Smite - KONO TERRA DA (MS Paint)


Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:09 AM PST

Ra cannot cleanse Horrific slow with ult.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:20 PM PST

First Tryyyy

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:30 PM PST

PainDeViande's Advanced Ganesha Guide

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:47 PM PST

PainDeViande has released his Advanced Ganesha Guide.

Advanced Ganesha Guide

submitted by /u/TeamVigilantGG
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Jumpin on the bandwagon with a Terra Skin Concept

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:45 PM PST

Wolfy's Tyr & Xing Tian sick Alley-oops

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:30 AM PST

He Bo wont be having any of Ganesha's obstacles...

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:43 AM PST

Never change Smite community

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:14 AM PST

Bakasura can eat No Wa statues, and Even enemy Baka regurgitated minions.... But not Kuzenbos nene kappa?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:36 PM PST

Essentially the title, just found it curious.

submitted by /u/Goremaster96
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New CC Immunity graphic?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:35 PM PST

Can we get a new design for CC immunity? I feel like a lot of the animations for ultimates and other abilities that grant you CC immunity would look a lot better without glowing yellow, is there anything that would be as obvious other than a new color covering the entire model?

submitted by /u/ProtoSprinkles
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My Shadows Over Hercopolis Art Contest Entry

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:47 AM PST

Speaking Different Languages on Smite

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:03 PM PST

I just want to know what the popular opinion is on Smite when it comes to people not speaking English on Smite. I want to know mainly as an NA player since the languages are less variant but I would love to hear from EU side as well

As someone who is multi-lingual I still find it rather annoying when I am playing on NA servers and I am greeted with people who are speaking a different language the entire game. I don't really care if it is between two friends playing together but when it comes to call outs, roles, and thing basically that are directed to other people that the VGS does not clearly cover then it should be common sense to use a commonly spoken language in NA which is English. Recently, I have been getting into queues that are around 6-7 minutes long and after this extremely long queue I am greeted with people who do not speak the smallest amount of coherent English. This is something I see across both rank and casual and I feel as though players should come into the game knowing enough English. They don't have to become masters of the language but just enough to create an enjoyable experience for everyone.

I know some games and platforms that makes it a requirement to speak English or at least know English. I don't want to really isolate anyone when it comes to playing a game but I also wouldn't want to make the game less enjoyable for anyone. As much as i enjoy a game i wouldn't jump into a Japanese dominant/only server and only communicate in English.

submitted by /u/Kiyonorii
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Is anybody else getting 10 min+ casual queues?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:22 PM PST

EU btw

submitted by /u/Bumlords
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What is your dream cross-pantheon skin(s)?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:48 AM PST

Telkhines Ring - Strange interactions and should you build it

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

Hey guys, DukeSloth here.

Telkhines Ring is an item that doesn't seem to be built at all and doesn't really seem to garner any attention. I too have given it flack but is it actually as bad as we think or is there some value to it? Today I'd like to explore the possibilities of Telkhines Ring in mage builds and whether or not it is worth building.

For those who don't know, Telkhines Ring is a 2400 gold item that provides the user with 70 magical power and 10% movement speed in addition to a passive that increases your magical power by 20 per stack (maximum of 3 stacks) whenever you damage an enemy god with an ability. Looking at the stats, it doesn't seem so bad of an item- it can give up to 130 magical power for 2400 gold, which will be available sooner compared to Book of Thoth. It also has movement speed which is helpful for low mobility gods who would really benefit off of not only magical power but also the movement speed. Taking a look at its passive, you'd be right to assume that gods with abilities that hit multiple times would best benefit from it but does it actually work out?

To start off, I went and built Telkhines Ring on every mage on Jungle Practice to see if there where any strange interactions between the item's passive and the god's abilities. I'd like to note that multiple instances of damage from abilities WILL stack the item's passive (also hitting multiple enemy gods with one ability will grant more than 1 stack) but what I found out when testing is that some abilities will not convert the extra power from the stacks when the ability is still ticking with damage. This is important to know because it will affect how well you can use the item. And with that let's begin!

One strange thing I want to mention is that AOE abilities (any ability that can hit multiple gods) is very weird. Ones that hit multiple gods but one at a time, will deal more damage to the last enemies hit since they will have gained stacks of Telkhines Ring.

