RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 17 December

Silly Question Sunday - 17 December

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:12 PM PST

Silly Question Sunday is a weekly thread in which you can ask your RuneScape-related silly questions:

  • "Newb" questions from new players
  • Questions from returning players
  • Silly or nonsensical questions
  • Questions you feel stupid asking elsewhere

Of course, a question thread wouldn't make much sense without answers, so please help out with any answers that you have!

Past Silly Question Sunday threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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TL;DR 360 - Mining and Smithing FAQs

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:16 AM PST

Looking over the comments in the recent TL;DW and being PM'd both on Reddit and RS, I have written this post to clarify or expand on some of the frequently asked questions.

Firstly, the biggest thing confusing people are the terms 'Tier' and 'Level' which are used almost interchangeably by Jagex. This means different things considering their context. When speaking of mining, tier means the level required to mine the ore - eg Luminite Ore is T40 means it is level 40 ore. When speaking about armour or weapons, Jagex's interchangeable wording causes confusion. They call items T80 sometimes and at other times say 'level 80 gear' or 'item level of 80' - which could be for:

  1. The level required to use the item (attack/defence level).
  2. The level required to smith the gear.
  3. The level of stats the gear has.

Usually, the armour requires the same level to wear as it has stats but recently this caused the confusing statement in the stream that: 'We don't like that the tier 90 creates tier 80 equipment with a level 90 wearing requirement'.

For the purpose of this post, I will always use these definitions:

  • Level - the level required to mine, smith, or wear. If it isn't obvious which level is being spoken about or if more than one is mentioned, I will try to clarify.
  • Tier - I will only use the word Tier to refer to the stats of an item.
  • Taken together it is much clearer to say that the level 60 Drakolith armour is tier 57.

1. Mining: the Skills involved

  • How often your character takes a break: Mining level + 1/10 Strength level
  • How much XP/Progress you get per strike: Mining level + 1/10 Strength level + Tier of Pickaxe.
  • How long the break is: Agility level (very minimally; It should also be noted that your agility level is irrelevant if you plan on not AFKing - i.e. cancelling the break with a click rather than waiting it out).

[1] Mining and Strength are affected by boosts, even past 99. Overloads work.

[2] At level 99 Strength it is a ~5% boost.

2. Spring Cleaner, Drop Tables and Alchables

ALL ores, bars, and smithables will be removed from all monster drop tables and none of the higher tier ores/bars will be put on the tables. They will be replaced with drops of equivalent value. The aim is to keep monsters the same GP/H but make all ores and bars come from Mining and Smithing.

Yeah tentatively the idea is to create new items which have no purpose other than to be alched. - Mod Jack.

Does this mean the Spring Cleaner dead content?

With the removal of mining and smithing items from drop tables, spring cleaner will be left with: Battlestaves, Dragonhide, and Dragonstone Jewellery - thus losing a majority of it's use.

...I don't want to see the spring cleaner die either. If we take smithables off of drop tables, they have to be replaced with something. Maybe those can be spring cleanable. - Mod Deg.

Other suggestions have included adding a new mode to the spring cleaner which auto-alch, another mode which auto-disassembles to keep the cleaner alive.

3. Heat

Heat Progress Multiplier
>90 x4
>75 x3
>50 x2
1-50 x1
0 x0

Works very similarly to Harps and rewards players keeping Heat up while also allowing progress to be made for those that want to AFK.

4. Ores & Bars

All Ore costs are singular unless otherwise stated.

Level Bar Primary Ore Secondary Ore(s)
1 Bronze Copper Ore Tin Ore
10 Iron Iron Ore -
20 Steel 2xCoal[1] Iron Ore
30 Mithril Mithril Ore 4xCoal[1]
40 Adamant Adamantite Ore Luminite Ore[2]
50 Rune Runite Ore Luminite Ore[2]
60 Drakolith Drakolith Ore ?[3]
70 Necrite Necrite Ore Phasmatite Ore
80 Bane Bane Ore Dark Animica Ore
90 Elder Runite Bar Elder Runite Ore[4] Living Rock Ore + Light Animica Ore

[1] Although it was confirmed that Coal woud still be used for Steel and Mithril bars it was unconfirmed whether the amount required per bar would change considering all other ore requirements are singular.

[2] Luminite Ore requires level 40 so that you can begin to smith Adamant bars at the same level.

