Heroes of the Storm - EU record again boyz: 4:22

EU record again boyz: 4:22

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PST

I feel like this game is missing a Draenei hero

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:08 PM PST

Escape from Braxis SOLO clear!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:43 PM PST


All the posts of escape from Braxis on the sub inspired me to try something a little different with the new brawl, a solo escape from Braxis run. Turns out it can be done though it takes quite a while.

The talents screen doesn't display correctly in the end stats screen, but for this run I chose: pandemic, blood ritual, dead rush, gargantuan, ice block, ring of poison, vile infection. Of those talents only blood ritual, dead rush, and gary are important to the run. Blood ritual gives the necessary sustain and turns waves of zerglings into health fountains. Dead rush and gary work like mini psi emitters, drawing away fire in tense situations.

The strat is simple yet effective. Get a few hundred stacks of voodoo ritual in the first area until Nazeebo has enough hp to make Azmodan jealous of that booty. Then slowly push through the waves like an unstoppable train filled with spiders, zombies, and frogs. You still have to be careful not to go too fast because hydras seem to do percentage damage. If you aggro too many at once they'll melt through a 10k hp Nazeebo really fast. Everything else shouldn't pose much of a threat including heroes.

I also found out a few interesting things about this brawl that I didn't notice doing it normally.

  • Zerglings always spawn in groups of 4 but only 1 of those will give you voodoo ritual stacks.

  • Roaches have 50 spell armor and surprisingly high hp. They can tank a point blank toad shotgun that would chunk heroes like it's nothing.

  • Hydras in addition to having percentage damage have slightly longer range than your AAs. Also they annoyingly survive a full round of spider damage with one AA worth of hp left.

  • Banelings will give you a voodoo ritual stack if you have the dot on them when they explode on you.

  • Anub has both of his ults and seems to be the only enemy hero who does. He also cocoons you even if you're the only enemy around. Then the AI derps around while waiting for you to pop out with cooldowns ready.

  • Murky's octograb has a very short cooldown(10 sec?) making him very dangerous when you are kiting a group of hydras.

  • The Odin doesn't seem to have a time limit which is great since minigun Tychus would be way harder to deal with.

  • If you are in the area near the checkpoint but haven't activated it yet enemies won't spawn.

submitted by /u/Dreamweaver_Silver
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[WR] Escape from Braxis in 4:31 by a group of randoms

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:29 AM PST

Congratulations to the winner of Nexus Games Europe 2017! (spoilers inside)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:08 PM PST

Congratulations for Team Poland for winning Nexus Games Europe, only dropping 3 maps whole tournament! They beat Team Sweden in the grand final 3-1, and were looking truly unstoppable.

Personally I was especially impressed by Mana, his mechanics are top tier and he could easily play in HGC.

submitted by /u/Garrox00
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Can we get a stickied thread for Escape from Braxis WR progression?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:50 PM PST

There are too many posts. We need one place to track current WR and the teams.

submitted by /u/raltk
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This is an amazing skin idea for Valla!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:06 AM PST


I would love this skin to become reality in HotS perhaps even a legendary skin! We have the Zerg themed skins, we could also have Protoss themed skins! :D

What do you think?

submitted by /u/TheSammyKnight
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A short and sweet Junkrat guide by cattlepillar!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:48 PM PST

Add The Darkening of Tristram as a seasonal event to Heroes of the storm.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:29 PM PST

We already have a summer time event, Hallow's end and Winter veil. It would be an great idea to add a Diablo event and the Darkening of Tristram would be perfect. This is already and event in Diablo 3. In HotS, this event would be similar to the others including skins for diablo heroes but also diablo themed skins for non diablo heroes. Another idea is adding a brawl similar to Escape from Braxis. An Example would like the recent Diablo Rift at Blizcon where the heroes must travel through Tristam fighting all the diablo bosses and facing against Diablo at the end.

submitted by /u/CuervoCR
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New record for escape from braxis 4:26 EU > NA

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:33 AM PST

https://i.imgur.com/lscTkJG.png Tempo, TWG boiz your turn

submitted by /u/rozmex
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There is leader board for Escape from Braxis speedruns on Hotslogs

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

[WR] Escape from Braxxis in 4:33 by Tempo Storm

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:05 AM PST

Lore of Escape from Braxis – Brawl Lore and References

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:05 AM PST

Hey folks,

So an unexpected episode this Sunday, but a few people said they'd be interested in a lore episode for the PvE brawl Escape from Braxis. A lot of the info here is from by previous episodes but there's some cool newer stuff to be seen here so hopefully you all will enjoy it.

