Heroes of the Storm - WEDNESDAY RAGE THREAD | December 06 - December 12

WEDNESDAY RAGE THREAD | December 06 - December 12

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST




submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Suggestion] The rarest item of the hero-specific lootboxes should be of that hero

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST

Pretty much title, I have had a lot of hero-specific lootboxes since the launch of Heroes 2.0 but most of the time I get a spray or a voice line for that hero and a more rare item for another hero. I think it would be a good change to make the hero specific lootbox have at least the rarest item of them being from that hero, it would feel more of a hero specific lootbox.

submitted by /u/Griinty
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Let me chat with my dudes during the loading screen

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:53 AM PST

I was just thinking

Its 2017, why can't we have a regular old text chat with our soon-to-be team mates while the game loads?

submitted by /u/DaStompa
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Had this 'discussion' with the Artanis on the enemy team. Why do people do this?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:36 AM PST


They messaged me after my team beat theirs in QM. I normally don't feed the trolls but this person was especially persistent. What drives a person to keep infuriating themselves even further? It's like they just wanted to find any way possible to hurt me over a single random matched unranked game. Blows my mind

submitted by /u/-BlueOSO-
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November 29th Patch - 7 Days Later

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:26 PM PST

Potential 4chan Leak - Electric Boogaloo

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:11 PM PST


As many of us are aware, the site has been home to many leaks for the game already (the entire roster for 2017) as well as many bogus predictions as well.

I thought it might spark interesting discussion to share this here in the off chance than these may come to be true in the coming months.

For those who are not into clicking links to external sites, here's the text:

"9.01 Firebat - first terran SC warrior, not much CC but very high HP and AoE dmg 30.01 Mal'ganis - warcraft assassin; more of a bruiser, relies heavily on constant heals during fight from dealing dmg to enemies. Think Thrall/Artanis playstyle 20.02 Belial - Diablo specialist; has some stealth mechanics like cloaking allies, can "become" allied or even enemy minions (works like an invisible Abathur's symbiote) and later reveal himself from them, destroying it in process and appearing there himself (so a global teleport)"

Thoughts? Likely, or wack?

edit: Added spoiler tag

submitted by /u/chasedogman
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Bakery on why he isn't playing

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:52 AM PST

It's Unacceptable That the Superstition Bug Is Still Active

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:33 PM PST

Not removing the bug or making it so you cant pick nazeebo or monk is really unforgivable.

submitted by /u/RomanOpposition
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playing against kael'thas 101

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:08 AM PST

Many missed bans. Need visual effect as warning.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:22 AM PST

A lot of my games people and also myself are missing bans because they dont realize its their turn to ban a hero. Possible solution: a much bigger visual effect for only the person who is banning. And maybe add for only the person who is banning some additional visual/sound effect with 10 seconds ban time left.

Please upvote if you agree so blizz gets a hold of it.

submitted by /u/Johanzonzon
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I worked really hard on this – please comment, like and subscribe!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:27 AM PST

Roll20's New Addition: Hard Work over Hubris

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:12 PM PST

Ep.164 TownHall Heroes

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:41 PM PST

With the high number of quests now in the game, tournament UI needs to show quest progress

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:48 PM PST

Currently in HGC, the only way of knowing how many quests stacks a particular hero has is if one of the casters happens to call it out. Considering that quests have become such an impactful part of the game, it would be a big improvement to the tournament UI if viewers were able to see quest progress. This could also apply to things like Diablo's trait.

Similar to the Hearthstone overlay on Twitch where viewers can hover over cards/decklist for more information, HGC could have an overlay where viewers can hover over players at the top of the screen to see stats, talents and quest progress.