[3] The secondary ore for Drakolith is unmentioned. In the latest stream Mod Deg admitted that he had accidentally deleted one of the rocks before the stream - this is most likely the secondary ore for Drakolith bars.

[4] On stream it was called Colossite Ore but was said that its name would probably be changed to Elder Runite Ore.


As mentioned above[1] Coal will still be used for Steel and Mithril bars. However, since these are very low level bars, and Jagex want Coal to remain valued, alternative uses for Coal will be implemented. One possible implementation is it being used with the Heat mechanic.

5. Bar Costs

5.1. Base Bar Costs

The number of bars required to make each item type have been changed. Off-hand variants require the same amount of bars as their mainhands:

- Bars Required
Gauntlets; Boots 2
Chainbody; Platebody 6
Helm; Full Helm; Platelegs; Plateskirt 5
2H Sword 20
Dagger; Hatchet[1]; Mace; Sword; Pickaxe[2]; Scimitar; Longsword; Warhammer; Battleaxe; Claw; Square Shield; Kiteshield 10

[1] Hatchets: New hatchets will not be released without a Woodcutting rework.

[2] Pickaxes: Crystal pickaxe will be better than the Necrite Pickaxe (Necrite will also not be augmentable). Bane and Elder Rune pickaxes will use crystal pickaxe as part of its upgrade. Elder Rune will be augmentable but Bane will only be augmentable 'if there's a case for it.'

[3] Drakolith will not be a supplement for Dragon upgrades. For instance, you won't be able to use Drakolith pickaxe to make a Crystal one.

[4] Progress and XP scales with the number of bars required to forge an item [for instance, a 2H Sword (20 bars) will take twice as long as a Dagger (10 bars) but will give double the XP]. Thus, no matter what you smith your XP/h and bars used per hour will be the same (assuming the same tier and heat management is employed).

[5] The bar cost for armour pieces roughly correspond to their relative contribution to the player's armour total.

[6] Items like chainbodies, non-full helms, square shields etc. are 'legacy items'' that won't be added to any of the tiers past Rune. Their stats will be made the same as their counterparts and will only really exist as an alternative cosmetic option (like how plateskirts work). The alternative that Jagex are considering is removing them from being obtained anymore, which would turn them into tradeable rares.

5.2. +X Bar Costs

There is an inconsistency in the +X bar costs shown on stream and in the design document. It should be remembered that every upgrade requires the previous item plus more bars (i.e. a Sword+3 requires Sword+2 and 40 bars).


On stream the upgrade cost was the same for both the sword and the platebody.

Upgrade Bars Cumulative Bars
+1 10 10
+2 20 30
+3 40 70
+4 80 150
+5 160 310

Design Document

In the document however, the upgrade cost is given as: base bar cost x upgrade level. While the above table remains true for any item that requires 10 bars, it is contradictory to what was shown on stream; the platebody would follow a different upgrade table. If we consider the design document, the table for the rest of the items would be:

Item Base Cost +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Total for +5
Gauntlets; Boots 2 2 4 8 16 32 64
Chainbody; Platebody 6 6 12 24 48 96 192
Helm; Full Helm; Platelegs; Plateskirt 5 5 10 20 40 80 160
2H Sword 20 20 40 80 160 320 640
Dagger; Hatchet; Mace; Sword; Pickaxe; Scimitar; Longsword; Warhammer; Battleaxe; Claw; Square Shield; Kiteshield 10 10 20 40 80 160 320

[1] It is probable that the stream figures were an oversight since it would require an additional 310 bars to upgrade any piece of equipment to +5 which means gauntlets/boots (2 base cost) would have the same upgrade cost as the 2H sword (20 base cost). The scaling with base bar costs makes far more sense.

[2] Progress scaling for +X (not to be confused with scaling between equipment types) will not entirely scale with bar cost (i.e. 2H Sword+4 and 320 bars to make a 2H Sword+5 will not take 16 times longer than making a 2H sword). This means that, with XP per bar remaining static, the higher upgrade you make, the faster XP/h you receive - at the cost of spending a lot more bars.

[3] It is interesting to see how much the alch values of Rune will drop. Since the price of Rune is dictated by alch price - it is very plausible to assume that whatever Jagex assigns as the new alch value for Rune will be it's new GE price.