Now this is obvious to occur but not all abilities follow this logic. Some abilities will only deal damage based on the player's power at the time of casting.

And if things weren't strange enough, abilities that hit multiple gods at the same time are even stranger. I can't figure out how it works but it appears that Telkhines Ring stacks will apply but to seemingly random gods. Some gods will take damage as if the enemy mage didn't have a stack and some will take damage as if there was three stacks.

God Interactions

•Discordia: All abilities work as intended.

•Agni: Combustion does not work with Telkhines Ring (unless the stacks were already gained before the damage went through- this is the case for other abilities that don't work with this item). Noxious Fumes does work with it. Flame Wave will only gain extra damage on the last gods hit by it. Path of Flames will only apply the extra damage to the last gods hit.

•Ah Puch: His 3 is strange since the first tick will work as if it had no stacks (as expected) but all ticks of damage afterwards act as if they had only one stack. His ultimate does gain TR's damage increase.

•Anubis: Works on all damaging abilities as intended.

•Ao Kuang: Works well with Dragon Call. Executing an enemy will also yield a stack of TR.

•Aphrodite: Love Birds only gains extra healing from TR stacks but not extra damage unless stacks are already gained before you damage an enemy.

•Chang'e: All 3 of her damaging abilities will apply extra damage and healing as intended.

•Chronos: All of his damaging abilities work as intended.

•Freya: All of her damaging abilities work as intended.

•Hades: All of his damaging abilities work as intended.

•He Bo: All of his damaging abilities work as intended.

•Hel: All of her damaging and healing abilities work as intended.

•Isis: All of her damaging and healing abilities work as intended.

•Janus: All of his damaging abilities work as intended. The secondary tick of damage from his 2 will act as if gained a stack of TR.

•Kukulkan: TR does not apply on neither the damage applied in the tornado and also not on the secondary tornado damage unless stacks were gained before damaging an enemy.

•Nox: TR doesn't work on her 1 nor ult unless stacks were gained before hand- but strangely works for her dash.

•Nu Wa: Works for her 1. Her ult has a very weird interaction in which it's damage is varies seemingly randomly.

•Poseidon: Works as intended. Weirdly enough the outer damage for his ultimate takes into account before the center damage (not all at once) so the center damage will always be affected by one stack minimum.

•Ra: Works as intended.

•Raijin: Works as intended for most of his abilities but Raiju is strange in that similar to Ah Puch's 3, that all ticks of damage after the first will act as if the only had one stack.

•Scylla: Works as intended.

•Sol: Works for her 1, 2, and ult but not for her 3.

•The Morrigan: Her 2 gets the extra damage from TR even if an ally procs it.

•Thoth: Works as intended.

•Vulcan: doesn't work on turret BUT any stacks gained will affect its damage.

•Zeus: works as intended- his 3 will only apply damage with the stacks to the most recent gods that gained static charges. Very strange.

•Zhong Kui: does not work on his 1 but works on his ult.

Who can use it? And who can't?

In my opinion, I believe that Ah Puch, Anubis, Freya, Poseidon and Raijin can all viably build this item.

-Ah Puch benefits off of the movement speed because of his lack of mobility and can keep the passive stacked continuously due to not only the spammy nature of his abilities but also due to Fleeting Breath and Empty the Crypts being able to damage continuously over time which also helps maintain the passive.

-Anubis because he also benefits off of the movement speed and due to all of his damaging abilities having multiple ticks of damage, he can keep the passive maintained consistently and his abilities also work well with TR.

-Freya because she also benefits from movement speed due to no true escape ability, the high power makes a huge difference in terms of burst and DPS for her, and she can also keep it stacked often with both her 1 and 2 stacking it. Plus all three of her damaging abilities work well with TR. And the power she gains will also contribute towards her basic attack scalings (since TR gives you power which is used by your basic attacks too)

-Poseidon is an excellent candidate due to having not only AOE abilities but also multi-hit abilities and also abilities that work well with TR and he also loves the movement speed.

-All of Raijin's abilities can stack TR but also most of them work well with it. And he can also keep TR's passive online consistently due to not only multi-hit abilities from his 1, 2, and 4 but also a DOT from his 2.

Other gods that could use it are Ao Kuang, Kukulkan, Nox, Thoth, Zeus, and Zhong Kui. They can definitely build it and get value from it but there are better options that may be more appealing.

