Elder Scrolls Online - Support Extra-Life with /r/elderscrollsonline This Weekend

Support Extra-Life with /r/elderscrollsonline This Weekend

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:48 AM PDT

Hello again, /r/elderscrollsonline!

Game Time for Extra-Life is THIS WEEKEND!

In case you haven't heard, Reddit has partnered with Extra Life once again, and /r/elderscrollsonline is pitching in with an Extra Life Team of our own!

If you're not already familiar with Extra Life, it's a game-streaming marathon to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Last year, Reddit raised over $176,000 for the kids, and the goal is to beat that figure with a $250,000 donation this year!

Stream Lineup:

Ixtyr (Official Subreddit Mod Stream): 11/3, Starts @ 3:00p ET (8:00p GMT)

QuillVan: 11/4, Starts @ 1:00a ET (6:00a GMT)


If you haven't already, head over here to join the /r/elderscrollsonline Extra-Life team, and then share your link with your followers and friends! Once you've joined, drop a comment down below to let us know you're onboard!

To make everything easier, make sure to include the following in your comment below:

  • Your Channel & Social Media Accounts

  • Date(s) and Starting Time(s) of Extra-Life Charity Stream(s) - Include Time Zones!

Watch, Donate & Enjoy!

Click on this link to check out the /r/elderscrollsonline Extra Life Team Roster, and make a donation to your favorite streamers/creators directly! Every dollar you contribute goes to helping the kids, so donate whatever you can!

Don't see your favorite streamer on the team? Make sure to give them a nudge on social media to let them know you'd like to see them join up!


Don't want to watch, just want to support the cause? Donate to the Team Captain here.

Join The /r/elderscrollsonline Twitch Community!

To celebrate this amazing event and help everyone stay connected, even outside of the subreddit, we've created an official /r/elderscrollsonline Twitch Community! You can join that here.

Keep Track Of /r/elderscrollsonline's Standings with The Reddit Super-Team Leaderboard

submitted by /u/Ixtyr
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I really want a White lion �� mount

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:51 PM PDT

Finally beat veteran maelstrom arena after a few months!!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:00 PM PDT

My heart is still pounding after killing the last boss. I finished as a cp 412 magblade. For those of you who want to know what dropped, I got an infused daggar and a powered axe. Too bad i dont play stam. For those of you who are still grinding to the end, good luck and i found that burst single target is the way to go rather than relying on aoe.

submitted by /u/irafi
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Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:06 PM PDT

Golden Vendor and Luxury Vendor Items 2017-11-03

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:16 PM PDT


Necklace of the Dreugh King Slayer - Healthy 250,000g / 500,000AP

Necklace of Leeching - Healthy 250,000g / 500,000AP

Necklace of the Night Mother - Robust 150,000g / 300,000AP

Necklace of Soulshine - Healthy 150,000g / 300,000AP

The Troll King's Helm Infused / Impenetrable (Light, Medium, Heavy) 100,000g / 200,000AP

Selene's Helmv Infused / Impenetrable (Light, Medium, Heavy)100,000g / 200,000AP


Molag Kena Helm Tremorscale Helm Ebon ring Sun ring

(Thanks Nikiwil!)

History of Vendor Items http://benevolentbowd.ca/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-alliance-point-vendor-items/


Carcass, Grey Hare 5,000g

Carcass, Hanging Geese 7,500g

Deer Head, Wall Mount 15,000g

Wolf Head, Wall Mount 20,000g

History of Vendor Items http://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-luxury-furnisher-vendor-items/

submitted by /u/benevolentbowd
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[Media] One of the best pics I've taken on my adventures (Sorry for the ugly HUD, forgot to turn it off)

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:58 PM PDT

Battlegrounds needs a matchmaking system.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:29 PM PDT

9 times out of 10, the organized group will absolutely stomp the other groups in the current state of battlegrounds. Inexperienced pvper are forced to go up against pvp veterans, where these new players stand next to no chance. This also discourages new players who are interested in pvp. If a matchmaking system was implemented, my of the current issues would be fixed. Veteran players would actually face competition, and newer players would be able to get accustomed to battlegrounds, and become familliar with its mechanics.

submitted by /u/Roxulbox
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Templar Healer Build for Clockwork City

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:48 PM PDT

[PS4] Morrowind Worth It?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:08 PM PDT

Just now getting back into the game after taking a hiatus for awhile and planning on starting completely over since I have no choice (switched gaming consoles). I have no interest in playing the Imperial race, so is the Morrowind expansion worth purchasing?

