Heroes of the Storm - I Don't Play Zul'jin For You

I Don't Play Zul'jin For You

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:36 AM PST

Dear Blizzard and confused non-Zul'jins wondering why Zul'jins are upset about these changes, I don't play Zul'jin for you.

There is an impression that Zul'jin mains are selfless do-gooders who are here to supply others with axes because nobody else will. This is correct.

I play Zul'jin to be an impact. I play Zul'jin to enhance my attack speed. I play Zul'jin to do the job that needs to be done. When I get a Twin Cleave on a fleeing Ana and secure their death? That's why I play Zul'jin. When I Guillotine nuke a losing melee fight into a winning fight? That's why I play Zul'jin. When I ultra-damage their dying frontliner, drop an unholy amount of deeps on them, then jump in with Amani Rage to scure the kill on whatever POS that absolutely needs to die? That's why I play Zul'jin.

I don't play Zul'jin to just sit around and be reliant on my Troll Regeneration 100% of the time. I'm not playing McCree here, I'm not a precious little angel that needs to be protected. Lets get this clear: I'm not relying on you, you're reliant on me. I'm here to be an active, strong, participant in the fight. Whether that is making someone who should've died, die, or someone that shouldn't have died, die really painfully, that's why I play Zul'jin. With these changes, Blizz thinks we're all going to stick around with Zul'jin because we're selfless little cookies who just want to help the team out in whatever way we can. That's completely true. We're also here to have fun.

At no point am I ever going to be interested in filling a weakened Zul'jin slot, condemning me to a boring game where I play a passive, uninteresting role, while Jim Raynor gets to fuck around for an entire match and Sonya gets to whirlwind her problems away. Blizzard keeps saying they care about the "hero fantasy" but from these patch notes and dev update it's clear they haven't even began to understand why people play these heroes. They could've nerfed supports more, they could've added self healing, they could've done a lot of things but instead they decided to ruin HOTS for an entire group of players, making this as entertaining as your average League match where you get to coin-starve for 50 minutes while big daddy Zul'jin has fun.

You're upset about double Zul'jin meta? After these changes, you'll be desperate to find anyone wanting to play Zul'jin in the first place.

Sincerely, A (not even close to be former) Zul'jin main.

submitted by /u/humblegold
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Sgt. Hammer rework lacks something important

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:39 AM PST

When the tank is destroyed, Hammer also dies, instead of leaving the tank to punch the bad guys.

Rework her again plz.


submitted by /u/jachorus
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Rehgar needs more totems

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:18 PM PST

Why not make his D a trait that you can toggle totems to pick from? Keep Earthbind. Make healing totem one of the options and part of base kit. Add a 3rd totem type like mana regen. Hello restoration shaman. Maybe unlock them as part of quest (although I hate quests in HotS). Insert justification around "playing the fantasy" blah blah blah here. He's a shaman. He needs to juggle more than 1 totem.

submitted by /u/zeade
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Bakery: Calm the f*** down

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:26 AM PST

Fixing the PTR Experience

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:38 PM PST

The 2018 HGC Teams and Rosters Are Set

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:04 PM PST

I'm already tired of these support threads and the patch isn't even out yet. So here's a thread about mastery taunts.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:00 PM PST

Can we get the required level number above the emblem in game when we perform the taunt? Without seeing them side by side or analysing one closely, I don't actually really know whether one is better than the other.

Just pop a little "100" above it or something, yknow?

submitted by /u/Dream_Kestrel
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Can we at least agree that getting rid of Lightning Bond was okay?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:58 AM PST

I mean, come on, that shit was ridiculous. Soloing camps and pushing waves faster than some assassins as a support? Was pretty ridiculous.

Hopefully they find a way to add some power back into his kit somewhere else later down the line rather than just remove it, but ultimately I'm pretty glad it's gone.

submitted by /u/MiloSaysRelax
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HHE Welcomes HGC Staff Writers

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:38 AM PST

HL Tip: You can't always control what your teammates do, but you can control how you handle that.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:30 PM PST

Just something I see so often is a teammate get singled out and blamed for making a bad call when in a lot of situations the entire team made different bad calls at the same time.

For example if a teammate is defending/soaking when the rest fully commits on a push 4v5 and dies they will all flame the one who didn't go. But didn't you also make a decision to fight 4v5 when you (may or may not have) noticed the entire team wasn't there? Whether the call was right or not, you made a poor choice that turned into a suicide. You could have left and told the team to back out to save everyone's lives. You could have commited to soaking even more or stealing camps. When something doesn't go right there is always something you could have done better, even at the top level.

I'm sorry this sounds so rant-y but don't just blame that one person in HL that didn't follow the call. We've all been there and made bad decisions (or good decisions that no one else followed, which is ironically a bad decision.) No one takes the time to ask "what could I have done better?"

You WILL run into situations where your teammates don't agree with your call and the only thing you can control is how you deal with it and adapt your play.

submitted by /u/UncleSlim
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Rosterpocalypse Grades NA Edition: Who won the offseason?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:50 PM PST

Cho'Gall can punch people with his horse.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:27 PM PST

So, there's a bug right now. It's small, but Cho'Gall can remain mounted while Auto Attacking. They are still dismounted when using an ability or getting hit.

