Learn Dota 2 - what's a good fun 1v9 hero...

what's a good fun 1v9 hero...

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:32 AM PST

this isn't what it seems like. This isn't a "my teammates suck and i'm stuck at XXX mmr".

I have a group of 3 friends who are getting back into the game after a few months off and we're all bad. I'm a bad 2700 player but they're a little worse (the best of these friends was playing calibration games at 1100 before he stopped calibrating a few months ago...so i would put the others around 500-1000 mmr range). I want them to enjoy the game when they play, but they don't like losing (who does). Everyone wants to be that PA that one hits people, but truth is they don't know how to farm effectively (at 2700, i don't either, so this is all relative). I play support so they can fill these roles because i just want these games to be fun for them, but they don't make use out of my supporting (dont play back when a hero walks into a ward i place to gank them, back out after i set up a gank for them, constantly jungling when i provide safety wards for them to push out lanes)...so we often lose.

When i play core, i try to play cores that enable the team like drow, or lifestealer (one guy likes to play sb so fun little combo), and while we'll do good in lane or get a few kills eventually the other team also has 4 cores that farmed more efficiently than us and we lose.

There are exceptions...when i play tinker i can carry them by applying pressure throughout the map, but feel like it isn't really fun for them to take all resources. I mean who likes playing with a tinker who just tps in lane lays down march and leaves. And when i play CK, this seems more fun for them because while i can split push and force rotations and objectives with manta, i can also help them wreck face in a fight if needed.

What are some other heroes that can split push well, contribute to team fights, and take objectives. Maybe Terrorblade? It also doesn't help that i hardly play safelane or midlane carries in my solo games, so if there's another hero that can get a lot of stuff done feel free to suggest.

Any general tips for playing with friends that are worse than you? i don't flame them. And make sure at the end i just say hey it was fun playing even though we lost. What are some basic things i should be teaching them, i'm trying to get them to push out lanes and then farm jungle...right now, if our tower isn't being hit, lane creeps aren't either.

tl;dr: friends coming back from dota after a long time off, not as good as they were, but were never very good to begin with. What are some small tips that i can teach them. What are some heroes i can play that can take objectives while being fun for them.

submitted by /u/Nwball
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Can somebody explain the disjointability of Assassinate?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:18 PM PST

Because I don't get it. Is it just you need to dodge the impact and not the projectile? I understand the debuff can help you dodge it somehow. What can dodge it (spells, items)? What cannot?

submitted by /u/odincrow4
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Lone Druid 7.07 Help

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:58 PM PST

How do you play Lone Druid in 7.07, I played LD back when Radiance Rush was a thing with him then kinda fell off when the Sniper LD was the meta.

how do you play him now? basics? is Radiance Rush Bear still a thing?

submitted by /u/sammyshake
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Just a short survey. I´m interested in your answers. Results will follow soon, after I got enough answers. Please don´t try to answer this more than once.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:29 AM PST

ctrl+q/w/e/r on item bindings?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:25 AM PST

Is there a console command for this?

submitted by /u/gnuforlyfe
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I am on the largest losing streak since 7.00

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:09 PM PST

What am i doing wrong?

My dotabuff is: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/410286217

I tried playing some different heroes other than my limited hero pool, and it has gone to shit.

submitted by /u/MagnetFlux
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How do I play Chaos Knight effectively and efficiently?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:02 PM PST

Hello guys,

I really like to play Chaos Knight but everytime I play him I just don't feel like I am getting any farm, it's not that I am missing last hits but it takes forever for me to get the items I need compared to other heroes.

I also find myself to only be useful in teamfights when my ultimate is up, ult then teleport is the only way I seem to get kills, so I also would like to know what I have to do to be effective even without my ultimate.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/lwnorrie
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When should I pick Elder Titan?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 09:53 AM PST

The hero is relatively never played in 3k mmr. I've seen him maybe once my last one hundred games. When should I pick him, and in what situations is he good in? Is he even strong this meta?

submitted by /u/Potato_Jello
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I have an obsession with numbers and stats

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST

Win-rate and rank, I mean. Especially hero win-rates. After every game, I go to my dotabuff and look at the numbers, even though they didn't change much. When I'm waiting for queue, I just look at my stats. I used to play on smurf but now I only play on my main, since I've grown more confident and I'm trying not to obsess over numbers anymore. It's hard to remind myself that it's all meaningless. Especially when I worked for it, in a way.

