Destiny - [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2017-11-21]

[D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2017-11-21]

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:03 AM PST

Nightfall: The Pyramidion

Echo Mesa Seek vengeance against the Vex Mind that corrupted Asher's arm.

  • Torrent: Boundless power erupts from within. Your abilities recharge much faster. Use them to shatter your foes.
  • Timewarp: Zero Hour: The mission timer cannot be extended. Choose your battles carefully.



  • Speed Of Dark: Complete the Nightfall with at least 5 minutes remaining.
  • Unbroken: Complete the Nightfall with fewer than 3 deaths.
  • Siege Engine: Do not allow Brakion to remain shielded for more than 40 seconds before defeating it.

Flashpoint: Io

Don't forget to buy the Treasure Maps from Cayde-6 as well.


  • Six: A crashed colony ship, an interspecies war... Cayde-6 got that adventure he wanted. Go save him from it.
  • Sacrilege: Since the loss of her Light, Ikora has many questions—and she's not leaving Io without answers.
  • Looped: No one's heard from Cayde-6 since the Hunter took off for an uncharted world. Track him down.

Shaxx Milestone: Call to Arms

This Milestone can be completed in this weeks Iron Banner playlist

Iron Banner is LIVE

Game Mode: Clash

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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'Curse of Osiris' Reveal Stream Megathread - "New Ways to Play"

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

Howdy Guardians,

Ready for some news about "Curse of Osiris"? Good, we are too. As per usual Megathread Rules, please relegate related discussion here. Exceptionally high quality posts/news can get exemptions on a case by case basis.

Destiny Reveal Stream - 11/21 @11am Pacific


Can't view the stream at work? No worries, /u/Clarkey7163, /u/MisterWoodhouse, and /u/NorseFenrir have got you covered:


submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Bungie finally makes Gothalion lose it.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:12 PM PST

Can we stop justifying D2's shortcomings by comparing it to the initial mess that was D1 Vanilla?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:51 AM PST

You can tell me that you like D2 more than D1 because of 1, 2, and 3. You can tell me that you're glad D2 cannot consume all of your free time. You can tell me that you're glad all gear has static rolls. While I disagree with those opinions those are in fact opinions you're entitled to have. Agree to disagree.

I am sick and tired of people sticking up for Bungie by comparing Destiny 2 to Destiny 1 at release. That's insanity. That's not fair. Destiny was scrapped and retooled just months before release. It was imbalanced and had a short story that no one could follow. I don't want to see one more reference to forever 29 shit. It was frustrating. We get it. But you know what? Over 3 years of tinkering and community feedback Destiny became an almost perfect mix of MMO, RPG, and FPS. You could play to have fun and be rewarded handsomely. You could also grind for days to get that perfect Luna or Taniks cloak.

For some reason, Bungie threw 90% of that tinkering out the window. They had 3 years of data and research to use to determine what the community likes and wants in a sequel. I'm fully aware that D2 has been in production for awhile and some D1 improvements were made after D2 began. Great. Communicate with each other. It's almost like the D1 live team and D2 production team were working in completely different countries with no possible way to reach each other. Maybe don't implement this particular new engine if it's keeping you from bringing back fixes and QoL improvements that YOU decided were important enough to put in the first game. You're a AAA billion dollar gaming developer with hundreds of employees. I don't think it's crazy to ask that the sequel not regress behind the original. Especially with a community of players that are as vocal and informed as this one is. If you like Destiny 2 more than Destiny 1 and are enjoying your time playing then great. I'm very jealous. Just stop with the "Do you remember who bad D1 vanilla was?" at any criticism the rest of us have with Bungie.

submitted by /u/turns31
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Bungie has done nothing but sell us half the content that we were promised since day one and I’m tired of it.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:42 PM PST

After hearing IGN confirm that the 2 Strikes we'll be getting are already Campaign Missions is the last straw for me, honestly. Bungie promised us an abundance of content because of the serious bolster they were giving to their numbers, but I've seen nothing but reskin after reskin.

All of the Crucible, Vanguard, Misc., and Faction Armor are just reskins of the same three sets with minor differences, and now the 2 supposedly "New" Strikes are just repackaged campaign missions? Let's also not forget that in vanilla D2 the Adventures are just the Strikes as well.

I think they introduced pure token rng for each planet because if they put all those armors in the same vendors for people to buy it would be obvious how strikingly similar these sets are. Even the weapons for Crucible and vanguard aren't unique, they're just reskins of each other.

There are so many unique designs wasted on greens and blues because of how insignificant they are once players hit a certain light. If this plea doesn't work and reskinning is what Bungie is gonna do, then at least make more Legendary reskins of those awesome looking blues we used once and deleted immediately, at least it would vary the current purple pool, which is abysmal.

Edit: I enjoy playing Destiny very much, I'm just stating an observation I've made. After all, my Hunter needs some more fashion options.

submitted by /u/Chilled_Irishman
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Destiny 2… The Game I Want to Play (Massive List of Solutions and Constructive Feedback) Part 1 of 5: Weapon Changes

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:32 AM PST


I've played Destiny since its 2014 release. I've been through all its patches, updates, and expansions. I've beaten all the raids, farmed the perfect Hopscotch Pilgrim, and set up a summer home at the Lighthouse. I knew every square foot of the Cosmodrome, and I cared more about my Crucible K/D than my Roth IRA. Simply put, Destiny 1 was fun. Right now, Destiny 2 is not… And this sucks! I can't believe I've stopped playing after only one month!

But, I want to help. I saw Cozmo's Weekly Update a couple weeks ago letting us know they're looking for player feedback, and I want to give… lots of feedback. Since then, I've been compiling a list of ideas and I've tried to create a game that I would enjoy and hopefully others will too. When brainstorming for ideas, there were three games I used as inspiration or a reference point of what a fun game "feels" like. These were Halo CE, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and Pokemon Red/Blue. I felt these games had the largest global impact, and captivated both casual and hardcore gamers.

Now, I felt I've written some pretty good stuff, but I don't expect many people will read the whole thing. I've broken it down into 5 sections, so if there is a topic you really care about, this makes it easier for you to find. I tried to keep out as much fluff as possible, so if you have any questions or comments about my background or why I decided on something, please let me know. Also, I'm really curious on what other people are thinking, so if there is something you like, dislike, or have another idea, please write it in the comments below and let's start a conversation!


