Pokémon GO - Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - December 2017

Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - December 2017

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:10 AM PST

Temporary FAQ:

  • LEGENDARIES - Three Legendary Beasts (Raikou, Entei, and Suicune) available, rotating continents on 30 September, then finally rotating on 31 October.

  • LEGENDARIES - MewTwo available via invitation-only EX Raids.

  • Known Issues Page

  • Raids and Battles - open to all Gym-eligible Trainers (Level 5+) as of July 1st

Consider asking your question here, instead of making a post and have it buried!

Also, to prevent redundancy, do consider doing a CTRL+F in this thread or a subreddit search query for your question!


Please note: ONLY AR Screenshots are allowed as image posts. Any other screenshots MUST be submitted as text posts with a link to the image

Past Q&A Megathreads

Known bugs (some have possibly been fixed):

See here for Niantic-recognized bugs.

  • New: Shadow-Bans If you have ever used a third-party service (such as an IV checker) that required you to log into your Pokemon Go account, and/or you have ever received a warning message about unauthorized access, you may have recently been "shadow-banned". You can still play the game like normally, but only common Pokemon will show up and you will not see "rare" spawns while others will. You will need to remove any such services, revoke their authorizations, change your password, etc. Roughly a week after doing so, people have reported the shadow-bans being lifted for legitimate players.

  • New in 0.59.1 The Pokédex displays genders for Pokémon you have caught, if applicable. However, code for genders was only added sometime in December/January. Any Pokémon caught/evolved prior to that will have a (randomly assigned?) gender in the Inventory, but will not properly display the gender in the Pokédex.

  • Sometimes while the game is loading it will get stuck on a white screen. This seems to be due to an anti-bot "Captcha" screen that didn't load correctly, and can usually be fixed by restarting the app.

  • There is a bug with the GPS not connecting properly, which results in nearby Pokémon spawns disappearing for a few minutes.

  • The game will randomly crash sometimes. Having the most updated version of the app and the most updated version of your operating system tends to minimize this, but it still happens.

  • There are graphical glitches sometimes where a Pokémon will spawn as a "miniature" version of itself. If you restart the app and are still close enough, it should reappear normally and be clickable.

  • There is a bug sometimes while battling a gym if you don't have a great connection. If you dodge an attack that would otherwise kill you, sometimes the game won't register the dodge and your Pokémon will "faint". Then the game will sync with the server and undo the damage that you dodged, but your Pokémon still shows as fainted and you can't actually attack.

  • If phone time is not set to Automatic, Incense and Lures may not work properly. Fix this by setting time to Automatic (in your phone's Time/Date settings)

Instruction Manual

Useful Links

I'm sick of the memes here, I want the discussion posts!

try http://nr.reddit.com/r/pokemongo for desktop users or this for mobile/app users.

Niantic support : https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us

/r/PokemonGO FAQ: /r/PokemonGo/wiki/FAQ

There's this Pokéstop/Gym near me which seems inappropriate. Can I report it?

Use this link. However, Niantic seems to be preoccupied with other things now, so don't expect too much.

We have Niantic representatives on both here and /r/TheSilphRoad - please do not ping them for bugs which are in the known issues page unless you have found a niche yet gamebreaking issue/exploit.

Where can I find other players in my area?

Try our regional subreddits list! Also, see the related subreddits for more niche needs!

If you have any suggestions for FAQs to append to this thread or for meta questions, message the moderators or mention /u/PokemonGoMods!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:09 AM PST

Have you been the one missing the Mewtwo EX raidpass? Maybe you haven't been lucky the whole week and that damn raid Tyrannitar ran and everyone else caught him.

Or the worst part, maybe it's monday again?!


Here we rant about everything that goes wrong, someone who sniped a gymspot (  ̄Д ̄), a missed Tyrannitar again (ಠ_ಠ) or that stupid bug which made you miss your raid because of the server desync, ending the raid prematurely (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

No personal insults, no trolls and provocation but all salty stuff is accepted.

  • Only salty posts allowed ( ಠ_ಠ )

  • No uncivilty or personal information allowed. ☜(`o´)

  • Complaints can be posted here as well, agree that stuff needs to change here as well, like the spawn rate or gym bugs.


Don't forget to hydrate after all the salt!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Humor] Current state of this sub

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:10 PM PST

[ART]Pokemon Go Holiday (Fan art)

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:55 AM PST

It was ran over by 2 cars, the vibrating motor no longer works, but it still catches and spins.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:23 AM PST

[discussion] For level 5 raid bosses, one week was too stressful. Four weeks made people lose interest. Two weeks, so far, seems just right.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:09 AM PST

I would be happy if we rotate level 5s every 2 weeks.

It just seems like the hype is there right now to get Ho-oh before he's gone. It doesn't feel like you have time to procrastinate and at the same time you have plenty of time to get at least a chance or two.

Do other communities feel this way?

submitted by /u/Shipoffools1
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That's One Big Bird for Such a Small Bird House

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

Pokemon GO sucks when you are in the suburbs.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:47 PM PST

I live in the suburbs of Goleta, California. In a one mile radius there are five Pokestops and two gyms. There are very few players in the area. Every time there is a legendary raid in one of those two gyms, nobody shows up! We need a way to make raid battles better for rural and suburban players. It's not just the rural players that are having a bad time with raids. Also, with the switch to Open Street Maps, all of the buildings are gone!

submitted by /u/Dragonite314
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[News] Niantic just updated Pokemon Go with Google Street Map again

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:04 PM PST

My street now has a path that has never been there before, and it is pretty new. The map in game is identical to the path on google street view.

submitted by /u/RSN_Kabutops
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EX Raids remind me of the Nearby tracker

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:53 AM PST

Last year Niantic spent months testing the Nearby tracker which was universally panned by users and then released it without any changes to make it prioritize rare Pokémon.

