League of Legends - Sources: Reignover Signs with Counter Logic Gaming

Sources: Reignover Signs with Counter Logic Gaming

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:07 AM PST

Sources: OpTic signs PowerOfEvil, zig, LemonNation

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PST

Rush has returned to Challenger with a 78% w/r

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:48 AM PST

OP.GG: http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=9346 (the ladder is currently not updated but as it stands, Rush should be in 198th place with 436 lp) This is 100% Rush because 93=Rush's birth year (1993) and 46=his birthday (April 6).
The account was brand new at the start of preseason and hit Master with a 85%. Very interestingly, most of his games were played with KT Ucal who is much younger than Rush and Rush usually does not duo unless streaming, perhaps suggesting a new team for the upcoming season. Also, though he has played his signature Lee Sin the most on this account, Rush has also brought out champions like Jax, Kindred, Ezreal, Rengar, etc. and less of Nidalee and Kha, demonstrating his efforts to expand his champion pool. Obviously, Rush still has what it takes to return to the top and I am excited and hopeful his return to the professional scene.

Will we finally get to see our Kind Boy in the LCK? Really hoping to see some spicy news of Rush finding a new team in the coming days amidst this already crazy off-season.

submitted by /u/bapebro11
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G2 Esports forms partnership with Formula 1 legend Fernando Alonso

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:02 PM PST

Riot Lore Redesign: Kindred lore has been retconned to be about Lamb and Wolf struggling to make it in New York's fashion industry

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:49 AM PST

In an expected and not-at-all odd move, Riot has retconned Kindred to become less of a force that leads men to embrace death, and more of a happy-go-lucky fashion designer trying to make it with her boyfriend in New York.

The gaming company behind League of Legends promises her new lore will be "complicated. And if you think not," their official statement continued, "wait until we get into the arc where Vanessa totally steals her dress design and uses the fabric Lamb recommended to her when Vanessa was having a vulnerable moment over her breakup with Johnny, esteemed movie actor and millionaire playboy star of The Real Life. Omigod!"

The hope of this retcon is to provide Kindred's tale with a sense of dynamism. Living in the Big Apple leads to all sorts of adventures that help bring out a character's personality: a down-on-her-luck Lamb has to argue with Wolf about leaving change in the car.

"You never leave change in the car," she says, "how am I supposed to park anywhere if you use all of it to round up drinks at Starbucks?"

"Oh," Wolf will reply, "you love to tell stories, don't you?"

What will this interaction reveal about the characters? Who is right? Who is wrong? "We wanted to take the smallest aspects of life and project them into the world of gods," Riot claims. "Like with Zoe: we took the middle-school issue of being super random to earn a few chuckles and only realizing years later that it was super embarrassing and all-around awful.

For those interested, here is Kindred's new lore on Universe:

She's spunky. He's aloof. Together they're Lamb and Wolf, coming to a TV near you on ABC! Lamb always wanted to be a fashion designer, but after learning about the cruelty of animal leathers and animal testing, had to take a stand when no one else would. And, of course, her totally wacky boyfriend and kindred spirit Wolf is along for the ride, getting a job as a humble street sweeper who gets into all sorts of shenanigans. Starting out broke in a midtown apartment, they'll have to pull together every dime and scheme to make it big in an industry that's ALL tooth and claw. TUNE IN TONIGHT ABC 3 PACIFIC.

They're also making Urgot into a show about confronting cyberbullies.

submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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FlyQuest adds Flame, AnDa to League roster

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:15 AM PST

Misfits LoL Roster Update | Thank You, IgNar and PowerOfEvil!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:31 PM PST

Mordekaiser's Runes Spotlight: How the new runes have caused 29 new bugs on the Master of Metal

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:31 AM PST

Splyce keeps Kobbe, adds kaSing, sources say

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:52 PM PST

Odoamne slams Fake Journalists on Twitter; Reminder that our thirst for news can have real consequences for players.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:43 AM PST



It's worth nothing that these twitter journalists are opportunists exploiting a timing window where the community is desperate for news and will latch onto anything that seems credible. I'm not sure what their endgame is, whether they think they can gain a following this way to kick start a career in journalism or whether they just enjoy being the centre of attention. Either way, just keep in mind players careers ARE affected by the rumour mill. Maybe they don't get an offer they otherwise would because they are thought to be signed by someone else.