[4] At the current prices a Rune bar costs 13,785. This makes a base Rune 2H Sword cost 275,700gp and a Rune 2H Sword+3 (Rune's max is +3) cost 2,205,600gp. At the other end of the spectrum: Rune Boots (27,570gp); Rune Boots+3 (220,560gp). Rune Platebody (82,710gp); Rune Platebody+3 (661,680gp). These calculations are made in an effort to convince those lobbying for keeping the alch values of Rune the same.

6. Tiers & Stats

Metal Smithing/Combat level to Smith/Wear Base Item Tier +X Max Tier
Bronze[1] 1 1 +0 1
Iron 10 10 +1 11
Steel 20 20 +1 21
Mithril 30 30 +2 32
Adamant 40 40 +2 42
Rune 50 50 +3 53
Drakolith 60 57 +3 60
Necronium[2] 70 61 +4 65
Bane[3] 80 71 +4 75
Elder Rune 90 80 +5 85
Masterwork Elder Rune 99/90[4] 90 +0 90
Energised Elder Rune (Power; Armour only) 99/92[4] 92 +0 92

[1] Bronze currently has the stats of T5 but Jagex has put it down as T1 in all their guides/level requirements etc. Unsure if they will change the armour to actually have T1 stats to match its level requirement or if they're even aware that Bronze doesn't have T1 stats.

[2] In the design document (which is supposedly up-to-date) Necronium is listed as T61 base. However, on the latest stream, Mod Jack said Necronium was Tier 70 ['we may introduce special mechanics but currently we have nothing, it's just basic T70']. Now, this could just be the Smithing/Combat level requirement which would make it consistent with the design document; another pointer that makes this likely is that if it was T70+4 then it would be higher than Bane.

[3] In the design document Bane is listed as T71 base. However, on the latest stream, Mod Jack mentioned a different mechanic with Bane equipment: Bane equipment would have a base tier of 'say around 60 or 65' (71 in the document) but could be tuned towards certain monsters to make it T80 (the same stats as base Elder Rune).

[4] Though requiring level 99 Smithing to make, Masterwork armour will require 90 Attack or Defence to us and Energised armour will require 92 Defence to wear.

7. Masterwork Elder Rune (T90)

  • Requires 99 Smithing to make.
  • Intentionally complicated, time consuming, and expensive to make them valuable and profitable.
  • Only Elder Rune can be masterworked.
  • Masterwork items are
    • T90 and require level 90 Attack/Defence to use.
    • Tank armour.
    • Augmentable.
    • Degrade to broken - repairable using smithable repair kits.
    • Will not be good XP. This is not a training method, this is to create valuable armour.

7.1. Glorious Elder Rune Bar

All values are singular unless otherwise stated.

Ingredients Ticks to Make Result
Elder Rune Bar + Bane Bar + Necronium Bar + Drakolith Bar + Rune Bar + Dragon Bar[2] + Purifying Flux[1] 4 (2.4s) Concentrated Alloy Bar
10 Concentrated Alloy Bars + Barrows Bar[3] 8 (4.8s) Immaculate Alloy Bar
10 Immaculate Alloy Bars 16 (9.6s) Enriched Elder Rune Bar

This means that to create one Enriched Elder Rune Bar you need:

  • 10 Immaculate Alloy Bars which is:
  • 100 Concentrated Alloy Bars + 10 Barrows Bars[3] which is :
    • 100 Elder Rune Bars
    • 100 Bane Bars
    • 100 Necronium Bars
    • 100 Drakolith Bars
    • 100 Rune Bars
    • 100 Dragon Bars[2]
    • 100 Purifying Flux[1] (1M GP)
    • 10 Barrows Bars[3]

[1] Purifying Flux will be purchasable from an NPC for 10K GP each.

[2] Dragon bars are created by melting down Dragon items at the Dragon Forge (see below).

[3] Barrows bars are created by melting down Barrows items at the Dragon Forge (see below).

[4] Enriched Elder rune bars, dragon bars, barrows bars, purifying flux, concentrated alloy bars and immaculate alloy bars are tradeable.

[5] One Enriched Elder Rune Bar takes 496 ticks to make (~5minutes).

