Dota 2 - Midas Mode Day 4 Match Discussions

Midas Mode Day 4 Match Discussions

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:31 AM PST

Midas Mode

Presented by Moonduck

Sponsored by Antlion, ggbet, Bomb Sauce, Kennedy Space Center

Need info on the event? Check out the Survival Guide.

See here for yesterday's results and VODs

You can either Sort by new or use the Comment Stream.

Moonbuck Balances

Team Starting of Day End of Day Series Record Match Record
Team Liquid 12,625 M 2-0 4-0
VGJ.Storm 11,624 M 1-0 2-1
Evil Geniuses 11,019 M 0-2 2-4
MidOrFeed 10,670 M 0-2 0-4
OG 7875 M 1-0 2-0
OpTic Gaming 5804 M 2-0 4-1
Natus Vincere 5757 M 1-2 2-4
Immortals 4493 M 0-1 0-2

Hero Prices

Today's Bounties

Name Bounty Explanation Completed By
Kungfu Masters 900 M Pick only melee heroes
Bury Me Beneath A Tree 800 M Plant at least 3 trees on a newly killed enemy. This must be completed before 15 minutes.
What Should I Buy 750 M One team member all chats,"What should I buy?" before 30 minutes. The enemy team must respond with an item choice that costs under 2500 gold. You must purchase the named item within 1 minute and keep it in your inventory (no backpack or stash) until the end of the game to complete this challenge. Failure to purchase the item in time will incur a 200 Moonbuck penalty.
Witchcraft And Wizardry 750 M Collect 52 unused wand or stick charges on one hero. You must announce "Wingardium Leviosa" in all chat upon completion.
Fat Finger 600 M Activate all BKBs the first time it enters your hero's inventory (If it enters the backpack it must be immediately moved to inventory and used). Does not double if you win
Old School 500 M Radiant can only pick Radiant heroes and Dire can only pick Dire heroes. Does not double if you win
Get Out Of My Game 400 M Kill an enemy hero 3 times before they are level 6. All chat "Get out of my game" after the third kill.
No Scope 360 M Announce that you are doing a "360 NO SCOPE" in all chat. Within 10 seconds that player must perform a 360 spin and then kill an enemy player. Can only be attempted once per game by each team
Five Pool 300 M Your team must group as 5 as you leave the fountain. You must remain grouped until you kill an enemy hero. Does not double if you win
Nostradamu 0 M Pick an enemy hero and wager up to 1500 Moonbucks (announce both the hero and wager in all chat before leaving the fountain). If that hero has the most deaths on the enemy team at the end of the game you double your wager. If you are wrong you lose your Moonbucks. Does not double if you win.

Day 4 Suggestion Thread

Rule Changes

  • No more extra Moonbucks for randoming.
  • Reworked prices slightly to be less right-skewed. There's now a much more gradual falloff from the price cap of 500 so many more heroes will be priced in the 200-400 range (previously about 50% of heroes were priced under 150). Average hero price increases by about 75, which offsets #1 slightly (a 'free pick' has more expected MB value).
  • Increased bounties on challenges to compensate for randoming bonuses being unavailable during drafts. Some challenges can possibly cost Moonbucks to introduce more of an element of risk.

Day 4 (Tuesday Nov 21)

ID Team vs. Team Result Cntdwn (EST) PST GMT CET SGT AEDT
M5 vs 10:00 7:00 15:00 16:00 23:00 2:00
M5 vs 13:00 10:00 18:00 19:00 2:00 5:00
M6 vs 16:30 13:30 21:30 22:30 5:30 8:30

Match 5: Team Liquid vs OG

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   2:0  


Match 5: VGJ.Storm vs OpTic Gaming

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:2  


Match 5: VGJ.Storm vs Immortals

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:0  


Countdown times are in EST. Second series will start 30 minutes after end of first series. All times are subject to change based on the length of matches and delays.

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Join the Battle for Net Neutrality! Net neutrality will die in a month and will affect Dota 2 and many other websites and services, unless we fight for it!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:03 AM PST

Post-game banter in 4K

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:45 PM PST

All 115 Heroes Buff/Debuff

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:38 AM PST

Somebody call 9-Valve-Valve!

