Civilization - Map of europe 1500AD

Map of europe 1500AD

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:55 AM PST

I think I must change my advisor

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:41 AM PST

Civ needs an "occupy" option for cities, like how the Allies & Russia occupied Berlin after WWII.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:15 PM PST

Playing for non-domination win & another civ attacks you. No big deal... you beat them away, maybe take a city as compensation if you're feeling salty. Fine. Everyone's friends again in a few turns. Several turns later, they suddenly declare war again. Then again later. At that point, you realize you need to permanently weaken them or this will just keep happening. So you besiege their capital. Suddenly they are all about peace, but you know if you stop, they will just attack again. So you take the capital, call for peace, for a war they started, and NOW YOU'RE THE WARMONGER.

In the modern real world, we generally don't just annex cities that we're forced to fight against. We establish military bases or something, and basically let them go about their business while we meddle and make sure they don't do anything stupid. Like the title: The Allies & Russia didn't annex the Axis nations, and they didn't just say "seriously, don't do that again." No, they Occupied them, arguably to the benefit of everyone involved (at least in the long run - Russia played a different strategy).

Anyway, we need this, either as an option for after taking a city by force, or via negotiations. The closest thing we had was colonies back in Civ IV.


(Edited for clarity)

submitted by /u/Shadrach77
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When one isn't china and wants a wall, one must improvise

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:40 PM PST

[Guide] How I have smooth multiplayer games with 20+ civs, 90+ mods, and huge maps but no desync issues, and no impact to turn times

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:09 AM PST

Hi all. I keep reading posts on here about people having trouble with Civ 6 multiplayer, so I thought I'd share my discoveries. Many people seem to think that you can't player large, epic Civ 6 games with tons of mods over multiplayer, but I'm here to tell you that is not true!

As the title notes, I regularly play Internet multiplayer with Civ 6. My games consist of me and one or two friends. We use over 90 mods and play on custom huge map sizes with 20+ civs and 30+ city states. The mods we use aren't all lightweight - some are huge and add substantial content, like Religion Expanded, civ and leader packs, and Resourceful. Our turn times are no different than if I were playing a single-player game with the exact same settings. Desyncs almost never happen, and if they do, are usually 100+ turns apart and easily fixed. In short, we have a buttery smooth experience. How do we achieve this?

Well, it wasn't always like this. It took a lot of my experimentation to figure out the idiosyncracies to making multiplayer work, and a lot of it is thanks to the Fall update, in which Firaxis greatly improved speed and stability.

1. Remove problematic mods (also applies to single player)

At one point, I thought multiplayer just didn't play nice with mods. We were constantly getting kicked from our games with desyncs and having ridiculous load times. After trial and error, I believe I have found the culprit: mods that use a lot of LUA. LUA is a programming language that some mods use to do things that are not possible or easy with database updating. Unfortunately, they can impact performance - even in single player!

Mods you want to avoid include CQUI, Better Deal Screen, and other user-interface altering mods. Some other types of mods, like civ leaders, rely heavily on LUA as well, but that's not as common and usually don't use as much LUA; further, their LUA code isn't called on constantly like the code in UI mods. I try to avoid every mod that uses any LUA. I know some will say I'm overreacting but my experience is my experience.

YNAMP uses quite a lot of LUA as well, but we don't really play with that. I am unsure if it is a problematic mod - the LUA is all upfront with map generation, not in game. However, I recommend experimenting and seeing if removing it helps or not.

I know I'll get a lot of flack from people here who really love those mods, but if you don't believe me, try it yourself. Remove any substantial UI-altering mods and start a new single player game. In my experience, things will be MUCH smoother. Removing CQUI had the single biggest improvement to my performance than any other action I've done, and I have a substantially good gaming PC (GTX 1080, skylake I7, 32 gb ram). This smoothness will translate to multiplayer and you will experience fewer desyncs.

Note, we do keep two LUA mods and they don't seem to cause problems - Unit Report Screen and Right Click Close Leader. I suspect the impact of these mods is not noticeable because their scripts are not called upon constantly by the game, unlike something like CQUI.

If any players have relatively weak computers, you may want to avoid R.E.D. as well - rendering 16 small units makes the game work a lot more than rendering 4 large ones. However, we use R.E.D. and don't have any problems.

Finally, please do not take this as an attack on those mods or their creators. It is not at all.

