True Dota 2 - Tips for people under 3k

Tips for people under 3k

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:19 AM PST

These can probably help some people above 3k, but im saying under 3k because of my expirience when going to those brackets.

  • A fight happening does not mean you have to join it. Some fights, are not worth it, there can be a lot of reasons for that, maybe you can take something better than that? like going for a tower/rax while they fight. Maybe you are too far away to actually help. Maybe you are too weak to make a good impact. Etc.

  • Continuing with the fighting, not every tower is worth defending. If you cannot win the fight to defend a tower, then you probably do not want to defend it. For example if you see your tier 1 tower being 5 manned by the enemy when they are stronger, do not defend it, as you will lose the fight probably and increase the enemy lead.

  • Do not just statically farm. If you do not take a fight, or in general when you are not doing something important, try to be as impactfull as you can. For example, if you need to farm, instead of going to that hard camp that is near you, walk a little more to that lane and push it out a little(while staying safe) and then proceed to farm the camp. Farming the lane will lead the game somewhere, since the wave is pushing, while the jungle wont.

  • Think about power spikes. Every hero has strenghs and weaknesses. Think about their timings, and use that. For example if you have a sven, while they have a medusa, you know that your sven will farm faster than the medusa, and will hit his power spike a little before her, use that timing window to get stuff done, such as roshan, or taking highground. Statically farming during your power spike can lead to losses.

  • Think about your ward spots. How many times did u just place a ward because there was a ward spot there? Not all wards help that much. For example if you place a ward in the enemy jungle when they are pressuring you very hard, it is very likely that it wont help you, UNLESS you smoke once you see the enemy farm that jungle and kill him to regain a lead. On the other hand, if you place a ward in your jungle, you can farm it safely knowing when the enemies are coming in. Think about the ward spot and its uses. Similarly to planting a ward behind a tower when pushing, so you can see the enemy coming to defend before they see you, and kill them or retreat.

  • Be efficent. The most limited resource in dota is time. The better you use it, the more likely you are to win. If your carry farms 2 more creeps than the enemy carry every minute, he will get his items faster and be stronger. So do not sit idly waiting, but think what can you do to actually use the time better, such as killing a wave, killing nearby camp and going back to kill the new wave, instead of killing wave and going forwards to kill the new wave.

  • Think of enemy positioning. You will never have enough wards to see the whole map. Wards are meant to give you some key information, but a lot of the information you should have is by thinking. If the game is 18 minutes in, They have an anti-mage, and he is missing, he is most likely farming a jungle camp, Knowing which one is by using the last time he showed on map. If they have a pudge missing, he might be pairing with another hero to kill one of your heroes that is showing on the map, etc. Think.

  • Think about teamfight positioning. Ill take the easiest example here. Sniper wants to be in the back of the fight, why? he is squishy, if he is in the back he can deal a lot of damage, if u just run at him u need to pass his whole team, plus his headshot slows. That is why you should have someone that breaks the distance easly, such as slark or storm spirit go for him, on the other hand axe wants to be in the front of the fight, probably fighting 2 or 3 of their cores, that way his team can fight freely. A hero like dazzle wants to stay far away, and hidden, so he can heal and grave people safely. While a hero like storm wants to be in the backlines of the enemy, fighting these kind of enemies. etc.

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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In case you wondered, when you Morph into a hero, you'll get all his bonus Aghanim abilities

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:33 AM PST

Source: my ally had a Aghanim's Zeus so as a pos4 Morph I had his Nimbus as well. If we both had refresher we could also have 4 Nimbuses

submitted by /u/DayGameChirality
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The Templar Assassin talent lvl 15(+200 Psi Trap damage) is amazing

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:12 PM PST

The time you get the lvl 18, its so hard to push against TA as one trap can kill a entire creep wave with low risk, before 7.07 the only hero that could kill a creep wave like this was Techies.

The reason why its amazing is because of the nature of how TA works, she gets her core items(Deso+Dagger) then snowball hard the game, when she is in the peak of the her power spike the enemy often will try avoid fighting her(most of the times by splitpushing or turtling in the base).

