Learn Dota 2 - Kills =/= skill, make sure your teams kills are going to the right heroes rather than competing, and what the real focus of the game should be.

Kills =/= skill, make sure your teams kills are going to the right heroes rather than competing, and what the real focus of the game should be.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:59 AM PST

Hello /r/learndota2, back again to ramble on about another trend I've been aware of for a bit, but finally felt the need to pass on the information for those who may just truly not understand.

So today we are talking about kills, most importantly what kills mean to a game. Ever since I came to this sub it's been full of posts in which people were curious what they could have done better in a game often boasting some decent farm, usually a higher amount of kills and decent farm. However there are often trends in the form of tower damage or even who the kills are going to and the usefulness someone might feel for their team. So we're going to break down some information into little bullet points to see if I and others who comment can offer whatever advice to players who truly just don't know.

  1. This point is important to me, but important to remember and that's kills alone will never win you a game, this isn't saying that kills won't lead you to winning a game or setup your victory, but as it stands the way to win a match of Dota 2 is by taking towers so you can destroy the enemies ancient. That is always the goal of the game and you should be playing to your best to accomplish that goal over anything else if you wish to win. In short, get kills to take objectives and destroy the ancient then win.

  2. Make sure if possible kills are going to heroes who can benefit from them, this isn't to say let a kill get away because if your carry could get it it'd be better for them, but if you're in a situation where you are CM and you have an AM with you, both could get the last hit on the enemy, let the AM get it. It seems simple, and like it might not matter all the time, but depending on who you are fighting this could mean the difference between an AM finishing a manta/BKB or having to continue farming while the CM finishes a glimmer cape and has extra ward gold.

  3. Accidents and necessary actions can lead to kills, what this means is don't play safe just so your carry gets all the kills, help them, sometimes you'll get a kill and can't help it, it's alright make sure you're using that gold appropriately, as long as you are helping it's fine.

  4. Kills don't mean anything, you can go 100/2 and those 2 deaths can lose you a game if you aren't doing anything with that lead. Stop comparing yourself to others if you're frustrated in a game rather than looking to your 0/4 support and bashing them for being 0/4 focus on what can get you and your team can do to take objectives and take the ancient.

  5. Some games you will have high kills and some low, as long as you take their ancient none of it matters, use kills as a gateway to pushing, or to ensure the enemies don't take your structures and ancient.

  6. this information doesn't apply to deaths, please try to die as little as possible, but understand it will happen, don't get frustrated just stay calm.

So wrapping up here, some of the information seems confusing so before closing I'll clarify getting kills isn't bad, but you can't win the game with kills alone remember play to the objectives. Other than that if you are curious about anything or have any questions or comments just post them below, and if there is anything I could rephrase better let me know I can edit. Thanks!

submitted by /u/avatera32
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Just Reached 5k. + 2800 MMR, 1250 Games.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:33 AM PST



Decided to tryhard before new season starts and quite comfortably managed to reach 5k, even though I didnt really think I would ever get it.

This patch just seams much easier to climb if you dedicate yourself to understanding the safelane as a support/carry. I managed 73% winrate over 60 games since 7.07.

Any questions about this patch / playstyle etc, i'll happily help as i might get into minor coaching in the future.

submitted by /u/darren565
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What does Treant Protector's level 15 "Tree 3s respawn time" mean?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:23 AM PST

Is it that all trees on the map respawn after 3 seconds?

submitted by /u/C0ncept8
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Lion in 7.07

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST

Liom got buffed quite a bit in 7.07, mainly his talents which makes him more relevant late game.

But does this mean that midas lion is good? Midas mainly for the exp to level up, though I cant imagine lion needing a lot of gold, though additional lockdown like rod and sheepstick and maybe even nullifier is potentially good on him (for teamfights)

submitted by /u/Meepmerp96
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6k Tutorials

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:59 PM PST

Hey guys I'm going to be making a compilation of 6k players or above giving tutorials. I will edit this post every so often as I find more hopefully. Feel tree to add any that you know of.

submitted by /u/ericjlima
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6000 MMR player teaches 3k player Invoker Mid Lane Principles in Coaching Session

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:05 AM PST

I literally never buy Midas, what exactly am I missing out on?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:50 PM PST

No matter what hero I'm playing, I skip over Midas. Is this a bad decision, or is buying Midas not as greedy as I thought?

submitted by /u/rapedbyaslothAMA
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Any guides for Gyrocopter?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:44 PM PST

Is Gyro even good at the moment? The early magic damage and AoE physical is pretty good, but is he viable?

Onto the actual subject, does anyone have any tips or builds for the carry? He has a lot of potential but guides like Torte De Lini's are just... lackluster. Is he really just simply "Aquilla > SnY > BKB > Aghs" or something similar?

When do I pick him and not pick him? According to his abilities he does incredibly well against illusion carries and invisible heroes. Why is he not usually picked?

