Learn Dota 2 - How do you deal with early 5 man push in 1k?

How do you deal with early 5 man push in 1k?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:05 PM PST

Hi there,

As the title suggests I've seen teams since 7.07 grouping up at 10-15 minutes and clearing out all the outer towers, going high ground, getting racks, usually feeding away a full teamwipe, but then winning the game regardless. This basically didn't exist in 7.06 at my mmr because of how much harder it was to push HG.

My immediate reaction to when I discover a new cancer strat/hero is that if you can't beat it, become it, but last game I tried that and failed miserably. I thought that since most of the heroes I play are farm heavy like AM and Luna I'd be better off to pick Venge (early game carry, meta) and just push but unfortunately my team refused to cooperate and even though throughout the entire game we had the same amount of kills we took no objectives apart from a few T1 towers and the enemy did my strat, five manning around Sniper and winning quickly.

So my question would be, how do you deal with this kind of early push. What farm heavy late game carry also can defend t2/hg early? And how do you actually execute this deathball meta? Do you just convince your team to push?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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Pub Drafting, Positions 1 to 5

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:13 AM PST

Hey I'm Shift, I wanted to make a quick post about how to pick and play pos 1 - 5 in pubs since so many people in my bracket (Ancient5-Divine2) are just picking whatever and building whatever.

When picking a hero and choosing where to lane you should think about what is your hero's purpose in that game. Often I see 3 cores to kill heroes, 1 control support who built like a core and 1 Jakiro who is carrying the game by pushing towers and clearing waves in HG defense.


Pos 1

  • siege, kill heroes. That's why you get the most gold so you can tank up & deal the most damage. Sometimes your pos 2 might be better at hitting buildings so you can focus more on killing the enemy heroes.


Pos 2

  • focus on killing heroes unless your pos 1 is doing that and your hero is good at taking down buildings.


These two role can overlap a bit but you should make sure that you have enough siege power in your team.


Pos 3

  • initiate, control, teamfigh and/or push. You want to make sure your team can smoothly take fights by either eliminating one target (as Nyx or Legion Commander) or controlling a fight with Magnus or Sand King. Avoid picking stuff like Windranger and QoP. They can be good situational if your supports can handle your primary role.
  • quite flexible so really depends on what 4 and 5 are picking.


Pos 4

  • control, catch or push, teamfight. Usually your roamer is the one with some sort of stun or strong slow to help set up those ganks and successfully rotate to save your mid-laner. Your primary focus is usually to make sure your lanes win. If you are doing your job correctly you should win at least one lane. Help out the poor pos 5 with wards and smokes since you are the one moving around the map, making plays and setting up for pushes.


Pos 5

  • control, teamfight, buffs. Something that can secure the lane for your pos 1 hero. Usually a hero that can contest the enemy offlaner without getting rekt too hard. Extra points if the hero is useful in rotations or has a stun. You will have less items than your cores but there is no reason you should have 3 items less than your pos 4. Having something like a Force Staff or Glimmer Cape can change the whole game.


Counter picking, pick order

  • you don't have to have last pick or second last pick to pick your core. It's a lot harder to pick a core that counters the entire enemy line up AND suits your own line up than to just counter the enemy heroes with your supports. Don't be afraid to second pick or third pick your pos 1 or 2.


Please build what your team needs and play around your strongest skills.

I hope whoever reads this thinks a few more seconds before locking in their hero, and helps pos 5 get his one or two items needed that game. Feel free to discuss or ask anything.

EDIT: Format

submitted by /u/ShiftDota
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Coaching Excerpt: Why you lose with Antimage (Timings, Movement, Farming pattern)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:57 AM PST

Outpushing AM before 30 mins, what hero is good?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:48 PM PST

As the title says. I want to end games before the AM gets any farm at all. Ive learned that chasing him around the map gets nowhere. So maybe outpushing him before he gets the items maybe better?

submitted by /u/mystery-bread
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Roaming going wrong

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:24 PM PST

As a roamer use to start in the offline until level 2 and go go my stuff. If I can't get a kill or help a lane I get bounties and wait for a chance to be useful. But since I'm usually the second to pick sometimes I'm in a game where killing the enemy is difficult or my cores don't have much kill potential. I don't know what to do in those situations if it's not a versatile hero. I feel sticking to a lane will take experience away of a core and maybe not evem help him, but I'll find a hard time being useful in the late game if i don't even have levels.