It's easy to replicate. Just go into into try mode and mount up and go punch the target dummy while mounted. I haven't tried it outside of Try mode, but I think I remember seeing it during a QM game.

submitted by /u/Shaltharis
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Double support became meta when armor came out via effective healing buff. This #s nerf is just late...

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:01 AM PST

I don't know why people are missing this obvious correlation...

  • Characters who received armor had their base health reduced to keep them at the same(ish) survivability rate.

  • Armor used to be a timed talent only. Now it's more likely you're firing at someone with armor then not.

  • Healers who use abilities on characters with armor received a HUGE effective healing buff. This was unchecked by blizzard and double support became meta almost immediately after this.

Explanation : Armor = Effective healing buff

  • If a character takes damage with armor that damage is reduced by X armor amount. If that same character is healed it is not effected by X armor amount. So a healer who heals someone with armor is receiving, say in Taunt Varian's case, a 17.65% effective healing buff since that flat number he gives varian will soak 17.65% more damage than it would giving it to someone without armor.

Edit: this isn't a comment on any other changes beside the general healing reduction.

submitted by /u/DaBombDiggidy
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Best of Reset | Part 1 of 500

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:09 PM PST

WOOT! Just promoted to GOLD 5, after being stuck in Bronze 5 forever!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:13 AM PST

This is after being stuck in Bronze 5 for over 100 games of Hero League. I stuck to it, and grinded all the way to Gold 5.


Don't forget to add me to your friends list: Charlie2#11343


Here is a record of my games:

98) LOSS Azmodan

99) LOSS Kerrigan

100) LOSS

101) I hate Abathur, I refuse to heal. Did that throw the game?

How can I improve? What's the difference between bronze and silver league? I'm stuck in bronze... pew pew...

102) Healer specs DPS (Why didn't I just pick Kerrigan?)


103) No Kerrigans allowed, we win by a miracle



104) LOST, Forced to pick Warrior



105) Game 105/106/107: WINS as Kerriganx2, Jaina


108) LOST, Chromie just pissed me off

109) Game 109/110:WINS, Both as Kerrigan

111) LOST, Welcome to Gold League (as the only Bronze 5)



112) Game 112-114:WIN as Lili, Kerriganx2


115) LOST, as Lili



116) Win as Kerrigan


117) LOST as Kerrigan



118) WIN as Anub'arak


119) LOST as Nazeebo



120) Game 120-122: WIN as Kerriganx2, Sonya

(Promotion to Bronze 4)


123) LOST as Sylvanas



124) WIN as Raynor


125) LOST as Butcher



126) WIN as Kerrigan


127) LOST as Diablo



128) LOSS with Kerrigan, and bad luck?



129) Game 129-140: WINS Muradins/Raynors/Kerrigans/Samuro/Jaina/Malfurion

(Bronze 3 Promotion)

(Bronze 2 Promotion)

(B2 Promotion Game): https://youtu.be/j2oxeLcXP9o

(12 wins in a row): https://youtu.be/_YGx_gOvtTA


141) LOSS Raynor (Scouting Drones do not counter Nova? Or WTF happened?)



142) LOSS Johanna because DRAFT?



143) Game 143-145: WINS Jaina/Nazeebo/Zarya

146) LOSS Malfurion, had an afk Nova


147) WIN Stitches


148) LOSS Kerrigan with a bad Auriel


149) Game 149-150 WINS Diablos

151) LOSS Jaina


152) Game 152-154 WINS Anub'arak/Raynors

(Promoted to Bronze 1)


155) Game 155-158 LOSSES Raynor/Kerrigan/Butcher/Malfurion

(Demotion to Bronze 2)

(Game 155)



159) Game 159-165 WINS as Kerrigans/Diablo/Muradin/Lili

(Promoted to Bronze 1)

166) LOSS: Raynor (with better stats than all 10 players)


167) WIN Muradin

168) LOSS Muradin


169) Games 169-175 WINS as Anub'arak/Lili/Diablo//Jaina/Kerrigan

(Promoted to Silver 5)

175) LOSS Malfurion


176) LOSS Kerrigan


177) WINS Games 177-180 Sam/Kerri/Lili/Raynor

181) LOSS Games 181-187 Kerrigan/Raynor/Samuro

185) WINS Games 185-187 Kerrigan/Malfurion/Diablo

188) LOSS Stitches

189) WIN Games 189-190 Raynor/Kerrigan

191) LOSS Jaina

192) WIN Games 192-195 Kerrigans

(Promoted to Silver 4)

196) LOSS Kerrigan

197) WIN Li-Ming

198) LOSS Lili

199) WIN Games 199-204 Diablox4, Kerrigan, Muradin

(Promoted to Silver 3)

205) LOSS Games 205-206 Diablo, Sonya

207) WIN Games 207-211 Muradinx3, Kerrigan, Raynor

(Promoted to Silver 2)

212) LOSS Diablo

213) WIN games 213-217 Johanna, Kerriganx2, Samuro, Muradin

218) LOSS games 218-219 Muradin, Malfurion

220) WIN games 220-226 Kerrigan, Diablox5, Johanna

(Promoted to Silver 1)

227) LOSS games 227-229 Diablox2, Muradin

230) WIN Kerrigan

231) LOSS Diablo

232) WIN Diablo

233) LOSS Kerrigan

234) WINS games 234-236 Brightwing, Stitches, Samuro

237) Loss Kerrigan

238) WIN games 238-239 Diablo, Lili

(Promoted to Gold 5)

submitted by /u/Charliechuckleberry
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Brightwing – Character, Abilities and Quotes Lore

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:06 AM PST

Oh, hi, new friend! I am Brightwing! Do you know about faerie dragons? Well, we like happy things, like nature, and making new friends! Ooh, and snack time! When playing with friends, the fun never ends!

