Heroes of the Storm - Getting Leaver status because the server crashed isn't acceptable.

Getting Leaver status because the server crashed isn't acceptable.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:42 AM PST

Title, basically. EU derped and now a bunch of people got leaver status.

submitted by /u/Sylvanas_only
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Battlerite has an option called "Strict Matchmaking", which makes queue time longer but ensures a balanced match.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:49 AM PST

Why isn't this in HotS yet? It really is a problem at higher ranks, even in QM and UR.

EDIT: And best of all, it's optional. People who don't like long queue times don't have to suffer them.

submitted by /u/lemindhawk
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Why does Malfurion have a scouting DRONE?!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:32 AM PST

I've been thinking about this for a loooong time. What does our beloved Malf have anything to do with a drone? I have no answers. I would understand if it was an owl or a wisp or anything else at all (a chicken? why, a scouting ninja chicken would be awesome), but no, you had to go for a drone. Please either enlighten me about the relationship between Malfurion and a drone or please make Blizzard replace it ahem with a chicken. A scouting ninja chicken. Also flying.

submitted by /u/larjulan
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Why again do we not have automated tournaments in HotS? They were so fun in Warcraft 3

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:20 AM PST

is it that the technology isnt there yet despite it being available in a 20 year old game

submitted by /u/DankDiarrheaDrinker
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I just cannot believe they didn't mention Escape from Braxis at Blizzcon

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:18 AM PST

This Blizzcon was really underwhelming with two heroes that were long leaked and some other announcements that were incredibly mixed. I mean performance based MMR, the stealth changes and the siege changes may turn out to be good changes to the game, but at the moment there's no real way of knowing. So it was pretty hard to be excited for the blizzcon announcements.

Escape from Braxis would have saved Blizzcon for me :/ That's what it lacked. An actually exciting gameplay improvement a new game mode. And the brawl itself is very cool for Blizz fans. People mention how it makes them think of Warchasers and it's not an unjustified sentiment. A lot of us are Warcraft 3 fans that were around in those epic modding days -.-

submitted by /u/vexorian2
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Can you spot the real Samuro? The illusion master? the trickster himself ?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:26 PM PST

can you see the sarcasm ? https://imgur.com/a/RCSdm

submitted by /u/JoweTV
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Warning about the Tempo Storm website

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:20 PM PST

A few days ago I was at the Tempo Storm website because I was trying to refresh my memory of who I played against them in quick match (post here). Normally, I run Firefox with Noscript to disable scripts, but it has gone through a huge UI "nerf" with a recent patch so I wasn't sure how to enable specific parts of the website. I figured they were safe being a famous esports team and so I enabled all scripts for the website (since you can't see anything really without some scripts on it - their choice). I got a cross-site scripting/XSS warning from NoScript - which I blocked.

Anyway, after that I would constantly get a XSS/Cross-site scripting warning from NoScript every time I opened my browser which always opens to the last page I was at - and it was a different non-Tempo Storm page every time. It was trying to take me from Tempo Storm to a website with an unknown url (NoScript identified it as "..."). This was extremely unusual behavior since you don't normally get warnings for websites you aren't actually visiting.

Nothing on the virus scanner. Downloaded an anti-adware program which deleted a folder called C:\END (google that if you want to see my concern) on my hard drive which appears to have solved the problem. Not sure if anything else has been infected since viruses can be so stealthy and hard to get rid of these days.

I hope I just caught a slight attempt at infection, with NoScript stopping it, but I won't be sure for a while (if ever).

Feel free to check my post history to see I'm not a random troll. Also, I subscribed to Fan's twitch stream for a month, who is currently a member of Tempo Storm. No bad feelings for the guys, just their website is risky right now.

submitted by /u/JanusJames
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Congrats Blizz, you did it

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

I Beta tested Wings of Liberty and it was the best time of my life. I played the campaign and it was the best time of my life. I played the new Brawl, and it made me want to replay WOL, to replicate the best time of my life.