Hello, I'm back again with another long list of bugs. I spent days testing all 115 heroes and tried my best to make this post as neat as possible. Hope you guys enjoy reading it and upvote it so Valve might see it. ❤

The following buffs and debuffs must be added or they're already there but with title DOTA_TOOLTIP_MODIFIER and no description at all:

  • Ancient Apparition ➜ Chilling Touch attacks debuff
  • Axe ➜ Aghanim Scepter ➜ Battle Hunger debuff (Reducing damage output by 30%)
  • Beastmaster ➜ Primar Roar Buff
  • Chaos Knight ➜ Reality Rift debuff
  • Clockwerk ➜ Talents ➜ Rocket Flare Truesight (Can be seen by enemies when invisible)
  • Crystal Maiden ➜ Talents ➜ +14% Manacost and Manaloss Reduction Aura
  • Death Prophet ➜ Spirit Siphon buff (Healing)
  • Death Prophet ➜ Talents ➜ Exorcism Grants Haste buff
  • Drow Ranger ➜ Gust debuff (Knockbacked!)
  • Elder Titan ➜ Aghanim Scepter ➜ Earth Splitter debuff (Disarmed)
  • Ember Spirit ➜ Sleight of Fist buff
  • Faceless Void ➜ Time Dilation debuff
  • Faceless Void ➜ Chronosphere buff (Haste)
  • Faceless Void ➜ Talents ➜ 25% Backtrack buff
  • Gyrocopter ➜ Aghanim Scepter ➜ Side Gunner buff
  • Invoker ➜ Cold Snap stun debuff
  • Io ➜ Relocate buff (On Allies)
  • Io ➜ Talents ➜ Tether Grants Scepter Bonus buff (On Allies)
  • Legion Commander ➜ Aghanim Scepter ➜ Duel buff (Spell Immunity and 0 Incoming damage)
  • Lone Druid ➜ Talents ➜ Battle Cry Grants Spell Immunity buff
  • Magnus ➜ Skewer buff (When gore enemies)
  • Morphling ➜ Adaptive Strike (Strength) debuff
  • Morphling ➜ Talents ➜ 2 Waveform Charges buff
  • Necrophos ➜ Reaper's Scythe debuff
  • Night Stalker ➜ Hunter in the Night buff (When activated at night)
  • Outworld Devourer ➜ Astral Imprisonment debuff
  • Pugna ➜ Life Drain buff (On Allies)
  • Queen of Pain ➜ Talents ➜ Scream of Pain 1.5s Fear debuff
  • Riki ➜ Aghanim Scepter ➜ Tricks of the Trade buff (On Allies)
  • Rubick ➜ Talents ➜ +75% Spell Amp for Stolen Spells buff
  • Sand King ➜ Talents ➜ 50% Sand Storm Slow and Blind debuff
  • Slardar ➜ Guardian Sprint debuff (Taking 15% more damage is a debuff not buff; Split them.)
  • Slardar ➜ Guardian Sprint (When in river)
  • Spectre ➜ Desolate debuff
  • Templar Assassin ➜ Talents ➜ Psi Blades Spill Paralyzes debuff
  • Timbersaw ➜ Aghanim Scepter ➜ Chakram debuff (Targets only get one debuff under both Chakrams activated)
  • Treant Protector ➜ Nature's Guise buff (When invisible)
  • Treant Protector ➜ Nature's Guise debuff
  • Treant Protector ➜ Leech Seed buff (Treant Protector and nearby friendly units)
  • Underlord ➜ Dark Rift buff (When teleporting)
  • Viper ➜ Nethertoxin debuff
  • Visage ➜ Familiar ➜ Gravekeeper's Cloak buff
  • Warlock ➜ Talents ➜ Magic Immunity for Golems buff (On Golems)
  • Witch Doctor ➜ Aghanim Scepter ➜ Death Ward buff (True Strike)
  • Wraith King ➜ Vampiring Aura buff (On Wraith King himself)
  • Zeus ➜ Lightning Bolt and Thundergod's Wrath debuffs (True Sight)

The following debuffs only have a title which says Stunned or Silenced with no description at all, they should probably have a title which is the name of the ability and a proper description (Ref. Earthshaker's Fissure debuff):