7.2. Glorious Elder Rune Bars

Now, you take your Enriched Elder Rune Bars that we made in [5.1.] above and fold it 1001 times (4 ticks per fold; total of 40 minutes per bar). If we include the time taken to make the Enriched Elder Rune Bars (5mins) then this comes up to 45 minutes per bar.

7.3. Elder Rune Filigree

The intent of filigree is to provide an item to be traded on the GE. Sentiment for this mechanic has been negative, and we are strongly considering changing or removing it.

  • Elder Rune Bar → 44 Elder Rune Wire (100 ticks / 1min)
  • Elder Rune Wire → Twisted Elder Rune Wire (100 ticks / 1min)
    • Since one Elder Rune Bar made 44 wire, you need to do this 44 times. (100 ticks x 44 = 4,400 ticks; 44 minutes)
  • 44 Twisted Elder Rune Wire → Elder Rune Filigree (100 ticks / 1min)

[1] This means that it takes 4,600 ticks (46 minutes) to get from 1 Elder Rune Bar to 1 Elder Rune Filigree.

[2] Elder rune filigree, elder rune wire and twisted elder rune wire are tradeable

7.4. Masterwork Smithing - Resource Gathering Analysis

For making a Masterwork item you require:

  • Glorious Elder Rune Bars equal to the base bar cost of the item you wish to make.
  • Elder Rune Filigree equal to 10 x the base bar cost of the item you wish to make.
  • A Cut Onyx
  • Elder Rune Bars (three were needed for a Sword)

Once you have the ingredients it takes 7 minutes to make an item (This was for a 10 base bar cost item, it is unknown if it scales with base bar cost. If it does, then a 2H sword would take 14 minutes).

- Glorious Elder Rune Bars Required (45min ea[1]) Elder Rune Filigree Required (46min ea) Total Time Spent Making Materials
Gauntlets; Boots 2 (90mins) 20 (920mins) 1,010mins (16.8h)
Platebody 6 (270mins) 60 (2,760mins) 3,030mins (50.5h)
Full Helm; Platelegs; Plateskirt 5 (225mins) 50 (2,300mins) 2,525mins (42h)
2H Sword 20 (900mins) 200 (9,200mins) 10,100mins (168.3h)
Dagger; Mace; Sword; Pickaxe; Scimitar; Longsword; Warhammer; Battleaxe; Claw; Kiteshield 10 (450mins) 100 (4,600mins) 5,050mins (84.1h)
Armour Set (Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots) 20 (900mins) 200 (9,200mins) 10,100mins (168.3h)
Armour Set /w Shield (Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots, Shield) 30 (1,350mins) 300 (13,800mins) 15,150mins (252.5h)
Full Set (Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots, Weapon) 40 (1,800mins) 400 (18,400mins) 20,200mins (336.6h)

[1] This is assuming all ingredients for Enriched Elder Rune Bars are already obtained. On release of the rework, the only items in the game that create Enriched Elder Rune Bars will be Rune Bars. Everything else will need to be mined/bought/melted at Dragon forge. This number rises a lot if we factor in the DIY time (which is mandatory for Ironmen since they can't buy) of obtaining enough ore for 100 of each of the bars.

[2] Just to put this into perspective. This is T90 Tank armour equivalent to Raids without the set effect. This is a Drygore set that takes 168.3h to turn bars into bars and filigree (after that time spent you still haven't actually made the item)

[3] Filigree (that Jagex is considering changing/removing) takes 10x longer than the bars to make.

7.5. Masterwork Assembly

Now that you have either bought your Glorious Bars and Filigree or spent a year gathering ore and made your own bars you can finally smith your Masterwork equipment.

  • Made in pieces. The example given was of a sword in which a Blade, Crossguard, Hilt and Pommel were first made separately and then combined to make a Masterwork Elder Rune Sword. Within each component each step makes a new item as you slowly add the required amount of Filigree[1].

