Halo - Our Elf on the Shelf arrived this morning

Our Elf on the Shelf arrived this morning

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:06 AM PST

Wake me when you need me

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:25 AM PST

y tho

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:38 AM PST

During one of the rare moments of quiet among the chaos, a member of an ODST advanced recon patrol poses for a glamor shot. August 15, 2552, Planet Reach.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:31 PM PST

The war on Christmas

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST

We may be divided on The Competitive scene but I think we can all agree that we don’t want LOOT BOXES in Halo 6!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:59 AM PST

In Halo 3 you needed to achieve something to get the special armor, In Halo Reach you could buy any armor piece or effect that you wanted with in game credits, even Halo 4 had some player choice and achievement. Halo 5? You buy them, get lucky, or grind your asses off. All customization should be tied to Achievements, Challenges, rank, ETC. Basically the player should have to achieve something, or literally copy/paste the Reach model. Fuck MTX and loot crates!

Edit: A lot of you are asking: Would I prefer to have paid DLC maps again? My answer is No but I think if we meet in the middle we can improve the current system. Either give us SOME armor and skins from Achievements and challenges or let us buy the armor we want, as well as packs like a hybrid between Reach and 5. Although we have to be careful that it doesn't take 20-30 hours for a single helmet. If nothing changes then yes I rather pay for maps and split the player base. At least it gets rid of some grinding and I know what I'm buying.

submitted by /u/Coshatt
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XCOM 2 - Halo OC Edition

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:56 PM PST

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of "Halo is a pretty cool guy"

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:10 PM PST

Never do this, kids...

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

Day 3! Today, I whipped up a tasty simplistic drawing of our boy Chief!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:36 PM PST

343, in the MCC patch, please bring back end credits

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:04 AM PST

Anyone know what this is worth? Trying to buy and possibly restore it!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:58 PM PST

I got my first ever Extermination today!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:58 PM PST

Dear 343 Industries, I encourage you to make these changes and fixes to the Master Chief Collection in the spring update.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:52 PM PST

Hello 343i! I've been a fan and a supporter of the Halo series for a little over a decade, ever since I was a small child playing Halo 2 split-screen on my cousin's Xbox. I still remember watching the announcement of MCC at e3 and the disappointment when it was released. 3 years later and MCC is still frustrating, it's still marred with bugs, and it's still doesn't work the way it should. I want this update to succeed, so I compiled a list of fixes, additions, and changes that I would love to see implemented to the game to make this a truly complete Halo experience.


  • This is the most obvious one, please 343i fix the servers. This game has been out for a few years now and i'm still having trouble finding games on even the most populated playlists. How is it that in Halo Reach (a game that is seven years old, and has stopped being supported for a years now) is able to get me in a match made game INSTANTLY in almost any playlist?

  • Achievements and Unlocks. I can't believe this is still an issue, how is it that despite me completing every campaign on legendary I still haven't unlocked the achievements or nameplates for doing so?

  • Playing with a guest in matchmaking. This is the fix that I want to see implemented the most, so a few weeks ago my brother was visiting. My older brother and I used to play split screen Halo with each other all the time, and we were excited to play some online matchmaking, well guess what? After what seemed like 15 seconds of waiting in the lobby, we were booted from it. This wasn't a ranked playlist either, this was team slayer. We tried over and over again in different playlist and it didn't work, I said fuck it and put on Halo Reach and we played that instead. Why is this such an issue? Split-screen is to Halo what jumping is to Mario, what running is to Sonic, what driving is to Grand Theft Auto.


  • Please, change matchmaking to where it doesn't kick you from the lobby after each game, this isn't a glitch but this is so annoying, what's the point?

  • Don't make players lose rank because of teammates with bad connection. I don't know if this can actually be changed but if it can it should.

  • Don't make players lose rank due to bad teammates. Countless times I've played games in MCC where I'm doing great, I usually average to about 15 kills and 7 deaths per game but i'm still at rank 11 in Halo 3. Why? Because I'm always paired up with quitters and bad players, and every time I lose i'm punished for it. Now don't get me wrong, I think players should only earn rank if their team wins, but I don't think they should lose rank for doing well when their companions aren't.

  • This one change isn't really important but i'd love to see it anyways. Please overhaul armor customization for Halo 3 and 4. I hate how I can't mix and match my shoulders or body pieces. In Halo 3 I used to rock the Mark VI helmet with the same body piece and Security shoulders in Halo 4 I just wore the complete set of Mark VI anyways but i'm sure many players wish they could recreate their own armor from that game but can't. Also, being able to see what colors your spartan is from the menu would be nice.


• Custom Games browser. Please 343i i'm begging you, add a customs browser I would rejoice if this was added in spring. As much as I love the feeling of nostalgia I get when I jump into a game of BTB, finish it, and then invite all my recent players to play some customs, I would much prefer just jumping into an already existing game or start one on my own and have other players join.

  • Please for the love of god, bring back Rumble Pit. I still don't see why this playlist was removed from matchmaking, and while you're at it make it ranked.