Part 1
Weapon Changes
A. Gun Mods
B. Weapon Balancing
C. Kinetic/Energy Weapons
D. Foundry Changes


Part 2
Armor Changes
A. Armor Mods

Supers and Abilities Changes
A. Overall
B. Hunters
C. Warlocks
D. Titans


Part 3
Exotic Changes
A. Xur and the Rarity
B. Exotic Armor
C. Exotic Weapons


Part 4
PvP Changes
A. Overall
B. Competitive
C. Quickplay
D. Big Team Battle
E. Free-For-All
F. Trials of the Nine
G. Iron Banner
H. Private Games


Part 5
PvE Changes
A. Overall
B. Faction/Vanguard Rallies
C. Horde (Prison of Elders Substitute)
D. Raids


Weapon changes

Destiny aced the weapon balancing… almost. The majority of weapons are viable and effective in their intended ranges. Time-to-kills are little long, but I like how the shots-to-kill are balanced and so are the archetypes. Hand Cannons and Pulse Rifles could use a little polishing, but I'll take Bungie's side on this one. I never really used Hand Cannons that much in D1, but they were (by far) the most used primary followed by Pulses. In the beta, everybody was hyping up Pulse Rifles, so I think it was a good move to knock them down slightly in fear of it being a one-weapon meta. Good job with the weapon balancing! As for the loot ecosystem, I'm okay with Destiny being a collection game, but there should be some variety for our weapons in our decision making and loadouts. It should feel like customizing our Charizard or Pikachu. Many things stay the same, but details like the moves learned or held items should be open to the player. Let me explain:

A. Gun mods

All legendary guns can have their Scope/Sight, Barrel, Mag/Battery, and Grip/Stock changed using weapon mods unique to their manufacturer. These affect the stats: Impact, Range, Stability, Handling, Reload Speed, Rate of Fire, Mag size, Inventory size, Zoom, Aim Assist, and Recoil Direction. Energy weapons get an extra slot to change element damage. Some quick guidelines I thought of are:


 Sight/Scope: Affects Range, Handling, Zoom, and Aim Assist. Can also add certain effects while scoped including precision locations, highlight enemies, highlight enemies with supers charged, highlight enemies with grenades charged, highlight enemies with a unique color to show their subclass (solar, arc, or void), etc.

 Barrel: Affects Range, Stability, Handling, and Recoil Direction

 Mag/Battery: Affects Range, Stability, Reload Speed, Recoil Direction, Inventory, Fire Rate/Charge Rate, and Impact

 Grip/Stock: Affects Range, Stability, Handling, Reload Speed, Recoil Direction, and Aim Assist


The effects of individual gun mods should be subtle and minute. The gun's base personality and behavior should remain roughly intact even after all the perks have been changed. It should be different and your choices should have an effect, but it shouldn't be able to turn a gun with 40 Stability into a laser beam with 100 Stability.

A gun's Trait and Intrinsic Perk (archetype) can't be changed.

Increase the effect of Handling to make it equally important as Range and Stability. Handling should remain how fast the weapon readies, drops, switch, and aim, but the radar should come back as soon as the gun is zoomed out completely. Remove the current radar cooldown, but make low Handling a little more punishing based on this idea.

Create a trinity between Range, Stability, and Handling where any time one of these stats are affected, the other two are equally affected. For example, distribute 120 stat points for all legendaries in these categories. If a barrel mod adds 5 Range, it must take away a combined 5 points from Stability or Handling. Max Stability comes at the expense of less Range and Handling. Vice-versa for max Range and Handling.

Since Zoom has a much larger effect on Range than indicated in game, a higher Zoom should increase the Range stat more to show this change in-game and as a trade-off, reduce Stability and Handling more. Vice-versa for reducing Zoom.

Similarly, but not as stringent, connect Inventory Size, Mag Size, Reload Speed, Fire Rate, and Impact with equal trade-offs.

All of these weapon stats are visible when inspecting weapon. The difference between the base and modified gun is shown with either red or green bars over the base stats. Pressing a button within the weapon preview goes a step further and shows a number value for each stat from 0-100 for the current setup.

Weapons with top-tier Traits (i.e Kill Clip, Outlaw, etc.) should have worse stats to be balanced.

Weapon mods are one-time use items similar to shaders. Equipping them costs legendary shards, glimmer, and maybe another currency from an activity you get from killing (yes, killing) enemies in a certain activity. Vex cores, ether seeds, Hunters killed in Crucible, etc. You can compare your current mod and the ones available to use. Change is represented numerically and with a green/red bar.

All weapon mods are available from vendors, but the Gunsmith will be the main vendor. Weapon mods can be bought using Legendary Shards or another currency. Getting the gun to drop requires some RNG, but besides that, there should be no waiting for what you want based on RNG. If there is a certain gun and set of perks you want on it, there is a definite path the user can take to obtain it. Unlocking certain mods takes experience and completions in certain activities. Certain mods may provide better effects in certain situations (i.e. Improved Reload Speed when capturing a control point, improved Stability when Force of Will is active, improved precision damage against Shanks, etc.). Small joke to check if people are actually readings this…

All weapons drop from only one activity or location (i.e. you can't get a Lincoln Green from a package on Nessus, a lost sector on Io, or the Gunsmith). Some weapons are specific to certain strikes, lost sectors, public events, crucible, etc.

Legendaries drop with the same pre-set perks every time. Every Better Devils drops with the same perks from the wild.

Guns no longer have the option to switch between multiple scopes, mags, etc. like the current method. For example, currently the Better Devils can be changed between Extended Mag and Flared Mag. Remove this and switch to how exotics are presented with only one option for each attachment. With legendaries you can use one-time mods to change the attachments. If you want a PvE version and PvP version, get two different Better Devils and customize them to your desired loadout.

The Gunsmith should offer a training/shooting range that allows people to test bullet damage, weapon behavior, and perk effects against targets and simulated PvE/PvP combatants. Perfect Dark did it… on the N64…

Gun mods also affect the appearance of the gun similar to how scopes currently work.

Exotics can't have their mods altered.

Gun mods should only affect gun behavior and stats. Not abilities or cooldowns, unless it's an Exotic. Save that for armor.

Getting killed by a gun in PvP shows the picture of its perks next to its name. Informs people, especially the casual players, what mods players are typically running.

Turn the kiosks into a Pokedex knock-off. Every legendary and exotic weapon in the database has a reserved spot in the kiosk in a revamped collection tab. The weapon and the location of where it can be obtained are revealed when killed by it in Crucible or a fireteam member has it equipped. Some super secret weapons or weapons with complex methods of obtaining can say unknown. Once a gun is obtained, it gets revealed (if not already), and its base stats and perks can be shown. Gotta Collect'em All!