Heroes of the Storm: Brightwing Trailer


In my Stitches lore thread from last week, I asked you readers which character you would prefer me to cover in this week's post: Brightwing or Lunara. As the thread ended up getting barely any attention at all and since only one person replied to the question I posed, I'll go ahead and do what I stated in the thread and cover Brightwing this week and save Lunara for next week.

Brightwing, like Lunara, is a character who was created specifically for Heroes of the Storm and only later canonized by appearing as an NPC in the Legion expansion for World of Warcraft. Combined with the fact that she is based on a Warcraft III unit that doesn't have much lore to it in the first place, this means that this thread will be rather short when compared to some of the major characters I have already covered and will cover in future lore posts a bit down the line. As always, I also won't mention things that don't have anything I can comment on (like both of her Heroic abilities). However, there is still some interesting stuff to talk about, so let's get started.

For official coverage of Brightwing, see her Hero Week article and Designer Insights forum post.

All previous "Lore of" episodes

Sprites of Ashenvale: History of the Faerie Dragon

Fey dragons, sprites, blink dragons, fey darters, fae dragons, sprite darters, sprite dragons, fey drakes. Known by many names, the faerie dragons are small, mystical, flying creatures that somewhat resemble chameleons with the wings of butterflies. Despite their name and appearance, they are not actually true dragons, but Blizzard has never explained their exact origins.

Faerie dragons are charged with protecting the Emerald Dream - a mystical, verdant, spirit dimension that exists alongside the physical world of Azeroth - and policing it from magic. As such, they are completely immune to magic, and also have the unique ability to phase out of reality. In the World of Warcraft quest "Forces of Nature: Faerie Dragons", the night elf Handler Jesana discusses how the seemingly unassuming faerie dragons can be truly fearsome if trained properly, as they are able to absorb, redirect, or even completely nullify magical energy. According to Jesana, fey drakes are nearly harmless alone, but in large numbers they can have a stunning effect on a battle.

Following the devastation of the Third War (Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos), Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage summoned faerie dragons from the Emerald Dream to help cleanse the forests of Kalimdor of the demonic corruption left behind by the invading Burning Legion. Later (during the events of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne), the faerie dragons were called into service to aid in the hunt for the Betrayer, Illidan Stormrage, and in the ruined city of Dalaran, they helped Malfurion, Maiev Shadowsong, and Kael'thas Sunstrider interrupt a spell Illidan and his naga minions were performing with an artifact called the Eye of Sargeras in an attempt to destroy the continent of Northrend (long story).

However, as Blizzard later explained in an Ask Creative Development thread on the official forums, the faerie dragons are simply somewhat intelligent animals with ties to the Emerald Dream and aren't officially part of the military hierarchy of the Sentinels (the night elves' main army). Just like the chimaera (two-headed flying beasts) and stone-skinned mountain giants, the faerie dragons aided the night elves not out of a desire to help them in particular, but because the elves were simply the largest local force opposing the Burning Legion, and it's rare to see faerie dragons, chimaera, or mountain giants fighting alongside a mortal army short of a planetary threat. Indeed, the vast majority of the faerie dragons have since returned to the Emerald Dream, leaving only a few large populations on Azeroth.

In World of Warcraft, faerie dragons can be found in a number of locations, such as aiding the night elves in the forests of Ashenvale and atop Stonetalon Peak in the Stonetalon Mountains. A significant number of the creatures dwell in the jungles of Feralas, where they are often threatened by poachers and captured by the Grimtotem tribe, a faction of hostile tauren; during Classic World of Warcraft, a long questline allowed players to free some of these captured sprite darters and even obtain a sprite darter egg to raise as a pet. A group of faerie dragons are found roaming around the roots of the sacred World Tree of Nordrassil atop the sacred mountain of Mount Hyjal, where, in the quest "Inciting the Elements", they use their abilities to help players find stealthed members of the attacking Twilight's Hammer cult in exchange for juniper berries. When night elves established the outpost of Sylvanaar in the Blade's Edge Mountains, located in the alien realm of Outland (the destroyed remnants of the planet Draenor), some fey drakes aided in the defense of the town; the Horde shaman Gor'drek asks Horde players to kill some of these fey dragons and gather the magical dust from their wings to fortify the Horde's own dire wolf defenders. Some fey dragons can even be found in the Jade Forest and Townlong Steppes of the southern continent of Pandaria. Strangely, while venturing to an alternate past version of the planet Draenor in the Warlords of Draenor expansion, players can find a large population of giants faerie dragons dwelling in the tranquil Shadowmoon Valley. These fey dragons mostly dwell in the Shimmer Moor but are also kept as mounts and pets by the local draenei, who raise and train them at a town called the Draakorium. No explanation has ever been provided for this population of faerie dragons, as the creatures were previously thought to be unique to Azeroth and the Emerald Dream.

