Patch notes 1.0.12 - Defies Description Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:08 AM PST Nominate us in the Steam Awards! If you can't decide WHICH Steam Award is most appropriate for Hand of Fate 2, then friend, we have good news for you: the "Defies Description" award sums up not only Hand of Fate 2 rather nicely, but also the dilemma you're currently wrestling. You can vote for us by clicking here. - Updated Jousting Armour to unlock from the gold token in Strength instead of the silver token
- Optimisations for game performance during the Precision Gambit
- Fixed bug where Westwend Tavern soldiers referenced the players sigil (amulet) incorrectly
- Improved quality of LQ bloom
- Fixed bug where gold payment was not deducted in Fame and Shame
- Improve music in the deck builder
- Fixed the dice target dropping below zero in the Blocked Passage encounter
- Removed the Equipment and Curse traits from Carriage of the Departed encounter
- Fixed a non-progression in the Prison Wraith encounter
- Updated Chinese and Korean localisation
- Added a Twitch card mark
- Fixed the Chinese logo
- Optimise shadow draw distances in combat levels
- Fixed issue causing potential dead end in Sun challenge
- Fixed 'battered helm' token not unlocking
- Balance adjustments to the Lionheart artefact
- Fix softlock when failing gold requirements on the hanged man challenge
- Visual improvements to armor break attacks for Heavy weapons
- Fixed bug where companion cards would become stuck in the player's hand after completing the Sun challenge
- Fixed issues preventing progression in Hanged Man/Justice
- Fixed a bug in Strength where a shield could not be equipped after it was upgraded.
- Fixed 'last shield' not getting updated when shield is unreserved
- Toned down Thunears Talon weapon ability visual effects
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