Kiosks and vaults can be sorted based on several options including weapon class and a weapon stat. All obtained weapons and Exotics can be re-acquired from the kiosk for a very heavy price and resources unique to the weapon's usual drop location. (i.e. Lincoln Green requires 100 EDZ Tokens, a raid weapon requires an Isenfyre-style Token, an Iron Banner weapon requires something similar, etc.)

Some weapons will be in the database but not available to the players due to an unreleased event or trigger. (i.e. Faction War weapons, Iron Banner weapons, Raid weapons, Hidden Exotics). This shows up as an unknown weapon. Destiny already did this with the Exotic kiosks in D1.

Keep the vault as is. With this revamped collection idea, it places less need on hording weapons in a vault. Kiosk becomes your collection, and your vault becomes your cache of commonly used weapons.

Your inventory needs to be able to hold every possible mod and shader.

B. Weapon balancing

Combine D1 time-to-kill (TTK) with shots-to-kill (STK) from D2.

Other than auto rifles, increase the hit box on heads to D1 level. I'm open to it staying the current way too, but it felt more fun and rewarding being able to reliably hit headshots. For some reason, aiming in the same zip code as the head with an auto rifle registers everything as crits (even though the gun is kicking like crazy), but my MIDA pulls a couple body shots in the same scenario. Is the ear considered a non-critical spot?...

Intrinsic perks for each class within an archetype should emphasize the Range, Stability, Handling trinity playstyle. For example, high impacts should have increased aim assist with their higher ranges (Accurate Frame), mid impacts should have more vertical recoil to go with their higher stabilities (Precision Frame), and low impacts should have faster reload speeds to go with their increased handling (Lightweight Frame). Slight change to current design.

There should be a trade-off between weapon forgiveness and lethality. High impact weapons that are the most unforgiving if a shot or headshot is missed, should have slightly faster optimal TTKs, but slower non-optimal kills. Within each weapon class, high impact weapons should have the fastest optimal, slowest body kill TTKs. Mid impacts should have the slowest optimal, fastest body TTKs. Low Impacts should be in the middle ground, but offer higher handling, reload speed, and other benefits that trade-off for worse optimal TTKs or forgiveness. For power weapons, the inventory size should be inversely proportionate to damage dealt. Destiny 2 has already done a good job of this, but it needs to be maintained to prevent another D1 Gjallerhorn situation…

Some quick guidelines I thought of:


-Accurate Frame-

 High Range
 High Aim Assist
 Increased flinch dealt
 Higher precision modifier
 Lower body damage
 Low RPM
 Faster optimal TTKs, slower body TTKs
 Very unforgiving if headshots are missed
 Favors highly accurate players, but comes with high risk


-Precision Frame-

 High Stability
 High Recoil Direction
 Decreased flinch dealt
 Lowest precision modifier
 Increased body damage
 Moderate RPM
 Slower optimal TTKs, faster body TTKs
 Very forgiving if headshots are missed
 Favors noobs and players who want an easy to control gun


-Lightweight Frame-

 High Handling
 High Reload Speed
 High Mag Size
 High Inventory
 Moderate flinch dealt
 Moderate precision modifier
 Moderate body damage
 High RPM
 Moderate optimal and body TTKs
 Slightly forgiving if headshots are missed
 Favors run-n-gun and spray-n-pray players


Simplify the game by keeping all weapon classes to these three archetypes. It will be easier to balance and allows all weapon archetypes in the sandbox to feel unique, but also competitive. This offers more diversity for competitive players, but also makes it easier for casuals to pick up any gun and not be at a steep disadvantage.

TTKs should allow for counter-play, but double kills should be possible and catching an opponent off-guard should almost always result in a kill. Double kills are fun, exciting, and personally rewarding when pulled off. Counter-play should only be allowed if both players are aware and engaged to the fight. Flanking and hitting unaware players should reliably reward a kill.

I created some numbers for each archetype. Of course, tons of playtesting would be needed to firm up the numbers, but here's what I'm thinking. D1 had competitive TTKs between 0.8 and 0.9s. D2 wanted to encourage a little bit more counter-play in gun fights and increased the TTKs to approx 1.1 and 1.2s. I think a fair compromise would be in the 0.9 to 1s time range. This is similar to present-day D1s Monte Carlo, Vision of Confluence, Nirwin's Mercy, and First Curse. For D2, that would be like SMG TTKs. Increase the gap between optimal TTKs and body TTKs to allow for a larger skill gap and make it more reliable to earn skill-based double-kills. Bring back D1 headshot hit boxes or hit registration to make sure this doesn't get overwhelming for casuals. It would make it easier for them to land headshots, and they can blame themselves for missing their headshots and losing the gunfights. This promotes players to focus on headshots and improve their aim. Also, it's much less frustrating than dying from uncontrollable external factors like:

 RNG bullets
 RNG accuracy from either weapon bloom or weapon sway
 Solo queue against a 4-man team where every time you shoot someone, it's super easy for them to disengage and let their teammates clean up
 Instant deaths from players you weren't aware of. (Camping players in CoD just waiting for you to walk through a door)
 Illogical encounters (sniper quick-scopers in CoD, getting "back-stabbed" by a Bladedancer even though you were definitely in front of the player, being unable to chase down a player while you are in an Arcstrider super even though you only get a super once a game and arc+hunters should equal super fast…)


If game design is the reason why they die, they'll stop playing…

Also, I recommend keeping the archetypes TTKs closer. Can't have one scout rifle kill in 0.8s and another kill in 1s. That's too big of a gap and eliminates a large chunk of the sandbox. Archetypes within weapon classes should feel very different, but they should all be competitive.

All TTKs shown are for 7 Armor. Once you go above 7, you should start to survive certain bullet combos.


-Scout Rifles-

 Should have high base zoom, pinpoint accuracy, require moderate manual recoil control, and handle the worst of all primaries.
 Should excel in long-range encounters, but struggle in short range encounters.
 Increase precision damage multiplier, reduce body base damage.
 Slightly longer optimal TTKs than other classes, but still competitive because it rarely gets damage fall off and with accurate aim, is the easiest weapon to obtain its optimal TTK.
 Increase the amount enemies get flinched with headshots
 Move 180 RPM scouts (i.e Nameless Midnight) into the high impact weapon tier.


High Impact – 0.92 to 1.84s TTK with 4 Headshots (H) optimal, 8 Body (B) worst case Increase aim assist and hit recognition to D1 levels. Remove how the gun gets less accurate when moving. Bungie shouldn't be promoting anybody to stand still while shooting. Keep these weapons with naturally high range, low stability, and low handling. Highest aim assist.