  • Alchemist ➜ Unstable Concoction
  • Anti-Mage ➜ Mana Void
  • Beastmaster ➜ Primar Roar
  • Bloodseeker ➜ Blood Rite
  • Bounty Hunter ➜ Shuriken Toss
  • Brewmaster ➜ Earth ➜ Hurl Boulder
  • Centaur Warrunner ➜ Hoof Stomp
  • Chaos Knight ➜ Chaos Bolt
  • Clockwerk ➜ Battery Assault and Hookshot
  • Dark Willow ➜ Cursed Crown
  • Death Prophet ➜ Silence
  • Doom ➜ Infernal Blade
  • Dragon Knight ➜ Dragon Tail
  • Drow Ranger ➜ Gust
  • Earth Spirit ➜ Boulder Smash and Geomagnetic Grip
  • Earthshaker ➜ Aftershock
  • Enigma ➜ Malefice
  • Gyrocopter ➜ Homing Missile
  • Keeper of the Light ➜ Mana Leak Stun
  • Kunkka ➜ Ghost Ship
  • Leshrac ➜ Split Earth
  • Lina ➜ Light Strike Array
  • Luna ➜ Lucent Beam
  • Luna ➜ Talents ➜ +0.25s Eclipse Lucent Ministun
  • Magnus ➜ Reverse Polarity
  • Mirana ➜ Sacred Arrow
  • Nyx ➜ Spiked Carapace
  • Ogre Magi ➜ Fireblast and Unrefined Fireblast
  • Phoenix ➜ Supernova
  • Puck ➜ Waning Rift, Dream Coil Stun
  • Riki ➜ Cloak and Dagger
  • Slardar ➜ Slithereen Crush and Bash
  • Spirit Breaker ➜ Charge of Darkness
  • Sven ➜ Storm Hammer
  • Techies ➜ Blast Off!
  • Tusk ➜ Snowball
  • Vengeful Spirit ➜ Magic Missile
  • Visage ➜ Familiar ➜ Stone Form
  • Windranger ➜ Shackleshot Stun
  • Winter Wyvern ➜ Talents ➜ Splinter Blast 2s Stun
  • Witch Doctor ➜ Paralyzing Cast
  • Wraith King ➜ Wraithfire Blast
  • Zeus ➜ Lightning Bolt

The following buffs and debuffs are unnecessary and should probably be removed:

  • Broodmother ➜ Spiderlings and Spiderlites buffs
  • Nature's Prophet ➜ Talents ➜ 2x Treant HP/Damage buff (On Treants)
  • Necrophos ➜ Heartstopper buff (Because there is already a passive ability for it; Ref. Elder Titan's Natural Order)
  • Riki ➜ Talents ➜ Cloak and Dagger doesn't reveal (Cloak and Dagger buff should be removed because now, Riki is always invisible no matter what)
  • Silencer ➜ Last Word slow debuff (When time expires)
  • Wraith King ➜ Skeletons buff (With Mortal Strike icon which only represent duration; Add duration under portrait like did for illusions)

The following talents need to apply a buff on hero to represent attack modifier (Ref. Dragon Knight's Elder Dragon Form buffs):

  • Alchemist ➜ +25% Cleave
  • Arc Warden ➜ 30% Lifesteal
  • Bloodseeker ➜ 25% Lifesteal
  • Dark Willow ➜ 10% Spell Lifesteal
  • Elder Titan ➜ 100% Lifesteal
  • Ember Spirit ➜ True Strike
  • Huskar ➜ 15% Lifesteal
  • Keeper of the Light ➜ +8% Spell Lifesteal
  • Lich ➜ Attacks Apply 30% MS and AS Slow
  • Luna ➜ 25% Lifesteal
  • Meepo ➜ 10% Lifesteal
  • Mirana ➜ +25 Mana Break
  • Outworld Devourer ➜ 15% Spell Lifesteal
  • Phantom Assassin ➜ +20% Cleave, 20% Lifesteal and -4 Armor Corruption
  • Phantom Lancer ➜ +30% Critical Strike (2x)
  • Pudge ➜ +13% Spell Lifesteal
  • Queen of Pain ➜ 30% Spell Lifesteal
  • Riki ➜ +20% Critical Strike (1.5x)
  • Slark ➜ 20% Lifesteal
  • Sven ➜ 25% Lifesteal
  • Tinker ➜ 10% Spell Lifesteal
  • Tusk ➜ 12% Chance Walrus Punch
  • Viper ➜ 8% Spell Lifesteal
  • Weaver ➜ +20 Mana Break

