Guild Wars 2 - November sub update: Toning down Discord, recapping raid contest rules

November sub update: Toning down Discord, recapping raid contest rules

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:41 PM PST

Just a quick update since nothing major has happened.

Discord "guild" spam

There has been a lot of requests for us to disallow these post completely, but we also see them a bit more valuable than normal guild recruitment spam as they have much wider reach and bigger community. We have come to conclusion to allow these posts, but give them a 30-day timer for making these posts as well as having to abide to the 20/80 rule for taking part in the community outside of their advertisements.

Contest for #first

As it has been a while since we have gotten a raid I'm just going to do a quick recap of our raid clear contest:

  • Testing guilds are not allowed to participate
  • The first posted kill is the winner, unless the in-game timer says otherwise
  • #first's of each boss will be allowed to stay up, rest kills will have to be left in the raid clear thread posted on patch day

The other patch stuff

As always:

  • story spoilers have 30-day "must be tagged"
  • includes raid story stuff
  • leave the found bugs in the patch bug thread, can be found in the mentor-list
submitted by /u/RandommUser
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New raid

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:03 AM PST

A Healsluts Build Guide | Rock-Hard Renegade | Quickshot Firebrand | Steamy Tempest | Fresh Druid | Mighty Druid

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:36 PM PST

Hello everybody!

Whalecum to the healsluts build guide for raiding, I am Chi and I will be your hostress tonight. I will be taking you through the different options there is to healing now that GotL is gone (She was always kind of a b***h, hogging all the customers). Before we jump in I want to make it clear that these are not speedrun builds, these are for your everyday Joes and Janes two healer setup.

Let's get right in to it, there are now atleast 3 options to double druid plus a twist on druid if you are taking two of them:

  • Mighty Druid
  • Rock-Hard Renegade
  • Quickshot Firebrand
  • Steamy Tempest
  • Fresh Druid

First let's start with the one the makes this possible, the Mighty Druid. Pair this with one of the other builds, there are two versions:

Now the let's get to the options. Rock-Hard Renegade, This is the options for those of you who want some more alacrity in your life.

Those of you that need a bit more quickness in your lives the Quickshot Firebrand is the one for you!

For the easiest and probly strongest healing you want the Steamy Tempest.

Last but not least the Fresh Druid.

All of these builds provide some extra might so that, if your Mighty Druid gets involved with some shady types, you will still have some of that hot buff goodness. If you nice fellas want Tips, Tricks and "Rotations" I'll make another post with them if enough ppl want it. Also these builds are not perfect so feel free to give me some breedback.

And remember kids, always use Protection!

submitted by /u/Chizinha
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[Art] Living World Season 4 Episode 1 Movie Poster

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:52 AM PST

PSA: If you have alt accounts, you can gift today's free Heroic Booster to your main account.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:00 AM PST

see title.

submitted by /u/uitar
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I love this game

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:37 PM PST

There was a learning curve, for sure, but I'm falling hard for this game.

Day 1 I was going in every house, a la Skyrim, because I didn't want to miss any detail or story element; but now that I know what to expect from NPCs and 'quests,' I'm exploring zones crazy fast while still taking in the rich environment and natural stories.

It's the most 'lived-in' MMO I've ever played. The further I go out from the starting zone, the more my jaw drops. The art is unique, creative, and somehow, believable. I'm convinced by the cultures, magic, motivations, etc.

And then yesterday, I found Lion's Arch, and realized no mobs were hostile, and the area map was auto-filled. I love completing area maps. I felt like I was given a beautiful gift. I ran around gaping, craning my head up high. I looked like a tourist. It felt like it took 30 min, but it might have been hours.

The best part is that I missed one POI, somehow: Sharkmaw Caverns. What a wonderful treat.

I laughed, I cried. All were merry. Etc., etc.

And it's only been five days. I'm so excited and so proud of the team that made this. You can tell they really love it.

submitted by /u/NoLongerABystander
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Ready for some Raid Bingo? [fluff]

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:49 AM PST

Im Farming SW and dont get nearly as much gold as people claim. What am I doing wrong.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

So Today I found a very good commander doing RIBA mixed with CF farm on the down time . He was very fast and I doubt you can farm faster than that. I farmed for ~5 hours and collected 240 of the Chest from the lost bandid chests (dont remember the name) 140 bags of loot and 90 noxious bags(or w/e they are called). I also got quite a bit of rared which I salvaged and sold the ectos.

Then I took al of the unopened bags and opened them on a level 49 alt I got . After opening and salvaging every single piece of gear I sold all the mats I got. Now according to ppl I should have got 180-200 gold but I got 65 gold in total selling every single mat.

