Fortnite December 10 Maintenance 2:30 AM ET

December 10 Maintenance 2:30 AM ET

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:09 PM PST

We've been having problems with some of our services today. We've discovered a fix but it will require some downtime. We are scheduling this for 2:30 AM ET. We thank everyone for their patience today. We want you back out in the action!

We will provide more updates when we have them.

submitted by /u/EPIC-MrPopoTFS
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Anyone “Failed to join party”?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

Unable to join up on people's games and cannot join when invited. Anyone know the issue and how to fix it?

EDIT: If you believe, truly believe, you will join.

submitted by /u/Koskoz6
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I've created a free Fortnite streaming bundle for you guys! [DL in comments]

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:12 PM PST

I did this a hundred times already. What could possibly go wrong?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:45 AM PST

50v50 in pve, ie raids.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:59 AM PST

So we know the engine can handle larger numbers of players and much bigger maps so why not a raid mode?

These are my thoughts on how it should work.

25 players so as not to cause to much chaos.

Raids start every hour, with a 10 min entry time, this will avoid not being able to find enough players, they just need to fix the in-game clock first.

Like horde bash start players with preset mats. Allow everyone to craft x number of weapons for free so rarity and level will not be an issue, perhaps soldiers get extra free crafts. Give constructors more starting building mats, that's there job after all.

Have a shield like the SSD that cannot be crossed in the prep phase with these exceptions. Ninjas can go past to hunt out side quests to make the raid easier. Think nests of flingers and baby husks that can be taken out before the final fight. Outlanders can pass the barrier to find resource nodes filled with construction mats and ammo, that go straight to the constructors or to a loot box that everyone can draw fom.

After the 10min entry timer a 10 minute countdown starts with small waves of husks for the soldiers to deal with while the constructors continue to build up. While outlander and ninjas continue hunting the outerzone.

There should be multiple defensive points that are attacked at the same time think SSD 5 but all being attacked at the same time.

When the 10 countdown is up all hell breaks loose. The shield expands and the ninja and outlander side quests disappear so it's all hands on defence. Wave after wave of husks from all directions. This goes on for 20-30 minutes.

In the last 10 minutes the BOSSES spawn. 20" tall versions of the most monsters only 2 or 3 on the map at a time but requiring 8+ heroes to take out. Ninjas and outlander can run damage control and go where most needed while the soldiers and tanky constructors hold the line.

As for rewards they get multiplied by the numner of defence points that are still up that way even if you loose them all th are still rewarded for the time invested.

This should total 50 minutes, around the same time as most of the events. And would give people some time to relax and still be ready for the next hour if they so wish.

One final note f**k balance. Let's just have fun so what if the constructor can only build and repair, that's why they chose constructor. Outlander doing no damage it's fine they have there fun scouting and resource gathering.

TLDR: We need a 25 man raid mode.

submitted by /u/Madruck_s
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Friends and connection issues

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:58 PM PST

Looks like we're seeing problems with players being able to connect to games and friends. We're looking into this, you can keep up with more details and updates here:

UPDATE: Hey folks, while we're getting closer to getting a fix in place, we're not there just yet. We'll update you as soon as we have more information.

submitted by /u/iFlak
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Is save the world worth getting ?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:49 PM PST

ive been wanting it for a while and its looks good

sorry for asking this but does anyone have a code they arent going to use? sorry im pretty broke right now please anyone i will suck your toes :)


submitted by /u/SANDYCHEECKS69
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I've been permanently banned from fortnite for "egregious nature of your name"

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:00 PM PST

Around like November 15th i have been getting the message every time i login saying "unable to sign in to your PlayStation Network. Please try again later." I have tried restarting the game, deleting the game and downloading it back and nothing worked. So i decided to email epic games giving them my situation and they responded 12 days later saying that i have been banned from fortnite permanently saying "Your Display Name was reported to us as being inappropriate. Due to the particularly egregious nature of your name, your account has been permanently banned." I found this ridiculous since my name is nothing inappropriate at all. I decided to look at my past emails from epic and saw that the emails that they have been sending me were under the name "SPELLICUPN1GGA". I found this weird because this is not my PlayStation name and Ps4 is the only system i play on. My name on PlayStation is "Sh00t_y0_face88" and although dumb it is definitely not egregious. I am not sure if they got my name or email mixed up with someone else or i have been wrongfully banned but im not sure. Hopefully can get this resolved soon and get back to playing because i have been really missing it.

