Learn Dota 2 - 6000 MMR player coaches 2500 MMR Faceless Void on how to WIN LANE against Antimage & Outplay Lategame.

6000 MMR player coaches 2500 MMR Faceless Void on how to WIN LANE against Antimage & Outplay Lategame.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:02 AM PST

HI guys im new to this subreddit. Can u explain to me how the calibration works in the new ranking system.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:01 PM PST

How to use ward continuity without delay?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:33 PM PST

So, theres a limit on how many ward that can be used on the map. Most of time after duration finished, i need to wait few minutes before able to buy it again. How to reduce this delay?

Maybe theres timing and how exactly to use it properly? Im thinking to use 2 ward on top and 2 ward on bottom.

submitted by /u/1stFuriosa
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Just got back to Dota 2 after three years

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:58 PM PST

Seems like the meta has changed a bit.

Mainly wondering why melee agility carries that used to always go to safelane now goes to mid? What changed?


submitted by /u/Valour_549
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How not to lack experience when roaming?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:13 AM PST

Also i wanted to know some good roamers this new patch.

submitted by /u/xdeus_v2
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How are you supposed to destroy techies mines?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:20 PM PST

Even when I buy sentries and hit them with a ranged hero, they still explode and kill me

submitted by /u/amonaroll
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Roaming in 7.07?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:37 PM PST

A few of my friends say that roaming is basically dead now and that we should just do dual offlanes.

Is that true? I think roaming is a very cool role and i'd be disappointed to see it becoming weak and unwanted.

submitted by /u/Justice_Hero
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If you had to play 2 heroes on one pc, who would they be?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:30 PM PST

Basically you login with 2 accounts on 2 different computers and you give yourself hero control. If you had to pick with this in mid, what would you pick?

My ides was to pick ogre-sniper and to pretend I am playing lone druid.

submitted by /u/monoeze
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Offlane blocking

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:10 PM PST

I can't seem to block properly in the offlane idk if because of my stop spamming or walk pattern, i want to learn this because blocking is so important for me as an offlaner. Any tips? Thank you for your time

submitted by /u/macoyyy12
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Learning Beastmaster

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:07 AM PST

I've recently started switching to offlane from playing pos 1 and I currently have a pool of Brew, Brood, Cent, Clock and Dark Seer. I'm interested in learning Beastmaster, since I like the hero but I don't play him very well yet.

  1. Item build? Currently i'm using Tango, Salve, Stout, Clarity and Branches -> Tranqs > Medallion > Necro 3 > Blink > whatever I think suits the game, but if there's any better builds i'd use them.

  2. Control groups for microing his units? I'm having some problems since I often use CTRL unified orders to micro my units, but the hawk follows the rest of the units when I do this.

  3. Skill build? Not sure here, since some people seem to max axes and call of the wild while some max call of the wild and inner beast.

  4. How do you lane him? Like how Dark Seer uses Ion Shell to shove waves forcing the enemy to cs under tower while taking harass, how does Beast win lanes?

  5. Talents?

submitted by /u/Sclipzer
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poor ingame mouse sensitivity and response??

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:50 PM PST

Am I the only experiencing slow mouse movements and missclicks??? My mouse works perfect outside the game, is there a way to config mouse options?

submitted by /u/Inxxi
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How to deal with early game pressure? (pre 10 minutes)

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:52 AM PST

Hi there,

I recently had a Luna game which was lost in the first 10 minutes https://www.opendota.com/matches/3582322778.

Basically I had a Tusk lane support and he being <1k just like me he failed completely to zone Magnus and Weaver and I was unable to do anything in the lane - Weaver could shukuchi + swarm and kill me, Magnus was soooo damn tanky (never really played more than maybe 2-3 games against this hero in lane) and I had no idea what to do. I got my items a good 5 minutes late and where I normally get 150-200 lh at 20 minutes regardless of how many I got in the first 10 minutes, this game I'd died 5 times in lane and the whole map just collapsed and we lost.

Can anyone tell me how to deal with pressure in lane? It is rare that offlaners even bother to rightclick you so this experience was something I had no idea how to deal with. Should I have rushed morbid mask (I did) and jungled even earlier? Soaked exp? It doesn't really feel right to be luna and getting no farm in lane but that's pretty much what happened this game.

Anyone have any ideas?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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What went wrong?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:06 PM PST

Just finished a game with a stack, which we lost. It was a challenging game but we mostly seemed to be trading blow for blow.

I was the Doom, what went wrong? Anyone got any tips/advice?


submitted by /u/Nosuchthing24
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As a Morphling Carry, should you be joining early game teamfights instead of farming?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:54 PM PST

Was just in a game where I was facing off against a Spectre safelane. I had a fairly good laning phase as a mid against Lina (while neither of us died, I eventually forced her out of the lane with superior last hit/deny + abusing my power spikes and she disappeared into the jungle, popping out to gank allies with some success. I was also essentially go 2 v 1 for half the laning phase as an enemy support kept trying and failing to kill me, while my supports were trying to pressure spectre, although they ended up feeding some kills so it wasnt too successful unfortunately). My team's mindset going into the game was that our lifestealer (playing as the safelane carry) would not be able to outcarry a spectre in the late game and so I was relegated to position 1 farm. However, despite farming relatively well and doing my best to splitpush, a few misplays ended up with me dying before I could get a solid networth advantage over the enemy team, so by the time the lategame started, I was relatively on par with spectre. At the same time, my team kept taking fights and losing, feeding the enemy spectre gold (went early urn/treads/wand into rads). By the time spectre had rad, I basically could not outfarm him even with my manta.