Mid Impacts – 1 to 1.4s TTK with 3H2B optimal, 7B worst case Highest stability in class, but impossible to max out. Medium range and handling. Reduced precision multiplier, but increased body damage. Reduced flinch dealt. Very forgiving and easy to get near optimal TTK. Highest, most predictably vertical recoil direction.

Low Impacts – 0.96 to 1.6s TTK with 5H1B optimal, 10B worst case Highest handling and reload speed in class. Lower range and stability.


-Pulse Rifles-

 Jack of all trades, master of none.
 Effective in all ranges, but not the best in any.
 Second most forgiving weapon behind auto rifles.
 Like Auto Rifles, should be easy to use since there is a lot of overlap in its effective ranges. Optimal TTKs are pretty fast, but difficult to obtain while controlling the burst fire.
 Slightly faster body TTKs than Scouts Rifles and Hand Cannons to give it more forgiveness
 Combine 360 and 450 RPM weapons into the Mid Impact tier
 NOTE: my TTKs have some funky nomenclature because I was trying to take into consideration varied armor levels and the delay in between bursts.


High – 0.9 to 1.8s TTK w/ 6H (2 bursts) optimal, 12B (4 bursts) worst case

Mid – 0.95 to 1.27+s TTK w/ 6H3B (3 bursts) optimal, more than 12B (4+ bursts) worst case

Low – 0.93 to 1.63-s TTK w/ 9H3B (4 burst) optimal, less than 21B (7- bursts) worst case


-Auto Rifles-

 Easiest weapon to use.
 Least amount of recoil of any weapons, and large overlap of effective ranges.
 Least punishing weapon when not hitting critical shots.
 Slightly reduce precision damage multiplier and increase body damage.
 Reduce the amount enemies get flinched with headshots
 Firing full auto makes it hard to control the bullet spread, so these should have fast optimal TTKs, but relatively impractical to achieve.
 Typically, the TTKs will be just barely over 1s
 Improved Hand Cannons and Pulse Rifles will make this weapon class less used by skilled players, but more used with novices craving a super forgiving weapon.
 All archetypes should behave pretty similar in terms of their optimal TTK and forgiveness, but make it more about the aim assist, recoil direction, and bullet-hose trade-off/playstyle preference.
 Combine 450 and 600 RPM weapons into the Mid Impact tier


High – 0.95 to 1.31s TTK w/ 6H2B optimal, 11B worst case

Mid – 1.05 to 1.15s TTK w/ 6H5B optimal, 12B worst case

Low – 0.98 to 1.19s TTK w/ 8H4B optimal, 17B worst case


-Hand Cannons-

 Rewards a skilled hand.
 Lower recoil direction across the board
 Randomize the recoil pattern
 Increase muzzle kick
 Significant increase of aim assist to bring in line with other primaries
 Fastest optimal TTKs, but hardest to use and TTKs will drop when outside of effective range. Harshest weapon damage drop off – down to 25%
 Significantly reduce bloom to be in line with other primaries. Bloom is frustrating to play with. If you're missing shots, it should be because YOU missed a shot and not some random number generator embedded in code. A random, difficult to control recoil pattern and steep damage falloff is enough to balance the class.
 Increase precision damage multiplier. Highest precision multiplier for primary weapons. Slight reduction of body damage
 Increase the amount enemies flinch when hit with headshots. Highest flinch of all primaries, especially the high impact tier. It should feel like getting hit by a truck.
 Combine 140 and 150 RPM weapons into the mid impact. Create a new archetype for the low impact that uses The Last Word as a template.


High – 0.88 to 2.05s TTK w/ 3H optimal, 7B worst case

Mid – 0.96 to 1.44s TTK w/ 2H2B optimal, 6B worst case

Low – 0.92 to 1.66s TTK w/ 4H1B optimal, 9B worst case


-Sub-Machine Guns-

 Slight decrease of range, aim assist, and zoom effects to bring them more in line with sidearm intended ranges (What I'm trying to say here is that putting a medium zoom scope on a SMG extends the effective range too much. Either reduce the effect, or remove medium zoom scopes on this weapon class like Hand Cannons, Sidearms, and Fusion Rifles from year 1 D1.) Also, this allows an area for Auto Rifles and Hand Cannons to shine
 Reduce the range for Antiope-D and other high range, slow RoF smgs to behave similar to other SMGs.
 Just like Auto Rifles, slightly reduce the precision damage multiplier and increase body damage. More forgiving than Sidearms, but slightly less lethal in skilled hands.
 Reduce the fire rate of the mid impact to make it feel more unique from the low impact tier. Maintain its forgiveness.


High – 0.72 to 1.26s TTK 8H optimal, 14B worst case

Mid – 0.86 to 0.93s TTK w/ 6H6B optimal, 13B worst case

Low – 0.81 to 1.00s TTK w/ 10H3B optimal, 16B worst case



 Increase damage of non-Omolon sidearms to bring in line with Omolon 3-burst sidearms.
 Buff accuracy significantly within its small range. Only outside of its effective range should ghost bullets start appearing
 Buff stability significantly. For such a small gun, it shouldn't kick as much they do. They should all behave like the Last Hope or D1 Trespasser.
 Buff precision damage, reduce body damage.
 Same cost-benefit relationship between Hand Cannon and Auto Rifles should be with Sidearms and SMGs, but at a reduced range, and increased lethality.
 Move 260 and 300 RPM weapons into the high impact tier. 360 RPM becomes the mid impact tier on its own. Move all non-semi-auto weapons (i.e. Omolon Burst, SUROS Rapid-Fire) into the low impact to help player achieve those high fire rates.


High – 0.72 to 1.26s TTK w/ 4H optimal, 7B worst case

Mid – 0.84 to 0.98s TTK w/ 3H3B optimal, 7B worst case

Low – 0.77 to 1.10s TTK w/ 5H2B optimal, 10B worst case


-Rocket Launcher-

 RLs should cause more screen shake when hit by one. It should be random and move your reticle off of center. The screen shake should be significant. Unflinching (Read Part 2: Armor mods) negates this.


-Grenade Launcher-

 Significantly buff blast radius and velocity of non-proximity detonation grenade launchers. When hit, create a random screen shake that moves your reticle like RLs and explosive rounds. Not as severe as RLs, but greater than explosive rounds and dragonfly. Unflinching negates this.



 Significantly increase aim assist and reduce flinch.
 Snipers should be like they were in year 1 Trials if they're going to be competitive in the power weapon slot.
 High and mid impact snipers should be able to one-shot supers with a headshot
 By far, snipers should have the highest precision modifier and flinch dealt. When you get hit by a sniper, it should shake your screen almost like being tethered, but upward. If a Hand Cannon feels like getting hit by a truck, snipers should feel like getting hit by a train. Unflinching doesn't negate this.