This can instead be simplified into: (the example given was for a Sword but will work in much the same way for all other items)

Component Ingredients Time Resulting Component
Blade 10 Glorious Elder Rune Bars + 40 Elder Rune Filigree 50 ticks x 8 steps = 400 ticks (4mins) Finished Masterwork Sword Blade
Crossguard Elder Rune Bar + 20 Elder Rune Filigree 20 ticks x 3 steps = 60 ticks (36s) Finished Elder Rune Crossguard
Hilt Elder Rune Bar + 20 Elder Rune Filigree 20 ticks x 3 steps = 60 ticks (36s) Finished Elder Rune Hilt
Pommel Elder Rune Bar + 20 Elder Rune Filigree + Cut Onyx 20 ticks x 3 steps = 60 ticks (36s) Finished Elder Rune Pommel
Finished Blade, Crossguard, Hilt, Pommel - 100 ticks (1min) Masterwork Elder Rune Sword
Total for any 10 bar item - 680 ticks (6.8mins) -
Total for any 10 bar item including materials - 5,057mins (84.3h)
Total for any 10 bar item assuming Filigree is bought - 457mins (7.6h)

[1] The blade as an example is 10 glorious elder rune bars → Masterwork weapon billet → Masterwork sword blank→ Masterwork sword blade → Annealed masterwork sword blade → Quenched masterwork sword blade → Tempered masterwork sword blade → Polished masterwork sword blade (+40 filigree) → Finished masterwork sword blade.

[2] Complete Masterwork items are tradeable, components such as Blades etc are not.

Bars Required

- Bane Bars, Necronium Bars, Drakolith Bars, Rune Bars, Dragon Bars, Purifying Flux Required Elder Rune Bars Required (Including Filigree)[1] Barrows Bars Required Cut Onyxs Required
Gauntlets; Boots 200 220 20 1
Platebody 600 660 60 1
Full Helm; Platelegs; Plateskirt 500 550 50 1
2H Sword 2000 2200 200 1
Dagger; Mace; Sword; Pickaxe; Scimitar; Longsword; Warhammer; Battleaxe; Claw; Kiteshield 1000 1100 100 1
Armour Set (Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots) 2000 2200 200 5
Armour Set /w Shield (Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots, Shield) 3000 3300 300 6
Full Set (Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots, Weapon) 4000 4400 400 6 if 2H; 7 if DW

[1] The number of Elder bars required in the Smithing process is not included. The only data we have on this is that a Rune Sword, which is a 10 base bar cost, used 3 Elder Bars.

8. Energised Elder Rune (T92)

  • Combine parts of T80 and T90 equipment to Masterwork armour to create T92 power armour.
  • There will be no T92 Energised weapons (although they may add cosmetic variants since the armour supposedly to look good).
  • Degrades to broken. Repairable with smithable repair kits.
  • Augmentable and Tradeable.
  • We will consider adding a set effect if it's not otherwise desireable enough for the cost.
  • 'Energised armour' is not a final name.
  • Requires 99 smithing to make.
  • Add Energised Inlays to Masterwork armour (# of inlays is equal to the base bar cost).
  • There will be no Energiseds shield.

Energised Inlays

  • Elder Rune Bar + 2 Praesulic Essence + 1 Malevolent Essence + 2 Kalphite Essence → Energised Inlay (100 ticks / 1min)
  • Essences are obtained the same way as Barrows and Dragon bars (melted at the Dragon Forge). Energised Inlays and the Essences are tradeable.
  • A full set of armour (20 base bar cost) will require 20 Energised Inlays:
    • 20 Elder Rune Bars
    • 40 Praesulic Essences
    • 20 Malevolent Essences
    • 40 Kalphite Essences

Ironman BTW; What exactly do I need to make T92 power armour?

Mine the Ore; Melt at Dragon Forge Smelt the Bars
2,000 Bane Ore; 2,000 Dark Animica Ore; 2,000 Necrite Ore; 2,000 Phasmatite Ore; 2,000 Drakolith Ore; 2,000 Drakolith Secondary Ore; 2,000 Runite Ore; 2,000 Luminite Ore; 2,000 Dragon Bars; 2,000 Purifying Flux (20M GP); 2,230 Elder Runite Ore; 2,230 Light Animica Ore; 2,230 Living Rock Ore; 200 Barrrows Bars; 5 Cut Onyxs; 40 Praesulic Essence; 20 Malevolent Essence; 40 Kalphite Essence 2,000 Bane Bars; 2,000 Necronium Bars; 2,000 Drakolith Bars; 2,000 Dragon Bars; 2,000 Rune Bars; 2,230 Elder Rune Bars; 2,000 Purifying Flux; 5 Cut Onyxs; 40 Praesulic Essence; 20 Malevolent Essence; 40 Kalphite Essence


For the items that we know the cost of:

Ingredient Cost
2,000 Purifying Flux 20,000,000
5 Cut Onyxs 8,838,000
2,000 Rune Bars 27,570,000
2,000 Dragon Bars (using items for 5K/bar) 10,000,000
200 Barrows Bars (using items for 85K/bar) 17,000,000
40 Praesulic Essences (using TFH) 47,973,920
20 Malevolent Essences (using Helms) 17,687,400
40 Kalphite Essences (using MHM) 47,270,880

I'm Rich, what do I buy to make it the fastest?

