Learn Dota 2 - I created a drafting chart around my hero-pool to help me better approach games with common scenarios and enemy picks

I created a drafting chart around my hero-pool to help me better approach games with common scenarios and enemy picks

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:22 AM PST

My versatility is 0.04 but I'm climbing!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:49 AM PST

When should I farm jungle as a carry?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:24 AM PST

I am talking about in the laning phase when sometimes they will have like an aggressive dual offlane denying all the creeps and harassing me, is it ever okay to leave the lane and farm jungle and come back when the creeps are at your tower or something like this?

submitted by /u/Braxtapose
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Why are summons heroes considered good offlaners?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:38 PM PST

The summons are always so squishy. Sure you can block camps with them and they do an okay job at harassing. But you basically have to feed gold to the enemy to do that, unless they're melee and scared of you or something. I'm asking this because now that jungle is barely viable it seems like the only way to play these heroes is offlane.

submitted by /u/InfuriatedBrute
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How to play Chaos Knight against hard counters?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:05 PM PST

I really like CK and he's known for dominating most 1v1 match-ups, but there are some heroes that give him hard time - ex. Sven, Ember, but especially Medusa. What are some tips on how to play against them? I realize that in case with Sven you can use Heaven's Halberd and Silver Edge to disable Great Cleave. However I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to buy these items since Armlet+Sabre+Heart and maybe Blink seems like his core itemization and goes so well with CK's abilities. During team-fights however Sven would always focus me first. Now, is there any way to counter Medusa's ult, since it renders Phantasm pretty much useless? I feel like while you still can outplay Sven, Medusa is uncounterable.

submitted by /u/Silent_228
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Last hitting damaged creeps?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:53 PM PST

I don't have trouble last hitting creeps under tower when they're not damaged, but I never seem to be able to do it to damaged ones. How much damage do t1 towers do to each of the lane creep types?

Also, how much damage do siege creeps do to each creep type?

submitted by /u/GlyphInBullet
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What roles (and heroes in those roles) require the least time investment to learn?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:20 PM PST

I'm 38 and only started playing Dota recently. I love the strategy aspect of the game but don't have as much time to play as I would like. I calibrated at 1.2k before the reset and have a group of friends who have been playing since the WC3 days and are in the 3-4k range. Everyone has families/kids/jobs so we don't play often, but I feel like I'm a liability whenever I play with them and I don't want to feel that way.

What roles (and heroes within those roles) are the easiest to learn without grinding thousands of hours? I'm totally open to using time-efficient ways to learn outside of game, like videos (I watch BSJ, Rawdota and have a Gameleap sub), coaching, and drills (like Cookie's guides). I'd like to specialize in 1 core role and 1 support role.

I was thinking that I should play 1 and 5, because mid is hard and 1 is mostly farming, which I can drill efficiently outside of game (I'm up to 67/59 LH/DN in 10min on Antimage). Roaming seems harder than lane supporting, and stuff you learn in 1 helps 5 and vice versa. I can play mechanically simple heroes in both of those roles. My Opendota (https://www.opendota.com/players/94465695)

Related question - I have another friend, same life circumstances, but he's even worse than me. He plays Dota primarily for social reasons (stay in touch with the group) and is less interested in strategy. Unlike me, he plays a bunch of other games, so he doesn't want to play solo Dota games or drill anything outside of game. He is willing to watch videos and the like though.

He refuses to practice last hitting in lobby, so I don't know what core role to suggest to him when I feel like playing support. He's a team player in personality though, and will play or learn whatever people ask him to play. He plays mostly Overwatch and he mains tanks and supports in that game (Reinhardt, a gorilla dude, Mercy, and some Zen oracle healer dude). What should I suggest to him? In Dota, he likes CM, Ogre, and Shadow Shaman. I was thinking for cores, he could play heroes that have some kind of easy farming mechanic that doesn't really depend on last hitting. (?) His opendota: (https://www.opendota.com/players/46087683)

Any advice or guidance appreciated.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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What are good heroes to lane against a Clinkz Bane lane?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:37 PM PST

So much damage plus constantly getting enfeebled and clinkz's long range makes it hard to do anything other than to hug your tower.

submitted by /u/ZeZapasta
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safelane support treant?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:00 PM PST

how do you play safelane support treant? When you support someone else in lane? what items should you build? What skill order should you go with? my mmr is always 2\1\2 so i cant necessarily play roaming tree when few people know how to solo lane.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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New to Broodmother - How to play her now?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:57 PM PST

So I understand the idea of a broodmother sat in the offlane, stopping the safelaner from farming, but more.importantly outfarming the other cores by using webs. Has this changed?