According to this, we might need following buffs with proper icons:

  • Armor Corruption
  • Cleave
  • Critical Strike
  • Lifesteal
  • Spell Lifesteal
  • True Strike
  • Mana Break
  • Movement Speed Slow
  • Attack Speed Slow

I have an idea for this, we can have 10 slots with each of them representing one of the attacking modifiers, if hero grants one attacking modifier the slot for that is on and if not the slot is grayed out. And when cursor is on slots we get a proper title and full description for them. And we also need to add burn damage to these slots.
My idea in an image

And other known issues:

  • Alchemist ➜ Greevil's Greed buff
    Add duration (After 30 seconds of not killing a unit which gives golds, the buff loses bonus, well then we need a duration on buff.)

  • Arc Warden ➜ Flux debuff
    Description says Slowed by 50% when not near a friendly unit, but when there is a friendly unit nearby it says slowed by 0% when not near a friendly unit.

  • Axe ➜ Battle Hunger buff
    Add duration

  • Beastmaster ➜ Wild Axes debuff
    Has a duration but there is no duration attribute in ability tooltip.

  • Bloodseeker ➜ Thirst buff
    When enemy hero gains health even if it's still below 75% of max hp, Bloodseeker loses the buff which says "Movement speed and attack speed increased".

  • Bristleback ➜ Talents ➜ +6 Max Goo Stacks
    The ability Goo gets 10 Stack Limit, When used on a target, a green number is shown on target's head which shows Goo stacks. Each time Goo is casted number goes up. Buff max out at 10, but the green number on target's head does not exceed 9.

  • Centaur Warrunner ➜ Return buff
    Add description

  • Centaur Warrunner ➜ Aghanim ➜ Stampede buff
    Add description

  • Dark Seer ➜ Wall of Replica debuff
    Add description

  • Death Prophet ➜ Spirit Siphon debuff
    Add description for draining HP from enemies

  • Death Prophet ➜ Excorsicm buff
    Add description

  • Disruptor ➜ Thunder Strike debuff
    Add strikes count and remove duration

  • Doom ➜ Devour buff
    Add ability level

  • Doom ➜ Talents ➜ +40 Doom DPS debuff
    Not linked to Doom debuff.

  • Earth Spirit ➜ Rolling Boulder debuff
    Description says Movement speed decreased by 80 instead of 80%.

  • Ember Spirit ➜ Talents ➜ 2 Sleight of fist charges buff
    Add description

  • Enigma ➜ Blackhole debuff
    Add duration

  • Enigma ➜ Malefice debuff
    Add instances count and remove duration

  • Faceless Void ➜ Chromosphere debuff
    Add duration

  • Gyrocopter ➜ Talents ➜ 3 Homing Missile Charges buff
    Add description

  • Juggernaut ➜ Healing Ward Object
    Add a passive ability not a buff.

  • Juggernaut ➜ Omnislash buff
    Add slash count

  • Leshrac ➜ Lightning Storm debuff
    Add description

  • Lich ➜ Talents ➜ Attacks Apply 30% MS and AS slow talent debuff
    Add icon

  • Luna ➜ Eclipse buff
    Add duration

  • Lycan ➜ Feral Impulse buff
    Description says Gaining % HP regen. How much exactly?

  • Lycan ➜ Shapeshift buff
    Description only says haste for units under control.

  • Monkey king ➜ Wukong's Command buff
    Add duration

  • Naga Siren ➜ Song of the Siren debuff
    Add duration

  • Naga Siren ➜ Aghanim Buff
    Description says sleeping instead of healing!

  • Nightstalker ➜ Crippling Fear debuff
    Add silenced to description.

  • Phantom Assassin ➜ Phantom strike buff
    Add attacks count

  • Phoenix ➜ Supernova buff
    Add duration and hit count and also add spell immunity to the description

  • Pudge ➜ Rot debuff
    Description says You're causing damage to everyone

  • Pugna ➜ Nether Ward debuff
    Add description

  • Queen of Pain ➜ Talents ➜ 20s Spell Block
    Add description

  • Razor ➜ Unstable Current debuff
    Add description

  • Razor ➜ Eye of the Storm buff
    Description says taking damage instead of dealing damage!