I think this would greatly improve the viewing experience on Twitch and would love to see something like this implemented for HGC in the future!

submitted by /u/OzoneFrosty
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I love Diablo but hardly play him because a single death at full souls punishes him more than any other character. Wish it was toggle-able on or off, or even reworked.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:24 PM PST

He would probably be my favorite tank; I love flipping people over and charging them into walls. However, I hate playing him because dying feels so punishing. You come back fast at times you don't need to more often than not, and sometimes it's so late in the game you don't have time to lane anymore and get the souls again.

submitted by /u/HOTSlurker101
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The GCWC easily has the best HOTS stage I’ve seen by a mile

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:05 PM PST

Honestly the stage is absolutely breathtaking, as well as the caster booth. The tournament format is amazing. I also love that they transition between two patches in the middle of the tournament! GCWC is a real hidden gem. It truly deserves 20k+ viewers easily. This is everything I wish blizzcon was.

submitted by /u/XXLepic
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New player here. Can't really seem to figure out what the different laning roles/strategies are

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:08 PM PST

I'm new to this game and like it, but I can't really find out anything about the different laning roles or anything. I'm a Smite player, and on there the roles are: solo lane, adc, jungler, support, and mid lane. Is there anything like this in this game, or does everyone just rotate throughout the whole game? I can't seem to find anywhere that explains any of this.

submitted by /u/Dyllan5656
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First time hitting Diamond

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:13 AM PST

I just wanted to share this because I've got an extra pep in my step today and this is why:


EDIT: Thanks for all the well wishes. Freaking love this community! And to those that say Diamond is like plat or other variations on that theme - I hear you. But it's important to remember that it's all relative and because expectations are greater as you climb, not meeting those expectations feels worse. Just my 2 cents, but I'm looking forward to experiencing it myself.

submitted by /u/mightyzeros
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>Healer/Tank Rewards Similar to WoW Dungeon Finder?<

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:24 AM PST

We have all seen a drastic increase in teams with no tank and / or no healer in the last few months. Having the ability to play 5 assassins is fine, but when the other team has a tank and a healer and assuming similar skill levels this game will be a loss for the 5 assassins in under 10 minutes.

Refering to HL and even sometimes 2/3 queue team league

I am NOT saying to force healer / tank rolls. However: maybe reward with an extra chest, or some coins, shards, w/e.

WoW has a similar system rewarding tanks and healers for running dungeons, it works quite nicely and I assume blizzard likes it seeing as it has been around for, at least 3 expansions to my knowledge.


TLDR: Rewards similar to WoW dungeon finder to Healer and / or Tanks.

submitted by /u/Thaunaer
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Gold Club Recap: Winner's Bracket Round 1: Heroes Named Rich Never Die

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:12 PM PST

Something needs to change about the "Haunted Mines" map...

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:15 PM PST

I don't know if it's just my mmr (master), but Haunted Mines might as well be renamed to "peaceful plains", because no one, NO ONE, ever goes into the mines. Here's what happens if you DO go for the mines:

  • They will take the mercenary camps
  • They kill both keeps
  • You lose minion XP
  • You get a 90-100 golem, which will if you're lucky kill 1 tower or half a fort
  • Lose the game

This either needs a rework, less camps, or a severe buff on the golem. Let's make this clear to blizzard please ;)


submitted by /u/xxStefanxx1
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What Heroes of the Storm Means to Me

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:35 AM PST

Making's of a Great Game

Heroes of the Storm has become my MOBA of choice for the past year. I've thrown tens of dollars in stimpack bonuses to the game and steadily climbed the competitive ladder from gold to diamond. The concept of a massive online battle arena is addicting to the say the least. Two teams pit against one another in a struggle for dominance of map objectives. Legendary heroes take to the field with their unique abilities, working in tandem with allies to overwhelm the opposition.

I had my humble beginnings in the early age of the DOTA mod on Warcraft 3 in 2005. With the release of League of Legends, I easily spent 7 years building mechanical experience and game knowledge of the genre. When Heroes of the Storm released in in 2015, I saw it merely as a novelty experimenting new ideas of games developer Blizzard Entertainment.

The unique selling point is in the rich lore the heroes bring from their respective universes. Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft and now Overwatch-- these world's are full of vast stories players have grown to love (or hate) through personal experience. My personal favorite was the hero Nova, a ghost sniper from the Starcraft universe.