If it hasn't come from an established credible source or an official announcement, be sceptical!

edit: Some more tweets:-



Lots saying orgs are incompetent for allowing twitter rumours to influence their decision making process - I agree, but it does seem to be happening.

submitted by /u/Noatz
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NA LCS: all confirmations and linked in one post.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:12 AM PST

EDIT: Will keep updating that topic in the future days

EDIT: Last update: Reignover linked to CLG , November 23, 12pm EST

AnDa linked to FLY November 23, 1pm EST

PowerOfEvil, Zig and Lemonnation linked to OpTic Gaming November 23, 5pm EST

Click on name for link confirmation. Players with no link have contract according to Riot Contract Database

Team SoloMid

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Hauntzer MikeYeung (sources) Bjergsen Zven (sources) Mithy (sources)
Academy Svenskeren MrRallez Biofrost

Coach: SSong (sources)


Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Licorice (CONFIRMED) Contractz Jensen Sneaky Smoothie
Academy Ray Wiggily (CONFIRMED) / Loulex SELFIE (CONFIRMED)

Coach: Reapered

Counter Logic Gaming

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Darshan (CONFIRMED) Reignover (sources) Huhi (CONFIRMED) Stixxay (CONFIRMED)
Academy FallenBandit OmarGod Tuesday Zag Fill

Coach: Zikz

Echo Fox

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
Academy Brandini Grigne Damonte Mash

Coach: Inero


Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Flame (sources) AnDa (sources) WildTurtle Stunt (CONFIRMED)
Academy Cake


Team Liquid

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Impact (sources) Xmithie (CONFIRMED) Pobelter (CONFIRMED) DoubleLift (sources) Olleh (sources)
Academy Lourlo Dardoch Goldenglue / Mickey Matt

Coach: Cain

Golden Guardians

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Shiphtur (rumor)

Coach: Locodoco (sources)

OpTic Gaming

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Zig (sources) Akaadian (sources) PowerOfEvil (sources) Arrow (CONFIRMED) Lemonnation (sources)

Coach: Zaboutine (sources) (CONFIRMED by Himself)

Clutch Gaming

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
LCS Lira (sources) Apollo (sources) Hakuho (sources)

Coach: David Lim (sources)

100 Thieves

Team Top Jungle Mid ADC Support

Coach: Pr0lly (CONFIRMED by Himself)


Cody Sun will be transfered to an other team according to Team Liquid

Notable Free Agents

Thanks to /u/y0Fruitcup for the table.


Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
Balls Inori Hai Altec Adrian
Cris Moon Keane Deftly Aphromoo
Quas Santorin Linsanity fabbbyyy Big
Seraph Shrimp Pekin Woof Imaqtpie Maria
Pirean Keith Sheep
LOD Xpecial
Rikara Zeyzal


Top Jungle Mid ADC Support
Expect (KR) DanDy (KR) Febiven (EU) Freeze (EU) Baiano (CB)
Looper (KR) Jankos (EU) Fly (KR) Piglet (KR) Dubledoge (TCL)
Marin (KR) Karsa (LMS) Froggen (EU) Reven (KR) Ignar (KR)
Odoamne (EU) Levi (SEA) Kuzan (KR) Madlife (KR)
Move (KR) Nisqy (EU)
Peanut (KR)
SirT (CB)
submitted by /u/Masterfire76
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Sneaky gets Zoe 101'd

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:38 AM PST

I love lore but it being changed all the time made stop reading and caring about it

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

Reading all the mysteries of the old lore made me excited for future lore bits that will resolve them. But all I got was "that mystery never happened, here's a new one". One by one, characters that I read about when I started playing this game became new characters while old ones that I was attached to never got any closure.

I read some of the new lore and some I like (Janna, Nami, Shadow Isles) and some of it I don't (Lux and Demacia, Vastaya, new "map" of Runeterra). Regardless, I try not to get attached because it can change all over again, and all the the time I spent reading about it will be wasted.