I was hopeful last week with the Developer communication but it seems like EX Raids have been released with the RNG concerns unaddressed and probably will never be.

submitted by /u/kabash700
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Potion/Revive Issues

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:42 PM PST

Just hit 50 pokestops and got this: 1x Hyper Potion, 1x Super Potion, and 2 Potions. No revive at all.

Half of my amry is dead and other half needs potion, can't put anything but pidgeys on gyms, Niantic help

submitted by /u/painofwrath
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[Complaint]Two mewtwo Ex raid in our town started without invites.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:39 AM PST

I live in Toulouse (south of France) a fairly big city, and today 2 Ex raids for mewtwo started with none invited. The gyms where closed for interaction saying : "this gym is closed until X because a raid is taking place", but no one in our town was invited, not even spoofers when usually mewtwo raids have between 60 to 80 invited people. If you needed any more reason to think that this system is crappy and full of bugs...there you go.

Edit : It's now the 3rd raids wasted with no invitations... Edit 2 : It looks like someone posted it 1h earlier on the silph road :

submitted by /u/Shinigami-Oniyama
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On iOS 1.53.2 my screens get locked while playing Pokémon Go

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 02:11 PM PST

After upgrading to latest version, my phone locks screen when playing Pokémon go and putting the iPhone in my pocket. It doesn't prevent screen locking anymore, in the only one affected by this bug?

submitted by /u/neobeppe
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What's the rarest Pokémon that is local to you?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:17 AM PST

I'll go first. It was a few months ago (and is now gone) but for awhile whenever I opened my phone at home I was on top of a Scyther nest.

Now there is a Jynx nest visible in my surrounding (would need to walk a block and half to go).

submitted by /u/ajt24
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Open Street Maps is horrible!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:53 AM PST

Back when Pokemon GO used Google Maps, all the buildings and land features were in the game. Now the map is bare. Some places just look awful. All the buildings from my neighborhood are gone. In major cities Open Street Maps is OK, but in suburbs and rural areas it is just crap. Why can't we get Google Maps back?

submitted by /u/Dragonite314
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[Discussion] Survey- EX-Raid questionnaire after field test finished. Let's see how it works recently.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:04 AM PST

Issues since update

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST

So the app used to not allow my phone to go to sleep, so i could put it in my pocket and just walk with my kids, now it turns itself off all the time... meaning i have to have my phone out all the time. any way to fix this?

submitted by /u/hey-its-tomi
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Is there a set time for certain gyms to close at night?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:08 PM PST

There's a park that's has a few gyms and several pokestops. It's a popular spot to play. I don't go here often but did this afternoon. I took down a gym and placed a Pokémon.

Then I went home and checked on it later to feed it berries. It gave me the message "The Gym is Currently Closed" and wouldn't let me view the gym. Screenshot here. It's fine if the gyms now close at night but it was only ~4:30pm. It was still bright out and the park doesn't close until after sunset.

Does anyone know how it's determined what time to close these gyms? Also, does it still count time in a closed gym toward the gym badge/daily coins?

Edit: as of 6:15pm still closed.

Edit 2: as of 8:50pm I'm able to access the gym . So it wasn't closed for the night and I doubt an EX raid lasted for hours.

Edit 3: I should mention that I'm pretty sure a spoofer joined me in the very last battle to take down the gym and then added their Pokémon before me. Same team so I then quickly added my Farfetch'd. Within seconds the gym was full and I could see there was no one within range of the gym at that time. I can't prove it but it made me think it was spoofers. Not sure if that could have anything to do with the gym closing?

submitted by /u/_skank_hunt42
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PTC Child Account, EX Raid Pass Invite & Sponsored Gyms

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:37 PM PST

Hello Trainers! Did anyone of you setup a PTC child account and ever got a Mewtwo raid pass?

submitted by /u/kauchemar13
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[Question] Who makes Pokestops?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:58 PM PST

I know this might be an odd question, but who decides where the Pokestops are? I can't stop wondering that. I've seen some pretty obscure Pokestops that I don't think someone could just make without actually having been at the locations

submitted by /u/knightofpurple
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How am I doing gen 3?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:24 PM PST

I still play all the time. I was in middle school when the original game boy game and cards came out and I was an authority on gen 1.

I dabbled in gen 2 and somewhat knew a bit about it.

Gen 3 is another language to me. I play because of the collecting element but I have no idea how to even begin planning my generation 3 strategy. Which Pokémon should I be seeking the way I did dragonite or tryanitar? What are the good upper tier non legendary gen 3's? I don't know a single one but I want to try to get the most I can out of gen 3.

submitted by /u/Grandeubba
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Badges, limits, and maybe a solution

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:05 PM PST

Last I heard we have a limit of 1000 badges that can be viewed in our inventory. Once you reach the limit, they start getting pushed off the end, which means badges you obtain on your travels will eventually be unviewable with the current badge setup.

I feel allowing us to toss badges would prevent any issues like this, but to make it interesting we could transfer them for stardust. Having a set amount would be exploitable, but if the stardust earned was equal to the badge xp then it would never be outrageous.

I'm a few hundred badges away from the cap, but I'm not excited to lose some of the only in-game souvenirs of my travels that I will likely never visit again.

submitted by /u/SwordMaster21
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Error 2 is killing raids

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:35 AM PST

I though this had been fixed after I lost a pass yesterday but I've lost 5 passes today over this. I've mailed Niantic and just got the usual auto replies

submitted by /u/experiencedesign
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