Yet HotS differed from the cookie cutter design of a modern MOBA in many ways that took me a great deal of adaptation. The game featured a shared hero level which made individual player skill matter less and put the emphasis on teamwork. It took away the gold and item economy reducing the amount of microplay. Players no longer had to worry about last hitting or denying enemy minions.

Perhaps the most dramatic change for me to adjust to was the diversity in maps that the game was played on. Each map asked for it's own unique win condition and a player would need to expand his/her game knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses of heroes. For example, a map like Tomb of the Spider Queen, with its small lanes and pushing power of Nerubians, strongly encouraged heroes like Sylvanas as a priority pick in the draft.

One often overlooked quality of HotS is its friendly community. After hitting a wall in Diamond 2 on League of Legends, and knowing that my career life wouldn't let me commit the reality of 8-hour practice sessions the top 1% put in, I pulled myself away from the competitive scene. What I found in casual LoL was a growing toxicity of players whom capitalized on the F2P model, often younger teenagers expressing little patience or tolerance of bad play.

There is still toxicity in HotS, as there is in any game. However I would experience the toxic behavior in 9/10 of my games in LoL. I didn't build my items a certain way? Reported. I didn't play a meta hero? Reported. I think the community of a multiplayer game can ultimately navigate the success or failure of your company. Riot Games is not a bad company by any means, but I had grown tired and irate of the anonymous players I would be grouped with. It was time to move on.

Finding that Niche

Thinking back, it was about in 2016 when I made my first real effort to take HotS as a serious endeavor. By then, I had competitively competed in several Overwatch tournaments, struggling to play with a team similar in skill level (I was 3600 master at the time on support roles like Mercy and Lucio). I needed a break from competitive gaming and there on the Battle.Net dashboard lie some appealing options.

Garnering my long-lost love for World of Warcraft, I jumped on the hype train for Legion becoming the best protection warrior an orc could be. In the meantime I still had a competitive itch, but one I couldn't scratch. HotS must have had a special event going on that made me click the "play" button. Was it the release of Cho'gall? Or maybe Lunar fireworks? I honestly don't remember.

But I do fondly recount the fun of spearing my enemies as Sonya, and prism swapping them into my base towers as Artanis. Oh how enjoyable it was exploiting old game mechanics. Actually, I do remember when I got back in. There was a murloc hero named Murky who became an absolute beast in the late game. He was banned almost exclusively (similarly to Garrosh today) because he would split push as a mega tank if left unattended.

The rush of playing heroes of Blizzard franchises I've grown up with was invigorating. HotS quickly became my escape from life's complications. Even in WoW, I would have guild drama anytime I logged on.

Not Just a Player

It was in the summer of 2017 that I decided to take my video gaming hobby to the next level. I was working a job at an Advertising agency and was missing out on my personal creativity, being stifled in account management people-pleasing grumbly clients. Twitch.tv provided an outlet to my talent.

Now I had an opportunity to put my rudimentary graphic design skills in Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop and Illustrator. I could engage with an audience and have real-time conversations doing something we both loved: playing video games. Most importantly, I found a new community of streaming gamers to support and grow together.

HotS became my base of operations. I connected with people and learned a lot about the game so I could share and exchange knowledge. I wondered where I belonged on the spectrum of educational and entertaining for my content. I put more effort in my gameplay so that I could be an asset to myself and others. The most challenging aspect of it all has been avoiding the mentality of winning and losing.

The best way to play any game is two-fold: having fun and improving your personal gameplay. If you can focus on those two goals you will infinitely enhance your gaming experience. Do not fall in the trap of expecting to win your HotS game, otherwise you will hurt your ego and inevitably blame others for failure. It's human nature to think that we are never at fault. So, to avoid that mentality, just focus on what MAKES the game fun for you.

One piece of advice I can recommend for the latter of improving gameplay is to watch other players on stream, in replays, or pro commentaries of HGC or GCWG. You can learn a lot from finding a mentor to guide your decision-making and mechanical aptitude.