  • Masterwork Helm
  • Masterwork Body
  • Masterwork Legs
  • Masterwork Gloves
  • Masterwork Boots
  • 20 Elder Rune Bars
  • 40 Praesulic Essences
  • 20 Malevolent Essences
  • 40 Kalphite Essences

Assuming there is no Masterwork armour for sale:

  • 20 Glorious Elder Rune Bars
  • 200 Elder Rune Filigree
  • 5 Cut Onyxs
  • 20 Elder Rune Bars
  • 40 Praesulic Essences (47,973,920gp using TFH)
  • 20 Malevolent Essences
  • 40 Kalphite Essences

9. Dragon Forge

The following items are obtained by melting down equipment at the Dragon Forge (4 ticks per item). Each equipment melts down and gives bars equivalent to the base bar cost. Malevolent will give proportionally less essence based on its charges (For example, a chest at 50% charge gives 3 essences rather than 6.) This is rounded down to the nearest whole essence. (For example, legs at 99% charge would give 4 essences rather than 5.)

Praesulic Essence

Equipment Essence Per GE Price Price per Essence
Torva Full Helm 5 5,996,741 1,199,348
Torva Platebody 6 28,660,037 4,776,673
Torva Platelegs 5 23,286,754 4,657,351
Torva Gloves 2 2,435,486 1,217,743
Torva Boots 2 16,130,706 8,065,353

Malevolent Essence

Equipment Essence Per GE Price Price per Essence
Malevolent Helm 5 4,421,852 884,370
Malevolent Cuirass 6 13,279,101 2,213,184
Malevolent Greaves 5 8,865,062 1,773,012

[1] It is unknown if the Kiteshield can be melted down. In the design document, it is stated that the total amount of essence required to make a full set of Energised is equivalent to one full set of malevolent, two full sets of Torva and four Drygores. While the numbers for Torva and Drygores add up, Malevolent adds up to 16 excluding the shield and 26 including the shield while only requiring 20 Essences.

Kalphite Essence

Equipment Essence Per GE Price Price per Essence
Drygore Longsword 10 19,310,793 1,931,079
Drygore Mace 10 11,817,725 1,181,772
Drygore Rapier 10 13,509,095 1,350,909
Off-hand Drygore Longsword 10 19,275,060 1,927,506
Off-hand Drygore Mace 10 17,453,833 1,745,383
Off-hand Drygore Rapier 10 18,342,926 1,834,292

Dragon Bars

I have only included the items we know the base bar cost for.

Equipment Bars Per GE Price Price Per Bar
Dragon Battleaxe 10 119,287 11,928
Dragon Claw 10 118,911 11,891
Dragon Dagger 10 17,164 1,716
Dragon Hatchet 10 981,774 98,177
Dragon Longsword 10 57,430 5,743
Dragon Mace 10 28,390 2,839
Dragon Pickaxe 10 6,297,567 629,756
Dragon Scimitar 10 58,438 5,843
Dragon Warhammer 10 204,901 20,490
OH Dragon Battleaxe 10 116,441 11,644
OH Dragon Claw 10 69,191 6,919
OH Dragon Dagger 10 21,312 2,131
OH Dragon Longsword 10 59,296 5,929
OH Dragon Mace 10 30,473 3,047
OH Dragon Scimitar 10 100,841 10,084
OH Dragon Warhammer 10 54,607 5,460
Dragon 2H Sword 20 134,109 6,705
Dragon Full Helm 5 6,593,395 1,318,679
Dragon Helm 5 58,670 11,734
Dragon Platebody 6 1,880,230 313,371
Dragon Chainbody 6 169,709 28,284
Dragon Kiteshield 10 327,671 32,767
Dragon Sq Shield 10 621,320 62,132
Dragon Gauntlets 2 28,664 14,332
Dragon Gloves 2 100,000 50,000
Dragon Platelegs 5 160,327 32,065
Dragon Plateskirt 5 159,244 31,848
Dragon Boots 2 10,650 5,325

Barrows Bars

I have only included the items for which we know the base bar cost for. There is no information on whether it will be only the melee sets or apply to Ahrim's, Karil's, and Akrisae's as well.