Thanks blizz, you weaponized nostalgia.

submitted by /u/SiNBooty
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HOTS and OneDrive

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:40 AM PST

If you're getting ping spikes and high latency in HOTS but not in other games, you might want to check your OneDrive settings. Windows 10 defaults the "Documents" folder to sync via OneDrive if you have one, and HOTS stores replays there.

I reformatted recently and could not for the life of me figure out why I had 200-300 ping in HOTS when every other game was fine. Turned out, my OneDrive was trying to sync my replays as HOTS saved them.

Stupid I know, but I've been a gamer and in IT for my whole life and this one eluded me for almost two weeks before I figured out what the issue was lol.

submitted by /u/MetalMusicMan
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When the RIP-tire hits just right

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:23 PM PST

Junkrat to the rescue once again!


submitted by /u/BottledSanity
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Who Is: Prime Evil Diablo? A Diablo Lore Post

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:09 AM PST

Hey hey!

So, as I've been saying for a couple weeks now, we'll be finishing off my Diablo Lore posts for the next month with Prime Evil Diablo, ending a three-week series on the big guy himself. I'll be honest, this post may end up looking a little rushed, but I really REALLY need to study for my exams and honestly, I'd rather lose karma than GPA. But, that doesn't mean it won't be at least decent quality, it just may not go as finely detailed as some of my other posts. Another reason is honestly, Prime Evil Diablo is among the best visual designs of any Diablo series boss (literally, I only feel like Leoric has a better look than this monster), but the lore is absolutely dreadful in transitioning from "Diablo is gone forever" to "Diablo is alive again", with so much previous lore basically being thrown away in order to make this cool boss design. But alas, we'll quickly go over it before heading into the quotes, and then I'll meet you all in mid-December once more for Infernal Shrines and Diablo music in HotS. Alright, sounds good.

Also, quick shoutout to StuntedSlime's lore post on Stitches that basically got no attention (probably from leftover PTR hype). Check it out, it's pretty good.

Previous Lore Posts are here. This is exceptionally important this time, because this post assumes you have read the previous Diablo lore post that covers up to the end of Diablo II. If you haven't read that yet, I highly recommend doing so.

The Black Soulstone and Adria

So, when we last left off with Diablo, his soul was banished to the Black Abyss in permanent exile with Mephisto, never to threaten Sanctuary again. The question, then, is how the hell did the two of them come back with the other five as one great Prime Evil? The answer comes from the insidious creation of the rogue Horadrim Zoltun Kulle: the Black Soulstone.

After the decade-long Hunt for the Three, as the Horadrim began to rest from their ordeal with the Prime Evils, Zoltun Kulle had become a changed man. He had been entrusted as the bearer of the soulstones on their journey, and as their holder, he began to know every last thing about them. At some point in his journeys, though, he had learned of the true potential of humanity, their nephalem progenitors, and the vote the High Heavens held at the end of the Sin War that nearly eradicated his kind. With Kulle becoming increasingly desolate, he saw in the nephalem a way to reknit his soul and bring humans to rule over the angels and demons that always tried to control their fate. Leaving the Horadrim into the deserts around Caldeum, he began creating the Black Soulstone-a soulstone that could trap not only one demon, but many of them, and angels too. Its origins are a mystery; some say it was forged from the blood of his dark heart, while others claim it to be the charred bones of a long-dead nephalem. In any case, with that soulstone, he would infuse it into his heart, granting him the powers of the nephalem to conquer the High Heavens and Burning Hells with, and that power could then be spread to all his fellow humans, bringing about a golden age of mortals.

The key to this soulstone's relationship with Diablo is how it was able to trap demons. When demons die in the mortal realm, they leave behind a shadow of their essence, sort of a marker on Sanctuary of their influence. Kulle marked the imprints of these dead demons (alongside an unidentified way to mark angels, who would be trapped alive rather than dead) so that when the Black Soulstone was finished, they would be drawn into it. Of course, the Soulstone was never finished in Kulle's lifetime. Fearing he would be immortal, and the dangers of his plans, the Horadrim regretfully dismembered his body (for he was already surviving other ways to kill him) and locked his head, body, and blood in four different locations to prevent his resurrection.