2. Ensure all players have the exact same mods subscribed

Inconsistent mod loads among players is the biggest cause of desyncs. Do not rely on the multiplayer lobby to sync everyone's mods together - in my experience it doesn't work. Take the extra steps and do this:

a. Create a "Collection" on Steam for your multiplayer mods. b. Have everyone subscribed to every mod in that collection. c. Make sure Steam is restarted after everyone is subscribed, if this is your first go.

I also suggest going the extra step and having everyone UNSUBSCRIBE COMPLETELY from mods that are not being used in the multiplayer match. Is this a pain in the ass? Yes - but it's well worth it to ensure a smooth experience.

Also, before we start or load a game, everyone opens up Additional Content and we do a roll-call of sorts to make sure we all have the exact same mods subscribed and activated.

3. Avoid using the "Mods" folder in Documents -- My Games -- Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Many people download mods from Civfanatics or a 3rd party site instead of subscribing to them on Steam. This is a recipe for desyncs. I suspect the game calls upon these mods in different orders, which creates load order issues in multiplayer. Further, having everyone only use mods via Steam ensures that you all get the same updates at the same time. A single difference in a mod across all players will create desync.

That's really it. Just follow those simple steps and your multiplayer games will go very smoothly. Oh, and mods that we use that I can personally vouch have not caused us any trouble include

  • Religion Expanded
  • R.E.D. and all R.E.D expansion packs for DLC
  • Several custom civs
  • Resourceful
  • Sukritact's Resources
  • Sukritact's Tonle Sap
  • All other mods that I have created

I hope some of you find this helpful. Please note this does not apply to Hot Seat - even without any mods, Hot Seat is much, much slower than single player.

P.S. -- What if we desync?

As a final note, if someone does get kicked, here is what you should do: *load up the last save or autosave from the TURN BEFORE THE KICK. Kick/desyncs happen after the players have their turns, while waiting for the CPU turns to start. So if you ended turn 98 and experienced desync, load up turn 97. *Pick a new person to host the game. Have him or her save the game. *Have everyone quit the game. *Have the new host load up the save and invite everyone. Voila!

Just switch hosts for every desync.

submitted by /u/p0kiehl
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Managed to get a +20 production adjacency bonus on my Hansa!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:25 AM PST

(Civ VI) TIL That with Simultaneum, the faith yield is not doubled in cities that are not following your religion

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:04 AM PST

Since I love to run Theocracy and purchase large armies with faith, I usually run Simultaneum in the mid-game. Today, I noticed that it doubles faith in cities following your religion, and in cities following no religion, but not in cities following other religions.

Can't beleive it took me so long to notice this. But I really like the touch, as it encourages you to get those other religions out of your civ when running Theocracy.

Probably not something most care about, and certainly not major, but a good-to-know for some games.

submitted by /u/pm1966
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Spreading hate for an indefinite period of time...

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:23 PM PST

Which civ leader's name have you been mispronouncing this entire time?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:58 AM PST

For a while, I always thought Boudica's name was pronounced like bow-dica. And I thought it was a bomb ass name to have. BOWdica.

But it turns out it's just pronounced boo-dica. Crazy stuff, lemme tell ya.

submitted by /u/mance_raider555
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Extremophile coral

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:49 PM PST

[Civ 5] War AI is terrible

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:37 PM PST

Why do other civs never take advantage of any opportunity to screw you over? Hiawatha declared war on me in a recent game and was allied with two city states. I was in a pretty bad spor and i qas basically surrounded by hiawatha and his allies and yet i was able to produce two wonders and pump out enough units to take over one of the city states and then one of his cities. Not one unit attempted to attack me. It's just jarring.

I also played another game where I asked a civ to declare war on a common enemy only for them to not do a damn thing and denounce me by the end of the war.

I know I can ramp up the difficulty but I'm not a fan of simply giving the ai a ton of advantages. Are there any mods that can make war more interesting?

submitted by /u/TheGrifisStiff
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When war is declared on you

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:41 AM PST

What actions do you take? 9 / 10 times I am strong enough to push back and actually capture an enemy city. But if I do that I am labeled a warmonger.

How are you supposed to react to wars that you did not initiate without incurring negative diplomacy and while still teaching the enemy a lesson ?

Edit: civ 6

submitted by /u/bianchiss
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Victory Condition Idea - Supremacy.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:19 PM PST

I'm usually going for a military victory because I really enjoy the warfare aspects of civ, but i always find Domination victory is over long before the game ends. To achieve victory, you need to be the last player with their original capital, or with Brave new world you need to control all opposing player's original capitals.