Picture of Epic games support email:

Picture of my past email from Epic with the wrong name: and

submitted by /u/MitchellHopson
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Fortnite HQ Right now

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:23 PM PST

MEDBOT mission glitched

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:31 PM PST

The MEDBOT helps the survivor up but you do not get the quest progression.

submitted by /u/Arc_ChrisRS
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Blueglo Buffs Useless?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:53 PM PST

So there are small "injectors" scattered around the map which you can pay with blueglo to give your team a 2 minute buff, either (movement speed/building speed/defence/damage)

I would like to vouch on making the buffs permanent until the game has ended. This would be an awesome quality of life change and give Blueglo a bit more depth in the game.

submitted by /u/Ridentlor
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Cant join my friend (for the past 30minutes)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:08 PM PST

Anyone else?

submitted by /u/xViiPeRxl
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For pete's sake, can you please do patches on Monday so everyone is in the office?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:00 PM PST

First global chat is down, ok I'll play with friends.

Then party chat goes down, fml can't talk to the rando that showed up in our mission.

Then whisper goes down, fml can't talk to ANYONE.

Hard to play a co-op game when the entire team is filled with deaf / mute people.

submitted by /u/JohnSutter
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Can we please fix this fucking automod? Jesus

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:29 AM PST

To the mods, the automod bot needs fixing. Every time I submit a question post about survivor sq--ds in fortnite it assumes I'm talking about bat-le roy-le and removes my post. The automatic removal keywords need tweaking

submitted by /u/BrickTop94
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Why am I waiting 25+ minutes to be able to play a game I paid for. W.t.f.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

"Party not responding to join request"

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:06 PM PST

Any time me or my friends try to join each other we get this message, anyone know why?

submitted by /u/FenixWenix
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Bug: Can not play on this platform (PC)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:10 PM PST

So I downloaded Battle Royale on my xbox one and played it for about 3 hours, afterwards I learned that my family and some friends love the PVE standalone version, so my friend bought me a code to unlock the full game. I logged into my account here on PC and unlinked from xbox one, then entered the code, and finally installed. Once I started the game up and every single time since then for a week, every time I attempt to log in it gives me that message. (Can not play on this platform, contact customer support.) I did in fact send them an email detailing everything and I have not heard back in 4 days. I really just want to play this game with my family and everything is preventing me from such. I'm worried my friend wasted his money on a code and I can't connect with customer support at all. Please help!

submitted by /u/tzanthos
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Deliver the Bomb missions are broken

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:07 PM PST

Second time in the last I've progressed through a Deliver the Bomb mission only to find it bugged to the point of being unable to be completed.

  • First time, the rift and launcher simply never spawned. Cool trick.
  • Just now, we build a base fully, trap it, get bluglo, deliver it to the armory, build tracks and.... nothing. Cannot complete the scripting step to start moving the bomb, even with a couple new track layouts built.

Time: wasted. Materials: wasted. Patience: wasted.

submitted by /u/Quixalicious
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Missions not loading correct titles / mutant status

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:00 PM PST

Are these developers or something - or is the game just bugged atm?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:29 PM PST

Do Not Go AFK LOL(thanks chasing)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

Can we get less of these unbuildable hill areas next to an objective, please?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:47 PM PST

The MEDBOT bug is a real problem for the PVE as a whole...

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:33 PM PST

I'm usually not hard on epic but how long this medbot bug is standing is actually outrageous. Seeing how fast things get patched in the PVP is actually saddening when you see that a bug that literally halts your progress is still alive and well. Also, i came from the PVP side so I love the PVP, but having to wait what seems realistically like until the winter update is ridiculous.

submitted by /u/BasedGP
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it takes me forever to match other players on pve after this update, and so many bugs

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:27 PM PST

failed to join party

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:37 PM PST

the party is currently not responding to join requests. Please try again later.

anybody else getting this error?


submitted by /u/bproc
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Just want to give thanks to Epic for trying to be more engaging again with the community even though they knew it was going into the lion's den.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:39 AM PST

They knew perk rerolls getting delayed was going to enrage us. They knew we were upset about the lag issues and some old bugs still not corrected. They still manned up and came here to do the best they could with the crappy situation they're dealing with.

We can say we have our rights to this, but as we've seen from Bungie and EA, real engagement before mass fallout is rare these days. They did well and didn't sound like stuck up P.R. puppets in their first marketing internship.

They're probably working on figuring out the memory leaking and hitching issues most of their shifts and will patch it when it's most feasible. Dev teams always prioritize mass instability above all else. Even if you want to worry about a BR team eclipsing the STW team in droves, there's no way that a hypothetical much larger team wouldn't be put to task towards these issues if it was going to be the best way to deal with it.

Let's try to keep the forums more inviting for continuous engagement and despite the letdowns, show some more patience since we have 0 proof to believe they're not taking these concerns seriously. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Severance_Pay
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