I didn't start playing TES series until Oblivion came out, but I have been playing ever since. So I'm not very familiar with the lore or Morrowind in general.

submitted by /u/bearded_ax
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Giving away ESO Vanity pet: Bristlegut Piglet and 15 days of ESO Plus

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 02:20 AM PDT

i got these in a humble monthly bundle but i can't use them. the code:57ETHCDPK63TKAETR35K I don't know how to redeem it, i'll leave that to you. if you get it post a reply so others don't waste their time.

submitted by /u/JamesMOFO
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Doing 1 more round of ability daily discussions

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:42 AM PDT

What do you think about starting a daily discussion about an ability each day instead of a set? I know it was done before but it'll be cool to see the community's opinion on abilities nobody even talk about.

submitted by /u/magicboten
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Just got Hero of Wrothgar. What next?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:17 PM PDT

Im CP 400 and i kinda feel like im running out of stuff to do, any suggestions for neat things to do would be nice!

submitted by /u/Roxulbox
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[PC][Discussion] Good class to learn PVP

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:56 PM PDT

So, I've been playing ESO for about 10 months. I enjoy it very much.

I am mostly a PVE player, though I have dabbled a bit in PVP in other MMOs. I have done enough PVP in ESO to get various skills on a few toons.

In my last foray, I got into a guild group that was a completely different experience. It was coordinated and ran like a machine. It was a progression-raid-like experience in PVP.

But, for today, I'd like some ideas on what class would be well-suited to learn to PVP. I just don't want another sorcerer or nightblade. (I have 2 sorcs and my main is a NB, so I'd prefer something different).

So: DK, warden, or templar?

submitted by /u/Jim-Holden
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So help me if ZeniMax Online Doesn't add a black monkey to the crown store for Christmas!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:38 PM PDT

A kinder gentler Woeler?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:01 PM PDT

An endgame Warden tank? No trials-only sets? A laissez faire attitude to attribute point distribution? No strong opinion on balance? What's next, will he be entertaining requests for a bow-bow light armor NB tank?

Hopefully by now it's clear I'm being sarcastic. @woeler I know I'm a little late, but it's good to have you back doing interviews and youtube and such. Thanks for all the contributions to the community, seriously you're awesome.

submitted by /u/Qatra7
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[Xbox PSA](i think) Morrowind upgrade is 50% off!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:46 PM PDT

Only available until Nov. 7

$40 to $20! If you havent bought it yet, I'd highly suggest getting it!

submitted by /u/MakotoTachibana1
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Any informations about the "Giant Warning" bug ?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 03:15 AM PDT

I've encoutered a lot of eidetic memory books that have been covered or replaced by the "Giant Warning" for some reason, like both books are at the exact same place. Sometimes I can get the correct book by aiming at the very edge of the hitbox, but most of the time, there's absolutely no way to get it.

Internet research didn't work ("giant" and "warning" are pretty common words), and I'm not sure when this bug started.

Any infos on this ?

submitted by /u/ZeShmoutt
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Bleakrock Isle from ESO in TES V (theory)

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PDT

Like many before me who have proclaimed issues of map discrepancies between ESO and Skyrim, many wonder why there is little to no mention of Bleakrock Isle around Skyrim during the 4th Era. Some have speculated that it vanished beneath the waves due to the events of the Red Year, others think that it has been deliberately erased from maps as it has been uninhabited for two eras.

My theory that I would like to propose is that both those assumptions are true, and that despite what one would think, Bleakrock Isle does make an appearance in TES V: Skyrim, albeit in a hidden location. Note: this is only a theory. By no means am I saying that the island off the coast of Windhelm in Skyrim IS the actual Bleakrock Isle.

Reference: https://srmap.uesp.net/

Now, Bleakrock is an island "in the Sea of Ghosts northeast of Skyrim, just to the south of Solstheim." It's general location, according to ESO, is just off the coast of Eastmarch (Windhelm), and is a small sized, two sets of islands, the main island itself with the town of Bleakrock, and Orkey's Hollow to the north of it.