Equipment Bars Per GE Price Price Per Bar
Guthan's Chainskirt 5 1,239,891 247,978
Karil's Skirt 5 1,065,185 213,037
Karil's Top 6 2,845,431 474,239
Verac's Brassard 6 1,184,471 197,412
Ahrim's Hood 5 394,958 78,992
Ahrim's Robe Skirt 5 614,101 122,820
Ahrim's Robe Top 6 1,098,084 183,014
Akrisae's Hood 5 392,737 78,547
Akrisae's Robe Skirt 5 1,002,098 200,420
Akrisae's Robe Top 6 1,568,326 261,388
Dharok's Helm 5 414,293 82,859
Drarok's Platebody 6 1,363,918 227,320
Dharok's Platelegs 5 747,644 149,529
Guthan's Helm 5 413,432 85,686
Guthan's Platebody 6 1,416,920 236,153
Karil's Coif 5 401,148 80,230
Torag's Helm 5 349,530 69,906
Torag's Platebody 6 1,166,596 194,433
Torag's Platelegs 5 621,612 124,322
Verac's Helm 5 357,334 71,467
Verac's Plateskirt 6 609,167 101,528
Akrisae's War Mace 20 294,497 14,825
Dharok's Greataxe 20 606,660 30,333
Guthan's Warspear 20 2,279,775 113,989

10. New Tier Table

Melee Armour

Tier Tank Power
1 Bronze; Khazard
10 Iron
11 Iron+1
20 Steel
21 Steel+1
25 Black; White; Initiate
30 Mithril; Proselyte
31 Mithril+1
32 Mithril+2
40 Adamant Elite Black
41 Adamant+1
42 Adamant
50 Rune; Stealing Creations Rock-shell
51 Rune+1
52 Rune+2
53 Rune+3
55 Granite
57 Drakolith
58 Drakolith+1
59 Drakolith+2
60 Drakolith+3; Dragon
61 Necronium
62 Necronium+1
63 Necronium+2
64 Necronium+3
65 Necronium+4; Third-age Superior Rock-shell
70 Barrows Bandos
71 Bane
72 Bane+1
73 Bane+2
74 Bane+3
75 Bane+4
80 Elder Rune; Linza Torva; Anima core of Zaros
81 Elder Rune+1
82 Elder Rune+2
83 Elder Rune+3; Tetsu
84 Elder Rune+4
85 Elder Rune+5; Superior Tetsu; Steadfast boots; Pneumatic gloves Refined Anima core of Zaros; Gloves of Passage
90 Masterwork Elder Rune; Achto Teralith; Teralith; Malevolent Kiteshield Malevolent; Emberkeen boots; Razorback gauntlets
92 Energised Elder Rune

Melee Weapons

The lower tiers are similar to above.

Tier Mainhand Offhand Other 2H Halberd[1] Spear[2]
70 Superior Dragon; Abyssal Whip; Blisterwood Sickle Superior Dragon; Blisterwood Sickle Barrows; Blisterwood Polearm; Kyzaj Thalassia's Revenge; Crystal Halberd Zamorakian Spear
71 Bane Bane Bane; Upgraded Balmung
72 Bane+1 Bane+1; Enhanced Excalibur Bane+1
73 Bane+2 Bane+2 Bane+2
74 Bane+3 Bane+3 Bane+3
75 Bane+4; Korasi's Sword; Abyssal Vine Whip Bane+4 Bane+4; Godswords; Saradomin Sword; Superior Kyzaj Zamorakian Spear
77 Jessika's Sword[3]
78 Vesta's Longsword; Statius's Warhammer Sunspear; Vesta's Spear
80 Elder Rune; Chaotics; Attuned Crystal; Tuned Bane; Linza's Hammer Elder Rune; Chaotics; Attuned Crystal; Tuned Bane Elder Rune; Chaotic Maul; Tuned Bane Attuned Crystal Halberd Chaotic Spear
81 Elder Rune+1 Elder Rune+1 Elder Rune+1
82 Elder Rune+2; Khopesh of the Kharidian Elder Rune+2; Khopesh of the Kharidian Elder Rune+2
83 Elder Rune+3 Elder Rune+3 Elder Rune+3
84 Elder Rune+4 Elder Rune+4 Elder Rune+4
85 Elder Rune+5; Tetsu Katana; Lava Whip; Ripper Claw; Blade of Nymora[4] Elder Rune+5; Tetsu Wakizashi; Ripper Claw; Blade of Avaryss[4] Elder Rune+5 Dragon Rider Lance Mizuyari
87 Annihilation
88 Superior Vesta's Longsword; Superior Statius's Warhammer Superior Vesta's Spear
90 Masterwork Rune; Drygores Masterwork Rune; Drygores Noxious Scythe
92 Khopesh of Tumeken Khopesh of Elidinis Zaros Godsword

