Pokémon GO - Three Billion Pokemon Have Been Caught!

Three Billion Pokemon Have Been Caught!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:52 PM PST

HE’S HERE!!!!!!!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:49 PM PST


Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:42 AM PST

Anyone else thinke events like this keep the game alive? Niantic, please do this event with other regionals in the near future!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:15 PM PST

Wow! Realising that there was something at the end of this event made so many inactive players in my community pitch in so we could catch that Fartetch'd. I'd be really grateful if this were to happen again even every month, for a new regional.

These events engage the community on a whole new level. Now I've got that Farfetch'd... I'm craving Gen 3 and more regionals! Bring it on!


submitted by /u/SergeantTiller
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The first Republican lawmaker just came out against the FCC's plan to kill net neutrality and its effect on Pokémon Go and other websites and services. Here's what that means.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:43 AM PST

Reddit, this is huge. Senator Susan Collins from Maine is the first Republican lawmaker to come out publicly against the FCC's plan to gut net neutrality and let ISPs block, throttle, and charge extra fees.

This is a big deal because Ajit Pai, the FCC chairman, has clearly already made up his mind and plans to vote through his proposal on December 14. But, Congress has oversight authority over the FCC, and since Ajit Pai is a Republican, the main thing that could slow him down or stop him at this point would be if a number of GOP members of Congress came out against his plan.

It's silly that more Republican lawmakers haven't already done that, considering that GOP voters overwhelmingly support net neutrality.

This is the first crack in the wall. It means the massive backlash, the hundreds of thousands of phone calls, tweets, and emails we generated over the last few days, is making a difference.

We need to keep going and keep the pressure on. Here's what you can do:

1) If you haven't already, contact your lawmawkers. those sheer numbers of phone calls and emails and tweets really do make a difference.

2) Sign up to attend or host a protest on December 7, people are planning them nationwide at Verizon retail stores and Congressional offices.

3) Volunteer for "Team Internet" texting and phone banking teams to help recruit people for upcoming protests, meetings, and events.

4) Can redditors self-organize to participate in in-person meetings at local Congressional district offices? That would honestly be by far one of the most effective things that could happen with all of this energy. We could create a subreddit for it, or use the local subreddits in each city / town. People can contact local offices and set up a meeting, and then invite other redditors to participate. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is a Republican, so meetings with GOP lawmakers are extra extra important. I know this one isn't a nice simple link you can click on, but it honestly could be the gamechanging thing that saves net neutrality. What do you think, reddit, can we do it?

Some important sites:




submitted by /u/natsure
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HE'S HERE!!!!!!!!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:57 PM PST

I beat the Raid Boss, it it still ‘Timed out’. Started at 176 seconds even. Why say 180 seconds when it’s “less than 170”??!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:58 PM PST

Well look who just showed up at my place!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:57 PM PST

Ride sharing

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:38 AM PST

Living in a town of four thousand, I'm doing my best.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:47 PM PST


Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:07 PM PST

We're Almost ready for Ho-Oh! Raid Counters Infographics

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:00 PM PST

Table Tennis With Farfetch'd

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:05 PM PST

“Sure Oddish, I’ll let you have some of my birthday cake”

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:27 AM PST

A wild Farfetch'd appeared! [Art]

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:21 PM PST

Rural players rn

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:24 PM PST

[discussion] am i the only one who thinks that whenever forbes posts a pokemon go article, they are ripping off reddit and they also lose their credibility?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:44 PM PST

Forbes articles about pokemon go rants about pokemon go as if the author is writing for reddit....the article recycles information from reddit and re-reports it in an article as if someone is using forbes to influence others' stock buying and selling decisions.

first of all, who even goes to forbes to read articles about pokemon go? just go to reddit or even a dedicated website/youtube for pokemon go.

you can't use adblocker on forbes and they always have their goofy quote of the day just to stop you at the gate so that they can get their 2 cents of advertising in, as if any of us are even going to click on any of the adverts

forbes news articles always pop up as the source of credibility when google news auto-populates their top stories when you are searching for something else.

I think it's a giant sham because the mere act of recycling from other sources would create the wrong motivation of initially writing the article and also create incorrect summary reporting from what is actually happening as described by better independent sources...basically, forbes is a hub for other credible business-type articles and it's a giant gimmick whenever Forbes leverage their overall credibility to write about a past time or a game....obviously, there will be a lot of people searching for it as it would autopopulate in top news feeds as it would attract a lot of attention from the fan base and onlookers, but there are so many better credible sources out there who genuinely reports findings and news in a less biased manner, but these smaller outlets can never win against a behemoth who swings its weight around and report anything and everything tangential or consequential about money just to stay relevant to people who never use forbes for anything else besides top news or search results

also, doesn't Forbes lose credibility whenever their authors goes off the leash just to rant about something he has no business writing about in the first place? where's the editor oversight? can anyone write articles for forbes nowadays?

tl;dr: any open community driven dialogue about any news is better than some top news source spoon feeding you information about what to think and how to react about events. If the author goes off the cuffs and immediately triggers an emotional response of how to react as an audience to an event without welcoming open-ended dialogue, it's a giant gimmick to attract the wrong attention because they have the wrong priorities to collect advert money while we as an audience do not gain any better insight about the situation. They should not be in the top results if they are simply just recycling their supporting information from others while spinning a negative story which could influence stock holders and the player base in general.

it's not like forbes will ever stop writing about pokemon go in their gimmicky articles but we as a people need to stop clicking on their articles and remove them from top billing as the top suggested result from the amount of traffic they get. we need to promote our own grassroot sources

submitted by /u/jensyao
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Sorry, too late...

