Guild Wars 2 - Mike O'Brien's Response to the Current State of WvW

Mike O'Brien's Response to the Current State of WvW

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:20 AM PST

[SC] World First W5

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:52 PM PST

Hey everyone,

after being world first in wing 4 we went for it in wing 5 again.

We are happy that we got world first on all 3 bosses in the end.

Screenshots are server time.

Screen Boss1: (28th)

Screen Boss2: (28th)

Screen Boss3: (29th)



We are working on updating Benchmarks, Guides and Builds atm.

Edit: We think W5 is really good and by far the hardest Wing they ever did. The only annoying part is the pre event of Dhuum if you did it that many times. We also wiped twice at 1% so that was fun. :D

It could be that there are 4 bosses because there are 3 pre mobs before dhuum and they said something about fixing loot in the patchnotes. We killed them before that patch so probably just missed those and we didn't take a screenshot when we killed those.

submitted by /u/Yujisa
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Mounts at 2000 gems actually ARE ok and here's why.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:02 AM PST

So we as a community are doing the outrage over mount pricing in the gem store thing again. And while that is understandable to a certain extent it is also something ANet must do whether we like it or not.

Let us put the situation into context:

-These mounts are not simple re-colors like the Halloween and most of the License mounts.Those skins were low effort to create and the 2000 gem mounts are high effort with completely new looks, new effects, sounds, and sometimes animations.

-$25 is the industry standard for MMO mounts. Even in games with larger player bases and a required subscription.

-The default mount skins are beautiful. ANet didn't skimp on them like they did with the default glider. No one should feel bad riding around on the default mount skins.

-You don't pay a subscription for this game and the store is not P2W.

-Calling the game Fashion Wars 2 in jest does NOT make high priced cosmetics P2W no matter how many times you try to equate the two.

-If Anet made the mounts 800 gems you know very well you would go to the Silverwastes and farm gold and would never spend a penny on these mounts. That is why if they lowered the price they would get less money even if more people "bought" them. Yes many more times the amount of people would have the mount but many less people would spend money on them.

-ANet must find a way to justify having 300-400 people working on GW2. That is a large amount of people for a game in this genre. That is why we have such a strong content cadence. For comparison Bungie has 500 people working on Destiny and they have a lot less releases every year and charge for every single patch AND have a cash shop. GW2 took a hit after HoT's and the game likely cannot continue the pace of current development without increasing profits in a time when NCSoft's investors wonder why the entire company hasn't moved to mobile development after Lineage M's massive profits.

-The mount is NOT nearly the price of the expansion. The expansion was sold very cheaply with the knowledge that some people would pay more for mount skins and carry those of us who didn't want to pay for a $50 expansion. Mount skins aren't a supplement to PoF. PoF exists to sell these mount skins. These mount skins are why NCSoft has allowed ANet to continue with it current massive content output for a game that was not generating nearly enough profits to warrant it post-HoT's.

Now let's look at some alternatives:

-ANet could get rid of the gold to gem conversions entirely. Then everyone has to pay real money for all gem store items. This would allow them to sell cheaper mount skins.

-ANet could put in an optional subscription that would slowly get more and more benefits over time as ANet became more and more dependent on it which would relegate non-subscribers to being second-class citizens. This would allow them to sell cheaper mount skins.

-ANet could charge money for every patch.

-ANet could begin to sell P2W items in the gem store.

-ANet could drastically cut content updates and either fire a bunch of people or put them in a mobile game's division.

So my question to those of you who really want to buy a peacock raptor skin for $10... which of those solutions appeals to you? Because you have to pick one.

GW2 must adapt or wither. It has had a historically gentle cash shop which worked back when GW2 was the new kid on the block. Now that we're five years in it MUST adapt to a smaller player base. Mount skins is that solution. It's cosmetic and optional and in no way P2W. That is why ANet just spent the last 2 years making an entire expansion centered around them. It's their solution. It's their way of generating more profits and allow them to continue to fully focus on GW2 without ruining the game by making it P2W. If you REALLY want to take that solution away from them then you have to pick one of the other solutions.