  • Sand King ➜ Sand Storm buff
    Description says Applying 0 Damage!

  • Sand King ➜ Epicenter buff
    Add pulses count

  • Silencer ➜ Arcane Curse debuff
    Description is bad!

  • Slark ➜ Aghanim Shadow Dance buff (On Allies)
    Description says invisible within your cloud of smoke (Cloud of Smoke is Slark's not yours)

  • Sven ➜ God's Strength Buff
    Add description

  • Templar Assassin ➜ Refraction ➜ Refraction – Damage buff
    Remove instances count

  • Timbersaw ➜ Talents ➜ 8% Whirling Death Attribute Reduction
    Not linked to Whirling Death debuff.

  • Timbersaw ➜ Chakram debuff
    Add red border to both Chakram debuffs

  • Underlord ➜ Aghanim ➜ Atrophy Aura buff
    Add bonus damage to buff on nearby allied heroes.

  • Warlock ➜ Upheaval debuff
    Remove duration

  • Warlock ➜ Talents ➜ +5% Fatal Bonds Damage
    Not linked to Fatal Bonds debuff

  • Weaver ➜ The Swarm debuff
    Add duration

  • Witch Doctor ➜ Maledict debuff
    Add tick count

Correct me if I'm wrong or if there's any typo and let me know if there's anything missing from this list or if any of these is recently fixed that I might not know of.

Upvote this if you find this interesting and you want a bug-free game. ◕ ‿ ◕

submitted by /u/Kogal1
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AMA Request: Reginald

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:38 AM PST

Please tell us, how is it like working for such fabulous people and having the constant pleasure enjoying their company?

What life decisions did you make ending there? Do you regret any of it?

submitted by /u/Alfaron
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Midas Mode is exactly the type of show I hoped to see when Moonduck announced founding of the studio

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:22 AM PST

When the announcement came in 2015, I couldn't have been more excited about who is involved in Moonduck and what their "mission statement" as a studio was. Then, when they announced Midas Mode earlier this year, I thought "yes! finally, this is it!" and I'm glad to see I was right.

While Elimination Mode was really fun to watch and a (very clear) glimpse into what the studio is about, Midas Mode just knocks it out of the park. The idea and realisation of the game mode aside, everything else around it has been absolutely on point as well. The people, the dynamics between them, and the overall vibe coming out of that. Even the "we barely know what we're doing, but let's go!" approach to production.

The whole thing is just oozing charm and genuine personality. I love it. (also Trent has become my favourite dota-Canadian next to Arteezy)

It's so awesome to see the result of Moonduck's hard work over the last two years. And with Captain's Draft becoming an actual LAN (and Minor) in its fourth iteration, I can't wait to see what's next for them.

submitted by /u/CedricTheAlarmist
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Excited for ranked season

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:31 AM PST

Just so I can see the recalibration complaints on Reddit "wtf was 3.7k now 1950mmr!?!!!!" I can't wait

submitted by /u/10Cyrus
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Understanding Maut - An easy guide to follow

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:37 AM PST

Official Midas Mode Community Bounty Suggestions: Day 5

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:58 AM PST

Welcome to Midas Mode

This is the official thread to submit your bounties for teams to complete to earn themselves additional Moonbucks for the tournament. Don't know whats going on?click here!

Happy Contract writing, we at Midas Mode can't wait to see what you come up with!

submitted by /u/l0ltrain
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"Item not allowed" bug for MK (Cause + Solution)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:53 AM PST

It took me some time, but I think I have found out what's causing the "Item not allowed" bug for Monkey King.

At first I thought it was his new level 25 talent that causes this problem, since he now has 7 additional clones (if he skills it), but it turns out that one is not the problem.

Item not allowed for this hero:

A hero is allowed to buy a maximum of 24 separate items, which is enough to fill his entire inventory, entire stash and an entire secondary inventory (courier/Spirit Bear).

Upon trying to buy a 25th separate item the game will tell you that you are not allowed to purchase this item. This was added to prevent a server slowing/crashing exploit, that was caused by mass purchasing & dropping items.

