind about it as I've played it.

For starters, it makes the double support comps much weaker, which makes the play of the solo support player more crucial. It also puts an emphasis on the support heroes that are more about the 'non-healing' aspect of playing support such as CC and utility. While they could nerf many things about support heroes, such as the healing and damage amounts, some things they couldn't - or chose not to - nerf. Things like: Malf's roots, Uther's armor and stun, Tass's wall, Stukov's Silence, Lucio's mobility.

So my conclusion is that I actually do enjoy what they've done. I get that Blizzard is trying to take support heroes more in the direction of support's providing more utility than just raw healing, and I do like that overall. I think it's healthier for the game, and makes the support role more than just being about healing numbers, which is more fun.

That said, I think they have a long way to go, and that some of the non-support heroes should have a little bit of utility taken away to really allow the support players to fill that role more...but it's a start! :)

submitted by /u/Jas4949ers
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Prismat about laning in competitive hots

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:31 PM PST

Alterac Valley map

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:39 PM PST

I think we've all been wanting a Warcraft themed map for a while, I thought Alterac Valley would be a great one to convert over to HotS.

The cores could be the orc and dwarf bosses respectively.
Hero kills should drop some kind of resource that players would collect and have to turn in to summon the Ice Lord and Forest Lord, perhaps even escorting an NPC that has to begin the summon. Initially I thought about minion waves increasing in strength at X amount of kills. For example, kill 5 players, increase your minion waves to include bat riders/griffin riders.

I know AV was fairly direct in its pathing and with bottlenecks in certain points in the map, I can't quite figure out how to translate them to a MOBA map.

submitted by /u/Ahfei80
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The implementation of a low priority queue for muted players and leavers might improve QM's game experience.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:43 AM PST

Aside from the fact that anyone can fall into the muted or leaver status by mistake or so.

I strongly believe that the implementation of a separated queue for muted players and leavers will:

  • Improve Quick Match game experience: every player will be matched with other players who maintain a good in-game behaviour. Increasing the overall enjoyment of the match.
  • Being in a low priority queue is an harsher punishment. At the moment, muted and deserter status will just keep away from playing ranked. Which, let's be honest, it is a pointless punishment. If I am a dick in ranked I can also be a dick in QM and no one can stop me from doing so.
  • Quick Match will finally become the healthy game mode that it should be. So even casuals and newbies can play in a safe enviroment where they can learn the game avoiding as much as possible toxic players.

As soon as a player completes a given number of games he can go back to the main queue. I'm advancing this proposal becasue a few days ago I saw a thread about a newbie player who has been flamed for the simple fact of being a new player (I think someone called him "down" or so) and yeah, that is the type of behaviour everyone should avoid. In-game and out of the game.

submitted by /u/Spenta_Mainyu
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What We Learned GCWC Recap Day 6: Big Stompy Men

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:42 AM PST

Showerthought: It would be fitting for Hanamura to return with the Hanzo release.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:13 AM PST

We won't get any more Shimada boys, unless the third long lost brother Genzo is somehow discovered.

submitted by /u/Shahorable
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[GCWC] Jeongha is the best Tyrael in the world

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:24 AM PST

Few basic rules that will allow you to survive the Hero Brawl.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:09 AM PST

1)Pick two healers. In 95% of cases single healer wont carry the team.

2)Pick only selfsustain heroes with decent waveclear. Sonya, TB Varian, Xul etc.

3)DONT split up! Just dont do it. You will be doomed if you will split up.

4)Dont rush. If you are a novice just dont rush. Most likely you will get hit in face with dozen of banelings and youll just be KOed.

I did many heroic runs with pugs and these are the common mistakes many of people do.

Single healers, Jaina or ST heroes picked, splitting up and solo rushes are the reasons for the wipe in 99% of cases.

submitted by /u/Harbournessrage
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No longer can we pick up Merc-items while Mounted

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:52 AM PST

Without getting unmounted. I mean items on maps like Volskaya.

This used to be a thing and got randomly changed, with no explanation behind it. Please bring that back, it's a highly-appreciated convenience thing that doesn't improve any one team's chances over the other, nor does it imbalance the game in any way.

submitted by /u/azurevin
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Nova auto attacking and breaking stealth when I stop moving?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:26 PM PST

I cant figure out why but when I stand still Nova will hit shit when they get close enough automatically and break stealth. I feel like I didn't used to have this issue. If I'm walking and I hit S to stop moving he still frigin does it. Anyone know anything?

EDIT: And no I'm not attack moving.

submitted by /u/dles
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Junkrat play from Rich

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:19 AM PST

Sorry if it's been posted here but if not enjoy one more god play from this guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vZ2zS-EKMI

submitted by /u/Aurosonic
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Any reason Xuls Bone armor not on "D"

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:33 AM PST

Is there any reason for this considering his trait has no active? i just personally hate pressing 1-4 buttons and rebinding "1" to "D" just feels awkward

submitted by /u/bloodmoth13
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Got no gold or exp after a quick game, how long does a game need to be?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:46 PM PST

So my friends and I got no rewards for a qm game we played. On Braxis holdout the other team all went top while we were all in bot and they started pushing so we did the same. The game ended up becoming a base race which ended in 2:28. However, afterwards we got nothing except for quests ticks. Does anyone know how this system works for not getting gold or exp after a game?

submitted by /u/I_AM_MELONLORDthe2nd
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rewarding positive teammates

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:08 PM PST

Is there anything in the works that will reward positive teammates and those who go above and beyond to help others? Just played a game where there were many rage inducing moments but we all kept our heads and encouraged one another. This allowed us to focus on the game rather than what was happening in chat.

There should be a way reward players if theres already an option to punish them.

submitted by /u/reiks12
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Please change the Garden of Terror lighting

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:24 PM PST

I don't care what you do, just change it please

submitted by /u/lampwitheyes
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Suggestion: Let us invite our brawl teammates so we can try again and progress as a group

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:42 PM PST

A few of my runs went generally well but fixing a couple mistakes or tweaking the comp could have pushed us over the edge. I'd love to be able to re-queue with the same people and try again instead of rolling the dice and starting fresh each time!

submitted by /u/leroyyrogers
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