Patch notes 1.0.13 Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PST - Improved Russian fonts to be more readable per user request.
- Enable GPU instancing.
- Increased range at which companion abilities can be triggered
- Player can no longer dodge or counter out of the final hit when breaking off armour (caused issues with enemy attacks)
- Added missing subtitles to The World challenge
- Optimised Mage and Necromancer VFX and model
- Fixed a bug where Colbjorn could get stuck running against a wall when his ability was triggered
- Fixed a bug in Justice where a debug string would appear
- Fixed a bug in where challenge objective text would not display in any challenge after completing The World challenge
- Fixed a bug where the gold token from The World would float above the card table if you forfeit/lose before the token is won
- Fixed a bug where the Dwarven Haggler would give nothing in rare circumstances
- Fixed a bug in Tarts, Pies and Exotic Lies where the player could get infinite food if they had the Eternal Hope blessing
- Fix Westwend Tavern Token Encounter having no text description and not text in options.
Please report issues in the bug forum here and we will endeavour to fix them asap. Thank you for all your help so far!  |
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