True Dota 2 - Video Segment of a 6000 MMR Coach teaching 3000 MMR Invoker about Mid Lane Principles

Video Segment of a 6000 MMR Coach teaching 3000 MMR Invoker about Mid Lane Principles

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:14 AM PST

Check out the video here!

Hey guys, I got some feedback from this sub that prefers written content at least a summary from my last thread.

If you don't like videos and want to enjoy the written portion I'd appreciate it if you could upvote this thread and/or check out the video and hit like/subscribe!

Below are some topics covered in the video, feel free to leave comment/questions or feedback!

Preemptive Regen

Basically the concept of buying regen in anticipation of taking damage/trading/losing HP. Necessary because waiting for courier is lost gold, far more lost gold than not csing because you're low HP. Especially important on non bottle heroes. Everyone's had that time where they kill mid and have to go base because they don't have regen, and the guy tp's back and farms two waves and comes out on top.

Double Waving

Essentially tanking creeps (intentionally or not) whereas enemy cannot tank them due to location of creeps or not drawing aggro. Creates an EXP advantage which can be abused.

Ranged vs Ranged dymanic, playing in proximity to creeps

Essentially important to understand that having an easier window of time for CSing by being closer to creeps can effectively act as a supplement for damage. In the replay necro outfarms invoker due to this.

Buildup items in the lane

In the video I cover how necessary certain items can be that many lower rated players ignore like Raindrops and Wand and how the kills/lack of deaths they provide/supplement can essentially pay for the item itself (sometimes twofold).

Cover some more topics but that's all I remember without rewatching and it's 4:14 AM! Enjoy and thanks for your support and feedback.


submitted by /u/henry_rd
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Where does Leshrac fit?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:00 AM PST

I've had a lot of fun spamming Leshrac recently because he doesn't reveal a position with an early pick. I've had success with him in roles 2,3,4, and 5 (mostly 2 and 5). Still, I feel like he's in a strange spot.

He is so mana starved early it makes laning against someone with spammable abilities very difficult (namely PA and Zeus). His stun is still super clunky and landing a stun in that tiny spot can be a miracle sometimes.

Kaya is incredible, but is it worth it to pick up early? I can't tell if I benefit more from perseverance as a first item to build into bloodstone.

How often should I be picking up bkb? I feel so squishy late game. What about Aghs? It usually feels very underwhelming.

Should I max out lightning when I play mid and pretend I'm horse Zeus or grab the stun early as usual? His skills are all so different I can't really tell if I'm leveling properly. Is it matchup related? I don't seem to have issues with skill choices as a support or offlane.

Leshrac feels like he has so much potential and is completely overlooked at my bracket (2.5). I feel I've won quite a few matches from people not understanding him. How can I better my Leshrac game?

submitted by /u/Number1DadinWorld
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Luna in 7.07 is OP or am I just hyped?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:34 PM PST

As the title says, I really liked Luna but in the last patch she didn't strike me as a strong carry. On this patch though, I always get above 700 gpm even in the game I lose, and in most wins I get over 800 gpm. I actually think Luna is second to Medusa the best carry in terms of early game, fast farm, tower push and late game. Even though AM got buffed, I find luna better and I don't know if I am the only one. Was she that buffed or I didn't actually appreciate her in previous patches?

submitted by /u/The_7oker
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Does damage dealt to allied heroes count as hero damage dealt in the post-game stats?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:13 PM PST

If so this would artificially increase Oracle's damage dealt stat

submitted by /u/Ace_InTheSleeve
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Razor in 7.07c

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:42 AM PST

For a carry that is picked quite often now in pro games, he sure does have a low pick rate in casuals. Why is he so favoured at higher levels now?

submitted by /u/iForgotMyOldAcc
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Is there a way to improve the DotA 2 graphics past maximum settings?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:12 PM PST

I understand many heroes have bad textures and the game pushed the boundaries in 2013. The thing is that DotA scales wonderfully in the low end, and I used that for 3 years. I just got a new computer and max settings is just too easy on my computer. It's nothing in 2017. I was just hoping I could push my computer more and get better image quality with better AA

submitted by /u/demon_eater
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Denying > Last hits?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:16 AM PST

With the denying buff, would you rather deny your creep instead of getting a last hit in the laning stage? Particularly talking about mid-lane, but applies to others. Is it situational or required?? Personally I would focus on last hits more, but I'm willing to lose a few last hits to deny creeps to delay the enemy's level 2/3.

submitted by /u/comrade124
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Theory-crafting: Soul Ring/Energy Booster/Aether Lens with Meteor Hammer on Lone Druid Bear

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:00 PM PST

Disclaimer: I don't have time to play dota these days, so I spend my time thinking of random shit.

From my understanding, the lone druid bear can use items if you give him flat mana. I could see a very campy way to take down towers / creep waves (at a cheaper cost than Radiance).

To go further, this could work on the "sniper" druid, where the bear isn't used very effectively.

submitted by /u/vb1373
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Practicing the Laning Stage

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:54 AM PST

I'm not sure where else to post this, but I would like to start building a community to do drills with. Just like any other sport, you need to practice techniques to become better, and not just play games over and over.

Personally, I was to improve on the laning stage. This can be done by getting enough people in a game and just simply laning against each other to see how you do, and reset around 6-9 minutes and go again, like a sparring match. I specifically want to improve my offlane play, but if we get enough people willing to do it, we can be much more creative. I can foresee just a normal match of dota being played that ends at the 10 minute mark to really practice the early game from players.

If you are interested, hmu @ or my discord Craigle#3824

And anyone can be my guest to adapt and improve this to make it better for everyone. Let's all improve together!

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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Does shivas slow down the attack speed of illusions and summons too?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:06 AM PST

Kaya or Aether Lens on Tinker?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:05 PM PST

How good is icefrog at dota? anyone know?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:14 PM PST

hi guys, little off topic but I figured maybe someone browsing here has played with the frog himself at some point or heard any stories? how good is he at the game, mechanically etc? any known stories? have a good day

submitted by /u/ScruffySteez
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