All previous Lore Of episodes


Since Braxis Holdout, according to what we were told in interviews, doesn't orbit Braxis I never went into the planet's history, but I'll give a very brief rundown of the planet we're supposed to be escaping from (or a platform orbiting it anyway).

Braxis is an ice world in the Koprulu Sector, considered to be one of the most inhospitable arctic wastelands in that part of space. Constant ice storms and massive glaciers have created sharp jagged mountains and titanic two mile thick ice sheets, and the planet's unique gravity can cause winds that reach up to one hundred and fifty miles an hour. In spite of the brutal conditions, life managed to thrive there, including the bear-like ursadon.

Braxis was originally a fringe protoss colony named Khyrador, and was the home of the legendary xel'naga relic the Uraj crystal. However, when the Discord over whether protoss should be forced into the Khala (their mind link) occurred, the conflict and ensuing psionic storms caused the colony to be abandoned, and the crystal with it.

Centuries later the planet was colonized by the Terran Confederacy, who began to build cities there. When the Great War broke out and the Confederacy was toppled by the Terran Dominion, the planet changed hands with the government. It was considered by the terran soldiers to be the absolute worst posting you could ask for, with one marine noting:

"Hell's supposed to be some kind of torture chamber filled with fire and brimstone, right? Well, after serving a tour of duty in the ice and snow of Braxis, the only difference I see is that at least Hell would be a lot warmer."

During the Brood War, the protoss under Artanis and Zeratul, allied with Kerrigan, came to Braxis to search for the Uraj, since its power could wipe the zerg of the renegade cerebrates (who opposed Kerrigan) off of the planet Shakuras. Kerrigan cleared out a Dominion base there and fought her way to the crystal. However, other forces had their eyes on the planet, the United Earth Directorate under Admiral Gerard DuGalle and Vice-Admiral Alexei Stukov had arrived to conquer the sector, and chose Braxis as their first target, blockading the planet and trapping the protoss, insisting they surrender. Artanis lead an attack force to disable part of the UED's blockade, allowing the protoss to slip through.

Undeterred, the UED proceeded to attack Braxis's capital city of Boralis, but during the attack met a rebel named Samir Duran leading the Confederate Resistance Forces, holdouts from the old Terran Confederacy. They helped the UED bypass the Dominion defenses and cripple their capitol, giving the UED access to their datanet (military internet). The UED then claimed Braxis as their own, and Duran joined them.

However, as the UED began to tear into the Dominion, Stukov began to distrust Duran, especially when he convinced DuGalle to destroy a weapon named the psi disrupter that could disrupt the zerg's hive mind. Instead of destroying it as ordered, Stukov secretly rebuilt it on Braxis. However after Stukov found proof Duran was working with the zerg, he abandoned a battle on Aiur to reactivate the disrupter. Duran convinced DuGalle that Stukov had betrayed them, and was sent to assassinate him, but just as Duran killed Stukov he revealed that he knew Duran was working with the zerg, and that the disrupter was the key to victory. Realizing just in time, DuGalle stopped Duran and his zerg from destroying the disrupter, and used it to claim the zerg central world of Char and the infant Overmind there, thus giving the UED control over most of the zerg. Research stations and testing areas like the map Braxis Holdout were made to research ways to better control the zerg.

But though the disrupter had allowed the UED to claim the zerg, it was a short lived victory. Sarah Kerrigan, commanding the remaining zerg broods, allied with Jim Raynor, the deposed Terran Dominion emperor Arcturus Mengsk and the protoss hero Fenix to destroy the disrupter, allowing her to reclaim her broods and strike back against the UED. The UED was driven off of Braxis, and later their fleet was wiped out.

Yet as the conflict ended Braxis wouldn't be out of the spotlight. The last of the zerg who fought against Kerrigan, cerebrates of the old Overmind, hid on Braxis, found Stukov's coffin floating in space near Braxis and infested him, bringing him back to life to be a new leader for their broods, as they could not exist long without an Overmind. The newly infested Stukov drew the attention of Artanis, now leader of the unified protoss, who brought in Jim Raynor and the ancient protoss warrior Taldarin to attack his stronghold on Braxis and inject him with a nanite cure for his infestation. The two fought through his mercenaries and zerg broods, curing him (for a time anyway) and escaping the planet. Artanis then bombarded Braxis with his fleets, purifying it of all life, killing the last of the cerebrates and evaporating Braxis's icy crust.