On Bright Wings

Brightwing is a faerie dragon character that was originally created specifically for Heroes of the Storm, and aside from her hero description, Blizzard hasn't really provided much lore pertaining to her at all, aside from this blurb from her Hero Week article:

The Faerie Dragons of Ashenvale are known for their playful demeanor, seemingly disappearing at a whim. The mischievous Brightwing is no exception, often materializing out of nowhere to save her allies, or simply to mock her foes. But don't let her endearing appearance and upbeat attitude fool you: this brightly-colored, fluffy-antennaed, fairy-winged dragon has a fondness for fluttering through the meadow… and slaying enemy Heroes for the fun of it!

However, there were two specific character quirks I felt were worth mentioning. Brightwing's pronounced fondness for eating the flesh of humanoids is not a trait that has been particularly associated with faerie dragons before. In the now removed World of Warcraft quest "Food for Baby", which is part of the aforementioned larger quest chain that culiminates in the player receiving their own Sprite Darter Hatchling pet, the dwarf Agnar Beastamer notes that the sprite darter variety of faerie dragon are omnivores that eat both meat and vegetation. Flanks of raw meat is apparently particularly fitting for newly hatched sprite darters; Agnar claims that he "was never able to find out why, but it has somethin' to do with Elune's plan for the elves... maybe they were to be protectors or somethin', I don't know".

Secondly, Brightwing's Hero Week article notes that while few faerie dragons choose to speak, Brightwing has quite a lot to say. As far as I am aware, the only other faerie dragons that were shown to talk prior to Brightwing's introduction were the creatively named "Faerie Dragons" from the aforementioned quest "Inciting the Elements" in Mount Hyjal, who speak with a form of broken grammar while assisting the player. Most other faerie dragons act more like mere animals, showing no obvious signs of being a sentient race.

In WoW, players can purchase a mount known as the Enchanted Fey Dragon - a giant, armored, color-shifting faerie dragon - from the Battle.net store for real money. The Mount Journal entry reveals that the mount is Brightwing's older brother, and that he affirms that she was, in fact, adopted. The mount itself was added to WoW before Brightwing was revealed for Heroes, while its Mount Journal entry was added after, specifically in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. This marked the first time that Brightwing was mentioned in a canon source (since Heroes of the Storm is not considered canon).

One expansion later, in World of Warcraft: Legion, Brightwing made her first direct canonical appearance as an NPC (non-player character) in the Emerald Dreamway. The Dreamway is an area within the Emerald Dream that is mainly accessed from the druid Class Hall, the Dreamgrove, (Class Halls are specific locations that serve as major hubs throughout Legion, with each class having their own unique hall) and provides access to other Dream-connected locations across Azeroth. During the max-level druid class campaign at level 110, druid players encounter Brightwing in the Dreamway, and she enlists them with a series of quests. She first asks the player to plant so-called "Dream Seeds" on fresh corpses, stating that "Death is beautiful, and from death comes rebirth. This is the cycle that must continue!". She also asks for the retrieval of special, magical water in its purest elemental form from the Eye of Azshara dungeon so that she can cleanse the Dreamway of the corruption inflicted by the Emerald Nightmare (a mobile area of corruption within the Dream created by the ancient, evil entities known as the Old Gods). Finally, Brightwing asks the player to obtain the Pendant of Starlight - a magical item passed down from archdruid to archdruid for centuries before it was stolen by a naga known as Abyssal Queen Sha'rathra - so that she can use the great amount of arcane power stored in the talisman to heal the grove. Once all three of these quests are completed, Brightwing offers to lend her aid to the druid as one of their champions, saying "Together, let us keep Azeroth safe from those who would seek its destruction."

(Note that I'm deriving that entire last paragraph from second-hand documentations of Brightwing's role in Legion, specifically from Wowpedia, as I don't have a druid at a high enough level to go through that content myself yet.)


Brightwing represents the Faerie Dragon, a quick, anti-spellcaster flying unit for the night elf faction in Warcraft III.

  • D: Soothing Mist - Soothing Mist is a passive ability for Mistweavers, the healing specialization for the monk class in World of Warcraft. The effect is automatically triggered after using one of several healing abilities and causes the monk to continue channeling healing mists into the target ally, restoring health over time until the monk interrupts the channel by moving or taking another action.

  • Z: Phase Shift - Phase Shift is an ability used by WC3 Faerie Dragon. It causes the Faerie Dragon to shift out of existence for 1 second, making it unable to move, attack, cast spells, or be targeted or affected by other units. Phase Shift can also be set to automatically trigger whenever the Faerie Dragon takes damage (though it has a significant cooldown). As you may be able to discern, the WC3 and Heroes of the Storm versions of Phase Shift are nothing alike.