What items do you go first? I saw desolator or orchid rushed a lot, but I've also seen radiance and MoM being rushed too? When do you get boots if ever?

How do you survive ganks now that invis isn't your saviour?

I've seen it run mid too, is this the new way now or is offlane still good?

I've never played the old brood so there are a few general brood questions. I have tried a few games and find getting the tier 1 and 2 easy, but then highground is extremely difficult and where the "inevitable brood throw" occurs. Should I just start going down another lane?

When do I group with my team? I get the early game is about me making space for my team because they have to send 3-4 heroes to kill me, but what about 20-30 mins in?

TLDR: Never tried to learn the old brood seriously. Trying now with the new one, what's changed and general tips for brood?

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Is there a way to show the quickcast keybind over the items in addition to/instead of the slowcast keybinds?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:48 AM PST

Hoping to show the quickcast ones at least so I can glance to remember where I've put them.


submitted by /u/PhysicsMaestro
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I have some questions about Shadow Fiend before I start picking him in matches.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:01 AM PST

I really like the overall concept of SF and want to get better. But I have a few questions before I jump into a game with him:

  1. When is it ok to farm with raze and what early items should I get to help with his mana problems?

  2. What are some items that you almost always get on SF?

  3. Aside from Shadow Blade + R, when do you use his ultimate and how? I can't see how I am supposed to use it without invis.

  4. Mana, Arcane or Power boots?

submitted by /u/Scraprat
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Is Lina not good in the current meta?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

Title, pretty much. She doesnt seem that common nowadays, but why exactly is that? She seems like an ok laner at the very least, so mid Lina should still work. Also, are support builds and a magic-focused build (something like Eul's/Blink/Kaya/Aghs or Ethereal with her 25 talent that gives 2 sec CD on Q) something worth trying out at all?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Seriously, what is the point of smurfing?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:51 PM PST

We get it, you are better than us. Cant hang with players who are actually good? Tired of this shit.

submitted by /u/csbassplayer2003
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What should I have done differently this game?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST

I was playing Lich. Our final push at the end was a bad idea, we should have backed sooner. But, what should I have done to stop us getting in that situation in the first place?

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3606987288

Opendota: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3606987288

submitted by /u/hawkdron496
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Need a little help with Enigma

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:03 AM PST

1) Since jungling at lv1 isn't really good nowadays, does Enigma work as a viable offlaner? Or do you still try to jungle and get that safe farm since the offlane is quite hard to play in the current patch?

2) If for some reason you know that game is going late and your team isn't interested in/can't push early towers, is it ok to go the Midas>Blink>Octarine with the gpm talent? Or is it always early Greaves?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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What to do as support in farm fest

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:15 PM PST

What are you supposed to do in a game that just turns into a farm fest as a support. The game I just played we were winning and would win late (had dusa and am) but they just wanted to farm for years and it was boring tbh. I would set up ganks and give vision for push but no dice.

This happens to me pretty often any tips?

submitted by /u/gallimaufrys
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MoM on Lifestealer?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:14 AM PST

Idk, it seems viable to me. Extra attack speed, more lifesteal, I guess more solo killing potential. Downside is the -7 armor though and we know Lifestealer's low base armor. But, you only need to activate your wounds, rage then activate MoM. Insights on this would be appreciated. I just haven't seen anyone try it on him or it's just me.

submitted by /u/JTGalaxy
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Guys need serious help with a communication ban.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:43 AM PST

No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your public chat privileges temporarily revoked. This is all it says when I try to type something in a dota2 channel, I can type in a game and can share party/profile. How can I check how many time this is going to last? I can't be permabanned forever for getting reported in the regional chat, come on...

submitted by /u/adelin16
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Tips for Ranked Matches

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:42 PM PST


I've played roughly 900 matches till date (unranked). I wish to start playing ranked matches could anyone suggest me the environment of ranked matches and what are the steps to be taken. Do ranked players have the same Selfish attitude or will I have selfless mates. Which heroes to choose (or should i cast the heroes that i can play properly). If any video or external link guides through this please help me with it.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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