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Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.2.8

Patch notes 1.2.8

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:01 PM PST

  • Fixed mods sometimes being available in unmodified games.
  • Community localisation and typo fixes.

  • Reordered editor assets in the modding project so that local stuff is shuffled to the top.
  • Fixed debug menu options in the modding project.
  • Fixed exception when creating a new map layout definition in the modding project.
  • Added 'sample assets' to the modding project.
  • Added documentation to the sdk.
  • Added 'compose vector2' task.
  • Fixed spices created in the modding project.
  • Increased size of images in the card art picker.
  • Increased starting size of hof editor window.
  • Updated RandomInt task description.

Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.2.7

Patch notes 1.2.7

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:48 PM PST

  • Fixed blocker in Goblin Town.
  • Fixed blocker in Spy Glass.
  • Fixed issue where King's Crown was disabling companions for 5 steps instead of 3.
  • Fixed issue where percentage complete would cap out at 99%.
  • Add some temp translation till we get our next full round of translation done.

Please report issues in the bug forum here and we will endeavour to fix them asap. Thank you for all your help so far!

Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.0.17

Patch notes 1.0.17

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:28 PM PST

  • Fixed equipment such as Gambler's Jewel and Divine Providence not applying to bonus dice
  • Fix for encounter cards with tokens spawning encounter cards with tokens leaving one token all alone
  • Fixed dice target of zero occurring in Peaceful Village
  • Fixed hang when encountering Scouting Party on the last floor of the Judgement challenge
Please report issues in the bug forum here and we will endeavour to fix them asap. Thank you for all your help so far!

Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.0.15

Patch notes 1.0.15

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Improvements and Balance
  • Trap Levels: greatly increased degree of horizontal movement on camera controls
  • Trap Levels: adjusted difficulty
  • Town of Corruption now draws fewer Equipment cards, but more when Estrella is equipped
  • Reduced the number of Monster cards drawn in the Catacomb encounter in the Judgment challenge
  • Gaining the token on Questing Mace X now triggers a Deadly Forest encounter where the player is granted their reward
  • Environment optimization and fixed some terrain popping
  • Moved combat / customisation scene loading to after entering the wormhole in order to minimise loading stutter

General text improvements
  • Fixed some Monster Card text overflow
  • Korean typos
  • Polish text improvements
  • Fixed a number of Dealer VO subtitle strings
  • Fix spelling of Ariadne in certain encounters
  • Fixed Equipment card title text overflow (most noticeable in Russian)
  • Renamed Blight in Russian, from Withering => Rot
  • Add a space for unused Russian 'of' string, so it doesn't display as ?of?

Bug fixes
  • Hermit's Mage Hunting now announces the correct number of days being subtracted
  • Fixed issue where some equipment tokens wouldn't be earned if the piece of equipment was not equipped
  • Fixed issues arising from duplicate cards being created by Ariadne
  • Fixed issues arising from duplicate cards being created by Dead King Scales
  • Fix to prevent more than one Death Mage (necromancer) being drawn in The Cure encounter
  • Fix to prevent more than one Tyrant of Frost being drawn in Clan Crowfoot & Colbjorn's Atonement encounters
  • Fixed floating sigil on Female Mercenary Garb Armour
  • Fixed a bug in Judgment checkpoint encounters where selecting a duplicated wheel card would not remove the monster card from the fight
  • Added missing Devastate trait icon to Ogre monster card
  • Added Shield Reflect trait on Wanderer's Bounty and Valiant Aegis (they functionally reflected musket fire, but the traits were incorrect).
  • Fixed Adventurer's Aide trait text
  • Fixed Silencer being able to perform unblockable attacks while stunned
  • Fixed Shaman staff FX looping forever after she's been defeated
  • Removed possibility to skip to next Encounter whilst Thunaer's Boon is playing out

Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.0.14

Patch notes 1.0.14

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:06 PM PST

Improvements and Balance
  • Justice: Companion disabled turns decrement whenever enemy counters move on the map
  • The Sun: Relics now give specific curse in the Sun (random in The Emperor), Dig Dice target is reduced each time you fail, improved clarity on flood level increasing. Improved clarity of Gold Token requirements
  • Questing Mace: Traits on each subsequent Questing Mace weapons are automatically revealed. Completing Questing Mace X removes this mace and replaces it with a generic Questing Mace
  • Far North encounter: Increased Dice target in ice wastes section, but removed gaining a curse each time it is failed
  • Added a Huge Success to two encounters Wheel Gambits
  • Updated Gambler's Banquet blessing to award 2 Food instead of 4
  • Removed 'The' from a number of encounter titles to make them sort more nicely when listed alphabetically
  • Improved Chinese subtitle length
  • Tweaked shadow quality levels
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a number of typos
  • Fixed Kubarak's Gaze causing Northerners to get stuck after being frozen
  • Fixed some text issues in the ice wastes section in the Far North
  • Fixed a bug where Healing Spirits could be consumed without restoring Life
  • Fixed duplicate buttons being displayed for 'Bash' combat indicator
  • Fixed Blood Crescent health deduction
  • Fixed green 'defend' indicator getting stuck on Ogre and other combatants.
  • Fixed issue where dice tally total could grow or shrink.
  • Fixed a bug where Questing Mace III was applying bonus damage to the wrong suit
  • Fixed a bug with the Lone Wolf curse
  • Fixed a bug where disabled companions could be seen during the final sequence to The Sun challenge
  • Fixed a bug in 'A Stiegal Pumpkin' where Food wasn't given when requesting a pumpkin
  • Fixed Chance Card Gambit issue with more than one Guardian Angel blessing equipped