  • Q: Arcane Flare - This ability appears to be based on the WC3 Faerie Dragons' Mana Flare ability. Mana Flare causes the Faerie Dragon to gain a small amount of armor and begin channeling negative magical energies that lash out and deal damage to nearby enemy units when they cast a spell. In World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, some of Draenor's faerie dragons use a somewhat similar ability called "Arcane Flare", which causes them to channel defensive arcane energy for 10 seconds, firing bolt of Arcane damage at any enemies that strike the caster.

  • W: Polymorph - Polymorph is a spell with a long history in the Warcraft universe. In all of its incarnations, it incapacitates the target by transforming them into a harmless sheep that is unable to attack or cast spells and instead wanders around aimlessly. Polymorph was originally seen as an ability on the Mage unit in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, whose manual described the spell in a quite disturbing way, as it permanently and irreversibly warped the body and mind of the target unit into a mindless creature of the wilds. Polymorph made a return as an ability for the Sorceress unit in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (where the transformation is temporary rather than permanent), and again as the main source of crowd control for the mage class in World of Warcraft (where the transformation is once again temporary, with any damage taken causing the target to transform back into their normal form, and also causes the target also rapidly regenerate their health). In the latter, mages can also obtain various tomes that allow them to alter their Polymorph spell to transform the target into different animals besides just sheep, such as pigs, monkeys, or porcupines. These changes are purely cosmetic and don't alter the functionality of the spell. Also in WoW, players can find a book in the city of Dalaran named Polymorphic Rules and Regulations, which goes into extensive detail about the rules surrounding the use of Polymorph in lore, and the mishaps that have occurred when these rules are broken. Notably, Polymorph has never been associated with faerie dragons outside of its use in Heroes of the Storm. The Heroes version of the spell can transform a target into either a crab, pig, or squirrel; while WoW mages can alter their Polymorph to transform the target into a pig by talking to a gnome by the name of The Amazing Zanzo in Dalaran, transforming people into crabs and squirrels is unique to the Heroes version of the spell.

  • Level 13: Ice Block - This is an old generic talent that isn't unique to Brightwing, but I'll mention it anyway. Ice Block is a World of Warcraft mage ability that encases the caster in a block of ice, removing all active debuffs and protecting the mage from all attacks and damage for 10 seconds, at the cost of being unable to attack, move, or cast spells. Using Ice Block also afflicts the mage with a debuff called Hypothermia for 30 seconds, which prevents them from using Ice Block again (though the spell itself also has a 5 minute cooldown). In Heroes of the Storm, Ice Block is also a talent for Malfurion and Nazeebo, and completing Jaina's Frostbite (trait) quest rewards the use of the "Improved Ice Block" ability.

  • Level 16: Greater Polymorph - Greater Polymorph is a variant of Polymorph used by some raid mobs and bosses in World of Warcraft (specifically Blackwing Spellbinders and Grethok the Controller in Blackwing Lair, as well as Kiggler the Crazed in Gruul's Lair).

  • Level 16: Critterize - Critters are a type of NPC in Warcraft II, Warcraft III, and World of Warcraft, consisting of small, usually harmless, and easily killable creatures that don't serve any real in-game purpose aside from acting as ambiance. Sheep and most of the other animals that Polymorph can transform enemies into are usually classed as Critters. The name of this talent reminds me a bit of WoW's Glyph of Crittermorph, which causes Polymorph's transformation effect to last a full 24 hours when used on Critters and allows Polymorph to affect multiple Critters at once (usually, the effect is limited to one target a time).

  • Level 20: Double Wyrmhole - Pun on "wormhole" and "wyrm", an archaic term for a snake or worm that is commonly used in mythology and fantasy to refer to a type of limbless dragon- or snake-like creature. In Warcraft, "wyrm" is mostly used to refer to adult dragons (actual dragons, that is, not faerie dragons) who are 500 years of age or older.

Removed talents
  • Arcane Barrage (removed in 2.27.5) - In World of Warcraft, Arcane Barrage is an ability for Arcane mages that consumes all of the mage's stored Arcane Charges to launch several bolts of Arcane damage at a target enemy.

  • Ysera's Blessing (removed in 12.0) - Ysera the Awakened, formerly Ysera the Dreamer, was the Dragon Aspect of Dreams and leader of the green dragonflight, which is charged with protecting the Emerald Dream, as well as being the sister of Alexstrasza. The name of this talent is reminiscent of Ysera's Gift, a passive ability for Restoration druids in WoW that causes the druid to heal for 3% of their maximum health every 5 seconds (if the druid is already at full health, a nearby injured ally is healed instead).

Poke quotes

I'll skip most of Brightwing's quotes, since very few of them have any substance to them in terms of lore.