It can be very hard to maintain a consistent streaming schedule when I am in graduate school full-time and work two jobs to pay the bills. So I've been trying to shift my content creation to YouTube and Article writing. HotS has introduced so many new changes since BlizzCon and we are only scratching the surface of these great changes.

I am very excited to see more impactful mercenaries, a skill-based MMR ranking system, the stealth mechanic changes, and even the tower ammunition removal. These big changes makes the game more fun and I don't see Blizzard slowing down on its development of HotS. All the more reason to invest more time and energy into a product that gets better over time, just like fine-aged wine in the cellar.

-cF Tempest

ORIGINAL POST https://www.travismccallum.com/single-post/2017/12/06/What-Heroes-of-the-Storm-is-to-me

submitted by /u/amnestry
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The best way to stop losing streaks is to stop playing

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:36 AM PST

I get a game, a teammate rages, plays poorly. Rank seems fine and general skills are alright, but I always check the match history and see a streak of losses. Clearly tilted, and not performing at their best.

That observation fits me too. Whatever gammemode (QM, Unranked, Ranked), if Im in a losing streak, the chances of me breaking out and winning drops every sigle time. Continuing play is not going to get me the miraculous winning streak that gets me above 50% winrate. The only thing that works is stop playing that day, and look forward to the next day/week.

I think it comes down to a few reasons. If Im getting bad teammates over and over again, I guess it means there are many lower level players playing at that moment. Just going to have to wait for a time when they decide to play something else.

Vs AI and Brawl are amazing modes since I always just quit multiplayer and go here if I see traces of a losing streak popping up. It might seem like tough luck, but I prefer playing something less stressful than suffering from the curse of losing streaks.

submitted by /u/MercCamp
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I think we need more specialists

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:00 PM PST

Back in the day, supports were the ones lacking in numbers, however ever since Probius it feels like specialists took the back seat.

Ever since Probius was released on march 14th, there were 5 assassins (28 total), 2 warriors (18 total), 3 supports (14 total) and 0 specialists (12 total)

That makes 9 months with no specialist releases. As things stand now, we are getting close to the 13 month (1 year+) support drought of 2014-2015. Not only that, but in my eyes Medivh is more of a support than a specialist (at least before we get more class classifications). Before, there was another 12 month gap between another specialist gap, Sylvanas and Xul.

With the changes coming (Hanzo patch) to the early lane phase and recent nerfs to split pushers, we need to have more lane bullies. I think that we need proper lane bullies in order to diversify the game. It is a bit annoying that specialists as a whole became a niche, with the only exception being aba who is kind of in between support and a specialist (a proper multiclass), but only in certain situations. It pretty much feels better to just pick an assassin with decent wave clear than a specialist. So if that is the case why bother having a specialist tab.....

submitted by /u/eryuu
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That guy you just always lose with while he's on your team and how to fix it.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:36 AM PST

He's always there at your promotion game, you've played with him at least 5 times before and you lose every time, you swear to god he's the worst player ever!

But you look at his stats and they all point the other direction, decent winrate, plays a variety of heroes, is X rank in HL and TL.

What if I told you people have different play styles that don't mesh. And can actually have a negative effect on your team.

You might be a hyperagressive player that goes in for every kill! and when you're with a team that is also hyperagressive, it works! it feels buttery smooth, those 7 minute wins.

But this guy, he's so passive, it never seems like he's rotating with you or in the right lane...

Here's a step by step guide on how to help.

  1. A d a p t.

  2. Figure out his play style, is he aggressive, is he floating in and out of fights, is he playing full back and waiting for the enemy to come to him.

  3. Work with him instead of against him, if you're backing and he's diving.. well, you're just as much a problem as he is my friend.

  4. DO NOT TYPE. This age old tactic has never, not once out of 100000 games, helped the situation.

It's not foolproof, but it works more often than not. Hope this helps someone.

submitted by /u/Thaunaer
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Will anti-lootbox law affect Heroes of the Storm ?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:56 AM PST

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