Overwatch - 200 IQ Hanzo Play

200 IQ Hanzo Play

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:11 PM PST

TIL Lucio can shapeshift when threatened

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:39 PM PST

Just a satisfying little Doomfist potg

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:54 AM PST

"Hanzo, you did ok.."

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:37 AM PST

Overwatch ults but literally (redux)

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:52 AM PST

Doomfist breaks the world record for a standing jump, breaks his head on the ceiling, then dies from a lethal fall.

Genji pulls out a sword he had with him the whole time but never used until now, then puts it away for no good reason.

McCree decides to actually focus for once to incredible results, but then decides to never do it again.

Pharah wastes her entire rocket load and dies soon after.

Reaper flails his arms around, hits no one, and ends up pulling his shoulder.

Soldier 76 presses the on button to his visor that would have been useful earlier.

Sombra shorts out her own electronics and explodes.

Tracer throws a bomb she had with her the whole time but never used until now.

Bastion puts 2 and 2 together and combines walking and shooting.

Hanzo screams dragons out of himself, then never does it again for good reasons

Junkrat winds up an explosive tire he had with him the whole time but never used until now.

Mei throws Snowball who could have been helping her this whole time but didn't.

Torbjorn gets so angry his turret gets better. I remember the time I got so angry my flip phone turned into an iPhone.

Widowmaker cheats.

D.Va fucking explodes.

Orisa shows off her super cool robot drum. This inspires her team to shoot their guns harder.

Reinhardt gets the bright idea to hammer the ground.

Roadhog grinds his junk.

Winston goes bananas.

Zarya breaks the laws of physics and dooms all of Earth.

Ana pumps illegal steroids into her team and is arrested shortly after.

Lucio aims music at the ground and makes it explode. His team enjoys this. The enemy team is indifferent.

Mercy finally presses the on switch to her suit that she was saving for selfish reasons.

Moira shows off her super cool but incredibly inefficient Kamehameha recreation.

Symmetra discovers teleportation and doesn't let anybody else know. When everybody gets suspicious, she pretends it's a shield generator thingy instead.

Zenyatta turns into God but then decides not to.

submitted by /u/Butter_Meister
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I would like to nominate Mercy for best flag-bearer

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:01 AM PST

Zero Gravity makes me a good player

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:57 AM PST

My Brother thought that you might find my Lootbox Hording complex interesting.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:24 PM PST

Blizzard, let us help you with a compilation of the most interesting requests made by the community lately.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:31 AM PST

I thought it would be useful for Blizzard to have a short list of the most popular requests regarding OW heroes and general quality of life.


  • Allowing her to use the aim assist settings while healing would improve her condition on consoles.

  • She should be able to Nanoboost herself in the FFA mode.


  • Her destroyed mech should be announced sooner in order to prevent wasted healing resources.

  • Her ultimate charge button should always announce her Self-Destruct charging percentage.


  • Has multiple bugs that need to be fixed (18 bugs across 4 skills).

  • His Cratered achievement needs to be looked into.


  • Her ammunition should refill automatically when using Cryo-Freeze.

  • Her freezing spray should affect movement abilities if the enemy is already starting to freeze.


  • She should be able to tell her teammates if her Resurrection ability is available or not.


  • Her orbs should not be absorbed by Mei walls.

  • She needs a line indicating her current healing resource, especially when it's empty.


  • Her ultimate should be more unique (e.g.: additional effects, different sounds, different visual effects, etc.).


  • Her hacked targets should be more visible for her teammates (e.g.: another color, visible through walls, etc.).


  • Her devices should be seen by her teammates, or at least temporarily indicated when using the ultimate charge button.

  • Her SG should show the team where it isn't effective anymore thanks to a visual effect.

  • SG should be counted as a TP to unlock the success The path is closed.

  • She needs a card or a stat valuing her SG.


  • Discorded targets should be more visible for his teammates.

  • His ammunition should refill automatically when using Transcendence.

  • The teammate he is healing should see Zenyatta's current health.

  • Zenyatta should see the current health of the teammate he's healing.



  • New lines to customize the communication wheel (e.g.: Back up!, Help me!, Sorry!, etc.)

  • Specific healers line to replace the Group up one (e.g.: Come to me for healing)

Disruptive visual elements

  • Customize UI and choose what we want to be visible or not (e.g.: health bars size, indicators opacity, etc.)

  • Remove the A member of your team has left the match banner in competitive matches

Heroes customization

  • Random hero's skins based on a list of preferred skins established by the player

  • Random victory pose option

Player's identity

  • Ability to choose the portrait you prefer among the ones you've earned leveling up

  • Hide most played heroes and replace it with a preferred heroes list

  • Possibility to hide current SR outside of competitive matches

  • Visual indicator for silenced players

Player's in-game experience

  • Filter players' SR in customized games

  • Queue for multiple Arcade modes

  • Vote for next map in Arcade modes and Quick Play


  • Inactivity timer issues, as you can be removed while being actually active

  • Interaction issues between some abilities and reload

  • Shots registration issues regarding HS heroes

  • Ultimate projectiles animation issues, as they disappear if the player is interrupted after they used their ability

  • Voice transmission issues, preventing the notification to display when there are discreet or short sounds

If I've missed something, please let me know and I will add it to this list. 😊

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

EDIT 1: format

EDIT 2: As much as love reading buffs, nerfs and reworks suggestions, see this thread as a compilation of minor changes to make our experience more comfortable.

submitted by /u/Joqosmio
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Sombra found Orisa you guys! :D

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:13 AM PST

Moira is available at comp right now.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:52 AM PST

Playing comp right now and somebody took Moira let's hope we all have fun with her!

submitted by /u/TarqMeister
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My best boop so far. Went so well that I lost reaction by the end of the clip

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:53 AM PST

Master level 500 IQ Bronze Play

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:32 AM PST

LEGO Moira's Biotic Grasps

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:12 AM PST

I feel like this sub doesn't know the difference between "need" and "want"

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:32 PM PST

For example: We need doomfist's bugs to be fixed before he can be viable again. However, we want ults like earthshatter to have different and more audible sound effects (you've had over a year to get used to the sound of a friendly earthshatter, a new sound effect for it would be nice but Reinhardt isn't "unplayable" without it). I think that plenty of the suggestions on this sub are cool and all, but some people like to shit on blizzard if they don't add in every single pointless suggestion that comes from this sub.

submitted by /u/bismofunyuns00
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How to counter Pharmercy

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:48 AM PST

Genji: I'm just one kill away from winning the game! Me: hold my beer...

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:27 AM PST

Why you dont single ult

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:43 AM PST

Almost got away

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:30 AM PST

Moonmoon talks about xQc being a tank in real life for him

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:52 PM PST

Fuey500 Got Banned Again Mid Stream

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:25 PM PST

I like the Ana Buff, but..

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:22 PM PST

she still needs three shots to destroy the slotmachines in hanamura. Can we buff that too?

submitted by /u/3marjackson
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Moira was actually an Olympic swimmer before getting into the dark arts

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:48 PM PST

When it Reins, tears pour.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:11 AM PST

OK she should be riiight about here, so her head should be riiight about there.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:16 PM PST

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