Smite - Limited Winter and Halloween Flairs Available!

Limited Winter and Halloween Flairs Available!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:40 PM PST

We've enabled the Winter Limited Flairs since they are currently available in the game as well as the Halloween Limited Flairs since I completely forgot to enable them when they were available. We will be adding the Ice Mage and Snow Day Scylla as well as the Grim Reaper Thanatos skins later on(hopefully monday).

These flairs are LIMITED and are only available certain times of the year, however you can store several flairs with the /r/SmiteRobot that /u/DrYoshiyahu manages for us! For information on it's full capabilities check HERE

submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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Dressing like dad, Fenrir skin - SMITE

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:59 AM PST

Why doesn't kuzenbo have "Kappa" on his "Cancel that"?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:31 AM PST

The "K" screen

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:39 AM PST

I feel like this should show the scaling on each ability as the only way to see that currently I think is through selecting the god on the tab at top. The "K" screen shows basically everything but the scaling. I can play all gods but obviously I'm not pro at them all. With the ones I don't play as often I'd like to be able to check their scaling in game because that essentially affects how I would build that god.

submitted by /u/Link2212
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1.5 years of Smite favor all at once

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:24 PM PST

Aphrodite fan art I just finished, hope you enjoy it :)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:51 PM PST

Smite fanart - Janus

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:30 AM PST

Found this little gem in my gallery that i didnt share for a bit enjoy!

Smite belongs to Hi-Rez studios

submitted by /u/OracleOfTime
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Thoughts on Assassins as Support?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:44 PM PST

I had a game recently (casuals) where I called Jungle and locked Nemesis after 3/4 of my other team mates also locked their roles. Afterward, we had a joker, our final team mate, who locked Susanoo and also toggled Jungle.

Naturally I sighed, but rather than try to fight him for the role (which likely would have been unsuccessful if he was gonna be that kind of disruptive team mate), I just took Nemesis into Support instead. We actually won the game, and with the Slow on Nem's 2 and Ult, I even managed to successfully peel a few times for my ADC.

The strange success of the game made me curious to try out some other assassins in the Support slot. Now, these were only attempted in casuals so obviously I can't really speak for the true viability of it, but what I found was that one neat advantage they bring to the table is that several of of them have some form of CC on their Ult which can net an assured kill for an attentive ADC, while even gods like Loki of all people can at least herd minions, making it easier to dive an opposing ADC without drawing as much minion aggro in the early game. The inherent mobility of assassins also gives you that secondary pinch jungler if you really need the extra rotations, and makes holding your own buffs against opposing invaders more easy.

As far as I know, the only assassin typically played in Support at actual higher levels in serious games is Serquet, since she actually does have some more reliable CC in her whole kit rather than just on the ult, and can build tank more easily thanks to the true damage on her Ult. But what do you guys think about Assassins in general playing in Support?

I hardly think it's a meta-breaking idea that would see a lot of spread, but it's a fun concept to experiment with depending on the comp.

submitted by /u/thatendyperson
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Describe an ultimate and I’ll rate it out of 10 and include my reasoning. I’ve never played Smite.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:14 PM PST

Disclaimer: I am familiar with MOBA terms because I play League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm.

One of you folks came and did this on the LoL subreddit and it looks like fun. Let's do this.

submitted by /u/Vocalyze
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If we can no longer hide from draugr's whirlpool then make it so it dosn't persist after we kill him

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:24 AM PST

i can't count how many games i losed because of his whirlpool persisting after i killed him.

Edit: Some people don't understand what im trying to say.After you kill draugur even if you stay at the edge of the ship his whirlpool still persists and if you are low health u can't do anything but wait to die

submitted by /u/xbalanque11
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When you think you're safe but sylvanus has other plans.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:11 AM PST


Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:12 PM PST

Alright. These disconnects are getting out of hand

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:26 PM PST

Almost every single game has had at least one person disconnect for some time.
And if I make it through a match with out a DC the game always disconnects right at the end so I can't see the end game stats or report people.
Has HiRez said anything regarding this? Is this a constant thing for anyone else?

submitted by /u/bombbrigade
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So uh.. We broke frozen gate

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:15 PM PST

[SERIOUS] Discordia's 2 range is too far

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:45 AM PST

Discordia's 2 does a big chunk of damage, and is either a solid one second root, allowing her to guarantee her 1; or 'madness' which violently turns at leat two opponent's cameras and forces them to lose control of their gods for 1s, which also allows her to hit her 1. It is massive CC/disruption ability has a large ractangular area which is hard to miss.