I want to break this habit, but I don't really know how. It's unhealthy and it also affects which heroes I will and won't pick in some games (If the draft is looking bad, I wouldn't want to lower my stats on my favorite heroes.) It also makes me wary to queue which is bad for my progression.

Any tips and tricks, and words of wisdom for me?

submitted by /u/Zombii-
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Could I get some advice to improve (legend[0])?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:35 PM PST

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/163322842

I'm stuck at Legend[0], I don't know what exactly is going on. I feel like in a teamfight I don't know what to do. I also feel like I don't know what item to build: for example, in my sniper matches, sometimes I feel like I should build more survivability items like hurricane spike, skadi, bkb, eul's so I can survive against a specific enemy hero, but I feel like I'm sacrificing a lot of dmg and the sniper doesn't do enough dmg to be relevant.

But this happens with any hero (except Tinker, which is pretty straight forward to me).

Frequently I feel like I don't know what I should be doing. Should I keep farming/push or TF; should I focus X hero in the TF or should I attack/disable whoever is closer/in range; should I use my Eul's on the enemy sven buffed by his ultimate or save for myself (use offensively or defensively). It's just so many possibilities that I feel confused and often times I freeze and run away from the TF.

Any advices to improve?

I can share my steam link in private, I would like to take some advice, maybe you spectate my game or some basic coaching.

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/163322842

submitted by /u/sosoxiety
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Priority order

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:34 PM PST

I'm a 3.2k mmr archon 4 scrub. Can I have like a checklist of things I need to do in-game by a better player so as to set my decision making in the right track. There was a priority list posted by a 6k mmr guy but i was unable to find it again. Thanks for the help guys/gals.

submitted by /u/neohail
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Scythe of Vyse on supports?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 03:01 PM PST

I feel a little shame asking this but I'm going to do it anyway.

After boots, then force staff or euls (blink if necessary), with all the smokes wards tp equipped, how's picking up scythe of vyse sound? Many times I go for atos to disable blink and cancel linkens but it's not as good as I thought it would be. I'm not in too high of a bracket, winning teamfight is not an issue but pushing sometimes is. Don't want to go meteor hammer so I guess I need better teamfight item that isn't purely defensive or utility. Also the item's been buffed considerably.

Expensive of course but slot efficient? Build up is not terrible. I know I'm generalizing but I still want to know thoughts on this.

submitted by /u/xxAnamnesis
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Treads over Phase on PA?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:15 PM PST

Just watched rtz in a pub build treads instead of phase boots on phantom assassin, is there a particular reason to go for the stats instead of damage increase? He also went for the battlefury build instead of going straight for deso. Are treads better with battlefury, and phase boots for deso?

submitted by /u/verybadateverything
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What is proper farming etiquette?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:35 PM PST

I was playing a game recently as Bristleback and well, we had a very greedy carry heavy team.

My question is basically just the title.

Routinely I would run to farm a lane and people would run up behind me as I get creeps low and about to bristle them all down and, well for instance a sniper would step in and take 3 of them or proc a maelstrom and take them all.

edit: to be clear on the above, its not like we were pushing the lane together, he would run up steal the lane creeps and then go hit the jungle only to return as the next wave got low and steal some more, etc.. I do understand incidentally some of this is gonna happen. I am more focused on the repeated and deliberate acts.

Similar stuff was happening with jungle camps, I'm clearly standing there farming stuff and people would run up and stand there waiting for it to get low so they could last hit. Not just one creep though, ALL of them. If I didn't hit it to let it get low they just let it keep hitting me and staring at me like they are trying to tell me "Better just let me have this or I will watch that creep beat you to death and take it anyways!"

I am pretty easy going about this if it happens here or there, no big deal. But the entire game felt like I was wrestling my team for farm and basically getting hosed because I actually felt like it was kind of a d.&k move to steal the farm from a neutral camp that someone else had all but killed.

At the end of the laning phase I was doing OK in farm (iirc I started off with a double bounty and first blood which had me set up nicely), after that I just felt completely starved out of the game by my team.

Is this just how people play?? I really hope not, cause it was basically awful and where I was planning another 2 games or so tonight I just shut it off and said to hell with it right now.