Finally, those of you who think that the BattleFront 2 players are your brothers-in-arms over matters like this should know that actually couldn't be further from the truth. They are fighting EA to get what we already have. Cosmetics in their cash shop. It's not the same thing at all.

Quick Clarification:

I'm not saying GW2 is in danger or that it's going anywhere. No matter what GW2 is successful enough to be around for years to come. This is in reference to just how much development resources it will get. Will ANet continue to make it their main focus or will the bulk of their team move on to something new? Mount skin sales is going to be in large part what determines that.

Quick Change:

I had forgotten that ANet still makes money off the gold to gems conversion. You guys are totally right on that point and I retract it. However I still think my other points hold.

submitted by /u/DragonWhimsy
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[SPOILERS] Praise Taimi's VA!!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:51 AM PST

You madam did an outstanding voice acting in the last story instance. Hearing Taimi whimper was so heart shattering , I just kept rushing through Fahranur completely ignoring the aesthetics because I was so afraid of what could happen. And finally seeing her trapped inside Scruffy, with the oxygen level decreasing, made me scared to the core.

You (dear VA) truly made me believe that Taimi would die, I even thought about the aftermath if she did die while trying to save her, it made the fight much more engaging.

Thank you for your awesome display of skill, without which most of the instance would be "meh".

P.S. Ty ANet for not killing Taimi. But also NEVER put her is such dire situations again...

submitted by /u/Dr_Hilarius_
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Daybreak Achievements Guide

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:05 PM PST

Hey everyone, here is the achievement guide to the Daybreak living world episode and the new map. There are a bunch of hidden achievements with this episode so I have labeled them as such. A lot of the hidden ones are inside story instances and may require you to revisit for a replay. Additionally there is is a timegated achievement that you may want to jump on ASAP.

I am missing one scavenger hunt achievement and some adventures, hoping to have these added to the guide soon.

submitted by /u/dulfy
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Living world Season 4 is off to a great start!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:06 AM PST

I just wanted to make this post to counter a lot of the negativity on this subreddit. ANet really outdid themselves in this release, amazing new skins, a captivating fractal, a massive new map, an extremely hard raid, and a brilliant story.

We got all of this for free yesterday and I would like to thank the devs for all of it!

submitted by /u/LanarFalcon
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[spoilers] The writing of this episode was MILES better than LS3

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:40 AM PST

As an example, Koss. Unlike Livia, Koss was actually foreshadowed / explained for people who hadn't played GW1. There's the Koss on Koss backpack, and you can also find that book in the Astralarium and, I think, the Priory. If you meet Redeemer Kossan in the Desolation, he talks about being a descendant of Koss and Melonni. Thus, his reveal DOES have context, even for non-GW1 players. And for those of us who did play GW1, that whole interaction carries a great deal of emotional weight -- I was deeply upset about what happened to my old friend here, and the vow to do something about it actually felt personal to me.

That's just one example, but overall this episode felt very well done, much more polished story-wise than the others. Also, the lack of endless bloody Joss Whedon style quipping was super refreshing. The only character who did that was Canach, and that makes sense because, well, it's Canach.

submitted by /u/LucidSeraph
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Position of "cheap" fractal encryption keys in the vendor window got stealth swapped. Don't rely on muscle memory or you will lose gold.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:41 PM PST

[Data-Mining] Weapon, Sigil and Rune recipes

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:29 PM PST

Hello everybody,

A lot of people kept asking me "how do I obtain this and that" so here's a shopping list. I'm not sure how you get the recipes in the first place (doesn't look like you get them through discovery). Enjoy.