How should a roamer aproach these bad earlygame situations?

submitted by /u/gorebello
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Looking for good support streamers/youtubers

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:01 AM PST

I'm coming back to DOTA2 from about a year break and so much has changed. I am looking for good support streamers/youtubers or resources to help me get back into the swing of support. I was ~2k before I quit and it seems like I'm still getting matched in the same MMR range for unranked so some games I'm stomped and some games I do the stomping. Either way the games seem kind of lop-sided and I don't feel super impactful. Any resources that you can provide are greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/finchsmith
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What does muting mean?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:09 AM PST

Theorycrafting a little and looking into Nullifier, as far as I remembered muting is you can't use items OR spells, is that still the case? The item seems super strong if that's what happens.

submitted by /u/GummiGuy5
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Is Pangolier definitely an offlaner now?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:51 AM PST

I've not seen any high MMR player play him, but from what I've heard offlane is his role. Does he not need a lot of farm for am offlaner, as well as being squishy? I get he has an escape but so do many heroes (qop, AM) but that doesn't make them offlaners?

Also is diffusal rush still the go to? Or do you do the javlin build now?

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Viper Poison Attack Affects Buildings

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

This talent is seriously underrated, it turns Viper into a jakiro 3.0 in terms of sieging. Combined with a dragon lance and the range talent its an incredibly safe way to break highground, the poison stacks up very fast and safely for killing towers. Dotabuff statistics show viper strike DPS is chosen 3 times more than the poison attack talent but has 7.2% less winrate, I'd advise everyone to prioritise this talent over that ult DPS increase unless there is someone you REALLY need to have mad damage for like an alchemist. Viper puts out so much hero damage already and is a competent frontliner with corrosive skin and nethertoxin, take advantage of this and let him hit buildings well!

submitted by /u/ForgeKing
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Re-learning DotA

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:08 AM PST

Hi guys,

I used to play the original DotA a lot and I also played DotA 2 when it came out, due to various reasons I had to stop playing for a long time and I planned on getting back to it because it is a game I truly enjoy.

However, the game seems to have changed a lot, new heroes, talent trees, reward runes, different abilities for old heroes, removed items and new items make me feel like I'm playing a completely different game.

Do you have any tips that may help me re-learn DotA? Are there any good guides regarding the current playstyle? I've played and from what I've seen the basics remain the same and I still have the skills to last hit, deny, farm, juke and all that jazz, but the map has changed too and I would often find myself warding a spot that now seems useless or stuff like that.

PS. English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes I may have made.

submitted by /u/JaggedBanDerSnatch
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I made a colourful spreadsheet to help me understand hero stats relative to all other heroes

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:58 PM PST

Any Brewmaster players here willing to offer analysis on one of my games on the hero ?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:53 PM PST

Game in question

It might too much to ask to go through the replay itself but nonetheless this is my request.

Any sort of help on Brewmaster will be much much appreciated.

I am new to this hero and havent played any micro based hero at all and am really enjoying playing Brew as of now.

submitted by /u/_Unleashedd_
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I just hit Divine (support player)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:49 PM PST


The game demonstrates pretty well how players perform and communicate each other in Ancient 5 ~ Divine 1 bracket. This bracket is fairly competitive. Still, I certainly believe anyone can hit Divine even as a support as long as you do not violate the basic rules of Dota.

I'd recommend watching this video lying on your bed. It's chilling. You may even fall asleep. That's good right? Leave your comments if you have any questions. Have a great day all.

submitted by /u/profHam
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Any idea why this happened?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:19 PM PST

So I just got 2 games in a row with an Archon in my team. I am Divine(4), and so were other eight players. Archons were not party. In both cases accounts were quite old and with over 10k hours played. But this should not place 3k players into 6k bracket. Any ideas wtf was that?
game 1/game 2

EDIT: thx for explanation. I did some reseach and DB says first guy has 6k solo 4.2k party. I have no idea how he managed to get Archon, but he did. Second is 5.4k/Divine 3 and dota just decided to show Archon badge for some reason...

submitted by /u/J0tS
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Lack of skill (mid player)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:11 PM PST

Im legend badge player almost 4k (i drop in this recalibrate) i want to get ancient, i ll read everything and try everything anyone post here, if someone have time for 1 vs 1, or watch me im good listening people advices, i want to be better at the game

submitted by /u/rafac815
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When to activate/toggle armlet?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:22 AM PST