 Remain unchanged. Shotguns were really well done.


-Fusion Rifle-

 All fusion rifles should do the same amount of damage regardless of their charge rate. Not sure what the numerical damage should be, but 4 bolts should kill anyone with 4 armor; 5 bolts kills everything else.
 Bolt spread should significantly decrease as charge rate slows down. You shouldn't be charging up to do extra damage; you should be charging up to increase your effective range and accuracy. Makes every fusion rifle tier viable depending on player preference, and does a better job of separating quick charging, close range FRs and slow charging, long range FRs.


-Linear Fusion Rifle-

 Unlike fusion rifles, LFRs should increase damage as charge rate slows down.
 Significantly increase aim assist and reduce flinch
 Slight increase of the radius of the bolt to make it a little easier to land "precision headshots". Add a perk that makes the bolt even wider in exchange of a slower charge rate.
 All LFRs should be able to one-shot supers with a headshot



 Just like mastering your movement is rewarded with shotguns, it should be even more rewarding with swords at the expense of slightly less lethal range.
 Increase hit detection or auto-aim within its intended range.
 Increase the animation speed in and out of blocking. Blocking should be lightning fast. It's a cool mechanic that never gets used. It's balanced because the required reaction time to block is so little, it uses sword ammo, and when you're blocking, you can't attack with your sword.
 Increase movement speed slightly while blocking. Affected by mobility.
 Unable to ability jump while blocking, but can block in mid-air without losing momentum. Can single jump while blocking.
 Efficiency of sword blocking should be drastically improved. Blocking air shouldn't take away sword ammo. Sword ammo should only be consumed with swings and when blocking actual damage.
 Element of a blocking sword should be more visible.
 A kinetic weapon takes away sword ammo against a blocking sword.
 An energy/power weapon with a matching element takes away significantly more sword ammo against a blocking sword.
 An energy/power weapon with a non-matching element takes away significantly less sword ammo against a blocking sword.
 Slightly reduce ammo on pickup to bring it more in line with other power weapons


I would need to do some playtesting to establish firm numbers, but I believe the base precision modifiers should be different depending on the weapon and should follow this order from highest to lowest.


-Precision Modifiers-

 Sniper
 Hand Cannon
 Scout
 Sidearm
 Pulse
 Auto, Fusion, Shotgun
 Rocket/Grenade Launchers, Sword


C. Kinetic/Energy Weapons

Energy weapons and Kinetic weapons should feel more different and have more unique roles, but at the same time, your two primaries should feel the same in PvP as they do in PvE. Kind of paradoxical, but here's my idea.

Introduce a strengths and weaknesses principle amongst the kinetic and element weapons to provide more room for mastery, increased loadout decision-making, and greater differences between your two primary weapons. It should feel like Super Effective!, Not Very Effective!, and Normal effective! moves from Pokemon.

Here are some quick guidelines. These damage multipliers are multiplicative of precision modifiers listed earlier and super resistance modifiers.


-Kinetic Weapons-

 1x base damage multiplier against guardians and red-bar enemies. Same as all energy/power weapons
 1x base damage multiplier against all supers, PvE shields, blocking swords, and Titan barricades.
 0.5x base damage multiplier to non-precision hits to Majors/Ultras. Same as all energy/power weapons
 1x base damage modifier to precision hits to Majors/Ultras.


-Energy/Power Weapons-

 1x base damage multiplier against guardians and red-bar enemies. Same as all weapons
 2x base damage multiplier against matching PvP supers, PvE shields, blocking swords, and Titan barricades.
 0.5x base damage multiplier against non-matching PvP supers, PvE shields, blocking swords, and Titan barricades.
 0.5x base damage multiplier to non-precision hits to Majors/Ultras. Same as all weapons
 0.5x base damage modifier to precision hits to Majors/Ultras.


D. Foundry Changes

For the foundries, they should have a typical strength:

 Hakke: Range (Velocity)
 Suros: Stability
 Omolon: Handling
 Veist: Reload Speed
 Daito: Mag size
 Cassoid: Inventory
 Nadir: Recoil Direction
 Crux/Lomar: Blast radius
 Raid and Trial Weapons: For balancing, Raid and Trial weapons drop with a perk that is slightly overpowered in its game mode but can be swapped out by ordinary mods if desired. For example, a raid weapon that reloads faster when Force of Will is active, but if you want, you can change it to Steady Rounds, etc. Their other trait should be close to exotic level traits. These are fixed and can't be changed.


TL;DR: If you could combine Halo: Combat Evolved's gunplay and vehicular combat; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's intricate map design and player perk selection; and Pokemon Red & Blue's loot mechanics and customization… That's the game I want to play!


EDIT: If you want to check out another section, they're listed below:


Part 1: Weapon Changes
Part 2: Armor, Supers, and Abilities Changes
Part 3: Exotics Changes
Part 4: PvP Changes
Part 5: PvE Changes

submitted by /u/Ursus_Volitans
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Curse of Osiris Stream #2 Summary

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:49 AM PST

Just a quick summary for those who missed or can't watch the stream.


New Public Event

New Public event created just for Mercury. The event is called Vex Crossroads. You can go to different areas during the event that are normally not accessible otherwise.

Vex Gatekeepers (hydras) will spawn periodically and they drop keys (arc charges) that you can dunk. Vex cannons will also spawn that allow you to move quickly to another area for the event after you dunked all the keys. The event area is a series of islands and some of the islands are only accessible via these cannons that are active during the event.

The final boss of the event is a Gate Lord that goes immune periodically and requires you to kill more Vex Gatekeepers to disable his shield.

Two chests will spawn at end of the event (heroic), making it more rewarding. The loot is same as usual (blue gear + mercury tokens).

Infinite Forest and Adventures

Some adventures will take place inside the Infinite Forest, exploring different timelines of Mercury. Infinite Forest is basically a Vex reality simulation machine where they play out different timelines of Mercury in the past, present, and future with different scenarios.

Infinite Forest is like a LEGO building blocks, there are different random set pieces and different random enemies that you will encounter each time you enter it. All of the combatant races are available in the Infinite Forest (i.e. you can fight Hive mobs in there).

All the adventures have a theme. The Up and Up for example, features a bunch of platform jumping.

There are milestones for completing specific adventures.

Reward for completing one of the adventures is 2 tokens and a blue.



Lighthouse is more optimized, so you don't have to run around everywhere. There are mysteries you can solve inside the Lighthouse.

Heroic Adventures

These are very challenging adventures with different modifiers each time you play it.