Referencing the map from the UESP page, it shows the physical landscape of Skyrim (without the clouds). Notice the island to the Northeast, just off the coast of Windhelm? Does its shape remind you of a certain island that has been "missing within Skyrim's maps".

Reference Image #1: http://imgur.com/a/Zy7mZ

Notice how the overall shape of the island is reminiscent to that of Bleakrock Isle's shape. It has the appropriate location of the bays, as where they should be (BLUE NETTED LINES IN IMAGE), it has what appears to be ridges where the structures of Skyshroud Barrow should be (GREEN QUADRILATERAL ON MAP), it has the same overall shape of the island, it even has the same circular island where Orkey's Holow should be. The only issue when comparing these two images, taken from ESO and Skyrim respectively, is that skyrim's island lack the mountain range to the south of the island that is portrayed in the ESO island. However, that could be explained as having eroded over time/eroded by the cataclysm of Red Year. This same explanation could also be why it has deformed from its original shape, as despite being similar in appearance, Skyrim's island has lost significant landmass when compared to the ESO island.

Reference Image #2: http://imgur.com/a/LHL0L

Notice the location of Skyrim's island when compared to ESO's island. They are relatively both at the same location (although Skyrim's island is located more to the North compared to ESO's island). Then again, Skuldafn is located where Blacklight should be, so the ESO Map doesn't do justice in regards to that. Maybe the map might change in some future DLC, but as of now, the similarity of the island's location is what drives this point even further.
The size of the island in ESO is roughly the same size as the city of Windhelm. Again, the island in Skyrim is roughly the same size as the city of Windhelm.

So there you have it. I know it isn't a lot and I have a lot of evidence going against this claim, but it would be nice if some aspects from ESO would be seen in Skyrim, and not tossed to the "Dragon Break" explanation. again, this is just speculation. Nothing really relevant. Maybe relevant to lore? (not really).

submitted by /u/redmist456
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What is the reward of pvping?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:42 PM PDT

I was wondering about what the reward is for pvping? If you compare to wow or smth you gain like extra gear and stuff, what do you gain for playing pvp in eso?

submitted by /u/Mvpe4352
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[Question] How often, if ever, do they do crown sales?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 02:24 AM PDT

I'd like to get some but the prices for crown packs seem a little rough.

submitted by /u/Leviellazarev
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New player Breton dragonknight any advices dps two handed sword

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 02:07 AM PDT

New player here

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:40 AM PDT

Can someone clear up a few things for me? 1: can i get any of the crown store(dont know if theyre crown store exclusive or not) housing with gold rather than crowns? Can i get mounts other than horses without crowns etc? Any other tips for early on? For example mistakes new players make, so that i try to avoid making them to make my life easier haha.

Loving this game, leveling up a redguard warden atm :)

Edit: oh and how do i get glowing eyes? I saw a player with glowing eyes and they looked amazing For example https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=eso+glowing+eyes&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjVu_XNxaTXAhWBqaQKHfvqBxsQ_AUIEigB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=wP9phAJNNjucDM:

submitted by /u/LucasLoci
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Xbox free weekend has me interested in this game

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:07 PM PDT

Some background: I'm a frequent MMO player and I've had to give up most since the switch from PC to Xbox. D2 is good but it's not the same as a true MMO. I have a few questions that I'd like to ask the community here to see if I should purchase the game and if I do, how much should I invest

  • are dungeons enjoyable to run when I have some time to kill?

  • what is one element of your class that makes you excited to play it each time you get on?

  • What expansions should I prioritize getting? Morrowind or the gold edition with the first four?

  • what's one tip you would give to new players? Not looking for tips just about getting started. Information about endgame, PvP, or something we might not know or learn without sinking countless hours in the game

I love elder scrolls and think this game could be a great adventure. Anything is helpful and I'm looking forward to hearing from y'all

submitted by /u/Aletex13
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Addons question.

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:35 AM PDT

Hello everyone,

Is there an addon that shows buffs duration and lets me choose what buff to show and what not?

Or even better, just show how long certain skills last?

Any info apriciated.

submitted by /u/Mallagar574
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If CWC was a Skyrim DLC those lakes of oil would light up in glorious flame with a hit from an inferno staff.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:12 AM PDT

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