But the purification didn't destroy Braxis, and the large amount of ice the purification evaporated quickly refroze. Now Braxis was even more jagged and inhospitable, with supermassive mountains of spiked ice stretching into the low atmosphere. The Terran Dominion quickly recolonized the planet, but during the Second Great War Kerrigan's zerg invaded the world again. Only the quick thinking of the Viking fighter pilots Erik Snabb, Baleog Grym and Olaf Kraftig (a not so subtle reference to the Lost Vikings) stalled the zerg long enough for the planet's terrans to be evacuated. It's unknown if Braxis was ever taken back by the Dominion or it remained in zerg hands.

The brawl description mentions we're fighting during UED evacuation of the planet Braxis against the Omega Swarm (whether its Omega Swarm or Omegaswarm changes). The Omega Swarm is of course a Heroes original thing.

Regular Zerg

I've gone over most of these before, but a brief primer for people who didn't see my Braxis Holdout episode.

Zergling – Zergling are the swarming, dog sized hounds of war for the zerg, evolved from the Zz'gash dune runner. In small number they're not a large threat, but they can spawn two at a time, and can swiftly overwhelm enemies with their sheer numbers. In this brawl, zerglings fill the same role, and can be cleared with AOE abilities.

Baneling – Evolved from the zergling after a brood of them assimilated acidic moss during the siege of the terran city of Cask in order to break the city's high fortified walls, the bulbous banelings are zerglings evolved to carry a payload of acid, capable of suiciding into ranks of enemies or hard fortifications and burning a swath through the enemy's ranks.

Hydralisk – The heavy damaging ranged monstrosity for the swarm evolved from the once docile slothien, hydralisks can shoot hypersonic spines from their shoulders with pinpoint accuracy, even at high speed aircraft. They're also armed with deadly scythe-like arms to use in melee. In this brawl, hydralisks are ranged attackers that do moderate damage.

Roach – Evolved from the zantar slug, which exuded a slime that could burn through neosteel starship plating, the roach is an armored ranged attacker designed to spit acid at enemies and take heavy damage. Roaches are have a thick carapace and can regenerate wounds at an unnaturally fast rate. In this brawl, they're the tankier of the zerg units, but do low damage.

Ultralisk – Evolved from the massive herbivore brontolith, the zerg twisted the peaceful creature into a monstrous melee battering ram for the zerg. The ultralisks seen here are the evolved Second Great War variant with more talons. The charge these ultralisks do is reminiscent of the burrow charge ability ultralisks have in the campaign, where they'll literally swim through solid rock to burrow into the ground, charge at at opponent and burst out from under their feet. Sadly this time they just charge normally. The skin of the ultralisks we see here is completely new, and as of yet hasn't appeared in StarCraft or Heroes.

Creeper – Spawned from Slivan and Zagara's eggs, creeper are a primal zerg (Dehaka's race) variant of the locust (what Abathur spawns) designed to explode on contact after a short delay, like a timed baneling. They appear in the campaign and in Dehaka's army in Co-op Missions.

Nydus Worm – Nydus worms evolved from the nydus canals, zerg structures that created tunnels for the zerg to quickly travel between hives. Now improved, the nydus worm can tunnel into enemy positions and come out of the ground, allowing the zerg to burst out from under their enemy's feet and bypass their defenses.

Hero Zerg

The ButcherliskFull skin lore here. The Butcherlisk is a Heroes of the Storm original, and was created when Abathur was inspired by the ferocity of the Butcher, creating an blend of the Butcher demons and the ultralisk strain. Now the Butcherlisk hunts in the Nexus, seeking only to consume and evolve.

Anub'aliskFull skin lore here. Anub'alisk is a lurker, an evolved form of the hydralisk strain designed to burrow and shoot large besieging spines at enemies from beneath the ground. Anub'alisk is the Lurker King, and at first was under the control of the cerebrate Daggoth, but after he died he went feral on the planet Cavir. After Abathur decided to start an insurrection against Zagara after the end of SC2, he returned to Cavir to claim Anub'alisk for his renegade broods.

GruntyFull skin lore here. Grunty is a common easter egg in StarCraft, first showing up as a BlizzCon pet for WoW to celebrate SC2's launch, then showing up at various points in the SC2 campaign. While not a zerg himself, Grunty is armed with a zerg larva, a creature from which the various zerg are spawned from. The skin he uses is his firebat skin, which has sparked many people's wishful thinking on the next hero announcement.