Prophecy Verses/The Forge

Brother Vance will have different Lost Prophecy Verses for sell (11 different verses). Buying one will start a mini quest where you need to collect certain specific items. These items can be acquired from strikes, heroic adventures, public events etc on Mercury.

Once you acquired all the items required by the Lost Prophecy verse, you can take it to the Forge interface on the Lighthouse and it will forge you a new weapon.

These weapons all have the theme of modified Vex tech on top of our existing weapon tech. All of the weapons were designed with perks and stats chosen carefully.

New Strikes

Two new strikes added. You first get introduced them to via the story campaign solo and once you have completed the story campaign, you can play them in your strike playlist. There are two versions of these strikes, a solo version integrated to the story, and a regular strike version designed for 3 players.

submitted by /u/dulfy
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If I pay $60+ for a game I should be able to replay the campaign whenever I damn well please.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PST

If not we should at least get daily meditations versus weekly ones. And on the note of meditations, being able to access the directory from wherever you are and travel somewhere saves no time. You still have to go to orbit before going anywhere. It should auto load you to your destination of choice from where you are like meditations do from the tower.

submitted by /u/Nartholos
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There are 80 possible variations of the NF. Why do we have the same one for the 4th time in 11 weeks?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:14 AM PST

I thought the whole point of fixed rolls on weapons was so Bungie could balance weapons faster and easier...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:56 AM PST

Yet 3 burst sidearms and high caliber rounds haven't been touched since launch.

Remind me what the win is here again? How have fixed rolls on weapons made D2 any better of an experience than D1?

submitted by /u/Chundercracker
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I feel like my D1 Guardian would kick my D2 Guardian's ass.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:06 AM PST

Not just that he could, but that he would.

submitted by /u/stevetheimpact
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How to rocket Iron Banner

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:13 AM PST

So, no Strike exclusive loot ... but Adventure exclusive armour???

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:07 AM PST

Finally got round to playing the adventure 'Siren Song' on Titan (I know, I know ... but I've been trying to stretch out the content) and was stunned when completing the quest gave me a pair of rare arms that I'd never seen before. The 'Songbreaker Grips' (survivalist) only dropped at 295 but I would happily grind for a chance to nab these at a max light, simply because they look pretty good AND cannot be found anywhere else in game?

Have I missed something? Are there other Adventure exclusive armour pieces???

submitted by /u/psn_mrbobbyboy
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Kind of sad Hunter Boots still don't increase recovery even if you have Survivalist.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:17 AM PST

... That's pretty much all I wanted to say.

submitted by /u/bystander007
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It was a fun experiment, but can we go back to intellect, discipline, and strength stats on the armor now?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:48 PM PST

At least with those stats different builds could benefit from different min/maxing.

Still looking for a use for all these mobility sets my hunter keeps picking up. RIP that raid armor..

submitted by /u/TunaSurf
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Bungie - if you take away my incentive to play and grind, you take away my incentive to spend money on Eververse.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:14 PM PST

Datto's latest video about Eververse almost representing the new end-game along with its associated incentives got me thinking. I'd really recommend watching it before reading, if you haven't.

If we go back to Destiny, I had little qualms about spending money on Eververse, knowing I was spending money on content I would I enjoy and make the most of.

Even two years in with Rise of Iron, I was invested in the game, the core content of the game had me hooked, and spending £5 or so every few weeks on this game I loved so much didn't seem like a waste.

I had incentives to play, and thus I had incentives to spend. I was also happy to be supporting Bungie.

The increased role/importance of Eververse in Destiny 2 though, and the way in which it's impacted other aspects of the game, has almost had an opposite effect.

I'm not trying to suggest Eververse is the root of all Destiny 2's problems or anything like that, but the ways it's now being used - as detailed by Datto - appear to have hurt the end-game.

I speak personally here, of course, but in giving me less incentives to play I naturally have less incentives to spend, regardless of the apparent value of whatever it is I can purchase at Eververse.

Sure, I can get an Exotic Sparrow - and I have an Exotic Sparrow - but what's the point in even trying to get one if the game has suffered to a point where I just don't want to use it?

I've got no problem with the way Eververse worked in Destiny, but when it comes at the cost of end-game depth and content as it appears to have done so in Destiny 2, it feels like Bungie are really shooting themselves in the foot.

Take away my incentive to play, grind and log on - and you take away my incentive to spend. I'm not gonna waste money on a game I don't enjoy.

submitted by /u/henrybddf
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All Destiny 2 Grenades Ranked by Single Target Damage Potential

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:56 PM PST

I spent some time this week doing a really controlled experiment on grenade damage to see what grenades did the most single target damage in the game. This was purely just to test this one parameter, so it totally ignores the utility of any of these grenades. I'll post the results first then go into a quick explanation:

Grenade Type DAMAGE@ 200 Light DAMAGE@ 305 Light Normalized DAMAGE RANKING
W. Scatter*** 345 943 56 24
H. Skip*** 461 1441 80 23
W. Axion Bolt, Fire Bolt 519 1633 90 22
H. Swarm 464 1850 91 21
T. Fusion, W. Fusion, H. Flux 579 1816 100 20
W. Scatter, Overcharged** 664 1816 107 19
T. Flashbang, Suppressor, Magnetic 692 2177 120 18
T. Incendiary, H. Incendiary 786 2470 136 17
W. Storm 807 2541 140 16
H. Tripmine 922 2903 160 15
H. Arcbolt, W. Arcbolt 1037 3266 180 14
T. Thermite 1820 5736 316 13
H. Spike 2106 6604 364 12
W. Solar 2375 7727 420 11
W. Vortex, H. Vortex 2537 7993 440 10
W. Vortex, Overcharged 3056 9628 530 9
T. Pulse, W. Pulse 3168 9983 550 8
T. Lightning 3456 10888 600 7
T. Voidwall, H. Voidwall 3475 10941 603 6
T. Lightning, Pulse w/Earthshaker 4320 13610 750 5
W. Solar s/Sunbracer 4535 14537 795 4
H. Vortex w/Pathfinder** 4786 15078 830 3
H. Spike w/Pathfinder** 4860 15240 840 2
H. Voidwall w/Pathfinder** 7347 23097 1274 1

**Indicates a corrections

***Indicated that the damage numbers are averaged over several samples, thus these values are an approximation.

So the way this works, in order to get as controlled and accurate results as possible, I need a target that fit the following parameters:

1) it doesn't move

2) it has only one hitbox

3) it doesn't shoot back

4) it has a very very large HP pool

5) i can reach it solo so no other players are effecting my results.