Warcraft III Faerie Dragon "quotes"

The Emerald Dream is not a dream and has no emeralds. Ooh, deep thought. Head hurts now. - The Emerald Dream is a verdant, ethereal, ever-shifting spirit world that exists alongside the physical world of Azeroth and depicts how Azeroth would have developed had intelligent races not interfered with its surface. This surreal woodland dimension was created by Freya, one of the keepers that were in turn created by the world-shaping beings known as the titans, and serves to help regulate the evolutionary path of Azeroth's wildlife, and also to commune with the nascent titan world-soul slumbering inside Azeroth itself (some say that the Emerald Dream had always existed in some form as a dream of the world-soul and that Freya molded this realm into the Emerald Dream, while others say that Freya wove the Dream into being out of nothing). Mortal minds, particularly druids, can visit the Dream either physically or by entering a state of dreaming to consciously navigate the realm and, to some extent, use their thoughts and actions to influence portions of it, but these changes are never permanent. Faerie dragons are among the creatures charged to protect the Emerald Dream, which is mainly under the stewardship of the green dragons and their now deceased leader, Ysera.

You should meet my twin brother Darkwing. He is not very nice. - Pretty self-explanatory, but this quote is seemingly referenced by one of her skins (see below).

Human words are hard to make together-talking for expressing... things! - As far as I know, the only faerie dragons that have ever been shown to speak are Brightwing and the Faerie Dragon NPCs from Mount Hyjal in Cataclysm, both of which speak with somewhat faulty grammar (with the latter saying things like "Meep! <Player race> is good friend. Follow now! We find intruder!" or "We finds evil one! Quick!").

Interaction quotes

Brightwing: "Oh, hello, night elf! Hello to you!" Illidan: "I deserve better than this." - Faerie dragons have long shared a kinship with the night elves, and the Faerie Dragon is a night elf unit in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Illidan doesn't care for the Emerald Dream nor druidic magic, so he is not particularly amused by Brightwing.

Brightwing: "Hello, friend! I like druids, they are nice!" Malfurion: "Come, friend, the field of battle lies before us!" - Faerie dragons and druids naturally share a bond due to their close connections to the Emerald Dream and their mutual desire to safeguard the Dream and the natural world.

Malfurion: "The storm gathers, and none shall prevent its wrath." Brightwing: "Brightwing fight with shan'do! This is good thing." - Shan'do is a title of respect in Darnassian (the language of the night elves) and translates to "honored teacher". The corresponding title is thero'shan, or "honored student". Malfurion is often referred to as "Shan'do Stormrage".

Brightwing: "I am ready for battling! Are you ready, friend?" Tracer: "Hah! It talks!" - Says the person who has a giant talking Moon gorilla as a friend.

Kill quotes

Anub'arak: "Brightwing no like icky beetles! Yuk! Too crunchy." - Crypt lords like Anub'arak resemble a mix between a colossal beetle and a spider.

Deathwing (NYI): "You give Wing family bad name." - Pokes fun at the fact that Brightwing and Deathwing both have names that end in "-wing", and also that Deathwing is kind of a jerk (like committing genocide against the blue dragonflight, enslaving Alexstrasza, and attempting to bring about the end of all life on Azeroth).

Leoric: "Brightwing kill that thing dead! Uh, confused?" - Leoric is already (un)dead, so killing him confuses Brightwing. Leoric himself also pokes fun at the fact that he can die despite already being dead in some of his quotes.

Protoss: "You have no mouth! That is weird! You are weird." - Protoss lack mouths and a sense of taste and instead derive sustenance from light in a manner similar to plants. They also absorb liquid through their skin.

Killing Brightwing quotes

Nova: "Looks like I CAN shoot the wings off a butterfly." - Reference to one of Nova's unit quotes in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty ("I can shoot the wings off a fly. Imagine what I can do to you.") and the fact that faerie dragons resemble chameleons with butterfly wings.

Mecha Tassadar: "Thank the maker there's no Kaijo Brightwing!" - "Kaiju" (or as it's spelled in Heroes, "Kaijo") is a Japanese word meaning "strange beast" and refers to a popular Japanese film genre featuring giant monsters, such as Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. In Heroes of the Storm, Mecha Tassadar is from a universe where combat mechas (Cyb'arak Anub'arak, Mecha Dehaka, and Mecha Tassadar) are created to combat enormous kaijo monsters (Kaijo Diablo) attacking cities across Earth. Hence, Mecha Tassadar is expressing gratitude that there's no giant, kaijo-sized version of Brightwing, a sentiment which I think many can agree with.

Tyrande: "A shame to kill a child of Ysera." - Ysera the Awakened, formerly known as Ysera the Dreamer, was the Dragon Aspect of Dreams and leader of the green dragonflight, whose task is to protect the Emerald Dream. Faerie dragons are responsible for policing the Dream of magic and are thus allies of the green flight, but there is nothing to indicate that they are biologically related to Ysera or other green dragons, as faerie dragons aren't actually dragons themselves.

  • Darkwing - Appears to reference Brightwing's mention of a "not very nice" twin brother by the name of Darkwing (see the poke quotes section above). This skin's coloration is highly reminiscent of the Nether Faerie Dragon Plush that was available at San Diego Comic-Con 2014.

  • Fey Dragon (former Master skin) - "Fey dragon" is another name for faerie dragons.