Infested TychusFull skin lore here. Infested Tychus is an alternate universe skin where after being killed by Raynor on Char for working with Mengsk and trying to kill the recently uninfested Kerrigan, Tychus's corpse then gets infested. In this mode, he uses the infested Odin, which was a superweapon combat walker made by the Dominion but stolen by Tychus to distract the Dominion long enough for Raynor to upload data linking Mengsk to the destruction of the Confederate capitol of Tarsonis. The Odin area attack shoots scourges, zerg suicide fliers designed to take down capitol ships.

Infested StukovFull character lore here. Alexei Stukov was the former vice-admiral of the UED, killed and resurrected by infestation, cured, and was experimented on by the xel'naga Duran as the cure failed. He then allied with Kerrigan to defeat the Dominion, Duran and his master Amon. This brawl holds some significance for Stukov, as we're supposedly being evacuated by the UED, the faction he commanded.

AbathurFull character lore here. Abathur is the evolution master of the Swarm, who was created by the first Overmind to direct how the broods evolved. He would go on to serve Kerrigan, but would rebel from Zagara due to her motions for peace among the factions of the sector. He uses his Swarm skin here, which doesn't have much lore with it.

Alpha DehakaFull character lore here. Dehaka is a primal zerg pack leader who joined Kerrigan's Swarm after she unlocked her full power by becoming a primal zerg herself. Alphas are another word for Pack Leader. While primal zerg are not bound to a hive mind, many join packs as there is strength in numbers, and they see them as the most efficient ways to collect essence.

Queen Zagara – I haven't done a lore thing for Zagara yet but I'll get to it in a few weeks. Zagara is the first of the Broodmothers, subcommanders of the Swarm with their own sentience bred to replace the cerebrates who initially filled that role. She served as Kerrigan's second in command, and after Kerrigan left the Swarm she took over as Overqueen. The skin we have here is her Overqueen skin, which is more how her unit model looked in Heart of the Swarm. The mechanics of her boss fight are similar to the Queen boss fight Raynor had in the mission "Belly of the Beast" in Wings of Liberty, where she would spawn groups of eggs around her.

Queen of BladesFull character lore here. Queen of Blades was the title taken by Kerrigan after she became infested and ruled the Swarm. The skin she uses here is her Primal skin, while a Heroes original, demonstrates her new primal zerg ability to absorb new biomass and adapt.

Aberration Stitches – Aberrations are infested terrans twisted and evolved (likely by Zagara) to have massive armored carapaces and large claws. They very little resemble their former humanity, instead are large, centaur like beetles. During massive breakouts of infestation, these can be seen trying to break through heavily fortified defenses, soaking up shots while the normal infested try to overwhelm enemies. Sadly this only comes across as a different Stitches tint. There was a zerg Stitches skin early in Heroes's development but that has yet to appear.

Primal Diablo – A twist on the Kaijulabo skin, the primal zerg are zerg who were never bound to the Overmind when the xel'naga Amon and his followers uplifted the zerg, and thus were able to evolve on their natural evolutionary course. While they have the same ability to consume and evolve, they do so at a personal level, and focus on how to add improvements to themselves in order to survive. Also likely a pun on "Prime Evil Diablo."

Slivan – Slivan the Eternal Mother was one of the primal zerg pack leaders of Zerus who fought for supremacy of the planet, and was an ancient swarm host (the boss mercs on Warhead). When Kerrigan infested herself into a primal zerg, Slivan along with other pack leaders rose to kill her and drive the Zerg Swarm off Zerus. With the help of Dehaka, Kerrigan killed Slivan and took her essence, becoming stronger for it, with her pack's leadership likely being replaced with another swarm host named Murvar the Hollow Mother. Her boss fight mechanics worked similar to how they do here, spawning creepers and laying acid pools, though the nydus worms and primal grasp abilities are new. Slivan's model is also the Warhead Junction swarm host boss model as opposed to Slivan's usual model.


Psi Emitter – The transplanar psionic waveform emitter was a weapon made by the Terran Confederacy to control the zerg. It amplified the psionic signals of a terran ghost, drawing the zerg swarms to it. Initially used by the Confederacy in an attempt to use the zerg as a weapon against rebellious colonies, Arcturus Mengsk captured the plans for them and a number of emitters to lure the zerg to the planet Tarsonis and destroy the Terran Confederacy, allowing him to establish the Terran Dominion. Since then it's been used multiple times in attempts to use the zerg as a weapon. Here it operates much the same, luring zerg to it.