Kralkatike Ingot - [&CcEwAAA=]

  • 10 Kralkatite Ore - [&Ago1UAEA]
  • 10 Powdered Rose Quartz (salvaged from Rose Quartz) - [&Agr9UAEA]
  • Glob of Ectoplasm

Astral Avenger - [&CdQwAAA=]

  • Orichalcum Greatsword Blade
  • Orichalcum Greatsword Hilt
  • Inscription of the Spearmarshal - [&AgHWRwEA]
  • 50 Kralkatike Ingot

Stellar Avenger - [&Cc0wAAA=]

  • Deldrimor Steel Greatsword Blade
  • Deldrimor Steel Greatsword Hilt
  • Nadijeh's Marshal Inscription - [&AgFwTAEA]
  • Irridiated Vision Crystal - ???

Superior Rune of the Stars [&Ca8wAAA=]

  • Bolt of Gossamer
  • Glacial Lodestone
  • 15 Kralkatite Ore
  • Glob of Ectoplasm

Superior Sigil of the Stars [&CbMwAAA=]

  • Orichalcum Ingot
  • Glacial Lodestone
  • 15 Kralkatike Ore
  • Glob of Ectoplasm
submitted by /u/that_shaman
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Nice update for PVP. How can this not be in the patch notes?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:14 AM PST

Ok so the new peacock raptor skin is cool and all but I cant stop seeing this everytime i look at it...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:42 AM PST

When you are poor but wanna hang out with your rich friends

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:49 PM PST

Legendary Ring collection: how to unlock the collection items

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:00 PM PST

In yesterday's living story / raid / fractal update, a new legendary trinket collection was added, for the legendary ring Coalescence. The first collection is called Coalescence I: Unbridled, and is unlocked upon killing any raid boss in any of the released wings. Or more accurately, it is unlocked upon looting a boss chest (if you had already killed VG this week, killing it again this week won't unlock it since you can't loot the chest twice in a week, so it has to be a 'fresh kill').

The collection has 10 items:

  • 3 items to collect
  • 1 item, a book, that's made from combining the previous 3 items
  • 5 logs, basically interact/use the book in the 5 PoF maps in certain spots or something
  • And the finished book

The first collection rewards the precursor ring Hateful Sworl.

Now we had some issue figuring out how to get the 3 initial required items, called:

  • Transcendental Binding
  • Transcendental Ink
  • Transcendental Parchment

It turns out they are raid related, and drop from small chests in the new raid wing.

Note that these small chests only spawn in 'live' raids. For example, the first chest only spawns in an instance if the first boss has been killed in that instance. It does not appear if you open a new instance with the boss already dead!

So make sure you take these chests after doing the bosses/events.

We know of 3 chest locations so far, there is most likely one more after killing Dhuum.

  • 1st chest, north of the 1st boss platform, spawns after 1st boss is killed
  • 2nd chest, south of the platform after the soul river, probably spawns after soul river event (not sure)
  • 3rd chest, below the end of the soul river, probably spawns after the statue event (not sure).

I don't know anyone who got all three items, only the first two items. Maybe it's RNG, maybe the third item comes from a chest after the last boss.

NOTE: collection 1, the precursor, is the only one that can be done so far. Future releases will include the next steps

submitted by /u/JusticiaDIGT
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The new fractal relic sink is fantastic. Can we get a great sink for luck now?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:27 AM PST

Seriously /u/Anet_Ben, you outdid yourself. The new sinks are fantastic end game goals. I think that the last currency/item that doesn't have a proper end game to it is luck. I'm sitting on so much of this and I constantly get more from salvaging or festival containers. It would be great if we could get a great end game goal in general pve for luck too.

submitted by /u/Kantoku83
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Is this an Easter Egg? Found Simba, Timon and Pumbaa from Lion King looking for bugs in Crystal Oasis.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:09 PM PST

ANet, please get back into uploading the new loading screens as wallpapers on the main web site.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:15 AM PST

I'm humbly begging for them to be added onto the site like you used to do it, especially the new one for Amnoon.