My main problem is the range she can do this at. The range is officially 60 units, which is further than most aoe CC, particularly large area hard CC. But in fact, you can hit someone up to 70 units (test this yourself on jungle practise), and is very easy to hit. The only hard CC ground aoe abilities I know of that matches this range is Agni's ult + 1 combo (which uses two abilities), and Janus' portal (which is a far smaller targeter).

Discordia can very safely hit the 2 from a great distance, far away from auto attack range and outranging most opposing damaging abilities, and blow you up with a 2 -> 1 combo which is guaranteed by the root/madness on the 2 (without an avaliable leap/beads). Anyone who has laned against Discordia knows how frustrating this range is to play against (as if her 2 wasn't frustrating enough).

I feel like it should have either one of the following changes:

  • a range reduction of 5-10 units to force her to be slightly closer to use her combo, allowing for more counterplay.
  • a decrease of aoe by a few units on each side to make aiming and predicting the cast time of the ability more important.

Finally I want to note that I'm not crying out that she is OP. But she is frustrating to play against, and I despair when I see her on the loading screen. This addresses my main concern about her kit.

TL;DR Discordia's 2 can hit enemies up to 70 units away, which is too far for a large ground aoe, high damage, disruptive hard CC ability which also confirms her 1.

Let me know if you agree!

submitted by /u/sabrebadger
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Last week I put up a highlights video of a super regionals game and it was really well received, so here's another! This time it's NRG v Noble. enjoy!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

You can equip the Fire and Ice HUD skin when you obtain it... and it's broken...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:32 AM PST

I don't know if anyone has posted this before me, and I do apologise if someone has... but anyhow here it is!

I got the HUD skin early by owning all the currently released Oddesy Items + finished all the quests that were released up to this point.

I know why it's broken, but it's just a funny reward for those who have no social life like myself.

submitted by /u/Bigbangrex
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How to lose the game by dancing - Chaacarena

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:38 AM PST

[Game] Justify a shitty build with what sounds like legit advice

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:23 AM PST

Exactly what the title says.

Example: Attack speed Loki is the best kind of Loki, because with his special attack chain it allows you to get more qin's procs. You can use the 1 for engage and to look like a fidget spinner and to escape when your ult is down.

submitted by /u/HaydenCanFly
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I just realized that "Group Up" VGS only works in assault.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:52 AM PST

I didnt want to accept the queue anyway

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:15 AM PST

Spirit robe vs mantle of discord?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:00 PM PST

Excluding price, which is optimal?

submitted by /u/asgfgh2
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[Concept skin ] The Christmas Elf - Cupid

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:06 AM PST

Lag Spikes on 3 V 3 Joust (XBOX ONE)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:44 PM PST

Seems like this comes up every so often, but is anyone else experiencing regular lag spikes/rubberbanding on 3v3 Joust on Xbox? Every other game mode has been fine this weekend, but Joust has been abysmal for me and my friends.

submitted by /u/creatchee
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Fenrir 1st Time With Ult Cone!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:07 AM PST

I mean WOW! What a game changer. For those of you who don't play Fenrir - give it a try. . .The visual aid helps add time to be more effective with it and you can pull off some amazing plays!

submitted by /u/TheRequ1emZ
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Just had a horrible and beautiful game

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST

I'm a new and innocent player, pls no kill me

I was playing as Janus, my teammates as Sol and Thor. We were doing fine and all that, we got kills and deaths. Basically a normal Joust game.

Until Thor left the game, now this is the part where we get discouraged. But if course me and Sol keep at it. At the defense.

And then Sol leaves a few minutes later, so now I'm the only one left on my team. (And this isn't against bots, and my teammates were afk. Just me vs the entire enemy team) I think it might have almost guaranteed a loss for me, but I still tried. I didn't leave nor surrender, but was determined to win this shit.

So I got my meditation cloath and got my damn Phytagorean piece and started. At first the enemy just ignored me and went straight to the tower, attacking me sometimes. They thought it would be easy, well they THOTH wrong.

I used a portal on the Thanatos and then ended it with my second ability. Boom he's fucking gone. I proceed to do the same to the others. They attacked me one by one, but for some reason I had way more damage than them. And I was already at level 16 when they were at 13. So I won every fight, and ulted the ones who recalled.

So far it was going great surprisingly. I had 18 kills and 3 deaths. It was beautiful and a horrible game. Being all alone, and dependent on my Phoenix. I had a total of 600 Magical power. Eventually I advanced to their tower. It didn't go so well, and well I died. With a respawn time of 60 seconds.

And that's what made me lose the game, although I feel a but proud. Must have raged them. I even had my Phoenix as my friend, and well I spoke to it. Well that was quite strange of me.

Is there some sort of comeback mechanic? Should I feel proud?

submitted by /u/Daddy_Lin
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