Team Stim – Stimpacks are virulent combat stimulants used by the terran marines. They're a cocktail of synthetic adrenaline, endorphins, and psychotropic aggression enhancers, but they can lead to cellular breakdown and other such nastiness. But due to the terran's lack of care for the safety of a lot of their frontline infantry, stimpacks have long been in use. In-game, they sacrifice the health of a marine, firebat or marauder for a movement and attack speed boost, where in lore they allow soldiers to focus better and be more aggressive in the chaos of combat.

Mini Nuke – Tactical nukes are a common part of the terran arsenal, and terrans have often used nukes in their conflicts against aliens and eachother. In-game, nukes are called down by a ghost (like Nova) who can mark a target area for a nuclear strike. After a few seconds and the global call of "nuclear launch detected," a nuke will devastate the target area.

Reinforcements – This calls in two hellbats and three goliath walkers. Hellbats are the transformed mech mode of the hellion flame buggy, and are designed to hold off large zerg attacks and kill light units in a frontal cone. Goliaths are anti-air walkers with autocannons for a ground attack and hellfire missiles to hit enemies at a range. Keeping with them theme of a UED evacuation, the goliaths used here are the UED variant, with more range and power than their Koprulu sector counterparts.

Rejuvenation Pulse – Restoration Charges operate similar, and are terran cubes that can heal and recover the energy of those who touch them, operating similar to these. They're used in micro maps as a way for hero units to heal, and show up in Heart of the Swarm and Nova Covert Ops. But this is probably more of a reference to a similar item on the old Hanamura map.

  • If you go north out of the gate, you'll see three marines fighting three hydralisks. Save them and they'll give you an item.

  • The gates all have "DMW" skulls on them (stands for Dead Man Walking). This is the skull on Jim Raynor's visor. The initial stormgate is taken from "Braxis Holdout" and has a Raynor's Raiders symbol on it.

  • As mentioned in the Zagara section, the part with all the zerg eggs is a reference to the Queen boss fight from Wings of Liberty, where a massive queen would hatch large groups of eggs if they weren't destroyed quickly enough.

  • Zerg will regularly drop down in sacs, the organic drop pods. Sacs are the orbital deep strike pods of the swarm, usually thrown from behemoths and leviathans, the supermassive spacefaring carriers of the zerg, and can insert zerg behind enemy lines.

  • Various background map details include factories, terran structures were mechanical ground units are made, minerals which serve as the main resource of StarCraft which you mine to build units, and creep, the purple living carpet that allows zerg to build structures and provides them with nourishment. The stormgate at the end is taken from Warhead Junction, and has Mira Han's face on it. Mira Han is a crazed mercenary leader who rules Dead Man's Rock, and commands various Mad Max-esque junker gangs, sometimes working for or against Jim Raynor and his forces.

  • Luio's pose loading screen is likely a reference to Dead Space 2's art (credit to u/PawloBurson for finding it). The loading screen also shows guardians, large zerg flying acid bombers that show up on Braxis Holdout, which don't show up in this map. The screen also shows zergling blood as green, when zerg blood is red. Though the background planet is orange, the landscape does appear to be Braxis, and that could just be the light of a nearby star reflecting off of it.

  • Much like Warhead Junction, the map announcer is an adjutant. These are robotic assistants in the shape of human females who help terran officials and commanders with tactical options and organization, and are able to help manage and operate bases, labs and other structures. We don't know much about them, except that they're based off of the programming of the ATLAS supercomputer that brought the terran exiles from Earth to the Koprulu Sector.

  • Instead of defeat, the defeat screen will say "Mission Failed." Mission Failed is used if the player failed a StarCraft II campaign or Co-op Missions map, though after that a screen that says "defeat" will follow in Co-op.

Did this one in less time than my usual episodes, but I wanted to get it out before the brawl ended. If anyone caught something I didn't let me know. I hope you all learned something and maybe the brawl will make you want to try the great campaign of StarCraft or StarCraft II (both free now!), maybe get a deeper understanding of the great universe and its characters. Next Friday is Zeratul, as planned, so I'll see you all then!

submitted by /u/Subsourian
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10 Upvotes as Chromie

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

Reworked Zeratul can solo the boss camp with ease

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:33 PM PST

How to speedrun "Escape from braxis" brawl (World record time!)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:53 AM PST

Escape from Braxis is a fantastic example of how fun PvE Brawls can be. The next step is doing this more often, and adding higher difficulties for those wanting to truly challenge themselves and their teams.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:42 AM PST

Imagine how awesome a Naxxramas PvE Brawl would have been? The possibilities with this are endless, and I think these kind of game modes make for an excellent alternative to constantly adding maps that aren't always up to scratch (Hanamura/Haunted Mines).

