Patch notes 1.0.15 Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST Improvements and Balance- Trap Levels: greatly increased degree of horizontal movement on camera controls
- Trap Levels: adjusted difficulty
- Town of Corruption now draws fewer Equipment cards, but more when Estrella is equipped
- Reduced the number of Monster cards drawn in the Catacomb encounter in the Judgment challenge
- Gaining the token on Questing Mace X now triggers a Deadly Forest encounter where the player is granted their reward
- Environment optimization and fixed some terrain popping
- Moved combat / customisation scene loading to after entering the wormhole in order to minimise loading stutter
General text improvements- Fixed some Monster Card text overflow
- Korean typos
- Polish text improvements
- Fixed a number of Dealer VO subtitle strings
- Fix spelling of Ariadne in certain encounters
- Fixed Equipment card title text overflow (most noticeable in Russian)
- Renamed Blight in Russian, from Withering => Rot
- Add a space for unused Russian 'of' string, so it doesn't display as ?of?
Bug fixes- Hermit's Mage Hunting now announces the correct number of days being subtracted
- Fixed issue where some equipment tokens wouldn't be earned if the piece of equipment was not equipped
- Fixed issues arising from duplicate cards being created by Ariadne
- Fixed issues arising from duplicate cards being created by Dead King Scales
- Fix to prevent more than one Death Mage (necromancer) being drawn in The Cure encounter
- Fix to prevent more than one Tyrant of Frost being drawn in Clan Crowfoot & Colbjorn's Atonement encounters
- Fixed floating sigil on Female Mercenary Garb Armour
- Fixed a bug in Judgment checkpoint encounters where selecting a duplicated wheel card would not remove the monster card from the fight
- Added missing Devastate trait icon to Ogre monster card
- Added Shield Reflect trait on Wanderer's Bounty and Valiant Aegis (they functionally reflected musket fire, but the traits were incorrect).
- Fixed Adventurer's Aide trait text
- Fixed Silencer being able to perform unblockable attacks while stunned
- Fixed Shaman staff FX looping forever after she's been defeated
- Removed possibility to skip to next Encounter whilst Thunaer's Boon is playing out
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