Hand of Fate 2 Patch notes 1.0.11

Patch notes 1.0.11

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:48 PM PST

  • Fixed a bug that was drawing wrong amount of pain cards in The Shaman of Eyebright Weald encounter
  • Updated Blood Crescent to be brimstone card
  • Updated some card art.
  • Reduced platinum effect on Goblin Town card art
  • Reduced size of Dealer's Mark to limit art obfuscation
  • Flipped the Test of Strength card art so the mark doesn't obscure the Ogre's face
  • Fixed bug in the Blacksmith encounter where the companion name was displaying VAR.
  • Reduced combat timer Fate's Dealing Black Knight combat
  • Added skeletons to Wraith combat encounter in the Sun challenge
  • Fixed Lone Wolf curse causing problems with Companion card activation
  • Fixed the campfire in Chariot restocking Food and Equipment when it was revisited.
  • Fixed a bug where the relic salesman would accept negative numbers.
  • Fixed for Justice mess hall text not displaying
  • Increased the Max Life requirements for Silver and Gold token in Death
  • Minor Chinese localisation update
  • Fixed more typos
Please report issues in the bug forum here and we will endeavour to fix them asap. Thank you for all your help so far!

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