GJ Blizz!

submitted by /u/express_sushi49
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A wave based PvE horde mode could be a great way of creating competitive PvE.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:39 PM PST

Escape from Braxis is awesome but I find speed running as a way of making PvE competitive a bit shallow personally. A Horde mode with increased difficulty for each wave of enemies (similar to CoD zombies) would be really fun in this game I think. Would probably have to limit it to one support or have a time limit per wave to prevent invulnerable team comps though. Also would have a specific roster of heroes like we have for EFB.

submitted by /u/mehrune123
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Nexus games appreciation post

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:28 AM PST

I was always terribly disappointed by big tournaments in terms of heroes played and diversity. I am impressed with the plays, strategy and teamplay, as well as individual performances, but I have never seen so much diversity as the nexus games.

I would be curious to see number of characters involved and some statistics, I know these guys playing are not as good as the top teams in HGC, but damn seing some crazy comps and some different approaches than I have seen for the s1 HGC is great!

Keep it up!

submitted by /u/Pandaren22
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does else anyone love playing every "role"? I love HoTS because of that

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:03 PM PST

Be it healer, tank, assassin, bruiser, I have fun playing every role and almost every hero, it seems like there's always a way to improve and I always feel useful. I don't feel that way with other MOBAs. <3 this game

submitted by /u/sakisaur
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Sonya is overtuned

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:39 AM PST

Sonya is picked in 90% of my games and she feels very overbearing to play against. She is just too good at everything:

  • Solo laning/waveclear. Sonya shits on most other solo laners, her waveclear and sustain are incredible and she deals a ton of damage with her Q and follow up AA. She is also not limited by mana so she has one less reason to go back to base which means she can always be in lane soaking XP.

  • PvE. She is also an incredibly good jungler, being able to easily get most camps in the game by herself. Not only does this make her good for getting mercs, this also makes her incredibly good for most objectives in the game (infernal shrines, garden of terror, blackheart's bay - to name a few).

  • Team fight. Her poisoned spear and focused attack combo does too much damage to one target, with either of her ults she can bring a squishy to sub-20% HP. Then she can whirlwind on top of everyone to deal damage (quite a lot with Wrath) and heal herself up. She deals assassin level damage while still retaining a lot of tankiness and sustain.

  • Mobility. While she does not have tracer/genji levels of mobility, she still can move around quite a lot. Her trait gives her +10% MS when using abilities which makes her slightly faster than average. Her whirlwind allows her to move through units which is often overlooked but is quite a useful and powerful mobility tool. She has a gap-closer and conditional escape on her Q provided that she hits an enemy unit with it, and can spec into it at 13 to make it an unconditional escape at a lower CD. Then she also has Leap to move around half a screen.

In short, she brings everything to the table while barely having drawbacks. Sonya is never a bad choice for a draft, and that is reflected in her popularity in high level and competitive games. I just checked hotslogs to look at her stats after writing this post and apparently she has the highest win rate right now with the third highest popularity. I think she definitely deserves a nerf - I am tired of always feeling like I need to pick her or having to face off against her.

submitted by /u/-CURL-
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Malfurion needs the Uther treatment

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:24 AM PST

Uther after his rework felt not only amazing, but it felt like playing a Paladin, with the new talents (the best exemple being Benediction), the removal/rework of outdated talents like the new cleanse and the armor that he gives.

Malfurion need something like this, a big rework that makes him feel more like a druid, we need the removal or rework of Scouting Drone and Ice Block, we need a rework on Tranquility to make it more impactful and interesting, etc...

It's about time our old druid get some love, and with the upcoming Chrismas skin for Malfurion, it would be the perfect time to make him a 2017 hero.

submitted by /u/Griinty
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Can we keep Escape from Braxis in custom game map pool?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:14 PM PST

I really enjoyed it and while it may only be a basic version without any features, I would still love to keep it around.


submitted by /u/gutscheinmensch
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Nature documentary

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:41 AM PST

Blizzard, when you release a Draenei Hero, release one with a Zangarmarsh map.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:39 PM PST

They are both blue, and both came in the burning crusade expansion.

We need a warcraft map. We need a Draenei hero.

This is the only way it can happen. Any other creative decision would be overwhelmingly inferior.

Also, it doesn't have anything to do with Zangarmarsh being my favorite area in World of Warcraft.

I trust you to make the right choice, B.

I'll be waiting.

submitted by /u/Tynack
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