What did I do wrong?

PS I used every single source of magic find(except of boosters) and had ~600%

submitted by /u/marvokan2
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The Commander's Name

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:26 AM PST

PSA: How to Correctly Throw Ingredients to Master Chef Laraib (PoF Mastery Point Quest)

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:50 PM PST

This contains a minor Path of Fire spoiler about what happens in Master Chef Laraib's Mastery Point quest in Amnoon and how to complete it.

TL;DR: Throw your ingredients at Master Chef Laraib's feet. You can also set Ground Targeting to "Normal" so you can see the AoE indicator for the ingredients you throw.

❌ Bad: Video & GIF for Ants

✅ Good: Video & GIF for Ants

If you're like me, you throw objects at or around someone's arms, because you want the other person to catch them; and if you were to throw food at someone (which you wouldn't), you wouldn't throw it on the ground, because that's a health hazard and would encourage a lawsuit if you worked in a restaurant.

Unfortunately, this Mastery Point quest requires you to do exactly that.

Master Chef Laraib doesn't like it when food is delivered directly to his hands. Food must be thrown.

Master Chef Laraib also doesn't like it when food is thrown at his upper body. Food must be thrown at his feet or on the floor near him.

I spent a half hour raging over this quest before I found a video of someone demoing it and realized what I was doing "wrong." This pissed me off so much that I spent another hour writing this post and creating the videos for it.

If you don't know where this quest is but now want to do it for an ez Mastery Point, here's a link to the Wiki with more information and an interactive map.

Hopefully this will ease someone else's pain...

submitted by /u/Empathy_Crisis
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Suggestion: let the community get involved in the armor creation process by voting for concepts, or contests

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:06 PM PST

Since there's usually a concept art for armor before they are approved, couldn't the community get more involved in the process by voting?

I understand you might not want this for the gem store but I don't see why we couldn't vote for in-game rewards.

You could also take suggestions from the community like the Design-a-Weapon Contest, that was a great idea. Expand the contest for full armor sets.

Bad or good idea?

submitted by /u/mariusfb
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Solo players - how do you farm gold?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:26 AM PST

I've been playing Solo since a little before HoT. Always struggling for gold usually only ever have about 100g~

I was saving up for my first legendary when PoF was released, and I pretty much dumped my entire gold reserve on getting the griffon mount.

I'm currently focusing on upgrading my bags to 32 slots, and trying to save to craft the first part of my nevermore but everything is SO EXPENSIVE!

How do other solo players manage to save up gold?

submitted by /u/aeniklast
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Cant finish installing game have tried multiple times don't know why it keeps doing this

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:19 PM PST

Reset timer on nodes etc - why?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:27 AM PST

Dear Anet: Please, please, please change the reset time on nodes and pact supply agents to match the daily reset? I mean is there ANY legit reason for the nodes to be on a personal 24 hour reset instead of the universal daily reset? It makes no sense at all, especially with LS3 where the daily quests resets normally but not the nodes so if you want to do the dailies earlier some days you can't because it hasn't been 24 hours since you last harvested.

Just ... why is this a thing?? Why?

submitted by /u/sqrrlbot
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The burst or be burst meta where fights ended in 30 seconds wasn't fun, but the bunker meta where points are continually contested for minutes at a time isn't either. what's the happy medium for PvP?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:57 PM PST

I die just a tiny bit inside when my team or the other team has 1-2 firebrands, druid, and aurashare tempest. it seems like with the release of the new amulets in PvP, there are so many more bunker builds that weren't available before hand which makes matches incredibly stale and uninteresting.

so where does the future of PvP lie? it seems like there will always be healer and bunker classes, but any small nerf or buff to them carries significant consequences. this season isn't as bad as infinite blur chronomancers, but 0-100% in 5 seconds firebrands, you-can't-stomp-go-here scourges, or impossible to stomp enemies starts to drag on after awhile.

submitted by /u/optimus_pines
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While everybody is wondering what Brussels thinks about gambling in Guild Wars 2, I thought I just send them a mail and ask them. And maybe you should too.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:47 AM PST


Thanks for all the positive and critical feedback but plenty of posts go a little off topic and discuss lootboxes in general, which wasnt my original intent but that might be because it got the Daily Lootbox Megathread flair, so feel free to post your opinion on that as well, I guess.

