Guild Wars 2 - Arenanet, please give us undershirts/pants so we can do this

Arenanet, please give us undershirts/pants so we can do this

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:03 AM PST

A not-so-serious Path of Fire story recap [fluff]

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:08 AM PST

Living Story is starting soon, but for many of us it's been almost two months since we finished the story. To prevent confusion next tuesday, let me recap the most important plot holes plot points of the story.


<Ellen Kiel> "Hey, Commander, we have news from Elona."
<Commander> "From Elona? But communication with them had been cut off for decades!"
<Ellen Kiel> "Yeah, they sent a letter. You should probably go there."
<Commander> "But how? All travel had been cut off for decades!"
<Ellen Kiel> "Just take my airship."


<Commander> "So here's my plan. I go to Elona, I find Balthazar, and I kill him. Shouldn't be a problem."

Act 1, Sparking the Flame:

<Herald of Balthazar> "I am a misunderstood victim of Balthazar! I did not choose to be evil, I just enjoy killing civilians!"
<Civilians> "what?" splat


<Captain Rahim> "Welcome to the Free City of Amnoon. Sorry, we cannot let everyone enter, we're low on food and supplies."
<Captain Rahim> "Also, enjoy our casino! Every two hours, we fill the streets with coins and let a food-filled Pinata run wild!"

Act 1, Blazing a Trail:

<Council> "Welcome, Commander. We need someone to blame for our poor decisions, so tell us who to align with."
<Commander> "Definetly that Choya village up north. They're fierce warriors and even fiercer dancers."
<Council> "Uh, can you stick with one of these three options?"
<Commander> "Whatever."

Act 1, Night of Fires:

<Rytlock> "I think Balthazar was last seen in this camp."
<Commander> "Great. Remember the plan: find Balthazar, then kill him."
* Rytlock growls
* Canach snarks
* Forged Bastion drops dead


<Kasmeer> "Is anyone else hungry? Let's go to the nearby Temple of Kormir. I heard they have awesome moonshine that makes you go blind!"
<Herald of Balthazar> "Oh hi, I heard you have moonshine and civilians?"
<Civilians> "what?" splat

Act 1, the Sacrifice:

<Commander> "Ok, here's the plan: we keep trying to find Balthazar, and then we'll kill him."
<Herald of Balthazar> "You will never kill Balthazar!"
* Herald of Balthazar dies
<Herald of Balthazar> "Please kill Balthazar!"


<Balthazar> "Ahh, the commander." charges attack
* Commander goes down
* Rytlock goes down
* Canach goes down
* Kasmeer goes down
* Vlast explodes


<Commander> "Huh, I didn't expect the god of war to fight back. We'll need a better plan."
<Commander> "Oh, I know! Let's find Balthazar again, and then we'll kill him!"

Act 2, Crystalline Memories:

<Rytlock> "So this is Snaff's Golem. This is were we tried to fight Kralkatorrik."
<Commander> "How did you mean to kill him, anyway? This spear?"
<Rytlock> "Yes, with that magic spear made from crystal dragon offspring. Shall we destroy it?"
<Commander> "Let me think. The spear is our only means to kill Kralkatorrik, when we eventually have to do so. Glint knew more than all of us, and her plan required this spear."
<Commander> "On the other hand, we must prevent it from falling into Balthazar's hands. But Glint's Lair is well protected. Her inner lair is hidden within a single grain of sand somewhere in the desert, and it's impossible to enter for anyone who isn't invited. As far as Balthazar is concerned, this is the safest place in Tyria."
<Commander> "Considering the importance of the spear, and the safety of this location, we'd best leave it here and focus on Balthazar."
<Commander> "Just kidding. Let's destroy it!"

Act 2, Facing the Truth:

<Kasmeer> "So the legends were true. Kormir IS useless."
<Commander> "Then here's the new plan: Find something in the desert, then find Balthazar, then kill him."

Act 2, The Way Forward:

<Commander> "Hey, I'm looking for an interesting place in the desert. Do you know any?"
<Villager> "No."
(later) <Commander> "Hey, that place I'm looking for, apparently it's a lost city. Have you heard of it?"
<Villager> "No."
(later) <Commander> "Hey, it's me again, about the lost city. Apparently it's named Kesho, have you heard of it?"
<Villager> "No."
(later) <Commander> "Hey, about that lost city named Kesho again. It's connected to Vlast and the Exalted."
<Villager> "Oh, why didn't you say so? Kesho is just over there, follow the signs."

