Secrets of Neuschwanstein Achievement Guide - Unturned

Useful Commands Throughout the Guide

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@vehicle 077 (Black Racecar)
@give 253 (Alicepack - Bigger Inventory)
@give 15/2 (HP - 2 x Medkits)
@give 81/5 (Food/Thirst - 5 x Military Rations)
@give 392/5 (Poisoning - 5 x Tablets)
@give 1364 (Weapon - Hell's Fury)
@give 1365/3 (Ammo - 3 x Hell's Fury Drum)
@give 334 (NVG)
@give 288 (Black Bedroll)
@give 1176 (GPS)
@experience 3000 (+3000XP)

Part 1: Three Hidden Coils

This achievement takes place in the map Germany.

Let's start by collecting the 3 teleporter coils scattered around the map. This next zone is hazardous so a gas mask is required.
@give 1270/2 (2 x Gas masks)
@teleport Cologne

The first coil is located in here, the item is pretty big so it's easy to notice it:

Secrets of Neuschwanstein Achievement Guide - Unturned

Now onto the second location...
@teleport Ostsee
You still have to go a bit to the north to the train wreck and find the coil in one of the containers:

Finally, the last coil is located in north of Berlin, in a secret underwater entrance to the sewers, you'll need the NVG to progress:
@give 334
@teleport Berlin

Enter the secret entrance to the sewers (you should upgrade your diving skills to the max here) and be careful to not miss the last coil.

Part 2: Fixing the Teleporter / Getting the Sword

Continue until the end of this underwater passage until you eventually reach the sewers. From here, look for the hidden teleporter located here:

Insert the three coils on their slots and you're ready to enter the boss battle! I'd recommend placing a Bedroll before entering in case you die.
@give 288 (Black Bedroll)
@give 1364 (Weapon - Hell's Fury)
@give 1365/3 (Ammo - 3 x Hell's Fury Drum)

When you're ready, step into the teleporter and hit the switch!

There you go, you're inside the sealed castle! The boss is easy, keep your distance and you should be good... Now to actually get the achievement you need to grab the sword next to the fireplace and use the teleporter again, congratulations!

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