This leads us then to the witch Adria, mother of Leah through Aidan. Around the Darkening of Tristram, when Diablo had first broken free of his soulstone, Adria learned of the Black Soulstone's existence from Deckard Cain, one of the few people who continued to interact with someone openly identifying themselves as a witch. She didn't really think much of it at the time, but after the Darkening, she came into contact with Aidan. At this point, the Crimson Soulstone was already shoved into Aidan's forehead, and Diablo had begun taking control over him. Seeing the Lord of Terror's influence over the prince, Adria knew fear, and pledged herself to him. Together, they had their daughter, Leah, a child not only of mortals but a direct descendant of Diablo himself, and when it came time, she would be used as the vessel for Diablo's plan of uniting the seven Great Evils into the Prime Evil.

Now under Diablo's service, the Black Soulstone mentioned in passing beforehand became of chief interest to Adria. She departed from Tristram, searching not necessarily for the Soulstone itself, but for the techniques Kulle had used to mark the essences of slain demons. Once each Lord of Hell was killed, then, Adria could mark them to be sucked into the soulstone once she found and completed it. She did meet Cain once more on her travels, entrusting him with baby Leah to keep her safe, and continued on her quest. Seven years after the defeat of Baal and destruction of the Worldstone, she faked her death in the wasteland that had remained around the now-Arreat Crater. With no more prying eyes expecting to see her, she then began to work on trapping the five Great Evils that had been slain by the adventurers of Diablo II: Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal.

So, I'm going to aside here as for why this is really flimsy lore for Diablo. Mephisto is bad, yes, because he too is supposed to be permanently banished to the Black Abyss, but at least he legitimately died on Sanctuary. Therefore, this concept of demon echoes left behind after death can still apply for him, and so maybe what got pulled into Prime Evil Diablo was just that last fragment of Mephisto that remained, while the majority of him was still stuck in permanent exile. But Diablo was never really defeated on Sanctuary. In Diablo I, he maaaaaybe sort of was, but where we kill him is a part of Sanctuary that already merged with Hell during the Darkening, so I don't know if a place that's at the very least half-Burning Hells, if not entirely Burning Hells at this point, can count for this essence plan. Similarly, in Diablo II, Diablo is 100% killed in Hell, no doubts whatsoever. So, his essence really isn't on Sanctuary, he himself is banished in the Black Abyss, and while Leah is his child (and certainly has some of his powers), that wouldn't count either because Adria tasked Leah with using her powers of Diablo she unknowingly had inside of her to keep the soulstone contained until Azmodan was killed. If that power was because of his essence, it would have been lost as his essence was trapped into the Black Soulstone. And on top of all that, Diablo is the primary personality of the Prime Evil, with his mind coming first, his realm being most represented, his attacks being the ones copied. It IS still Diablo as the majority of this monster. And there's no reason why he should even be on Sanctuary. It's extremely frustrating, almost completely dysfunctional as lore, and because of that, this lore post has this stupid break where I can't really reconcile why Prime Evil Diablo exists in continuity from Diablo II. So, there's my little rant over, back to main lore.