I was playing wk last night and got armlet every time and realized I had no idea how to use it. So, when are the most common times to activate armlet? - when I'm farming jungle? - 1v1 an opponent - teamfight

Also can anyone explain the concept of toggling armlet? I was near death at one point and my teammate told me to toggle it and I just didn't know what to do? Turn it on, turn it off, etc.

submitted by /u/heartransplaant
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Is Earth Spirit worth learning?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:45 AM PST

I've been playing a lot of roaming support as BH and Kunkka, and they just seem to provide so much utility for the team that I never bothered mastering any other heroes.

ES seems so fun, but also very difficult. It's very rare to see a decent one in my bracket (3k).

Is he worth learning or is he too weak right now?

submitted by /u/wisrid
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Why does Bulldog buy Force Staff in this NP game?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:35 AM PST

This is the game I'm talking about.

I'm not sure why he buys force staff at all—and the only times he uses it seem pretty inconsequential.

He buys forcestaff after boots, midas, shadowblade, and orchid—which seems pretty late—and uses it maybe 3 times, all pretty inconsequentially. It's not difficult for me to look at a draft and come up with ways that forcestaff could be useful, but I'd like a more game-specific answer. Please watch at least part of the replay, or, if you're able to familiarize yourself well with a match by just looking at the dotabuff, here it is.

submitted by /u/AmagicalFishy
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When to Calibrate and is Dota Buff Plus Worth it?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:41 AM PST

So long story short back in the days of MMR I calibrated it right as I hit level 20 and loved 8 of my 10 games. I was put into the 100 MMR and had to claw my way up to 750 before the new update. So what I'm asking is should I calibrate my new MMR now or should I wait until I'm a bit better to calibrate it? Also to not spam posts in this sub I wanted to know if Dota Buff Plus is worth the money and if so how do I use it to improve?

submitted by /u/Jacobblast
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What does dark seer do?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:23 PM PST

Is he a carry? Support? What kind of items would you buy on him?

submitted by /u/guypenguin4
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Educational stream 6.5k divine 5 player. Teaching mid and map awarness.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:09 PM PST

thoughts on Faceless Void in 7.07

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:02 AM PST

I'm curious what peoples overall thoughts on him, and what general builds players who like void are trying out.

I've personally found some love with battlefury in some games, but I find the resurgence of a lot of caster heroes means even after a time lapse burst just doesn't stop.

So what are your thoughts

submitted by /u/avatera32
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Understanding PRNG

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:56 AM PST

Hello everyone, I'm quite curious as to how the psuedo-RNG system works currently in DoTA 2. From my understanding, the point of pseudo-RNG is to guarantee at least one proc during a clash or a fight.

Now, I've heard people say that it equalizes the amount of procs that you do. That means you can expect a stable outcome over the course of the fight. In essence, your high roll is not too high and your low roll is not too low because the outcome is stable.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this matter, and any source proofs if you could provide one as I had a hard time looking for discussions on the topic.

submitted by /u/Einrahel
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I tried my best in the calibration games for solo and I still got Archon 1.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:13 PM PST


I have played support in the past but I had planned to play 10 calibration games straight without picking any support because I know that people in the 2k bracket are bad at playing carry. So I decided to pick carries or mids and made sure that I was getting the XPM and the GPM and the KDAs and etc.

I had 7 wins and 3 losses, I was originally 2.7 (this acc peaked 2.9 while my 2nd account was 3.1) AND SOMEHOW I AM STILL ARCHON 1.

Can somebody explain to me why I am still deserving to be in this tier? I mostly learn carry/mid when I play betgames and I play betgames every weekdays. This is very embarrassing.

Edit: I was happy that calibration games were made but this makes me so dissapointed

I hope someone can view these 10 games because I spent many money going on the netcafe thats like 15 pesos every hour. Most of the time like my recent games before calibration. I was at home and Pings are very unstable at home. I really dont understand

submitted by /u/spuddy63
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Any good streamers to learn mid?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:41 AM PST

If I decide that I wanted to get better at mid, what would be some good streamers to watch? I do watch a lot of high level replays but often don't understand their plays, thought process, decision making, etc. and feel like watching someone play with some sort of commentary on what they are doing would help me learn faster.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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