This might work great for smaller games, but on huge maps with 12 players (or even modded with like 40 civs), it can be a huge chore to collect all the capitals. Civ usually reaches a point where I am indisputably the most powerful and I'm going to win, but i need another 100 turns to do it because i still have a bunch of capitals to capture, and ti takes time even if there is no significant resistance. The end of the game becomes a chore, and this is usually when i stop playing with a bit of a bitter taste, or click though it all to reach the end and get bored.

Is there a better way? I definitely think Domination victory should be kept - especially for smaller game sizes - but i feel like the game needs a military-focused victory condition that ends closer to that peak, and allows the player to cut out that last 'going through the motions' part of the game. The idea for the Supremacy victory would be becoming an undisputed military superpower - think the cold war, if one side had made a sudden breakthrough. You don't necessarily have to capture every city on the planet, but you could - and every other leader knows it. This victory would probably play out very similarly to Domination in the early game, but shift to something else in the late game.

The conditions would be

1 - Have the 'pointiest sticks.' It seems pretty fair that a military superpower should have the largest armies. 2 - All other civs are either allies, or Afraid of you. I'm not 100% sure on what the mechanics on a civ being 'afraid' are,though. 3 - ? I feel like there needs to be something more - the production of a wonder maybe, or something similar to Beyond Earth. Maybe you need to put on a Military Parade, invite all the world leaders to see it, and assemble enough units in a specific spot.

I see this playing out like a domination game at first, but at a certain point you switch your focus from Domination to Supremacy. In the end game, instead of going around collection capitals from insignificant 'empires' - you have a final showdown with with anyone big enough to be a potential military rival, and once you've won that, everyone else is cowed into submission.

What do you think? Obviously this is just one idea for an implementation, but I really feel Civ needs something like this. As a disclaimer, I've not yet played Civ 6, so perhaps that has it already. If not, what do you think of the idea? What do you think of my implementation? This thread is for wider discussion, rather than just my personal idea - i'm just trying to get the ball rolling.

The biggest issue I can see with this, is it becomes de-facto easier than domination, so maybe makes domination irrelevant. It could be locked to large map sizes.

submitted by /u/NeuroCavalry
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OK, now what?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:50 AM PST

Yet another Austrialia Uluru Petra post. Likely the best city I've ever had in a civ game

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:04 PM PST

What map settings do you most find fun?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:25 PM PST

Right now, I am playing Island Plates, Huge, 12 Players, on king difficulty. I am playing on king because emperor would be absurd with 12 players.

submitted by /u/Jameul
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Am I dominating incorrectly, or is this a bug?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:13 AM PST

Civ v keeps crashing on startup and ive done everything on the forums yet it still fails. pls help

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:15 PM PST

As it is said in the title, it keeps crashing ever since i've installed yet not another earth map pack and hit the "custom game" button. It doesnt want to load properly anymore. Here's a list of the things ive attempted in vain : -Reinstalling -Verify the game's file integrity -Deleted all the cinematic intro -Manually removed all the mods from steam (unsubing and removing the logs of them in my steam files) -Updated my drivers -Made the windows updates -Made so the game launches in admin mode everytime -Setted the game to be in windows 7 compatibility mode -Ran a debugger and changed the last file that was running when it crashed for a copy of my friend's file -Lowered the game's quality via nvidia geforce experience

I will put my specs in the comments. Dev support didnt try to help me so i'm turning to reddit for helps

submitted by /u/jodyze
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Rotated earth map?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:50 AM PST

I saw a civ5 map of the world rotated 90 degrees to the left but i can't find it anymore, any one you guys know where i can find it?

submitted by /u/zwart27
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Civ 6 mods causing stutter, need help

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:44 PM PST

Love this game, and the idea of mods but I have a problem that I cant seem to nail down. I use a few popular mods plus all the civ workshop mods, for fun of course. I notice after about 40 games in the game stutters hard in between turns, it doesent make the game unplayable but it kinda ruins the game for me. I also believe when starting a game the settler effect is a bit slower as well, compared to disabling all mods. So the natural next step is to disable all mods- boom game runs smooth. I try turning on mods one by one but im having a hard time nailing down which one it is OR even worse maybe this problem occurs with 2 or more conflicting mods but i cant seem to nail down the culprit, whenever I think i find the one ( resources, better coasts, farm++, barbarian nerf, civ 6 improvement patch, JFD's civs) i cant seem isolate the condition that causes the stutter. according to the mods in the forums they are up to date but theres obviously a problem. Anyone have a similar experience or advice

submitted by /u/DBchamp
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Can anyone explain what is happening here?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:12 AM PST

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