Strangely enough for Monkey King this item limit seems to be set to 10 separate items, instead of the default 24.

Item limit for every hero:

The game seems to pre-cache the MK clones while the game loads and a certain change in 7.07 causes the "Item not allowed" message to appear earlier than intended.

The change I am talking about is that every hero spawns with a Teleport Scroll in its inventory upon spawn.

It appears that the MK clones, that are pre-cached before the game starts, are given a Teleport Scroll as well, which would explain why MK's item limit is 10 instead of 24 (the default amount of MK clones for his ult is 14; it can be improved to 21 via the level 25 talent).

Bugged Item limit for Monkey King:

MK's item limit is set to 10 until he uses his ult for the very first time. After his clones were successfully summoned the item limit seems to reset to the default value of 24.

Unbugged Item limit for Monkey King:

If the game would not give the MK Clones a Teleport Scroll upon game start, then MK's item limit should be at 24 separate items, just like any other hero.

Bug affects the other Clones as well:

While this bug does not directly affect the other heroes that have clones (Meepo & Arc Warden), they have their own problem that is caused by the "Teleport Scroll on spawn" change as well.

For Meepo & Arc Warden the problem is that their Clones will start with a 100 second cooldown upon being (initially) summoned (either by using Tempest Double or by skilling Divided we Stand/buying Aghs on Meepo).

Clones start with 100 second cooldown on TP/Boots:

This is pretty annoying, since those units are not supposed to be affected by the "every hero spawns with a 100 second cooldown on their Teleport Scroll/Boots" change.

Meepo's & Arc Warden's Clones were not affected by this cooldown bug during 7.07a. This bug was introduced in 7.07c.

Behaviour during 7.07a:


For Monkey King the solution is that his Clones should not be given a Teleport Scroll on game start. This prevent the item purchase lockout to appear too early.

For Meepo & Arc Warden the sultion is that their Clones should not be affected by the "heroes spawn with a 100 second cooldown on their Teleport Scroll/Boots" mechanic.

Dev forum thread (Monkey King):

Dev forum thread (AW/Meepo):

submitted by /u/TheZett
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Recorded my Friend tilting and made a Remix out of it

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:16 AM PST

zai gets a 360 no scope

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:33 AM PST

In This Episode Of Literally Unplayable

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:33 PM PST

OG.Resolution 360 No Scope (?)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:02 AM PST

Maut WutFace

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:43 AM PST

Shallow Grave AoE fit more as a talent than an agh's upgrade, no?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:26 AM PST

Could be for lvl 15 or lvl 20. It's quite terrible as it is right now that it's ranked 96th on Sunsfan's aghs ranking. But hey, I never bought Aghs on Dazzle since the change so I don't really know just how good it is anyway.Thoughts?

submitted by /u/delta17v2
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New Ranked System is coming time to play some short games before i sleep

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:28 AM PST

Pajkatt didn't die for 4 matches straight.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:23 AM PST

miracle skewer god (OG vs Liquid Midas Mode)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:29 AM PST

How can it still be, after literally years, that half of the lobby crashes in custom games?!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:53 AM PST

Seriously, this isn't the first post of this sort and shouldn't be the last. There are many issues with the Arcade but this is the worst.

Every time one tries to play a custom game, literally 50% of players in the lobby get kicked from the server. This is espeacially frustrating in games like IMBA, where, due to their custom pick screen, the picking might bug out and you can't even select a hero after reconnecting..

I don't know how this is acceptable. This has been happening for years. How does Valve imagine actually hosting any Frostivus event on ths shitshow which is the arcade..

submitted by /u/Pommes_Peter
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Razor's Unstable current should be togglable

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:10 PM PST

when you are in laining phase it automatically pushes the creep wave even when you dont want it , when you are smoked it automatically hits the enemy creep beside you which can reveal you position. make it just like wk's Vampiric aura.

submitted by /u/StealYourAgi
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Can r/ default to reply and not roll please

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:55 AM PST

PPD Passive-aggressive

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:59 PM PST

TIL PA's Armor Corruption talent has its own icon in the post-match scoreboard display, rather than just a "+" as a talent.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:22 PM PST

Quit a long time ago, but had some nostalgia for my favorite hero.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:35 AM PST

when you pick the +1400 icarus dive range talent

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:07 AM PST

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