EDIT: I also find that when I ult as him, it almost tickles an enemy. The slow is good, but the damage isn't anything to write home about.

submitted by /u/BLONIC_OC_DONUTSTEEL
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How do you win games as outworld devourer

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:14 PM PST

What items do you build and what is a good skill build? I know that you want power treads for attack speed and INT and that hurricane pike is the first major item that he picks up. But what should I build after pike and treads? Blink dagger? Orchid? Aether lens? (it provides a lot of mana and extends the range of blink, pike, and astral). How do you push highground with OD? He doesn't hit towers very hard?

submitted by /u/Alonedruid
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Why is Meteor Hammer getting bashed

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:52 PM PST

It gives good stats and decent regen for the price. You don't want it on your carries since it doesn't build into anything but on pos 3 or 4 isn't it pretty efficient with a situational useful active?

submitted by /u/WilliamZappa
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For those of you who have gained multiple thousands of MMR, what position(s) did you play?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:16 PM PST

Curious to hear about the experiences of people who have made significant improvements in their overall skill and how they did it. For those of you who have gained multiple thousands of MMR:

  • what position(s) did you play?
  • How big was your hero pool? Are there any heroes in particular that you thought were good to learn?
  • How long did it take you? (# of games or time)
  • What if anything did you do to practice?
submitted by /u/ak1247
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5k+ player discord to learn or team

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:27 PM PST

Anyone know of a discord or group that is consisted of high level players (5k+) that is focused on discussing dota/partying but that doesn't want to go professional. Should I go to compdota2 or does anyone know of something similar?

submitted by /u/ericjlima
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How do you play Offlane?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:10 PM PST

I want to learn offlane, I mostly play position 1 and want to know what the offlane is supposed to do.

  1. When do I fight as an offlaner? I typically only join team fights when I get 2 core items on carry. Is the offlane able to fight without core items? This is something that i struggle to decide when to fight.
submitted by /u/Rogurzz
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Maxing q or e on Treant Protector

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:51 AM PST

In which circumstances should I max q or e first? DotaBuff seems pretty split on which is better.

submitted by /u/C0ncept8
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Something in a bot match doesn't add up?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:06 AM PST

https://imgur.com/1QZynDK I'm new to the game and I've been playing with bots to learn more every day. There was a Necrophos on the enemy team that I was curious about. He was in two way different places at once, and both of him were attacking at the same time. I tried the hero out, and there doesn't seem to be any way he was able to duplicate himself, so... Wtf mate? Am I missing something?

submitted by /u/eth0null
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Looking for guides regarding map controls and advanced high mmr "concepts" of the game

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:18 AM PST

I recently came across Blitz Lee's videos about controlling the map, shoving waves etc, and it helped me to look at the game and map controls consciously. Previously I only instinctively knew some of those stuffs only because I've played Dota 1 for many many years previously (Just starting dota 2 again after many years of hibernation). I also do watch D Bowie's videos too. I feel like right now what is holding me back is probably not knowing what is the optimal move and where to go to have the biggest impacts in the scale of the map and whole game.

submitted by /u/Luvboo
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4.2k mmr support (4/5) looking for people to play with and help to analyze replays, have discord and want to learn.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:30 PM PST

I want to to step forward and improve with people that's also interested in it . https://pt.dotabuff.com/players/106692705

submitted by /u/BeyondBday
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When do you buy Tranquil boots?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:52 AM PST

I mean, I understand when you buy tranquil boots for the speed/roaming or if you can sustain your mana regen. But, when's the best time to prefer tranquil over arcane? (prioritzing supports here).

submitted by /u/JTGalaxy
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What Should I do If Team Never Wards? (Below 1k Hellpit)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:42 AM PST

3 invisible heroes on the enemy team. They are constantly roaming and ganking and winning. We got Slardar and Jakiro who never wards. I play QOP mid and not having a good time at all against SF and Nyx and Riki who constantly ganks me. Tell my team to buy wards, Slardar says that I should buy wards and insults me. I buy wards, can't buy any items and we still manage to lose team fights. Ez defeat.

What should I do in a situation like this?

submitted by /u/iwanthidan
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Does anybody know what the metric will be for the new calibration?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:57 PM PST

Can't kill tanks as Pudge

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:52 PM PST

I can't seem to be able to kill tanks as Pudge, any help? Or is Pudge not the one you want to to be able to kill a tank?

submitted by /u/kingduck147
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Im so sick of anti-mage this patch. How do you deal with him?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:50 AM PST

These andy mage pickers are just, ugh. My bracket (3.5k ish) has one every game and its almost always the enemy. Even if we harass the boy early game he manages to stage a comeback with his battle fury.

I main bara to counter him then he builds linkens so i cant charge to him to counter his split-pushing. We win early game but my idiot cores choose to farm so they essentially give more time to the cancer that is AM to be able to farm. He then marches down with army of illusions and tears down our base. This has happened way too many times.

What heroes are good counters for him in lane? Im thinking of long range heroes like weaver or clinkz.

submitted by /u/mystery-bread
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When would you pick Spectre instead of Medusa or vice versa?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:51 AM PST

Basically what the title says.

I know they share a few similarities in the most simplified sense: Both among the best late-game carries, both tanky teamfight bosses, both need substantial time to farm. Both somewhat situational in that you don't want to pick them against obvious early deathball pushing lineups.

Beyond that, I don't know what would make one better than the other in a particular game. Spectre is weaker in lane, Medusa is ranged and can go mid if needed, Spectre's illusions seem to be more useful. But other than a particular lane matchup or the fact that Medusa's ultimate works well against specific enemies like CK, I can't tell.

I play a little bit of Spectre, and wonder whether Medusa is even worth picking up, or whether one usually works as well as the other most of the time. This is low MMR if that helps (1k give or take a couple hundred depending on the day).

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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How to deal with Broodmother mid?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:36 AM PST

Is this a situation where if she is last picked and you don't really have any heroes to deal with her, you are fucked? She can towerdive like crazy and I've never been able to win a game where she is mid.

submitted by /u/skwairwav
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1.3k mmr Position 1/2 Looking for free coaching lessons, have discord and am eager to learn. (AU)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:08 AM PST

I've been 1k for some time now, regardless of how much I push, i cannot escape the bracket. looking for someone kind to give me lessons on how to get out of the hellhole. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/175183978

submitted by /u/Kriizy
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