Act 2, Kesho:

<Sadizi> "All elder dragons have a unique weakness."
<Sadizi> "Mordremoth's weakness was his mind."
<Sadizi> "Kralkatorrik's weakness is his crystalline structure."
<Commander> "Oh, cool. What was Zaithan's weakness?"
<Sadizi> "He was weak to mortar fire."

Act 3, The Departing:

<Balthazar> "Surprise!"
<Commander> "Damn it. Why did I take the airship? I should have taken the waypoint like everyone else."
* Commander dies


<The Judge> "But if you were to fail, the beast would consume your entirety. Your spirit would simply cease to be."
<Commander> "So.. I'd return to the last checkpoint?"
<The Judge> "Precisely."


* Commander returns
<Commander> "So he's got Aurene. Time for a new plan: find Balthazar, and kill him."

Act 3, Enemy of my Enemy:

<Commander> "I am Archon Iberu, and I bring orders from Palawa Joko himself. Give me your troops so I can attack Balthazar!"
<Wurmmarshal Osa Ekolo> "Of course we will follow Joko's orders. But only if you dance for us."
<Commander> "What?"
<Grand Vizier Utumishi> "You heard her. Dance."
<Troopmarshal Olori Ogun> "Indeed. Dance."
<Beastmarshal Oluwa Eranko> "I cannot just give my troops away. Show your competence by dancing!"
<Commander> "Ok, fine." dances

Act 3, Beast of War:

<Rytlock> "Hey, Commander. I think you should have Sohothin for the fight against Balthazar."
<Commander> "Why? Do you think he's weak against fire?"
<Rytlock> "Sohothin was once Balthazar's own sword. When I met Balthazar in the mists, he re-lit Sohothin with his own fire. There's no way he's not going to be weak against himself!"
<Commander> "Uh. Sure. Thanks for the sword. I've got a battle to fight."

Act 3, To Kill a God:

<Commander> "Remember the plan. I found Balthazar, now I just need to kill him. Guess I should have planned for the second part."
<Commander> "Oh, Aurene! How convenient! Can you help me with this whole god-killing thing?"


And Aurene saves the day, and shares a delicious meal of unbound God energy with her estranged Grandfather.

submitted by /u/Kulinda
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There are still precursor collections that need events to fail and it is getting tiresome.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:01 AM PST

Title. Those collections have been in the game for over 2 years by now. Why has this only been fixed for some but not all collections? I recently encountered it while doing the collection for the flameseeker prophecies. The infinity coil commander is needed for not just this 1 but 3 of the precursor collections and only spawns if the CoE defense event fails. It is pretty frustrating to check all day in hopes of getting to do this event. Really hope Arenanet will finally get around to remove event failure as requirement for collections once and for all or instead of removing them at least make the event that has to fail, in order for the one needed to spawn, count as well.

submitted by /u/Ignil
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[Spoiler] (Never forget) You're here forever.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:26 AM PST

[qT] Duo Vale Guardian

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:41 AM PST


since our guild is very inactive and we couldnt find 10 people to raid but still need the LI to join pug groups, we decided to duo VG.

Jokes aside, this is a project, which was started by our members, Deathlyhearts and Subi one year ago, but never finished. After the changes to Grace of the Land, Fennec and Me wanted to give it a try aswell. Here is their try from one year ago.

The total kill time was 1 hour and 2 minutes. This kill took us about 15 hours in total. After we got used to this, the first two phases became routine and also extremly tedious. During one pull, I almost fell asleep, closing my eyes a little after every blue. The last phase was the only really hard part, since getting hit by a ball during VG's cc phase would almost kill you already + you have to deal with seekers and the floor.

For the last phase, I tried to save Celestial Avatar for when 2 of the floor pieces are lit up. We took a small toilet break during the second split phase, after killing the blue guardian. We took the red aura at the start of the split phase and just auto attacked red without pulling the green gurdian, outhealing all the damage we get from the aura and standing out of range for the seekers to hit us. This allowed us to go afk for a short while and take a small break before we entered the third phase.

Mad props to Fennec for invulning for hours.

Class Video Build Note
Mesmer Link Link Sped up
Ranger Link Link Sped up
Ranger Link Link Normal speed with audio


Thanks for watching! We hope you will enjoy it.