Thirteen years after she faked her death, Adria was in the Great Library of Caldeum, gathering the last of what she would need before setting out to find the soulstone in the nearby desert. However, Belial, the Lord of Lies and Fake-Out Reddit Posts, knew of the soulstone as well and had his minions chase her into the sewers, cornering and torturing her for answers. The witch was saved, however, by the Nephalem, the mortal Tyrael, and Leah herself. Sensing the opportunity to finish the plans she had started over two decades earlier, Adria told them of the Black Soulstone and its ability to trap demons, where all seven Lords of Hell could be drawn within. Then, it could be shattered, destroying all seven Great Evils for eternity. Tyrael was wary, naturally, of putting so much power in one spot, but fell for Adria's ruse (and some urging by Leah, unaware of her origins or her mother's nature and just happy to find family after the recent death of Deckard Cain). Therefore, the Nephalem* was tasked with collecting all the pieces of Zoltun Kulle's body and combining them, who would lead them to the Black Soulstone and finish it for them. Surprisingly enough, Kulle did keep his word that he would take them there after his resurrection, though he did try to tempt his uneasy allies, born the nephalem he had always wanted to be, to join his quest to use the soulstone to unleash the nephalem power for all humans and take over creation. Upon finishing the Black Soulstone, the essences of the five Lords of Hell Adria marked were drawn into the soulstone, surprising Kulle. He warned the Nephalem that they had been set up and would soon be betrayed by their supposed friends (and how right he was. #ZoltunKulleDidNothingWrong), but given Kulle was kind of a jerk and also kinda manipulative for so long before actually being serious and sincere for once, the Nephalem killed him instead.

With the Black Soulstone finished, the remaining two Great Evils, Belial and Azmodan, were slain at Caldeum and Bastion's Keep respectively and trapped within the Soulstone. With her quest finished, Adria finally revealed her actual plan, trapping Tyrael in magic binds and slaughtering the guards who had been protecting her and Leah (who had been keeping the soulstone under control at Bastion's Keep). Using their corpses as the points of a ritual circle (same design as Diablo's demonic runes in Apocalypse), the Black Soulstone was plunged into an unwilling Leah, eradicating her soul, and Prime Evil Diablo was born. Now free and controlling the unstoppable powers of all seven Evils as the dragon Tathamet had at the creation of the universe, Diablo told Adria to leave until he called for her once more, Diablo created a portal to the High Heavens to begin his reign.

Angels Can Still Feel Fear

Stepping into Heaven in Leah's form, Diablo met his old nemesis, Imperius, at the Diamond Gates that protected the Silver City from the Burning Hells. Imperius burnt away Leah (which basically erased Leah from existence, as her soul was already gone by this point), revealing the horrifying monstrosity we see in Prime Evil Diablo, a form he had never taken before. With the overwhelming power of the Prime Evil, Diablo very quickly took control of the battle against the Archangel of Valor. Though Imperius managed to teleport away before being killed, he was unable to stop the demon from destroying the Gates, allowing Hell to invade the capital of the High Heavens for the first time in the Eternal Conflict To do so, Diablo open two Hell Rifts to allow the demons to continually invade, and had his minion Rakanoth, the Lord of Despair, capture Auriel. By taking her, the angels would lose hope until she was freed, preventing them from fighting back.

With Tyrael now in a hopeless state of guilt thanks to Adria's betrayal and Auriel's capture, and Imperius unable to fight and blaming humanity for everything that had happened, it fell upon the Nephalem and the guidance of the Archangel of Fate, Itherael, to rescue the Archangel of Hope. Upon saving her, the angels regained their will to fight back, driving Tyrael out of his despair. The heroes then closed the two Hell Rifts, preventing any further demons from entering the Silver City, before confronting Prime Evil Diablo atop the Silver Spire, the tallest tower in the heart of the capital. There, Diablo gave a brutal fight to the Nephalem, including trapping them to the Realm of Terror. Nobody known in history had ever escaped from that maddening, horrific dimension, yet the heroes did not give up and broke out, and after more fighting slew the Prime Evil. Falling from the Spire, Diablo disintegrated and his essence returned to the Black Soulstone. In order to prevent the Soulstone, or more specifically Diablo inside of it, from corrupting Heaven, Tyrael (now the Archangel of Wisdom on top of Justice) had it moved from Heaven, which triggers all of the stuff talked about in my Malthael lore post (hint hint go read that it's a good wink wink shameless author plug what a scandal).

Oh yeah and then Malthael consumed the Black Soulstone in his boss fight and then died which apparently means not just Diablo but specifically Prime Evil Diablo is free again out there somewhere and that's the last bit of lore we get for Diablo in Diablo III where nothing even mattered because one expansion later the previous major villain just resurrected himself yep mmhmm no problems here top fucking lore for the titular character golly gee wowie can't wait for Diablo IV where he combines himself with Imperius to make the PRIME NEUTRAL tenouttaten.