  • Flying Monkey - This skin depicts Brightwing as a magical flying monkey from Luxoria, the Ancient Egypt-inspired desert realm in which Sky Temple and Tomb of the Spider Queen take place (well, technically, the skin description only mentions Sky Temple). It may be a reference to the winged monkeys that serve the Wicked Witch of the West in L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its 1939 film adaptation, The Wizard of Oz. This skin causes all of Brightwing's voice lines to be replaced with monkey grunts and chatters. The visual effect of Mana Flare is altered to feature bananas, while Polymorph is altered to transform targets into monkeys in various Egypt-themed outfits.

  • Monarch - This skin is based on the appearance of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), a distinctive species of butterfly mainly found throughout North America. The skin description references the American animated TV series The Venture Bros., whose main antagonist, the Monarch, is a butterfly-themed supervillain who insists that his namesake butterfly is capable of producing a deadly sting.

    • Nether Monarch - In the context of Warcraft, "Nether" usually refers to the Twisting Nether, a chaotic astral dimension that lies in parallel with the physical universe, is filled with volatile magic, and serves as the home of the demons of the Burning Legion. In World of Warcraft, Nether Faerie Dragons are translucent, pale blue faerie dragon battle pets found in the jungle region of Feralas, but the Nether Monarch skin is more reminiscent of the aforementioned Nether Faerie Dragon Plush from SDCC 2014, which has a different color scheme from the in-game version and is decidedly non-translucent.

And that is the rather short and vague lore of Brightwing. Next week I'll cover Lunara, and the week after that I think I'll need to start knocking out some more of the major character threads that will need to be split in two because there's so much material to talk about (which is, like, the majority of them, because Warcraft is such a complex and sprawling beast).

As always, suggestions and feedback is much appreciated, and I'll see you all next week!

submitted by /u/StuntedSlime
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Tass and Tyrande nerfs make no sense

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:43 AM PST

Bliz just posted this as one of the 1st bullets in their explanation for their support nerfs

"We know characters like Tassadar, Tyrande, and Medivh cannot be played as a solo Support. They need to be paired alongside a healer. This is totally fine! We are perfectly okay with these characters showing up in double Support comps (because otherwise they wouldn't have a team composition they fit in)."

Then why did they just lump both Tass and Tyrande in this blanket nerf, with every other support? Bliz literally just said hey these guys aren't really healers but kind of fit into that assassin slot and we're fine with that.... so lets nerf them too so they're even worse at it

This blanket nerf feels so unintelligent at so many lvls. Tass and Tyrande just being the most obvious contradictions. Here's another gem... Morales AA damage getting nerfed... because we all took her for that amazing wave clearing AA she had? Rehgar's chain heal nerf... because this wasn't already nerfed to the point where it was barely functional?

I get that that double heal meta wasn't what they wanted for the game but they couldn't have taken a less intelligent approach at all with this blanket nerf. It doesn't feel like they looked at any of these supports individually too really vet out what would make sense.

submitted by /u/tool672
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The support nerf is in the right direction.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:50 PM PST

I know this is unpopular opinion, but please here me out.

This is how the global -% healing, -5% damage and -5% health on supports affect each teamcomp:

  • No Support
    • Unaffected. This was and still is a meme/pubstomp strategy. The nerfs won't change thatunless healing is nerfed by 50%
  • Single Support
    • The nerf hurts, but it won't kill you. Your team needs to take care of you, and find other ways to sustain themselves.
  • 1 Healer + Sustain
    • The nerf hits, but is manageable. The healer and sustain hero can take care of each other.
  • Double Healer
    • The nerf hits twice as hard. Your 2 healers can still save you from dumb mistakes, and out-sustain the opponent team. However, your team is significantly worse in waveclear, teamfight damage, and tankiness.

I believe this is why Blizzard went the "nerf all supports" route first. I'm glad they didn't say "Let's nerf the most picked support, one by one, for 12 months until everything is right." They said their decisions aren't final, so we can expect more changes to come; at worst, they could go in the opposite direction and buff all supportsand make many support players happy.

As for the "I don't wanna be a healbot" argument: back in 2016, when this was a problem, the support pool was small and didn't have much utility. Now we have:

  • A healer who gives extra armor whenever he heals
  • A healer who can transform into a teamfight monster
  • A skillshot healer who puts enemies to sleep and reduce spell power
  • A healer who can silence you forever or push you across the entire map

All of them will still be effective after the patch. Being nerfed does not mean that you are allowed to stay back and do nothing for the team. If you have a CC, use it. If you have damage spellsyes, even the nerfed ones, use them. Just don't blindly choose the "Yup I'm a healbot now, I'm not getting in there" mindset.

submitted by /u/lifeeraser
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Tempo Storm Kala - Coaching - Gold Kharazim

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

Yikes! (Spoiler GGWC Dignitas vs Roll20)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:23 AM PST

Could we get a "Buy all heroes you are missing" -Bundle?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:55 AM PST

I ain't much for cosmetics or mounts so could we just get like a bundle to buy you all heroes you are missing?

This could be super beneficial for people who move from one place to another since you still can't port over everything when you change regions.

submitted by /u/BigLupu
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Pro players weigh in on upcoming Support nerfs. Wait-and-see or full panic mode? Give it a read.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:17 PM PST

Let's Look at Supports Case by Case

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:05 AM PST

I won't argue with people claiming that the nerfs are going to disincentivize people from playing supports. Personally, I think most of the HL playerbase knows you need a support and this won't change their level of enthusiasm about playing them. The people who are most vulnerable to that feeling likely won't have read the patch notes. Still, I see the point and I think it's fair.