Mages that I definitely wouldn't built it on are Agni, Aphrodite, Chang'e, Hades, Hel, Janus, Nu Wa, Ra, Scylla, and Sol (I swear to god if I see anyone build it on Sol). These mages don't use it as well as other mages due to have poor interactions with TR, or not having enough instances of damage or those mages may have much much better alternatives. Sol for example, has her main damaging ability Stellar Burst, with only two instances of damage, one tick which will benefit from no stacks and one tick will benefit off of one stack- her 1 and 3 can stack it but it is too unreliable and then you have your ultimate, which if you can only get an item's full effect on your ultimate, why build it? (similar to why you don't build Spear of the Magus on Hades).

With all of this being said, even on the gods that can use it well, I'd like to say that this doesn't mean that you should always build it on them. Freya and Anubis for example could get more value from Bancroft's Talon for example as not only does it give them 100 consistent magical power but also some lifesteal, which some players would find more value in than 10% movement speed.

And with that, thank you for reading. This is DukeSloth, out.

submitted by /u/RedditDann
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What hunters and/or mages autos does it feel the easiest to hit with to you?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:59 PM PST

For me, it has to be Cern and poseidon hands down.

submitted by /u/KohakuHagane
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Old clash map

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:54 AM PST

Anyone miss the old clash map the new one is so bland and boring

submitted by /u/Dj_street_meat
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Scoreboard crashing the game (Console)

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:34 AM PST

Anybody else having a issue with the scoreboard crashing the game? Doesn't happen everytime but it happened to me 3 times yesterday. The only fix is to close Smite and rejoin the game, which is just a Deserter Penalty waiting to happen. Not to mention the impact it could have on the current game with your team being a man down as you rejoin the game.

Checking what everyone else is building, what Actives they have etc is necessary so it's not like i can just stop opening the scoreboard!

submitted by /u/DeathBringerRage
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Damage to the map

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:43 PM PST

So smite is great and all but wouldn't it be great if there could be map damage? Let's say Agni's flames and ult scarred the floor and burned the trees for ther rest of the match or Ymir's freeze and ult froze the plants nearby and made the ground slippery with ice. It wouldn't necesarilly need to change gameplay but would be aesthically pleasing.

submitted by /u/marrrcs
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If God Ults were full power

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:09 AM PST

It always bothered me that ultimates, which you'd think would be absolutely awe-inspiring, are usually pretty simple. I expected Cabrakan to tear the earth asunder, but instead he... puts up a wall. I get they aren't at their max potential anymore, but I've still been wondering what it might be like if a God really showed their stuff. A few came to mind.

Zeus: Same as before, except now it covers the entire battlefield.

Nox: Gets Xbalanque's ult.

Apollo: Drops the sun along with his chariot when he lands. Any Hou Yis present will get kill credit.

Skadi: The entire area gets winter-themed and all players are slowed. If applicable, a player's God is forced into their holiday skin.

Geb: Splits the map in half.

Xing Tian: His passive becomes 'literally cannot die'.

Any other ideas? Doesn't necessarily have to be their ults.

submitted by /u/BurningFox52
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Morrigan In Duel

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:16 PM PST

Is Devos bad on Izanami?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:59 PM PST

Does anybody know when the gem sale ends?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:53 PM PST

I️ want to buy some gems but I️ am currently on vacation and I️ want to buy them through steam. I️ get back on Tuesday which is when the sale ends but does anyone know if it ends at a specific time? Thank you.

submitted by /u/imaboss90
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The last god you played used their ultimate at you. How fucked are you now?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:54 PM PST

I'm a guardian main and I really enjoy playing as Khepri. Here is my build, what do you think?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST

All in order

Leaving fountain: - watchers gift - shoes - 6 pots (varies)

Main build: - Shoes of Focus - Heartward Amulet - Sovereignty - Gauntlet of Thebes

Cool Down Reduction: - Genji's Guard or Breastplate of Valor

Crowd Control Reduction: - Bulwark of Hope or Spirit Robe

Depending on the game: - Pestilence or Winged Blade

I've been really in to Smite lately and I'm going to start playing ranked, before I do I want to understand builds and items proficient.

submitted by /u/Rizzo-K2
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