I need new wallpapers for my work computer. :D

submitted by /u/ThePansAnOldMan
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Sweet new book interface element

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:33 PM PST

Haven't seen any posts about this yet. If you double click the overdue library books for the Library Detective achievement, you can read them in this neat new interface. Some even have multiple pages. You can see a screenshot here.

submitted by /u/trev7389
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I started doing fractals for the first time today...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:05 PM PST

6 in total to be exact, before I joined a random team for my 7th entering "Twilight Oasis". I quickly realized this was Path of Fire content and I'm currently playing through the story chronologically at Season 3 of Living Story. Everyone in the group said this was a new fractal and nobody had done it before.

We got to the final boss, and I was laughing throughout the kill because it was insane. No fractal I had done before was on that level of crazy, but I loved it. A few of us got knocked down, a few died completely but we managed to resurrect them. Didn't wipe once, and beat it on the first go.

I was blown away. Wasn't expecting that. Everyone was laughing at the end because of the fight. I don't know if the developers frequently browse reddit, but great job! It's the most fun group boss I've done so far on GW2 and I'm looking forward to hopefully trying raids sometime soon.

submitted by /u/RainyScape
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Spoiler: Cutscene after final wing 5 boss. Full credit to [SC] Snow Crows

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:44 PM PST

Wintersday will start in two weeks on December 12th

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:51 AM PST

PSA: Gift of the Desert

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:47 AM PST

If you're like me and have already completed the PoF maps on one of your characters, you can buy the Gift of the Oasis, Gift of the Highlands etc, from the following Karma vendors (1 per account):

Oasis: Pirestess Karima

Highlands: Tendaji

Riverlands: Follower Xunn

Desolation: Kisha Odili

They cost ~23K karma each.

submitted by /u/M0ff3l
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MAYBE? Fractal Armor in the future...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:06 AM PST

First thing first.I know i will be heavily downvoted here but i want to put my comment on this matter.Yesterday we had a "fractal sink", who pretty much its usless. Now that a new raid was introduced, new pieces of armor/weps were put in the game too.Since Anet said "fractals are the thing over dungeons" at least they should put some effort in doing Fractal Armor. I don't mind the newly items from raid, but gives us; fractals players some armor too.Before jumping on me, i don't want legendary armor in fractal, i want simple Fractal Armor exo/ascended w/e. We already have 2 types of Weps, 1 Legendary Backpiece but 0 piece of armor.

Maybe in the future...Um?

submitted by /u/-Korvinus_Baelfire-
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Wing 5 Logs - Updated ARC and GW2R

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:45 PM PST

Hi all,

In case you weren't aware, the latest version of Arc now logs the Soulless Horror and Dhuum in W5.

We've also updated GW2R to parse Soulless Horror. Once we get some more Dhuum logs, we'll include those.

At the moment it's a standard parse, we'll add mechanics tracking once we have more time to sift through all the data.

Some key info from the community would be great to help us speed up the process:

  • Name of Mechanics and attacks
  • Any phasing ideas, currently I don't believe either of the boss encounters have significant phases so we'll probably parse as a single phase like Cairn.

Thanks in advance! - Merf

PS: Should totally join our Discord Server:

submitted by /u/merforga1
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[spoiler] So, where's Joko?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:45 PM PST

THEORY: Joko hasn't escaped the Domain of the Lost. The individual from the end of the episode who kidnapped Taimi IS NOT Joko.


  1. It's the Commander & co. who start referring to the person who kidnapped Taimi as "Joko." Taimi never says it's Joko, to my knowledge (and we don't ask her) (It's possible that she did and I missed it, I don't know). The subtitles only refer to this person as "Mysterious Voice."

  2. If you use your mount quickly enough near the end of the instance, you can jump over to Taimi's island before her kidnapper disappears, and he's only labeled as Mysterious Figure. I didn't get a very good look (so many Awakened swarming around) but his model didn't seem to be the same model as Joko's; it looked like a generic Awakened.