That said, the notion that these nerfs are 'killing' supports is wildly unjustified. Blizz has slowly but surely added a lot utility to the kit of supports over the past year/2 years. Making them less survivable/able to do damage is not unreasonable in the context of everything they can do. Some people have claimed that if a support can't 1v1 anyone, they're useless, or that if they have reduced waveclear they're useless. Let's look at it on a case-by-case basis.


Can turn into a dragon, offering incredible point control and power. Global heals with the ability to protect self by removing self from fight. Strong poke and dueling with E. Can turn into a dragon.


Sleep dart is amazing crowd control. She can play safer than any other healer with the range on Q. She can reduce enemy healing by 100%. Nanoboost is very strong on some heroes.


Manaless. Powerful Stun. Amazing save potential. Punishes melee compositions. Blind. Again, manaless.


Global. Decent waveclear. Bribe. Reveal. Shielding. Polymorph for crippling single target CC. Disengage potential. Spell Armor/Speedboost. Global, again. Can't be overstated.


Amazing save potential. Good single target damage. Enables dive. Very flexible. Pressures backline well, and potentially frontline with SSS. Super mobile, allowing for great escapes and engages.


Strong blind counters AA hard. Good dueling. Above average damage. Lane bully. Speed allows her to chase/escape well.


Powerful teamwide speed boost. Huge AOE shield for saves. Slippery. Low CD displacement. Manaless heal for sustain. Heals whole team.


Root. Silence. Mana restore and CDR. Amazing poke/interrupt potential.


Best single-target throughput. AOE displacement. Armor allows for save potential. Manaless. Global mobility or Huge boost to AA hero.


Above average waveclear and mercing (yes, still, even without lightning bond). High save potential. Decent CC. Pressures enemy frontline well.


Powerful disengage tools. Slows. Huge AOE infinite duration silence/zoning. Above average waveclear. Potential for teamwide ancestral healing.


Can escape easily with E. Can shield anything, including structures. Enables AA carries well. Vision/Reveal. Serious threat in Archon. Decent waveclear (even after nerf). Poke potential. Playmaking with force walls.


Amazing followup CC. Vulnerability. Scouting/Poke. Flexibility. Powerful threat to backline. AOE Zoning potential. Big lategame powerhouse. Frontline threat with darnassian.


Tank-Level crowd control. High save potential. Provides armor to team, reducing incoming damage. Heals after death, allowing him to function as off-tank.

Every support in the roster offers a lot of utility to the team. Some offer more than others because their throughput is lower, some offer less because they excel so much at healing. The thing about an across the board nerf is, it doesn't touch this utility, except in certain isolated cases that were arguably too strong. Rehgar, for example, has been top ban material for a while for his mercing, and Tass has been a safe pick in competitive for basically forever because of his waveclear and utility.

I, for one, see no issues with migrating the power of supports into this utility. That's what distinguishes them from one another, and that's what makes them fun for me. As it stands, they can do all of this while healing a lot and putting out decent damage. Why wouldn't you take one over most sustained dps heroes?

This way the power of each primary class is more codified:

-Assassins: Damage, Waveclear -Tanks: Sustain, Control -Supports: Healing, Control

And I think that's better for the game in the long run.

submitted by /u/beboptimusprime
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The plus side of the support nerfs...

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:10 AM PST

We asked for Chen buffs. I guess he is 5% stronger than those supports. Thanks Blizz. /s

submitted by /u/ttak82
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Broll Bearmantle, Shapeshifting Feral Druid

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:43 PM PST

Name: Broll Bearmantle

Class: Specialist

HP: 1478

HP Regen: 3.079 per second

Attack damage: 64

Attack speed: 1 per second

Movement speed: 100%

[Trait]: Idol of Remulos

Broll's abilities allow him to take the form of spirit beasts. Shapeshifting cleanses him of all negative status effects.

[W]: Panther Spirit

Broll transforms into a panther, increasing his attack and movement speed but lowering his attack damage.

Cooldown: 2 seconds

Mana Cost: 75

[E]: Storm Crow

Broll transforms into a crow, increasing the damage and distance of his attacks but lowering his health pool.

Cooldown: 2 seconds

Mana Cost: 50

[Q]: Bear Form

Broll turns into a bear, increasing his health pool and gaining 10 Armor but lowering his attack speed.

Cooldown: 2 seconds

Mana Cost: 100

[R1] Heroic: King of the Jungle

Broll amplifies the enhanced capabilities of his current beast form. As a panther, his attack and movement speed are further enhanced, as a crow his range and damage are enhanced and as a bear his health pool and armor are enhanced.

Cooldown: 45 seconds

Mana Cost: 100

[R2] Heroic: Remmulos's Fury

For the next 10 seconds, all enemies have their vision reduced by 50% and are revealed. Enemies are also unable to stealth or mount while the effect is active.

Cooldown: 110 seconds

Mana Cost: 125

submitted by /u/Triggerha
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