If you have question to your class or want to talk to qT members, you can join our Discord server!

We are Quantify.

Edit. Thanks for the Reddit Gold!

submitted by /u/2girls1up
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[Request] One way the griffon mount can be improved: mid-air dismounting

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

Let me preface this by saying I love the griffon mount a lot, and use it whenever I can get away with it. Flying idly through the sky or diving and racing around at incredibly high speeds, or divebombing unsuspecting enemies.

That said, with PoF out for a while, I've been going back to HoT and LS3 content every once in a while, and I noticed one thing that makes the griffon not play nice with these maps.

You can't use updrafts or ley-lines while using the griffon.

This means that the moment you get on the griffon in a map like Bloodstone Fen, which in its verticality looks like it's made for the griffon, you're pretty much fucked until you land somewhere, get off your griffon, and get on your glider. The same is true in maps like Verdant Brink, which has lots of very nice updrafts for you to maintain height when you're in the sky, and which are very much useless with the griffon.

My proposed solution would be to allow us to dismount from the griffon in mid-air. This would allow players to fly to an updraft with the griffon, dismount, open glider, use updraft, and remount the griffon. It's much less of a hassle than trying to make the griffon play nice with gliding masteries. Most older maps are already thoroughly broken because of the mounts anyway. And it would allow for the joy of movement in beautiful and fun maps.

submitted by /u/JamicaXD
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It seems like the loading screen doesn't last as long as it should

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:54 PM PST

Idk if it's just me, but with PoF maps in particular, I feel like you load into maps way before you should. Every PoF map I load into, it's blank, then I sit there for a minute as I watch buildings, fences, and the environment in general load before my eyes. Maybe I'm the only one experiencing this but if not, maybe just letting the loading screen stay up for a min longer wouldn't hurt. It's more jarring to me to sit and watch everything load then to just watch a loading screen and then have it go away once it's all loaded.

submitted by /u/webtoehobbit
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I'm a new player and just found Goemm's lab. This is why I'm falling in love with gw2.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:12 AM PST

There was just a little cavern I saw to my right as I was doing another dynamic event. I made a mental note to check it out after. I did, and got dragged into this really cool jumping quest (that I didn't even know the goal of). Then, after a few rounds of not understanding why I couldn't get through the first portals, I found the attuners. I was hooked.

This was one of the first times in an MMO where I felt really invested in a quest. This game is awesome.

(Also awesome: the bandit execution orders. That was another quest I just stumbled upon and got hooked into.)

Any other interesting lvl ~25 stuff like this?

submitted by /u/charliehann
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Have you ever restarted a character of the same class from scratch, because you didn't like the race of them anymore?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:00 AM PST

I'm not sure if I'm crazy to think this or not. My first character is a Norn Ranger. I've done so much with him, he's got the most map completion, has nearly every WP unlocked, lvl 400 leatherworking, those sorts of things.

But... I find myself not liking him as much as I once did. I realized I REALLY love the Charr, and all my characters since him have been Charr. I've gotten to the point where I can't stand to play him anymore because he's not a Charr. And the "better than moot loot" line is really getting on my nerves

I probably sound crazy right now. It's not that I hate the Norn; they're my 2nd favourite race. It's just I love Charr so much more.

I'm considering restarting a new Ranger (I'll keep my Norn for storage and rich node farming), but other than that he'll be pretty much retired.

I don't fancy having to do all the stuff I did on my Norn all over again. But I guess I'd rather play a character I want to look at than rolling my eyes at everything the other one says and does.

I hope I'm not alone on this.

Edit: this really blew up! I'm still reading all your responses, it's very interesting to see everyone's input on this.

submitted by /u/chaosgodloki
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I always see people saying that the Charr animations feel slow...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:48 AM PST

But lemme tell you, after playing as Charr almost exclusively, I just made a Sylvari elementalist and holy shit do regular-sized characters move fast. Seriously, I don't understand how anyone can look at a Charr and say, "that Charr's animations and movements look too sluggish" when the normal humanoid character models move like friggin' squirrels on adderall.
When I'm running I feel like I'm in a spaceship going warp 8, and even the walk animation feels like my character needs sweatbands and running shorts cuz it looks more like a power-walk than a casual stroll. And don't even get me started on the roll animation. Hoooh boy.