  3. Supposedly, during the prison break, Revenants get a class-specific action where they channel "Legendary Prisoner Pawala Joko." I haven't seen more information about this and I don't have a Revenant that's geared and leveled enough to do this, but I can say that if this is true, we've NEVER heard of anyone channeling a spirit that's not currently in the Mists -- as in, you can't channel someone who is currently on Tyria, even though (presumably) fractal copies of them exist out there (see: Scarlet Briar, Ellen Kiel). All the individuals Revenants channel are dead; previously, Dervishes could channel the Gods (who exist in the Mists) and Ritualists could channel the spirits of the dead (... who are dead). I suppose potentially, Jalis Ironhammer might not be dead? But he's been fundamentally changed by the Rite of the Great Dwarf, and it's pretty likely that he got destroyed by Primordus, so... unclear, I guess. I guess you could also see channeling him as evidence that he totes broke out guys, but I'm not sure.

  4. I forget this NPC's name, but in the PoF story when you go pretend to be Archon Iberu, you meet a guy who is standing in for Joko and basically acting as his second in command, claiming that his orders tooootally come from Joko Himself, promise gaiz. So it's clear that the leadership has been run by someone else at least since Balthazar imprisoned him in the mists. This leaves a big power vacuum that any halfway decent mesmer could fill -- one we already took advantage of.

  5. The stuff he does in the story REALLY isn't Joko's style at all. If/when Joko returns, you can bet your ass he'd first off have a HUGE FUCKING PARADE where he shouts from the mountaintops YOUR BELOVED KING IS BACK HELLO GUYS. He's an egoist and a narcissist of the highest order. But we heard nothing of the sort. His speech patterns in ep. 1 also don't match the way he speaks in, say, the new Fractal. He peppers his words with overly verbose and grandiose language to show off ~how cool he is~ and ~how smart~, while the Mysterious Voice is so direct as to be almost blunt. Also? Doesn't sound like the same VO. LOTS of distortion on the voice that I don't think we can just say is the communicator.

Now, I haven't heard anything about whether or not we find out what's up with Joko in the raid. But I will say that Dhuum is SUPER DUPER NOT OKAY with people leaving the domain of the dead at all ever, so I actually think the power changeover would result in it being HARDER to get out, not easier. People who have actually gotten to Dhuum in the raid, can you confirm or deny that we find out anything at all about Joko or even the integrity of the Underworld in the raid?

Okay Seraph, but who the fuck is it then? I don't know, but there's a few options.

  1. That guy from the story who was nominally in charge with Joko gone whose name I can't remember. Unlikely, since I can't even remember his damn name, and he struck me as a bit of a coward.

  2. Someone else very high up in the Mordant Crescent / Awakened hierarchy. Of COURSE someone like Joko has enemies and people more than happy to step into his shoes. That's a big fat power vacuum. And, if nothing else, the stunt the Commander pulled proved to those higher ups that a. the power vacuum existed in the first place and b. it would be stupid easy to fool these rot-brained morons.

  3. Now, this is a crazy theory and if true it'd disappoint me since it'd be twice we've had a godly bait-and-switch, but it could be Lyss or Ilya. Remember, Balthazar didn't curse her, and she enabled him to disguise himself as Lazarus in the first place. Potentially, she may have done the same thing here, pretending to be Joko. One of her said "Yes I am totally all of Lyssa" and fucked off into the Mists with the rest, while the other stayed behind. Tbh the biggest reason I think this is unlikely is that Lyssa would be much better at impersonating Joko than whoever this is.

Edit With all this said, I do think Joko himself started whatever Inquest-adjacent research into the Scarab Plague is going on in the First City. I'm just saying that the person who kidnapped Taimi isn't Joko, and Joko is still cooling his heels in a prison in the Underworld.

submitted by /u/LucidSeraph
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[SPOILERS] Profession-Specific Mechanics in LS...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:18 AM PST

I ran through LS4 on an ele and when when I got to the prison break saw myself say "even steel beams melt" use a conjured Slag Axe to melt the bars open and so I immediately wondered what the other classes use, I assume thief just picks the lock and I heard guardians like summon their stand [HAMMER TO FALL] or something. List em here.

submitted by /u/CrazyMuffin32
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