6) I can hit it by itself, so damage numbers from other targets don't contaminate my results

7) As a bonus, it's easy to respawn and quick to access.

There's a dude that actually has some test videos against a strike boss. Kudos to him for doing that because that's an insane over the top investment.

I instead chose a more controlled subject: Watchers in the Prestige Leviathan Raid. They don't fight back, they have one hit box, they have like 6k hp, easy to reach solo, can spawn them over and over again, and I don't have to worry about other players or mobs contaminating my results.

I tested this at both 200 and 305 light on all classes, with and without applicable modifiers. Nearly every grenade had a 3.15x difference between the two light levels. The only discrepancies mostly lie in the few grenades that are cluster base and thus gave inconsistent results (in which case I ran the test 6 times and then averaged the results). So those few ones are an approximation.

For the final rankings, I normalized the results using fusion/flux grenades at my measuring stick. Basically, under the normalized results line, you can read it as "If Flux/Fusion grenades do 100 damage to X target at Y Light level, then [other grenade type] will do [damage on the normalized table] to the same target at the same light level.

Overall, this was just an interesting experiment I wanted to do for my own curiosity, and I'm glad I did because holy crap the results are not anything near what I expected. I shot a video with a fuller explanation and actual video evidence of every grenade if anyone wants to know more. Since this subreddit doesn't like people posting their own videos or whatever feel free to PM me for the link.

edit someone told me to just put the link in so here it is:

Also I forgot to link this useful graphic as well: it's just a table of the above data with bars and colors woot.

Here is the google docs I made with my raw data I took frame by framing the grenade videos:

edit2 As requested, I added a table to the google docs that has approximate duration of all grenades, as well as tick speed on DOT grenades. I wouldn't say its' accurate down to the millisecond or anything, but it should close is enough for any data hounds purposes.

edit3 here's a table with formulas that I was able to extrapolate for all grenades.

Grenade Formula
H. Arcbolt Full Damage on Center, Half Damage on Radius
H. Flux Full Damage on Connect, Half on Miss
H. Skip (Approximate Guess) (ticX10) + (ticY3)
H. Incendiary Initial Damage + (ticX*5)
H. Swarm Can't determine from current data
H. Tripmine Full Damage in one hit
H. Spike ticX*13
H. Spike + PF ticX*30
H. Voidwall Initial Damage + (ticX*14)
H. Voidwall + PF Initial Damage + (ticX*30)
H. Vortex Initial Damage + (ticX*13)
H. Vortex + PF Initial Damage + (ticX*26)
T. Magnetic DamageA + DamageB + DamageC
T. Suppressor Full Damage in one hit
T. Voidwall Initial Damage + (ticX*14)
T. Fusion Double Damage on Connect
T. Incendiary Initial Damage + (ticX*5)
T. Thermite ticX*4
T. Flashbang Full Damage in one hit
T. Lightning ticX*4
T. Lightning + Earthshaker ticX*5
T. Pulse Initial Damage + (ticX*5)
T. Pulse + Earthshaker Initial Damage + (ticX*7)
W. Firebolt Full Damage in one hit
W. Fusion Double Damage on Connect
W. Solar Initial Damage + (ticX5) + (ticY13)
W. Solar + Sunbracer Initial Damage + (ticX5) + (ticY28)
W. Arcbolt Full Damage on Center, Half Damage on Radius
W. Pulse Initial Damage + (ticX*5)
W. Storm Can't determine from current data
W. Axion Bolt Full Damage in one hit
W. Scatter Can't determine from current data
W. Vortex Initial Damage + (ticX*13)
W. Vortex Overcharged Initial Damage + (ticX*16) 

CORRECTIONS much thanks to the bugler for pointing out a few corrections. I missed a few ticks on the pathfinder grenades, which means they do even more damage then assumed. The above tables will be update to match

submitted by /u/cearka_larue
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On Xbox the true challenge mode for the raid is getting party chat to work for all 6 people.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:57 AM PST

We spend more time trying to work around party chat problems than actually working out mechanics of the raid. Recently we have tried to make Skype work, but we only have about 4 people that show up for raid nights in the clan. It can be challenging to get randoms to download and load into Skype.

One thing we are trying is to get our group of 4 into a party with randoms, join a call with each other on Skype, and then exit the app on Xbox. This allows us to stay in the call and the party. Just mute each other to avoid echo. We still need to test this further.

Anyone else have a workaround that works for your raids? I know we aren't the only ones with constant party chat problems.

submitted by /u/Juicydice
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A great experience on D2

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:39 AM PST

So I am an adult and I play D2 with my wife. We have gotten quite the following of younger players that call us destiny Mom and destiny dad that play with us pretty often.

The other day I was completing all the lost sectors for my warlock and just taking in how beautiful the environments are. One of the kids joins me and says "what are you doing on Io? It's not the flashpoint this week" I replied "I'm just enjoying the environments and exploring a little" he replied to me by telling me that was dumb and that you don't get anything from it. I understood where he was coming from. This is a generation that expects a reward from everything, and I accept that, but I wanted to share some ancient wisdom with him. I told him to tag along and just look around and see how great the devs did with making all these spaces. After a while I told him about games in my day and how you played games for a score at the top of the screen and that was it.

By the end of my time on Io he ended up having a really great time. He told me he didn't know he could have so much fun not getting anything. We even came across a glitch spot I'm sure has already been found that lets you go way outside the map into some unfinished areas. It was really enjoyable and I am glad I could share it with a different generation to let them know how to appreciate what is given to you, not what you get out of it.

submitted by /u/Elloroni
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Please bring back the Grimoire score and put a codex of the cards in game.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:17 PM PST

I feel like this was such a missed opportunity. Grimoire score was a quick identifier of how much you had done in D1, and gave players incentive to grind activities and collect everything in the game in order to max out their score.

As it stands now, there is no reward for going out and collecting all exotics or scanning all collectibles, and no place to quickly read the lore from these items without physically going to the location again or pulling the exotic into your inventory. Adding this system back into the game would help alleviate some of the incentive drought, in my opinion and a codex in the tower to access the lore in one spot would be much more convenient than what is currently in place.

No one wanted the Grimoire system gone, we simply wanted it in game.

submitted by /u/Abysmvl
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Bungie, I’ve scanned this Taken orb about 7 times already...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:56 AM PST

Bungie can you please:

A) Make a kiosk in the tower or additional UI page somewhere that catalogs all the scanned item recordings

B) Make all items I've already scanned unable to be scanned twice.

What might be even cooler is if I sit down and pull out my ghost, give me the option to select a recording and have it playback.

There are TONS of crucial story elements in these scanned items. It'd be nice to have a centralized system in place to replay them.