I will try to clarify some things, that came up with several posts until now:

  • ESRB/PEGI, among others, are non-profit organisations that publish age recommendations for video games, while taking into consideration, if certain content might be harmful, if experienced by minors of certain age groups in different categories, like violence, bad language, sexuality or gambling

  • these are recommendations only and mostly serve the purpose of helping parents or adults make informed decisions on wether playing a certain game might be harmful to their children or themselves, they arent binding legislature

  • both organisations didnt give gw2 a gambling label, even though they differentiate between various forms of depicting gambling in general, specifically real or simulated gambling or just teaching or encouraging gambling

  • that made me wonder, if gw2 is in fact properly rated by these organisations and I decided to send an inquiry to PEGI to find out, if the various gambling aspects in gw2 have been sufficiently revised and ask their current stance about it

  • for this, I ask you to give specific examples of gw2 content that in your opinion either depicts real or simulated gambling or teaches and encourages gambling to include them in my mail. I will later on edit these examples at the end of this OP


Personally, I dont have a problem with rng lootboxes for skins in the gem store because (at least concerning gambling) i consider myself a responsible adult and dont really care about fashion in gw2 either. So as long as someone else is buying those boxes, so i dont have to pay to play this game, im fine with that.

However, if predatory methods are used to drag minors into gambling behaviour, its a different issue for me.

I am not claiming that Anet is using predatory methods to do this because I simply dont have the required business psychology experience to make an educated judgement on that.

I tried informing myself a bit online and checked, how gambling and online gambling is defined in national law and multilateral policies and quickly came to the conclusion that my legal knowledge isnt sufficient either.

So I thought I just ask the experts and went on the websites of organisations that rate video games based on content and its suitability for minors.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is responsible for the US and Canada.

The Pan European Game Information (PEGI) is responsible for the EU.

Both rate it suitable for children older than 12 for minor bad language and non realistic violence, the ESRB also mentions use of alcohol.

Gambling is missing on both lists, so I had a look how they define it:

ESRB has 2 content descriptors related to gambling:

  • Real Gambling - Player can gamble, including betting or wagering real cash or currency

  • Simulated Gambling - Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency

My personal opinion is that if real gambling happens in GW2 is quite debatable but simulated gambling definately happens in GW2.

The ecto gambler, moa racing (not sure if still accessible) or the cattlepult come to mind without even talking about the gem store.

The PEGI Gambling Label has the following description:

  • Games that encourage or teach gambling

Here I would also say that GW2 might do either or both, encourage or teach gambling.

So I wondered, how these organisations come to the conclusion that no gambling warning has to be issued for GW2 and had a look at the rating process.

Both organisations are members of a global association, the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) and they had an interesting flowchart that describes the process:

  1. A game is developed

  2. The developer submits it for rating by the IARC by answering questions about the content

  3. IARC uses algorithms to assign local ratings of member regions to reflect local standards

  4. Local ratings are displayed in stores and advertisements

  5. Regional authorities (ESRB, PEGI) monitor ratings to assure accuracy

Especially point 2. made me wonder, how often point 5. was applied in regards to Guild Wars 2 in the past.

I think there is the possibility that when GW2 was published, Anet just mentioned the content currently depicted on the ESRB and PEGI ratings and it was never reviewed since, even though alot of new content has been added since launch.

They probably only review these ratings, if they receive complaints from consumers, which is understandable, considering they cant monitor all the content by different games that is added every day.

Getting back to the main point, I decided to contact PEGI (as I am from EU) and ask them to review GW2 in regards to content that teaches or encourages gambling by filing a complaint related to the rating delivered to an interactive software via their contact form.

As I already mentioned, I am not too concerned about gambling because I am an adult and I am also not responsible for a minor that has access to GW2, so I wanted to ask you for some more specific examples, how you think GW2 encourages or teaches gambling to include them in my complaint.

While I think organisations like this are already aware of the current lootbox/gambling issue and monitoring it, they might focus on more popular games like OW or SWBF and not GW2, so if you are interested in an official review of GW2, I encourage you to file a complaint/inquiry yourself.

Because i think the more complaints they receive about a specific game, the more likely they are to use an Independant Complaints Board to resolve the issue, rather than only 1 administrator.

submitted by /u/rude_asura
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Art Commissions

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:35 AM PST

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all doing well. As you guys I´m a passionate GW2 player and enjoy playing the game a lot. In real life I´m an artist, currently working as an illustrator to be precise, who needs a little push to get to do more art in my freetime. Since christmas is coming closer I thought I might combine those 2 things I really do love (art and GW2) in order to get more productive. I´d like to ask whether someone would like to get his or a friends character drawn? That way you´ll get a nice present for yourself (or a dear one) and I will get the chance to make someone happy and improve my art skills. Preferably with some portraits/head shots (in colour or as a sketch)

If someone is interested please feel free to contact me :) In case posts like this are not allowed: I apologize. I really wasn´t sure which subreddit to choose! I just tried to reach the right audience. I understand if my post will be deleted.