Many of these new short bios turn interesting characters into dull one-dimensional characters. I love Nautilus, he has special place in my heart, he was first champion I saved up 6300IP for. Seeing him changed (ruined) this way is just saddening.

Lore should be expanded and tweaked, like how Sivir retained her bounty hunter identity after Shurima event, and only changed when character is completely out of place like original Janna and Taric were.

submitted by /u/Xtr0
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TIL Braum has a special interaction with the Ghost Poro rune

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:20 AM PST

Like every other poro, Braum gives them a special mustache if he is in the same game as them. Its a neat little easter egg Riot Wrekz, Braum's designer, added since he also was lead on Runes Reforged.

Source along with picture

submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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With season 8, Bjergsen will surpass Dyrus as TSM’s longest starting member

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:19 PM PST

Riot hired Graham McNeill (Warhammer 40k writer) a while ago to create great League of Legends lore.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:10 AM PST

But why are we ending up with shitty rewrites turning interesting characters with tragic backstories (Nautilus, Varus, Veigar) into cliché tropes?

Are the current short rewritten bios just a mockup placeholder? Are we getting the original stories back but fully fleshed out?

submitted by /u/Obamoose
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Meteos, Ryu & Ssumday Confirmed for 100 Thieves

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:54 PM PST

The newest tweet from 100 Thieves https://twitter.com/100Thieves/status/933558381595332608 welcoming Meteos, Ryu & Ssumday.

"This season of LCS is going to be a whole lot of fun. We're beyond thrilled to announce @ssumday22, @RyuL0L, and @c9_meteos have joined 100 Thieves."

submitted by /u/OperationCraig
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Is Sona not a mute any more?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:09 AM PST

understood by close companions

New lore

Does this mean she is just really shy.

submitted by /u/OnlyaDozen
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Updated Ultimate Bravery site

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:45 AM PST

Hi Reddit,

since the old Ultimate Bravery page is outdated for a few years now and the preseason changed the mastery/rune system completely, I wanted to show you my updated Ultimate Bravery website. Feel free to try it out. Any feedback would be appreciated.

In the future, I'm also planning to release a feature for tracking the stats of your ultimate bravery games.


submitted by /u/CommanderJo
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The YouTube video on login is really obnoxious.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:53 AM PST

Maybe it's just me, but when the project video started up on login it blew out my ears. I wear headphones so it might not be as bad for people who use their speakers. Either way I think in the future something like this should be considered by Riot.

submitted by /u/Elee_Tadpole
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Ssumday Signs with 100 Thieves – Salary said to be $700K+

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:01 AM PST

PSA:You can get 600 cost reduction in stead of 300 off with Perfect Timing following these steps.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:43 AM PST

Perfect Timing grants a Replica Stopwatch after 6 minutes, which contribute only 300 toward Zhonya/gargoyle/GA. For example zhonya cost 2600g to upgrade from the fake watch. But if you do this:

  1. Buy zhonya
  2. Sell it
  3. Buy zhonya again
  4. Sell it
  5. Undo all purchases back to step 1

Now you can buy zhonya with just 2300 gold.

Edit: now this got quite some attention, can someone report this to riot along with one more feature regarding perfect timing which is x "selling the fake watch increases the price of the first zhonya/gargoyle/ga by 300 gold, to 3200/2800/2700 respectively". Im not on a riot server so i dont have an account to login

submitted by /u/tinhboe
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Pulling in Pobelter is Liquid's best move

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:26 PM PST

Happy Thanksgiving from Team Liquid

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:03 PM PST


Includes a hint at the end of the next reveal. Nothing to really go off of here, but it reminds me of teasers they've done in previous seasons. Very interesting, still so hyped to see the final roster confirmed (Impact/Xmithie/Pobelter/Doublelift/Olleh is what's currently expected based on reports)

submitted by /u/SWatersmith
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PSA: in 24 hours the Tyler1 Championship Finals will start!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:01 PM PST

It will be casted by the one and only, Tyler1! If it's going to be as good as last time, then I'll be so ready...

Stream Dream Team vs MLGB.

I'm hyped!

submitted by /u/MaxEatsDonuts
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