True Dota 2 - Radiance and the +90 damage talents on offlane omni and abaddon

Radiance and the +90 damage talents on offlane omni and abaddon

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:54 PM PST

I love playing tanky radiance carriers. I'm wondering how to itemize though when you've got a juicy +90 damage talent in your tree, though. If you're going damage, then it seems like you'd build stuff like maelstrom for attack speed and yasha for move speed. If you build a radiance, you'd rather build defensive items that let you survive longer. The two don't seem to synergize well together.

Is this right?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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Is gyro back in the meta?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:59 AM PST

Been seeing more gyro in pro matches these days. Why is he being picked more?

submitted by /u/dmkq
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Tanky viper magic build theorycraft

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:53 AM PST

I just played a game as viper, and tbh, he felt super strong. Not like before where u can just deal a fuckton of damage and kill anyone, and cannot be fought, but you are tanky, and deal a lot of magic damage overtime. He feels like he has the damage, but needs mana. So imo the best is to build on him items like shivas, kaya, veil, octarine etc. This allows you to spam your nethertoxin, a powerfull teamfighting spell(specially vs meta heroes such as storm[level 25], medusa and antimage) that will break, and at level 25 can even silence, using this plus spamming ult and q will deal a lot of damage and slow, and u are so hard to kill that with enough mana you can really enable your team to win.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Can't stop losing ranked matches

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:24 PM PST

So let's start this off that I'm Crusader 4 (2.3k?) and I play with a lot of 3k and above in normal all pick. I watch a bit of informative dota 2 videos on how to play support at a 5 or 6k level (although I'm far from it.) I generally stay out of my carry's lane so that he can soak all the exp and gold. I stack and pull, roam to gank, take bounties, and smoke gank. I ward often and in important areas of the map during the most pertinent times. Yet, my team and I can never pull through. I think I'm on a 6 or 7 game losing streak at the moment. I feel like the only way I can really make a difference is if I play mid and win it for my team; however, someone always insta selects mid and will absolutely refuse to give it up. I'd rather just play support then fight with someone over mid.

The more I lose, the further down in MMR I go and the worse my teammates become. It's literally a devil's spiral. What's the best thing to do here? How can I improve when I have a team that seems to not want to make smart and educated decisions about their plays? How can I make more of an impact as a support?

I play a lot of WW, CM, Ogre, and Lion

edit: Here's my latest Mid game: 3588513712 and here's my latest Support game 3588431631

submitted by /u/Inous
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Most efficient ways to farm?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:29 AM PST

I know the answer to this is vague and varying and there's no hard set in stone right answer. But I'm just curious.

For example, imagine an AM with treads and bf and maybe yasha. I see AMs disappear for 5 min and come back with a whole 'nother item. I feel like I'm a decent carry, but I cannot farm like this.

I dont know what map movements / rotations allow for the most efficient farming. (I know I should focus on objectives too, but right now I'm just looking at farming, to help better understand it). To get the most gold, should I be focusing on the jungle? Or focusing on lanes? Or doing ancients are early and often as possible? Idk.

I want higher GPMs if I'm given free time and space, but idk how to achieve that. I also don't know where to look to learn how to achieve that.

Thanks guys

submitted by /u/Armonster
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In what situation would you get skadi on antimage and also skadi over abbysal on anti mage?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:09 AM PST

Was just watching ee stream and he went skadi over abbysal as his 6th item he was againts medusa and maybe didnt want to use mana void to break linken just so he could abbysal her.Side question some antimage counters?In my 4k bracket I play alot of terrorblade and he is one of my best heroes he counters antimage directly with his spells as well as his playstyle that allows him to take towers with his team during metamorph and ending the game before am comes online,and outscale antimage even if the pushing plan does not succeed.He can easily kill am in a teamfight even while being 1 or 2 items behind.

submitted by /u/shadowpanda571
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New coaching highlight. "Why you lose with antimage". In this video/thread I talk about farming patterns, timings, and more.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:27 AM PST

Hi guys, my new video is here. One criticism I wanted to remedy was that I often focus too much on laning so I thought I'd take an excerpt from one of my sessions on something that isn't laning and talk about antimage farming patterns and this specific example that loses one of my students their game.

Before I get into this post please follow my social medias if you haven't or upvote this thread if you like my content. I'm not ashamed to say it's an easy way to support me and help me grow *so one day I can do have a monster energy brand deal for teaching people how to play dota 2. Serious too.

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I hope you guys enjoyed this post, please leave me a comment. I tried to focus on past criticisms including typos and spelling errors, incomplete sentences, and making sense contextually and more. Also let me know if you watched the video. Below is explanations of some of the concepts mentioned in the video.

Below I will talk about some concepts required to be a good antimage player and not a good creep clicker playing antimage.

1) Farming aggressively.

This is something that many antimage players don't seem to understand. You should be moving in a way that you will end up farming near an enemy objective in some sense. Farming safe farm for longer than 1-2 minutes a time is a massive detriment because moving from safe farm -> objective or safe farm ->splitting a lane will not only slow your farm down, but you'll often totally miss your window for taking an objective anyways. Many antimages NEVER farm the enemy jungle until 25-45 minutes in lower rated games due to poor game sense and understanding of what their hero is meant to do.

2) The emphasis on split pushing is on split, not pushing.

When I tell, and especially show, some carry/core players in the lower mmr's this it tends to blow their mind. The building you are hitting is irrelevant when you are split pushing unless it's a rax. What's important is when you split push, your pressure manipulates the gameplay of the enemies. If the enemy 5 starts running to their safelane tier 2 and the enemy mid laner is tping there, you've conditioned another 20 meters of safe farm somewhere else and set the precedent for a fight/gank that's unwinnable on the opposite side of the map for the enemy team.

3) What is your condition for dying?

This is a topic I've been discussing with lots of core players lately. An antimage vs zero disables except for a lion with blink and a disruptor with glipse/ult literally will play with impunity with aghs/linkens.

4) What is your timing to take which objectives?

In the video a big issue was once antimage died twice in his own jungle and tried to finally siege top, he had to do it with bizarre methods (cutting waves, blinking around 24/7, wasting time) because actually sieging the tower was impossible. taking it 12 minutes later than he should've meant double the levels for the enemy mid, a blink on the enemy nyx, and a bristleback who is totally unafraid and also was able to leave his lane due to taking the tower/map control he wanted/needed.

5) Conditioning better fights if you can't get an objective

It is imperative you apply pressure on the map as an antimage. If you cannot exist in a lane you go to the enemy's jungle and you cut waves right outside their base repeatedly until they have to deal with you. That is how you, in a super hard game, can still condition better fights by forcing tps/rotations and then either going elsewhere to apply more pressure or taking a 5v4 fight/scenario.

Anyways that's all of the topics I wanted to talk about now and most of what I mentioned in the video. Thanks for reading and hopefully watching.

  • Henry
submitted by /u/henry_rd
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It's been nearly a week after the new mmr system came in.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:17 PM PST

How has the new calibration treated you? Anything new with your recent pub experience? I was around 4.7-4.8 before calibration. After that I became Ancient 3 (4.7 still). Even with the new pubs my mmr has remained stagnant over the past few weeks, so I just want to know if anyone has experienced different.

submitted by /u/GrandpaMiller
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