Poke Quotes

"I am seven as one, Tathamet's fury!" - Prime Evil Diablo is created from the essences of all seven Great Evils, which is how the Seven were before the creation of the universe when they were combined as Tathamet, the Dragon. Tathamet was the original evil and chaos that opposed Anu, and the beast's corpse formed the Burning Hells, which each of its seven heads birthing a respective Great Evil.

"Terror comes in many forms: a child, a warrior, even...a friend HAHAHAHAHA!" - References each of the three people Diablo has possessed in the series. First was Albrecht, Leoric's younger son, as a child. Next was Aidan, Leoric's elder son, who was revealed to be the Warrior from Diablo I in a lorebook from Diablo III. Last is Leah, the closest friend the Nephalem ever had.

"Sometimes three plus four equals one!"-The way the seven heads of Tathamet split was three Prime Evils (Mephisto, Baal, and Diablo) and four Lesser Evils (Andariel, Duriel, Belial, and Azmodan). Combining these creates one Prime Evil.

"Some days I dream of an inn in the countryside...BURNING TO THE GROUND!"-A constant thread of dialogue between Leah and the Nephalem is how Leah wants to open her own little inn in some safe part of the world to run, getting to finally live a peaceful life. She at one point loses hope of that dream, saying that there will never be peace on the crapsack world of Sanctuary, but the Nephalem supports her dream and tells her not to give up. It doesn't stop the Nephalem from rejecting a job offer every time Leah offers one though (and she does do that twice with distinctly different voice lines in two different acts). It also kinda was the obvious "Yeah she dies someone has a nice dream and it's a dark story, yeah they die" moment for the player.

(starting in Leah's voice and slowly shifting into Diablo's) "Can anyone hear me? I need you! I need you to give in to TERROR! IT'S THE ONLY WAY!"-Wow Diablo, you're just...you're just a goddamn asshole aren't you?

"Mmm...perhaps I actually did need those Hell Rifts."-To reference how Diablo is all seven evils at once, Diablo also gets Azmodan's same tendency to reveal his plans and saying they didn't matter when the Nephalem stops those plans after becoming the Prime Evil. Specifically, upon closing both Hell Rifts, he says "The hell rifts are closed, but it is of no matter." And then he died. But he got resurrected in the next expansion so it's all just peachy.

"Brevity is the soul of terror!"-I guess it's just a reference to the line from Hamlet "Brevity is the soul of wit." I don't know how the hell that relates to Diablo though.

"Let your nightmares be nightmares! DO IT!"-Reference to the pretty large Shia LaBeouf DO IT meme, with the "Don't let your dreams be dreams" part specifically being used.

"No, the mouths on my shoulders do not speak." the shoulders scream. "They do not." more screaming "And they won't stop!"-I feel like there has to be a reference beyond being a jab at him having mouths on his shoulders.

"Fear tastes of chicken. Everything tastes of chicken."-The whole "tastes like chicken" food description is major cliche in popular culture. The first part may also reference the joking start of Raynor and Diablo's rivalry in the old HotS tutorial, where Diablo claims he will consume Raynor's fear, while Raynor gets caught up in that fear is not an edible object (and Stitches also gets upset about this too, despite being Diablo's ally).

"It's simple. The Prime Evils and the Lesser Evil combine to make the Prime Evil. Questions?"-I assume this is a jab at how there are the Prime Evils and then the Prime Evil and they are very very different yet Diablo gets called both, and since you would call him a Prime Evil either way, it's basically just terrible naming.

(backwards)"Reversing backwards messages is a waste of time. Trust me."-Once more, a reference to how Diablo's demon speak in Diablo I was made by reversing a voice line that was revealed to be pretty sound advice. Now we have Diablo telling us that we're wasting our lives reversing his speak, but I won't be fooled! You told me to brush after every meal and I only brush TWICE a day despite having THREE meals, I defy you!