That being said, the glider animations are waaaaay better for standard humanoid characters, and the mounts actually feel really big. Like, suddenly riding my raptor doesn't feel like I've grabbed a nearby dog and jumped on its back. It's actually significantly bigger than a horse.

Anywho, just wanted to throw that out there since there since I thought it was kinda goofy just how much your character's size plays into the feel of the game.

submitted by /u/Vandorbelt
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Free Revive orb at BLTC

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:12 AM PST

There's a free 1piece of revive orb at bltc. Get it. It might save your life someday.

submitted by /u/Trumstar
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GW2RaidarUploader v0.6 Improved Log Management, AutoSyncing and notification sounds. Full Source and Package on GitHub

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:48 PM PST

Short video preview of how it works.

Now comes with options to setup syncing to only upload the last attempt on each boss for a given day/session (this should mean it will only upload your kills and/or final attempt.)

You can now manage your log files through the app to delete them once they have been uploaded or to individually upload specific encounters you wish to upload.

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.

submitted by /u/blahdot3h
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GF is having issues with motion sickness while mounting raptors. any tips?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:47 PM PST

Anet, can you buff Treasure Hunting rewards?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:07 AM PST

Because it's fun to do, but not rewarding at a-l-l.

Make my time passed in the desert worth please :(

submitted by /u/Demeth54000
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Is this hell? Why is it happening?!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:37 AM PST

Free Black Lion Miniature Claim Ticket: ended early?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:09 AM PST

Just logged in and I couldn't find the free Black Lion Miniature Claim Ticket.
Did it end early?
The Storage Expander sale is still up and will end in ~4 hours as expected.

submitted by /u/iDemmel
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If you were to create elite specialization for the Ranger, what would it be?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:48 AM PST

Lore, abilities, weapon. How do you see you see them. Don't be shy, details don't bite. Mostly.

submitted by /u/ItchItchFleisch
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Why can't you have Mordrem Wolf as a pet?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:24 PM PST

I have just discovered them and.. I'm sad I can' adopt one of these pretty bonies.

submitted by /u/ItchItchFleisch
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Can't seem to do quests with friend

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:05 PM PST

Me and my friend have 80 boosts and have been working through the PoF content and keep hitting the same issue that has my friend on the verge of quitting. Whenever we do quests together my friend ends up getting screwed and having to do the entire quest line again. They appear to be completing things and getting rewarded but then next time we play they have to do what we did the night before. It's getting super old.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Rahthos
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Which map of PoF do you prefer?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:17 AM PST

Personnaly mine is the Desolation because it's so vast, it has so much going on and the awakened architecture is awesome. Love it.

submitted by /u/Demeth54000
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Spellbreaker in Conquest right now?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:22 AM PST

I hit plat this season playing DH with around 75% winrate, I now swapped to warrior for the final achievement for my pvp wings. I'm currently 4W 30L on Warrior, I dropped all the way to silver and I still keep getting completely demolished which is immensely furstrating.

I'm running the metabattle build, tried different things along the way regarding traits and utilities and it seems that I will hit bronze sooner than I will be done with the "win 10 games" achievement. How can I get better at the class? I don't seem to be able to contribute to anything despite having dropped over 400 rating already. Could you guys give me some general Spellbreaker advice perhaps?

submitted by /u/Professor_Snipe
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wintergust bounty not spawning again?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:39 PM PST

I know the bounty was disabled a while ago to fix a bug, but it was working again as recently as early last week. I haven't seen its bounty spawn since then, however. Does anyone know if it's disabled/bugged again? Or if it's something weird like the bounty only spawns once per map? I need to kill it one more time for the riddles achievement.

submitted by /u/platinummyr
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My Holosmith is very squishy

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:28 AM PST

I just fully leveled my Holosmith and am doing POF open world content. I'm using the Power build on qtfy but with Sword/Pistol because rifle is boring. I feel so squishy and am having trouble doing hero points and trash mobs solo! I love how fun this new class mechanic is and how fun Sword is, but I'm becoming frustrated by how easily I'm dying. Berserker everything if it wasn't clear. Any advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/romantichero7
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Wintersday toy weapons

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:02 PM PST

I was digging about on the web when I came across the original concept art for some of the first cheaply available weapon skins. Check 'em out up close :)

submitted by /u/sarielv
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