Last night was difficult... 7 Days To Die

Last night was difficult...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:10 PM PST

Working on some new animated characters for 7D2D

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:55 AM PST

2 quite unlike questions

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

Hey guys!

I have two pretty unlike questions: First of all, from my understanding, the quality of firearms depends on their parts, right? Now I wanted to craft a shotgun myself but I have only 1 point in the firearm crafting perk, will that affect the quality of the weapon?

Second question: Do mushrooms not grow with sunlight? I know that mushrooms normally prefer darker places, is this the case in 7D2D aswell?

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/OmniZzid
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If I fill in the 1st floor of my POI with wood frames will it prevent zombies from spawning in my motel base? (Xbox)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:00 PM PST

I only use the second floor so it won't interfere with my base at all.

submitted by /u/hyperlite135
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BUILD a Starter Base for Day 7/Day 14 Blood Moon Hordes

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:48 AM PST

I'm running a 7DTD PC Game Giveaway for 2017 Holiday Season! However as Reddit blocks the links, sadly can't post it here. Check the BUILD video description for the link of how to enter. Runs until end of 2017.

Today we're going through an easy, simple yet effective base in 7 Days to Die that will easily withstand Day 7 and Day 14 (and more?) Blood Moon Hordes. As a bonus, it's easy enough to get up even day 1, leaving you protected from zombies even during the first night.

--> BUILD Starter Day 7 and Day 14 Blood Moon Horde Base! <--

1) Collect wood... 600 for the base, yet more for spikes.

2) Collect stone, clay, 400 each ...

3) Make cobblestone rocks. Lots of it!

4) Make flagstones, 36.

5) Simple 3x3 walls with wooden 2nd floor.

6) Don't forget to upgrade to cobblestone blocks!

7) Arrow slits rock as overhangs to protect walls.

8) As many spikes as you feel like outside.

9) Run through a day 7, and day 14 horde with ease.

Try it out on higher blood moon hordes? What do you do for blood moon hordes? Dig down? Pillar bases? Fortify a POI? Let me know!

/Vedui :)

submitted by /u/Vedui
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Looking for a new host

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:02 PM PST

Some friends and I have had a dedicated server we've been renting for the past 5 months or so from Relatively problem free.

The past 3+ weeks we've become very unhappy with their service, server is constantly down, and now it killed our save file so we're back to day 1 after hundreds of hours of work.

Looking for a new hosting company. Anyone have one they can highly recommend? Prefer easy to access server setting if possible, we're going to have to crank up loot settings for a while to try and catch up to where we were before.


submitted by /u/SilentMachine00
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Invisible Zombies??

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:14 PM PST

I play on Xbox one and last night my game updated to Now any game I play, old, new, etc I'm getting attacked and NOTHING is around me. I've looked all around, and not only do I get attacked, BUT I tried shooting all around me, also hitting, etc and nothing gets hurt. I just hear growling and keep getting hit. Anyone else deal with this?

submitted by /u/mmjones29
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got 7days2die yesterday and cant get past "Building Environment"

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:15 AM PST

have not been able to make it in game yet , i hear birds for a few seconds then nothing

submitted by /u/Andrewescocia
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Found a bit of a bug on PC. Not sure where to find a list of confirmed bugs.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:30 AM PST

Is the multiplayer on the current build not playable because of the “gore block dupe” mentioned in the patch notes?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:25 AM PST

Not sure if it's a bug allowing people to dupe items using gore blocks or if the gore blocks themselves are duped. Haven't wanted to play multiplayer thinking it'll have a lot of people abusing a bug to gain an advantage.

submitted by /u/KrazyBropofol
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I feel like the lack of base servers is what’s destroying peer to peer games xd

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:04 AM PST

So I play with friends and I'm from Asia xd

Anyway to cut that short, I play at home while my friends play in a computer cafe. I've been experiencing real lag issues like delayed looting, delayed everything. Their pings were stable 10-40 while I was on a whooping 10k ping. So we tried creating on my end. I had no lag issues BUT all of my friends experience 1k-20k pings all the time. Then I tested out playing in the same cafe with them. It worked just fine. It's as if it were just some LAN game without using internet connection.

P.S. what I'm trying to say is, maybe the reason people don't play so much is because of the lag issues if not connected to a base server (like NA server base, SEA server base, EU server base) I mean maybe I'm asking for too much but these things are crucial for a really enjoyable multiplayer game to work out. And I don't wanna keep spending on a cafe to enjoyably play this game with friends either. This is one of the best games I've played so far

submitted by /u/Phenothetype
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Can you remove levels from yourself in console

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:11 AM PST

basically like the title says I accidentally went WAYY too high on giving myself levels back not realizing it. (long story short computer crashed lost character levels trying to get them back). Basically I went too far and was wondering if there was a way to reverse this.

submitted by /u/eboy90
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