"My power seems limited in this...Nexus. No matter. All realms shall burn before me!"-He's supposed to be the ultimate version of Diablo, and yet he performs exactly the same as normal Diablo from the second game. Wait, we're talking about HotS, not Diablo III? Well, I guess it's the same thing.

"These days, I'm of seven minds about everything."-Having two minds on something means having two contradictory beliefs equally held about that thing. Diablo over here has seven minds constantly trying to get their voice heard.

Interaction Quotes

To Angel: "You will feel fear, angel!" - As heard in the cinematic above, Diablo enters the High Heavens saying "Even in the heart of Heaven, angels can still feel fear."

To Butcher: "Serve me, demon! Inflict suffering upon this world!" - While Prime Evil Diablo would technically rule all demons, I want to make special note of the Butcher in that Butcher Demons were initially the servants of Diablo before the Dark Exile, at which point they were divided among the four Lesser Evils (the one seen in the Diablo series, and therefore HotS, was actually a servant of Andariel.) Well, actually, the Butcher in Diablo I was initially a unique character as part of the Overlord Demons, which served Mephisto, but that was later retconned into there being a whole species of Butchers.

Responding to Butcher: roars - So, as I mentioned, the Butcher became its own species. Given that not only Diablo, but also Dreadlord Jaina, respond to the Butcher in the same roaring manner, perhaps that's just how they speak? Maybe the Butcher is actually super eloquent for his kind. He knows all the classics: Steakspeare, J.R.R Turkeyn, John Steinbeef.

To Nephalem: "How tastes your fear, nephalem?" - A quote he says in his Diablo III boss fight during the second phase, while the nephalem is trapped in the Realm of Terror.

To Leah (yes these are still in the game files, unlike other voicelines for characters not yet implemented like Aidan for Leoric or Imperius for Azmodunk): (Shifting from Diablo's voice to Leah)"Behold….our future." / (Shifting from Leah's voice to Diablo's)"You cannot escape your destiny, LEAH!" - Prime Evil Diablo's vessel is Leah herself, and even if added to the Nexus, nothing she can do will save her from that future.

To Leoric: "Leoric! Gaze upon the last of your lineage, and despair!" - Leah, as the daughter of Aidan, is the granddaughter of Leoric and the last of his lineage, as Albrecht died a child and Aidan only had Leah as a child. This also brings up the point that, apart from his wife Asylla, all of Leoric's known family has been possessed by Diablo at some point or another (including Papa Skellyman himself) and killed, most likely out of revenge that Diablo was unable to ever fully possess Leoric and had to abandon his super strong soul and body for a weak child's.

Responding to Leoric: "You have already lost, Leoric, and you will lose so much more!" - The king's experiences with Diablo cost him his sanity, the love of his subjects, the stability of his kingdom, both of his sons, constant resurrection and death of his skeletal remains, and now his only potential heir was possessed and destroyed by Diablo as well.

To Lesser Evil/Prime Evil: "Obey and follow!" / "You are but a part of me! In time you will realize this." / "Lend me your power, brother!" - Prime Evil Diablo consists of all the Evils. That's kind of it.

To Murky: "Mmm, such anger! You could make for a powerful host!" - NO DON'T DO IT MURKY! THINK OF THE LAST CHILD POSSESSED BY DIABLO!

To Ragnaros: "Lend me your flame, and this realm will burn!" - Ragnaros is pretty easily contented just by being told "Yo, if you help me we can set fire to shit." As far as I know, that's basically how the Old Gods got Ragnaros to be their servant. They were just like "Join us, and you get to burn the World Tree" and he was all like OH BOY I'LL DO THIS FOR FREE and they were like "Good because we're giant tentacle monsters so we don't have money to pay you with and anyways you're made of fire if we gave you money it would burn or melt"

Kill Quotes

Auriel: "Hope. So easily crushed!" - For being one of the five leaders of the angels, Auriel got captured really dang easy by a SERVANT of Diablo.