I understand that Morphling has a huge powerspike at level 8, when he can get 4 waveform, 3 morph + replicate which makes you near unkiilable short of 5 man ganks with silence, and another huge spike at level 15 with maxed out waveform, morh, adaptive strike, 1 point in replicate, + the agi talent at 10 and the waveform attack at 15.

Should I have abused these power spikes to put more pressure on enemy team by fighting with my team as 5 instead of farming and splitpushing? Is there ever a time when you should be farming instead of abusing said power spikes (say you're close to finishing a big item and don't want to risk dying?)

I definitely understand that I need to work on some of the more technical skills such as not overextending, understanding who can secure kills on me, map awareness and more efficient jungling/pushing, but on a strategic level, I'm wondering what the right call is?

submitted by /u/HaltCPM
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Were my teammates correct?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:23 AM PST

Here is the match ID for this match I just played: 3582271616

I was the Abba.

pre-game story is that I was going to offlane, and then Sniper picked to lane with Ursa. Thus, I switched to support to be the only support in game. I wanted to build a Solar Crest and I was attempting to get a Halbard before we lost.

My MMR is like 1360, guardian 4.

Early game, I felt I had good impact in the lane. We got a couple kills off on the Tree and I felt we stopped the Doom from having a good start. The Ursa had a great start, I think, and was able to get good farm and a lot of kills early.

Mid game was where I felt like my maybe my decisions were incorrect. The team started fighting all over the place and the lanes started pushing in towards us. The enemy void, I felt, was very good at getting to lanes and setting up pushes, along with getting good farm.

I attempted to keep the lanes pushed out and wards on the enemy half of the map to allow for a mid game push towards objectives. But it seemed that didn't happen. I was alone a lot in lanes setting things up or defending pushes.

To be honest, I wasn't really aware of what my team was doing at this time, so I was just doing what I thought was correct.

My gut feeling is that the fights they were getting into were a bit pointless, and that they were farming the jungle a lot, instead of utilizing our early advantage.

By the time late game rolled around, their void was huge, our sniper was tiny and it was gg. This was about the time I started getting chain pinged and abused in the chat for not being with the team.

I think the correct thing to do was to attempt to use our early game advantage and Ursa's good start to push the lanes. I didn't communicate this - probably a big factor - and just started doing it.

But maybe I should have been with the team in these mid game teamfights, attempting to help them out, and their flaming was justified.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated. Thanks.

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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How do tread switching and armlet toggling work?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:19 AM PST

In games, I always see people tread switching to int when casting spells, but I don't understand why that would help you at all since you still spend the same amount of mana. Also, I've seen people toggling armlet but I have no clue why (I've seen it done on Huskar mostly).

Slightly unrelated, but sometimes I see people's healthbars flash white like some sort of buffer. Is this because they are changing stats and losing HP?

submitted by /u/GallicaV
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Can someone tell me what is going on with ET ?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:08 AM PST

I'm interested in learning core Kunkka, please advise!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:33 AM PST

Hi, I've noticed quite a lot of offlaner kunkkas in my pubs lately and it always seemed kinda memey to me in the past, but after trying it a few times I've noticed you actually are quite strong in lane and even if shut down you can always stack your own camps to farm while taking runes (even using a boat early to take a stack is no big deal if needed, like how gyrocoptor takes stacks)

I also find your right click is way stronger than I thought in the early mid game, all you need is phase armlet crystalis and you're suddenly very fast farming and doing huge damage after initiating with boat.

My huge problem at the moment is I don't use X to its full potential yet. I actually often just throw casual torrents and if after 0.5 seconds if it looks like it will hit I use boat to combo. Then i just X to hold them still to finish with right clicks. It looks cool but it's obviously less reliable than just using x smartly to guarantee the stuns.

Anyway any generic advice and thoughts are appreciated. I've tried it mid and it can be good especially because lower MMR people don't usually get salves so they lose their shit to the harass. :D

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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How to deal with sniper mid?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:02 AM PST

As the title suggests, I'm having some trouble against sniper mid, and it really came to a head when I had gone drow vs sniper mid and could not get ahead in last hits/denies for the life of me, which eventually snowballed. Are there good counterpicks for him that I can practice when I see him picked? I'm just not sure what to do as a single player considering how safe he is.

submitted by /u/Wolfssenger
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Can someone explain this build?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:32 AM PST


First of all, I might be wrong about this, but the in-game Watch tab said that this was EG.Universe on LC hence the thread. The Dotabuff page says the user is unverified so it could be some 6k scrub idk, in which case feel free to ignore/lock this thread or whatever.

On to the main point, assuming this actually was Universe, can someone explain to me his item build? I usually feel comfortable going Wand>Phase>Soul Ring>Blink on LC every game (which i believe is an acceptable build) but this game was something else entirely. He ended up losing the game pretty badly so this could be some silly experiment of his, but it still makes me wonder - is there any case where you wouldn't want an early Blink? Was he trying to transition to pos 4 by going utility items like Drums and Medallion and let Enchantress become a damage dealer?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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How could I improve with Nyx?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:31 AM PST


This was my first game as Nyx Assassin since the 7.07 update, and after having been massacred in the past I wasn't hopeful, but the game went better than expected. Any tips?

submitted by /u/corporalkenny
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Another MMR Calibration Question

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:42 AM PST

If you were a much higher MMR in Party Queue, but still a low MMR overall, will it rank you higher than if I did my 10 Solo games?

I did my 10 party queue games and got crusader 1, and 1.8k. I was only 1k solo before this recalibration.

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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