Please report issues in the bug forum here and we will endeavour to fix them asap. Thank you for all your help so far!

Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.0.13

Patch notes 1.0.13

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PST

  • Improved Russian fonts to be more readable per user request.
  • Enable GPU instancing.
  • Increased range at which companion abilities can be triggered
  • Player can no longer dodge or counter out of the final hit when breaking off armour (caused issues with enemy attacks)
  • Added missing subtitles to The World challenge
  • Optimised Mage and Necromancer VFX and model
  • Fixed a bug where Colbjorn could get stuck running against a wall when his ability was triggered
  • Fixed a bug in Justice where a debug string would appear
  • Fixed a bug in where challenge objective text would not display in any challenge after completing The World challenge
  • Fixed a bug where the gold token from The World would float above the card table if you forfeit/lose before the token is won
  • Fixed a bug where the Dwarven Haggler would give nothing in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a bug in Tarts, Pies and Exotic Lies where the player could get infinite food if they had the Eternal Hope blessing
  • Fix Westwend Tavern Token Encounter having no text description and not text in options.
Please report issues in the bug forum here and we will endeavour to fix them asap. Thank you for all your help so far!

Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.0.12 - Defies Description

Patch notes 1.0.12 - Defies Description

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:08 AM PST

Nominate us in the Steam Awards!

If you can't decide WHICH Steam Award is most appropriate for Hand of Fate 2, then friend, we have good news for you: the "Defies Description" award sums up not only Hand of Fate 2 rather nicely, but also the dilemma you're currently wrestling. You can vote for us by clicking here.

  • Updated Jousting Armour to unlock from the gold token in Strength instead of the silver token
  • Optimisations for game performance during the Precision Gambit
  • Fixed bug where Westwend Tavern soldiers referenced the players sigil (amulet) incorrectly
  • Improved quality of LQ bloom
  • Fixed bug where gold payment was not deducted in Fame and Shame
  • Improve music in the deck builder
  • Fixed the dice target dropping below zero in the Blocked Passage encounter
  • Removed the Equipment and Curse traits from Carriage of the Departed encounter
  • Fixed a non-progression in the Prison Wraith encounter
  • Updated Chinese and Korean localisation
  • Added a Twitch card mark
  • Fixed the Chinese logo
  • Optimise shadow draw distances in combat levels
  • Fixed issue causing potential dead end in Sun challenge
  • Fixed 'battered helm' token not unlocking
  • Balance adjustments to the Lionheart artefact
  • Fix softlock when failing gold requirements on the hanged man challenge
  • Visual improvements to armor break attacks for Heavy weapons
  • Fixed bug where companion cards would become stuck in the player's hand after completing the Sun challenge
  • Fixed issues preventing progression in Hanged Man/Justice
  • Fixed a bug in Strength where a shield could not be equipped after it was upgraded.
  • Fixed 'last shield' not getting updated when shield is unreserved
  • Toned down Thunears Talon weapon ability visual effects

Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.0.11

Patch notes 1.0.11

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:48 PM PST

  • Fixed a bug that was drawing wrong amount of pain cards in The Shaman of Eyebright Weald encounter
  • Updated Blood Crescent to be brimstone card
  • Updated some card art.
  • Reduced platinum effect on Goblin Town card art
  • Reduced size of Dealer's Mark to limit art obfuscation
  • Flipped the Test of Strength card art so the mark doesn't obscure the Ogre's face
  • Fixed bug in the Blacksmith encounter where the companion name was displaying VAR.
  • Reduced combat timer Fate's Dealing Black Knight combat
  • Added skeletons to Wraith combat encounter in the Sun challenge
  • Fixed Lone Wolf curse causing problems with Companion card activation
  • Fixed the campfire in Chariot restocking Food and Equipment when it was revisited.
  • Fixed a bug where the relic salesman would accept negative numbers.
  • Fixed for Justice mess hall text not displaying
  • Increased the Max Life requirements for Silver and Gold token in Death
  • Minor Chinese localisation update
  • Fixed more typos
Please report issues in the bug forum here and we will endeavour to fix them asap. Thank you for all your help so far!
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