So if you just place good traps in the other lanes it will make very hard for the enemy split push and allow TA snowball even harder.

submitted by /u/kinkosan
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When you should farm radiance on pl? Is it viable still?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:00 PM PST

I just lost a game with pl radiance. Mostly because radiance makes the game longer, and thats exactly the thing we wanted to avoid. I was against sf sven void. But i went radiance still (15 min) because im tired ofthe same diffu build on pl. So back to title.

submitted by /u/thefaceless_097
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Hard counter for AM?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:53 PM PST

Who is it in this Meta?

submitted by /u/Inous
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How to pull/stack as a melee support

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:36 PM PST

With creeps sleeping during night time, I've found it harder to pull and stack with melee supports. Anyone have any tips or tricks, or do I just need to get used to smaller time windows?

submitted by /u/changaroo13
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Is it just me or does Aeon Disk's proc % need to be brought down?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:24 PM PST

I've had it proc'd from TA traps, one Techies mine, Zeus ult, and even Treant trees, all before teamfights even happen. 20% of your health is hardly anything unless you've got someone beefy like Bristle, Pudge, or Centaur.

So far the only people I've seen it remotely useful on is Enigma or Warlock or just about anyone who just really need to smack their ult down without being disabled.


submitted by /u/Lekar
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Can psionic traps be used to stack camps?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:26 AM PST

They do damage now so this might aggro the camp, so you could hypothetically stack three at once from a distance.

submitted by /u/TritiumH3
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Hey where's that post on new ranking system protips

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:58 PM PST

Battlefury MK

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:12 PM PST

So my game bugged the other day, i couldn't complete my hood after buying my second ring of health (The other one was for vanguard) so i decided what the hell I had a good lane i'll go bf.

Incidentally it was also the first game I went for Treads instead of Phase, and holy shit I did not know monkey could farm so fast.

So now I'm interested in how it changes my playstyle, and if this is something you can go for every game?

submitted by /u/YungVenuzIMBA
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Ranged agi carries--are you going double wraith band?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:24 PM PST

Title. For ranged agi carries that usually build pike and Aquila, are you going double wraith band into Aquila into Dragon Lance into pike, or are you disassembling the Aquila to build the pike?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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Winning games as opposed to lane, as enchantress

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:08 PM PST

I am happy supporting and love Enchantress for the role.

Through many patches, I have found that in spite of consistently dominating the laning phase with Ench (IE. ganking mid multiple times or securing perfect freefarm for carry), I lose.

Has anyone else had/overcome this problem?

Buying tanky items doesn't seem to help, buying midas definitely doesn't help.

Ench just seems to fall off absurdly hard once enemies can manfight creeps, and I usually just end up being a walking bag of gold.

Any advice on how to "transition"?

submitted by /u/q4PoRX
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Ring of Basilius on Anti-Mage?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:07 PM PST

I was thinking about this for a while. In my Anti-Mage games, I find a bit of trouble pushing towers in the early game (just about at the tail end of the laning stage + anything after that). Sure, once you have Battlefury, you can kill the defending creep wave and the one after that insanely fast, but it takes a while for your team's second creep wave to follow up. Until you get Manta, you're a bit vulnerable while pushing the tower.

I also think that going full Ring of Aquila or Vlad's Offering is a bit too expensive when considering your item timings, but if you sell just Basilius later, you only "waste" 250 gold total. If that 500 or 250 gold nets you a couple of tier 1 towers, why not? In addition, it provides more mana and slightly more armor as well as damage for farming jungle creeps.

Good idea? Bad?

submitted by /u/ArtemisDimikaelo
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How to counter Silencer/Enigma Combo as Morphling?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:01 AM PST

3K scrub here. Just played a game where my team was destroyed despite having superior farm most of the game. I'm not sure what item to buy that can stop Global Silence into Black Hole. Usually, I try to bait out all their big spells on me since I can survive through it with Morph + allies interfering, but this combo shuts that down. Am I just supposed to hang back and wait for them to burn their ultimates before engaging?

submitted by /u/HaltCPM
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No Courier Needed IHL

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:55 PM PST

No Courier Needed IH is an In-house league for players to play non-competitive Dota 2 matches with friends! Queue up among 9 other players and draft your ultimate team. Win the game to rise up on the leaderboard to win the ultimate prize! Join today! We are looking for staff.

Make sure to join both FaceIt hub and Discord.

submitted by /u/thepogchampion
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Nullifier + silence counter?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:48 AM PST

As above. I've been playing a lot of games recently where the enemy mid has gone orchid into nullifier, and it seems pretty uncounterable. Is there any way to counter this? I've thought of linkens but the enemy only needs one spell to break it before applying this (basically) doom onto me. Looking for counters for both a core with gold readily available, and as a position 4/5 support where gold is hard to come by.

submitted by /u/CorunRS
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