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:36 PM PST

My first and only shiny...and it's this piece of crap.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:43 PM PST

World class customer service. - Niantic

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:56 PM PST

[discussion] - real life harassment, vandalism. need advice

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:47 PM PST

This is a throwaway account but i am not knowing exactly what to do, and i would like the community's input. i realize this will likely be removed very quickly by bots, or downvoted and flamed, but would still like to risk it to see if i can get some good advice before it happens.

I have an individual that is overprotetive of the gyms in our neighbourhood. he has been following me around in his car for a few months now.

He has openly stated i am cheating to other people in public. he has written this down in chats that i am not a part of. he has incited other players to act against me. (if you believe me, i only have one account, do not use maps, do not share accounts, do not stuff gyms. i just play lots.)

I reported to Niantic his use of multiaccounts, as well as the fact he drove back to a gym i was fighting to confront me while berrying the gym.

He was not present the next day, but while i was playing the next night, someone damaged my truck at the gym i had reported to niantic.

I'd like to know what to do at this point. I feel this has gone way to far. Niantic doesn't seem to be doing much to curb this type of territorialism, and seem to be turning a blind eye to multiaccounters. i count at least four individuals with more than 2 accounts on the same team that stuff gyms every single night.

What do i do? should i report all those people? i don't want to be seen as a snitch, and it seems like such a distasteful task to draw up multiple reports on people. but have months of evidence piling up. I am on the verge of quitting the game, and this isn't some melodrama about raids or potion drop rates; i feel this is a situation that if it doesn't improve, it will continue to spill out into the real world.

submitted by /u/harassed-throwaway1
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Reports of Ho-Oh test raids in Japan

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:08 AM PST

First Farfetch’d! 666 CP and can battle with the best! Thanks Satan!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:42 PM PST

My thoughts on PokemonGO - revisiting ~18 months later

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:00 AM PST

This post is just my thoughts and opinions on PokemonGo, after revisiting the game 18 months later. I played during release, and then decided I would let it go and let Niantec develop the game further. I was one of the many kids in the 90's that was totally into the pokemon craze. Pokemon is part of my DNA, I played the first nintendo games and collected the cards when I was younger. In fact I mastered the game and still fondly remember soundly beating everyone in my class at school :)

So...PokemonGO. Where do I start, PokemonGO....

The "catching Pokemon in real life" concept is brilliant. I love it. In some ways, its a dream come true. However, concept is one thing - execution is another. When PokemonGO first came out, I figured it was a rushed release; and they would implement more features as time went on.

Catching pokemon and collecting them is fun. I LOVE catching pokemon! This is the enjoyable part of the game. Collecting "real" pokemon is fun as hell, just as fun as it was back in the 90's. This is where the game truly shines and where I suspect most of the time and energy put into the game's development took place. Catching pokemon at relevant locations, like water pokemon at harbors, beaches, and such, and catching Steel/electric pokemon at industrial locations, are amazing ideas.

PokeStops are also great ideas. Gathering to local hub spots for bonuses, brings people together and encourages socializing. This is where the game truly shines, and I've met some truly awesome people and had some great times at pokestops. This is the best part of the game. At its core, PokemonGO is an exploratory and social game. With raids, I can see how Niantec wants to encourage more social interaction. A good thing. The teams of Mystic/Valor/Instinct are great ideas as well. I like it.

But after playing for awhile, you see the problems. And there are alot of them. PokemonGO really feels like a game in perpetual beta and a game of missed opportunities. It doesnt feel like a finished product, and it feels like a game plagued with poor decisions. That's because of four main things:

1) The limitations of Peer to peer interaction. Trading, and one on one battling still havent been implemented yet, and its been over a year. This is a shame and a travesty for a Pokemon game. What are they thinking? And why limit it to Mystic/Valor/Instinct, when players could form their own Guilds/Clans instead? What a missed opportunity. PokemonGO is a social game. Why no chat function? Yeah ok, you're supposed to chat in real life, but still...

2) The current battle system is a total joke - tapping for attack and swiping to dodge. What a shame and a missed opportunity. Really, spamming tap to attack? This is what they came up with? A simple, traditional turn by turn attack system would have done the game wonders. Special moves are done automatically. Why are the battles so limited? Battles seem like something tacked on, something extra. It doesnt make any sense. Pokemon stats are basic and limited. Why little to no attributes? Again, the battle system feels tacked on and pointless. And this extends into #3....