[1] There has been no word on whether Halberds will be smithable. Since they are currently non-smithable it is likely to remain that way. Halberds have extra range.

[2] Spears may be smithable. Currently Spears upto Rune can be smithed. Spears are effective against Corporeal Beast.

[3] Jessika's Sword has T75 accuracy but T77 damage.

[4] T90 accuracy with T80 damage.

submitted by /u/imsuity
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For the sake of consistency! Can we have memories recolored in inventory aswell?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:25 AM PST

GJ Jagex

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:27 AM PST

Broken Home

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:19 AM PST

Something seems odd here.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:48 PM PST

Just came across this on my newsfeed

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:27 PM PST

Well that was a nice suprise..

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:16 PM PST

Updated Mistag (The Lost Tribe)

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:01 AM PST

Me this December 31st

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Telos is my telos?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:58 AM PST

Female Mod Osborne

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:45 AM PST

New Hardmode Barbarian Assault Attacker Meta

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 04:24 AM PST

Don't forget to spot your raven today if you don't have the title yet! W64 Trah, south east of seren stones between the buildings.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:20 AM PST

cmon jagex i want to play the game..

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:33 AM PST

Please add new option "members only" for friend chats

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:57 PM PST

people are making new f2p accounts just to spam for example "kill all n*ggers" and doing that everyday

turning fc on friends only is not an option, there have been people spamming for years and this feels hopeless

submitted by /u/MEMBERSONLYFC
[link] [comments]

merry gregmas everybody

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:41 PM PST

I've been playing for ~13 years. Lost multiple accounts. I have had this one for just over 5 years now (not a hardcore player). And here is me completing Plague's End!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:39 PM PST

You know it's true.....

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:51 AM PST

It's over 9000!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:14 AM PST

Using defensives to stall while in an interface makes you lose adrenaline

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 04:40 AM PST

kinda annoying while in bank interface or many boss loot interfaces, only a small thingy but maybe some1 has time to take a look at it. Edit: Posting this on a sunday probably not the best idea whatever

submitted by /u/RalfL
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My take. Old casual Runescape player, new to refit.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:08 AM PST

Okay, I've been playing RuneScape on and off for the 13 years or so. I've always loved this game and I can never stop coming back to it. I used to play hours upon hours a day when I was a kid.

Since then I've taken multiple breaks and now just recently coming back after about a year. I decided to really try and get into it, so I joined reddit as well.

I've got to say, looking at some of your guys progress on this game is ridiculous and the knowledge you all hold is stupid amounts. Good thing. I thought I knew a lot about this game , but god damn you guys really know a lot of shit.

As much shit talking people do for Jagex, we still enjoy the game or else we wouldn't be playing it, and that's flat out. It hold a hell of a grip.

Also, this goes for both. OSRS and Rs3 which is are two entirely different games, and can't even be compared. Just another argument for how good Jagex actually is. But yes some shit pisses us all off. That's life

TLDR; You all know a lot of shit. Keep it up everyone.

submitted by /u/RSN-Striz
[link] [comments]

Gotta Slay'em All! - Master Quest Cape requirement done. Will certainly be filling the rest of this out later

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:01 AM PST

b2b2b with a double item chest at barrows. there goes my rng!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:20 PM PST

Re-roll logic or "All I want for Christmas is Fortunate Components"

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 05:49 AM PST


Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:08 AM PST

hello where do I sign up for reddit luck

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:31 AM PST

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