Azmodan: "You are so weak without us." - God, does this hit home for me. Azmodan has like the worst boss fight out of all five Diablo III act final bosses. Butcher is really fun when you're at that lower level, Diablo, Malthael, and Belial have multiple phases in their fight (and Malthael and Diablo are just difficult bosses in general), while Azmodan literally just sits there and dies to damage. Like, I don't even know if it's worth posting a video of Azmodan's boss fight when I get to that post because it consistently only lasts like ten seconds and then he dies. He's such a terrible boss.

Nephalem: "Your gods abandon you, Nephalem!" - Doesn't he have this quote in normal Diablo skin too? That's kind of lazy.

Demon: "Rebel against the Prime Evil at your peril!" - By being the Prime Evil, Diablo rules every last demon in Hell. Any demon that rebelled against him rebels against the very realm that formed it.

Nova: "No one nukes the Prime Evil and gets away with it!" - In the HotS reveal cinematic way back when, Diablo (in his Prime Evil form, ironically, while the patch that brought his Prime Evil skin had him fighting in his D2 skin against Genji and D. Va) ended up getting nuked by Nova just before he was going to kill Raynor, who had run out of bullets.

Raynor: "None escape my clutches forever, Raynor!" - Both of these are mentioned above, but Raynor only barely survived his fight with Diablo in the cinematic from 2013 thanks to the nuke from Nova, while in the tutorial Raynor and Diablo are made rivals. Diablo finally got the terran with the help of six other demons, at least.

Tychus: "Burning Hells, it's about time! Hahahaha!"* - THAT'S TWO OF THEM! THAT'S TWO QUOTES THAT NORMAL DIABLO SKIN HAS THAT WERE JUST COPIED ONTO PRIME EVIL! You thought you could pull a fast one on me, eh Blizzard?!

Tyrael: "Your body lies broken! And soon, your spirit!" - I don't really have anything except, you know, Tyrael is an angel and now he's dead to Diablo. Maybe I'm forgetting a quote from somewhere.

Uther: "Perhaps you require more training, Uther!" - Three! That's three times Diablo couldn't think of a new voice line! Ah ah ah!

And that's about all I really have time to cover for this post. After all, this post was supposed to come out last week, and I probably would not have posted anything this week if I didn't end up delaying so long on the quotes post for Diablo last week. Anyways, thank you for reading this if you did, and unless anyone has any questions, I'll see you all in mid-December when I'm done with exams!

submitted by /u/Golblin
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Heroes of The Storm WTF Moments Ep.96

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:16 AM PST

So why is losing 600 points for a DC in draft still a thing?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:30 AM PST

It should be 400 points max, suffering 3 losses because of the server or maybe the once in a blue moon internet outtage is ridiculous.

submitted by /u/geoxyx
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The next brawl should incorporate some "story"

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:48 PM PST

I think the next PvE brawl that blizzard releases should be pretty much the same thing, but it is a survival against the swarm. And the "story" part is actually just a LOT of voice lines between characters, like having them talk to each other throughout the brawl with unique voicelines and stuff. I realize that the voicelines is something that would probably be difficult, but I feel that doing this would be incredible.

The longer you last in the match, the more "connected" the heroes get to each other.

submitted by /u/Dude2999
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AlexTheProG | Tank Veteran

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:17 AM PST

You may wonder what happened to alex after cataclysm

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:12 AM PST


I mean I feel like she got hotter in a way

submitted by /u/CaranTh1R
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All-Pro teams by Region voted on by a Community selected panel!!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:30 AM PST

I finally got 100 loot chests in my collection!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:34 AM PST


I decided to start collecting types of loot chests, and finally got up to 100 loot chests! It's kinda silly to collect, but I have at least one of all the non-hero specific ones.

submitted by /u/upogsi
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Braxis brawl is really fun as cheer concept, but it could use different difficulty options

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:16 AM PST

First time playing the brawl was really interesting and fun, but last two times were bit less thrilling once you learn the game, and certain heroes could just be controlled with A+M1 withotu doing much anything else. It's just too easy in the end.