3) The pokemon CANDY Grind. PokemonGo is a grind. I dont mind the level up system. What I DO mind is the fact that candies are necessary for you to power up and level up your pokemon. Who decided this? Why do I need to literally farm 100 pidgies? Why not once again simply take the mechanics from the previous games and implement them into PokeGo? This eliminates the amazing feeling of seeing and catching a brand new, RARE pokemon. You caught that rare pokemon? Guess what, you need 10, 20, 30+ more to power up and evolve that pokemon (notwithstanding catching base forms). It would make way more sense if they had an actual battle system for you to use in encounters, just like the games. That way, when you catch that rare pokemon, it really, really matters.

However, the biggest problem...

4) 18 months later and PokemonGO still is a game for people that live in the city. That's really the bottom line. If you do not live in a city area, you're screwed. When travelling to the city, I was stunned at the amount of pokemon surrounding me, their variety, and the amount of pokestops condensed into one area. When going back to the suburbs, I felt screwed over, and I didnt want to play. Why Niantec, why? There was a massive, huge difference between the city and the suburbs. It was like night and day. I was stunned. Really Niantec?



Way more thought could have been taken to account for rural areas, and come on Niantec - I'm sure you could have come up with an algorithm for rural and suburban areas that alters how pokestops and pokemon are generated for these regions. Rural and Suburban players truly are second-class citizens of the PokemonGO world, constantly fighting an uphill battle to stay competitive. And the sad thing is that they shouldnt be. Yes, cell reception might be spotty in a rural area, but it would make sense to be able to catch Moltres in a fiery, hot region, and Articuno in a cold region that few people access (like hiking trails and certain NATURAL LANDMARKS).

Additionally, I'm disappointed with the raiding system for legendaries. Legends should be acquired just like they are in the games - for high level players in rare encounters, in exotic locations. In fact I would really design a hybrid system - Legends could be encountered in the wild, OR through some kind of raid or achievement system.

All of these problems are probably why PokemonGO saw such a drop in player retention. It still boggles my mind why Niantec ignored the tried-and-true systems of the Nintendo games.

Despite the setbacks, I enjoyed playing PokemonGO with a casual mindset. It's a fun game when you dont take it seriously, and simply take it at face value and at its best features - catching pokemon out in the wild. This is where the game shines, pulling out PokemonGO when you are in a new location, not knowing what you'll find - that's the great part about it.

I just wish it was more than that.

submitted by /u/Uyrr
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[Idea] A better alternative to Ex-Raids

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:07 PM PST

So at this point I don't think it's a stretch to say that the community is not thrilled about the Ex-Raid game mechanic. I wanted to put out an alternative idea on how Niantic could distribute the rarest Pokemon while making the trainer feel like they actually earned it instead of the current RNG system, while maintaining the Pokemon's rarity.

I'd propose a "Mewtwo token"; to unlock it you have to complete a certain number of in game activities. Ideas for these could be something like:

  • Catch 1,000 Pokemon in the wild
  • Walk 200 kilometers
  • Hatch 25 eggs
  • Achieve level 28
  • Complete 25 raids
  • Solo a tier 2 raid

After these challenges are completed, you could select the "Mewtwo token" to activate a battle against Mewtwo. The battle would be solo and could be roughly the difficulty of a Tier 2 solo raid (to start). If you aren't able to beat it, the token does not go away and you can retry as many times as you want until you beat it, which would give you Mewtwo. (I don't think a catch phase is necessary; after all of the work required to this point it would be infuriating to not catch it. Possibly use this as a way to introduce the master ball if they wanted to keep the catch screen?)

After completing the token and battle, you would get a new token. Each time you complete the challenges and defeat the Mewtwo, the challenges reset and increase in difficulty. From the earlier example, the next token could require the following challenges:

  • Catch 1,300 Pokemon in the wild
  • Walk 300 kilometers
  • Hatch 35 eggs
  • Achieve level 32
  • Complete 35 raids
  • Solo any tier 3 raid

The numbers above are obviously just examples and can be balanced to whatever Niantic decides, but the point is each time the difficulty to unlock the Mewtwo token increases, and the Mewtwo battle at the end would also scale with leach token level becoming more like soloing a Tier 3 raid. The captured Mewtwo level could also scale with each level token completed as extra incentive. After completing a level 1 Mewtwo token, if they want to introduce additional ultra-rare Pokemon, you could have the option to chose a Mewtwo level 2 token, or a Mew Level 1 token, etc.

I know Niantic wants to keep the community aspect alive, which I believe would still be in place with their rotating legendary raids and events, but I think something like this would be a much needed boost to in-game content and give players of all levels a meaningful goal to work towards. It also would encourage players to use the shop for items without being pay-to-win.

TL;DR: Provide a token that after completing a series of challenges would unlock a battle with Mewtwo. After completing a token and capturing the Pokemon, the challenges get harder for each following token giving players a clear path to acquire ultra-rare Pokemon and a sense of accomplishment for doing so instead of the current RNG system.

I know this is a long post, but I love this game and would love to see more rewarding in-game content implemented. Let me know what you think!

submitted by /u/NPH_wouldnt_do_that
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