I doubt anyone of you at 343i read this but if you did, thank you for taking time to do so. I'm sorry if I come off as entitled. Even though i've been a harsh critic of you guys and probably will continue to be one, I respect the hell out of you guys for listening to fan feedback. I trust you guys to deliver with this update in 2018.

submitted by /u/TV-Toonman
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People who vote Halo 3 every time in MCC, why?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:49 PM PST

It has the worst hit detection, the controls are janky, and "Sniper Hill" which is the worst gametype ever is the H3 option 90% of the time in the Team Snipers playlist. As someone who got the game to play Halo 2, its my biggest disappointment, Go play Halo 3 on the 360 or 'gasp' even the X1 now that is a BC game. I 1000% wish they never made MCC and just did H2 Anniversary. Really a piss poor way to send off such a great game. It deserved so much better.

Signed - An H2 veteran.

submitted by /u/PowerCream
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Halo Reach A Storage Solution Achievement Fixed!!!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:31 PM PST

To all those who care about achievements, the Halo Reach storage solution achievement has been broken for a long time, but as of recently its been fixed and I just got it today on my xbox 360. I suggest you hope on and get it as soon as possible before its get broken again lol

submitted by /u/CeratedCheif24
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A New, Casual Halo Player's Opinions on Some Controversies Over Halo 5

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:27 PM PST

There are many controversies in the Halo community about Halo 5 right now. I'd like to talk about my thoughts on Halo 5, to provide a perspective from a new, casual Halo player. I am not a native English speaker, please excuse my poor English.

My Halo experience:

I have little experience with console FPS games before 2015. Nonetheless I like Halo 5. I play ranked playlist most, my best Team Arena rank is Gold 6, SR 126, love watching Pro matches. I also play social and Warzone Firefight, played through legedary campaign. Before Halo 5 I only played through Halo MCC campaign once, like the Halo world, stories and characters. The immersion and reasonability are as important to me as the balance and skill gap of PvP.

About Spartan Abilities, movements:

I like Halo 5's movement and ability mechanics. In my opinion, interstellar colonization era super soldiers should have some advanced mobility. Purely for gameplay, they are not bad, except that spartan charge is too strong. I don't like spartan charge and ground pound that much, but I can accept it.

About weapon tuning:

I think magnum is good, new BR, DMR are hard to use. However, if I were a new player or audience of Halo, I would think it is not impressive enough that the main weapon of super soldiers is just a pistol. When I first played Halo CE in MCC, I never tried to use the pistol, I just assumed pistol is a weak sidearm. Perhaps this is one of the reasons 343i wants to tune in spite of the perfect magnum?

As a noob, I like the autos and splinter grenades. It's OK that pros and highly competitive players have their own playlist, btw I really like watching they play. Just leave diversified, less-of-skill-gap weapons and maps in the most popular arena playlist.

About art style and game design:

I love both the old and new art style. The looking of enemies, weapons, smart-link visual effects, visor reflections and map atmosphere are really good in Halo 5, and together they have a sense of harmony. The armours look like plastic? I just assume they are high-tech alloy and polymer. But some of the armors and vehicles have too many pointless details. For example, I think Warthog is good looking, Scorpion looks too complicated. Personally I would like a more concise and realistic/functional style based on the new one.

Some people don't like the prometheans. I think they are OK, but not as cool as in Halo 4, where the crawlers can crawl on the wall, and the knights can spawn watchers.

About loot boxes:

Halo 5's loot boxes are acceptable. Rainbow Six Siege has the better skin unlock system.

Some other good things about Halo 5:

In Asia, Xbox One is much less popular than PS4. So it is hard to find ranked PvP matches in many Xbox games in Asia. Many games lock your server by location. I cannot find any ranked match in Gears of War 4. Even in Rinbow Six Siege, one of the most popular PvP games on Xbox One, it takes long time to find a ranked match. Fortunately, Halo 5 does not lock server by location, and it has a fairly good connection quality. Yes, I have some rubberbanding, lagging sometimes. But I can enjoy ranked matches. Thanks for this to 343i.

submitted by /u/JimmyTheWood
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Newest Copypasta Has Arrived

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:23 PM PST

The Answer Beats Spartan

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:26 PM PST

MCC: High Charity Ending Cutscene Trigger Hit In Wrong Load Zone

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:24 PM PST

Hey guys, Bizz here. New trick me and NnuttHowze T9X did on High Charity. The ending cutscene volume trigger seems to be loaded during the entire level, and with the dead and alive player glitch we were able to launch from the bottom of the Mausoleum ("chandelier") room through the void space and hit that trigger in the wrong zone ending the level. Pretty damn cool. Credit to NnuttHowze for the idea and being dead and I'm the living player doing the setup and trick. Enjoy!


submitted by /u/DrBizz
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I made a Halo PC montage

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:42 PM PST

Where do the Halo 2 remastered cutscenes fit into canon?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:58 PM PST

I assumed they'd lead right into Halo 5, but Locke isn't after John at the start of Guardians. So when does he go to the Arbiter for the story of Halo 2? Is it later in the Guardians campaign?

submitted by /u/slendernyan
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Happy Halodays everybody!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:51 PM PST

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