Of course you probably would like to see some of my work before even thinking about commissioning me. I´d appreciate if you could take some time and have a look at my art:

*GW2 Portait

*GW2 Half Body Portrait

*GW2 Full Body

*My tumblr

EDIT: Prices may vary depending on what you would like me to draw. You can pay me in ingame gold :) Starting from 50 gold for a simple sketch (head shot).

Thanks for your attention! :) Have a nice day and a wonderful christmas in a couple of weeks!


submitted by /u/RapunSall
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Power Holo Smith question

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:50 PM PST

Hey guys. Returning from a long break. Thinking about dusting off my old power scrapper engineer and trying power Holo Smith. Looks pretty cool.

My biggest question is why does everyone say to use rifle instead of sword/shield?

Is it cause you really only use rifle for the utility, and switch to bomb kit auto attack when not in photon forge mode?

submitted by /u/Tuktz_Nulo
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I didn't know this was THAT kind of game...

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:42 PM PST

Rytlock was right...

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:53 PM PST

We should not have destroyed the spear that Glint created to kill Kralkatorrik, she knew that Kralkatorrik's weakness is his own blood. I think she created the spear to not use herself as the weapon, because that would possibly end bad to her.

When Aurene was used by Balthazar in his Warbeast, the powers of Kralkatorrik didn't go to her and power her up, Kralkatorrik's powers was blowing up Aurene.

So Glint created the spear to not finish as Aurene in "the Beast of War" chapter.

So when Rytlock would have just stuck the spear into Kralkatorrik's head, then Glint would jump in and become the 6th Elder Dragon and so we'd have seen the balance in Tyria.

But Rytlock missed, Glint and Snaff died so everything started to collapse, but thankfully 2 of her scions survived- Vlast and Aurene.

Why Vlast didn't just go to his Mother's lair and destroy the spear on his own? Did he know that it was bad? I think he knew right...

Also Balthazar didn't know about the Spear. In the chapter when we entered Glint's Lair we fought some Forged- 1st we thought was: "they are here to take the spear!", but I think their presence was just coincidental, they just foundd this place full of branded shards to build Balthazar's Warbeast. Because this place was far away from Domain of Vabbi, where Kralkatorrik created another part of his Dragonbrand, the Forged could normally create the weapon and don't bother about the Elder Dragon. Clever.

And we found this place full of brand crystals and was very powered by Kralkatorrik's magic, but the Forged didn't know about the Spear, neither Balthazar. But Balthazar knew about Kralkatorrik's weakness, if he just would have known about the Spear, 2 scions wouldn't have been used to consume Dragon's magic.

Rytlock was keep repeating "it's not a good idea", and apparently he was right.

Also Kormir says: "Restore what has been broken." Did she mean the spear?

I guess so.

Now we have a dragon teenage on the loose and we may lose our last chance to restore the balance... I hope Aurene'll understand how important she is, and now without the spear, Vlast or Glint, everything depends on Aurene, if she is meant to be the balance's keeper, she must be clever, she must know what she does, she must control herself.

Season 4 is going to be interesting...

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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A question about WintersDay.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:32 PM PST

What would be the best day to start this event? Just as Halloween was, it will be my first time playing WintersDay. What could I expect from WintersDay or is it not a big deal anyway?

And how difficult is Winter's Presence?

submitted by /u/Astromiss
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[Parody] When they have a backup in WvW...

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:47 AM PST

[NA]HoT HP TRAIN 12:00 AM EST 11/24/17

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:28 AM PST

I will be leading an HP tour through AB, VB, and TD at 12:00 AM Eastern time TONIGHT (11/24). This train will gather enough HPs to get a full HoT elite spec, plus a couple extras. The route will cover the following:

11/11 VB HPs 11/11 AB HPs 5/11 TD HPs In order to attend this train the only thing that you need to have is the first gliding mastery, and the first waypoint in VB. It is reccomended to also have updrafts and bouncing mushrooms or you will miss a couple HPs.

During the train I would like to ask that you please do not run ahead, or start hero points before you are asked to.

The squad should be up around 11:45PM and operates on a first come first serve basis, no reservations. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Tips are appreciated but absolutely not required :)

submitted by /u/Lsisa
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Open Traits quickly

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:40 AM PST

I saw many WvW Thieves switching between the dodge traits quite fast. It seems like they press one key and the traits open up directly so they can switch fast. Anyone got an idea how to do that?

submitted by /u/EsIstRolf
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