I still like to play it though, but keeping the things exciting with adjustable difficulty would bring more life to the brawl I think. Part that made Overwatch's Uprising PvE mode so great was the thrill of trying out different compositions on different difficulties. Stuff like enemy health and/or mass increase, more smart enemy hero AI, and maybe even decrease of more generally usable heroes from the pickable roster (and those heroes becoming enemies in the brawl maybe) is something that could really bring more thrill and challenge in my opinion.

Though changes like this could be sort of unneccesary for just a brawl lasting one week, but if Blzizard could sometime add PvE as regular stuff, I'd like them to concider stuff like this for future content like this as well.

submitted by /u/Pernaman
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Announcer packs for existing heroes

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:43 PM PST

I'm glad that they're going back and adding announcers for pre existing heroes like Jaina and Alarak. Personally I'd love to have a Johanna announcer (being my main haha). Which characters would you folks love to see get their own announcer?

submitted by /u/TurboBugHunter
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I think the MM is better than people give it credit for

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:43 AM PST

Anecdotal survey. You know how the MM makes a favored adjustment for teams in rank points if it thinks the teams are not imbalanced? Basically the favored team gets a negative points adjustment (fewer points for a win, more for a loss), and the underdog team gets a positive points adjustments (more points for a win, fewer for a loss), no matter who wins or loses.

Well, I kept track of 20 consecutive games that had favored points adjustments. The MM correctly predicted 16 of them. 80%, which is pretty impressive. That means something is working right in terms of how it calculates MMR. I disregarded games where there there was no favored adjustment.

Gives me some hope for performance based MMR.

submitted by /u/Jomungur
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Thank you that Hero League is still a soloQ domain

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:43 PM PST

I just wanna thank Blizzard for their best designe change they made this year. Removing DuoQ from HL was absolutely necessary.

Now that we get performance based MMR i like this decision even more. Absuing the system with smurfs or late night games was a nightmare and it would be even worse now if your reward for farming lower or uncoordinated players gets even bigger.

The match maker had no chance to balance this inconsistent factor. Losing 150 points because of +50 points enemy team favoured was so unfun to play because you had not a single chance. It feels good to have one competitive game mode that is almost free of cheating.

I think i don't have to say this but Blizzard should never undo this change and focus more on improving TL. Solo players should never have to suffer if they don't wanna play in a group or they should never be forced to play like that.

submitted by /u/ChibiZerberus
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I know Valla has a lot of skins already but..

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:08 PM PST

Trying to reconnect with an old LoL pal who plays HotS now.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:31 PM PST

Hi Bauuuuum, I saw you on the TL Grandmaster list. Wonder if it's the same guy I knew. Dunno if you remember me, we played League of Legends way back, like years ago. You played my account to Gold so I could get Victorious Janna skin since I played supports a lot and I'm thankful of that.

I play HotS now. Been in bunch of Heroes Lounge teams, steadily getting Master these past seasons, playing on and off for almost 2 years now. My interest peaks when I'm in a team and drains when I'm not.

Remember Korva? He plays LoL still, and we are good friends IRL even tho we live kinda far apart. He is still in touch with some of the old crew. Korva is teaching me to play SC2. The process is slow tho. We were joking about you called him "Four-Gate Korva" or something like that back in the days.

Not sure if you are going to see this, but it would be cool to catch up.

Update 1: HotsLogs does not in fact show Battletag and we didn't have any mutual friends. I have done this before and even re-checked to make sure. Nothing on Twitch either. Had already sent the invite on Steam earlier without any reply. The search continues.

submitted by /u/BigLupu
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YSK: You can stack Cassia's Lv20 Ball Lightning

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:16 PM PST

In this week's brawl, the final boss has so much health that you can stack her ult on it 3 times, due to [[Infinite Lightning]] CD reduction.

submitted by /u/kbzero
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