This is partially a vent, but I am also just curious if this is normal?

submitted by /u/Sqrlmonger
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I seem to struggle against 5 core lineups. Pls help me analyze what I'm doing wrong!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:34 AM PST

2.3k mmr SEA.

Especially this match was rough: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3603669808

Their lineup seems to be really greedy with a WK safelane, mid SF and spectre offlane, the latter which I was able to deny farm and get a few kills as shadow shaman with my safelane carry void. I thought we were doing great and looking at the graphs my void was at the top of the networth graphs and my other lanes also were doing ok.

Starting at 15 min the enemy team were somehow getting more and more a gold advantage even tho we had a void that went battlefury. having a wyvern on a team and void I felt we had the better teamfight capability but we were somehow losing those as well.

there's probably 1000 small things I could have done better but I'm failing to see how such a greedy lineup as theirs is able to come ahead at only 15 min into the game.

in the last few minutes all rax down I blamed my teammates out of frustration but losing this game is also 1/5 my fault so here I am trying to improve but it's hard to see myself what I'm doing wrong. Have of course watched a lot of purge/bsj/random pro support player replays but idk it doesnt seem to help.

I would appreciate if someone could have a glance at the replay and tell me how the game shouldve been played to punish their greed.

much thanks!

submitted by /u/seadoto
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Why on earth doesn't Brood work (for me) in low-MMR games?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 11:46 AM PST

I'm seriously weirded out by this.

(For context: around 1.5k - 2k MMR)

I've been playing Brood mid quite a bit lately (in Turbo, but still). The following tends to happen:

  • I absolutely wreck their mid. Multiple kills, forced out of lane, rotations which still don't kill me, etc.
  • I rapidly take Tier 1 and Tier 2 mid, often Tier 3 too, causing multiple heroes to come back and try and kill me. Usually they don't succeed.
  • I move into the jungle, take another lane or shrine whilst still doing my best to keep mid pushed in too.
  • Eventually I'm the only one out attacking, pushing in lanes , cutting creeps or trying to take highground if it looks like there's a fight elsewhere at any time, and so I repeatedly see what another Brood post referred to as "4-man spider hunting parties" coming to kill me. I can usually evade 2-3 of them, but if all 5 are hunting me, I die. This usually happens a few times.
  • We lose.

What I don't understand here is how so much early impact translates to a loss - and it seems to do so more often than not. It feels like the space I create just doesn't help.

Can anyone explain why that seems to happen, and if so, any suggestions for what to do about it?

submitted by /u/cairmen
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nyx assassin

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:45 AM PST

Hey guys,

How is nyx doing in this new patch? I havent had much time to play since it came out. is he still a really strong offlaner or did he drop off?

I'm still new to him, is the gameplan still basically get your level 6 then roam around and gank? When is the main power spike you should abuse with him?

submitted by /u/IEatBabyPenguins
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Morphling. dragon lance, diffusal blade? suggestions

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:51 AM PST

I have been trying a new build for morphling. After treads, aquilla wand, I am getting diffusal and lance. This seems to give a huge early game presence to morphling. I usually follow these items with linken and manta allowing me to have huge physical damage.

This is different from the traditional linken -> e-blade in a way that your power level increases gradually instead of a huge peak (e-blade).

Any suggestion on this? Anyone else tried this build?

submitted by /u/anmol4alll
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The impact of status resist

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:12 AM PST

I just wanted to make a quick post discussing the impact of status resist on the game, the main one I've noticed is that Sand King can no longer burrowstrike into Epicenter reliably anymore due to the timing being so tight before anyway, anybody else got any "combos" that are broken?

submitted by /u/69skrublord420
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Can't Push

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:43 PM PST

I've been playing lots of OD, so I can't click towers that well on my own. Typically, we'll win a fight and kill 3 or so heroes, and then the physical damage dealers go back to jungling. I'll say we should push or rosh in the mic and in text, and ping towers or the pit, but I'm just ignored. I try to attack the tower with the creep wave, but I can only do so much damage before the tower takes out the creeps/people tp in and I have to leave.

Are there any tips for getting some pushes together? I'm crusader 2.

submitted by /u/_SupaHot_
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S&Y on Core Kunkka?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 12:23 AM PST

I'm watching Attacker's stream, and he picked up sange and Yasha seemingly out of the blue, anyone know why this is? Wanna know if its generally good or if it was situational.

submitted by /u/mousehero1
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