For example:

A bunch of us D1 veterans knew that OBVIOUSLY the factions would eventually return but if your curiosity got the better of you, a couple of the New Monarchy scannable items around the tower straight up tell you what factions are and their intent to make an appearance in the tower, very soon at that. This information was available Day 1 for people that didn't even know anything about factions. The information is out there!!

Now let us catalog it and play it back please!

submitted by /u/bad_sensei
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How to do Calus Challenge Mode

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:49 AM PST

You must activate all four plates at once when going to damage Calus. You must damage him from all four plates and the Challenge will fail if you damage him before all the plates are activated.

Assign two players to Sun & Chalice each. This means, two groups of two players on the front plates as the two spare players are assigned to Axes & Dog. 2-2-1-1. You don't need to stay on the plates when you go to break his shield for final stand.

We three-phased him.

EDIT: The plates have timers, you cannot get off them then go back to them. They will be gone regardless. YOU WILL LOSE DAMAGE BY GOING TO JUST ONE PLATE.

submitted by /u/HateTTV
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Dear Bungie, please let us dissemble items in our bank and mail without having to put it in our inventory.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:13 AM PST

Yours truly,

Shengur Everyone

submitted by /u/shengur
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'Curse of Osiris' Reveal Stream Countdown - "New Ways to Play"

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:43 AM PST

Hi all,

A lot of us are international Guardians or maybe we get confused by Daylight Savings... Regardless, In keeping with tradition, here is a temporary countdown to the for the upcoming stream, so clear your schedules!

Link to Countdown

Here's a link to the Bungie Twitch Reveal:

Destiny Reveal Stream - 11/21 @11am Pacific (Yes, Tuesday. Explanation here)

We're back with a live fire exercise to show off some of the new activities you'll tackle on this new adventure, including the biggest public event we've ever delivered in Destiny and a shooting tour of the Infinite Forest.

There is however, a teaser linked below

Link to teaser

The hosts are:

  • Deej and guests
submitted by /u/Clarkey7163
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Flashpoints are getting really dull and frustrating at this point, and they need a desperate change.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:26 PM PST

I remember that one of D2's main selling points was that they improved the patrols system.

And they're right, they did. It's much better than D1's patrols. However, after trying so hard to like patrolling in D2, I simply can't anymore.

I did my good ol' faction rally farming two weeks back in "The Weep" and all it reminded me was just how god damn gorgeous some of the Lost Sectors in this game really are. It really got me thinking, to.

  • Flashpoints shouldn't just require you to complete Public Events. You should get progress for completing a patrol beacon, a lost sector, a public event, a "random event" such as the scavengers on Titan or the roving pike gangs on Earth, and opening chests.

  • Planets with a Flashpoint active during that week should have a "secondary" objective for completing Adventures, and the reward being a "Powerful Planetary Engram", rewarding players with 2 guaranteed items from that vendor's unique item list.

  • Patrol Beacons need to have better rewards. I used to love grabbing a "kill everything" or "loot specific items" quests while rolling around in the Dreadnaught or in the Plaguelands because they actually rewarded you with a massive rep boost or a nice amount of glimmer. Now I feel like they don't do jack shit since token rewards are just abysmal.

  • The area that has the flashpoint for the week should have 300 engrams (and max for CoO) available ALL WEEK for maxed out players. Seriously, why isn't this a thing? If i'm going to be spending an enormous amount of time in this area to be rewarded for it, I don't want to spend my tokens getting Gunsmith Material fodder.

I'm here to patrol the planet, not play the "Alright, where's the damn flag so I can get this over with" game.

I was so damned happy when I heard patrols were finally going to be fleshed out. And they were, but there's no actual incentive to going back and exploring more than once.

Please, Bungie. If you can't give us 4/6 player patrols, at least give us a reason to play patrols in the first place.

submitted by /u/Kyega
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Destiny 2… The Game I Want to Play (Massive List of Solutions and Constructive Feedback) Part 2 of 5: Armor, Supers, and Abilities Changes

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:24 AM PST


I've played Destiny since its 2014 release. I've been through all its patches, updates, and expansions. I've beaten all the raids, farmed the perfect Hopscotch Pilgrim, and set up a summer home at the Lighthouse. I knew every square foot of the Cosmodrome, and I cared more about my Crucible K/D than my Roth IRA. Simply put, Destiny 1 was fun. Right now, Destiny 2 is not… And this sucks! I can't believe I've stopped playing after only one month!

But, I want to help. I saw Cozmo's Weekly Update a couple weeks ago letting us know they're looking for player feedback, and I want to give… lots of feedback. Since then, I've been compiling a list of ideas and I've tried to create a game that I would enjoy and hopefully others will too. When brainstorming for ideas, there were three games I used as inspiration or a reference point of what a fun game "feels" like. These were Halo CE, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and Pokemon Red/Blue. I felt these games had the largest global impact, and captivated both casual and hardcore gamers.

Now, I felt I've written some pretty good stuff, but I don't expect many people will read the whole thing. I've broken it down into 5 sections, so if there is a topic you really care about, this makes it easier for you to find. I tried to keep out as much fluff as possible, so if you have any questions or comments about my background or why I decided on something, please let me know. Also, I'm really curious on what other people are thinking, so if there is something you like, dislike, or have another idea, please write it in the comments below and let's start a conversation!


Part 1
Weapon Changes
A. Gun Mods
B. Weapon Balancing
C. Kinetic/Energy Weapons
D. Foundry Changes


Part 2
Armor Changes
A. Armor Mods

Supers and Abilities Changes
A. Overall
B. Hunters
C. Warlocks
D. Titans


Part 3
Exotic Changes
A. Xur and the Rarity
B. Exotic Armor
C. Exotic Weapons


Part 4
PvP Changes
A. Overall
B. Competitive
C. Quickplay
D. Big Team Battle
E. Free-For-All
F. Trials of the Nine
G. Iron Banner
H. Private Games


Part 5
PvE Changes
A. Overall
B. Faction/Vanguard Rallies
C. Horde (Prison of Elders Substitute)
D. Raids


Armor Changes

Increase impact of Mobility to be equally important as Armor and Recovery. Mobility affects:

 Sprint speed
 Walking speed
 Crouch walking speed
 Mantle speed
 Initial jump distance and speed
 Ability jump distance and speed


Any perks (i.e. ST0MP-EE5, Transversive Steps, Keen Scout, etc.) that boost these movements, stacks with mobility).

Any class can be max mobility, recovery, or armor. To balance max recovery invis Nightstalkers, remove how your aim assist goes away when targeting an invis opponent. It doesn't make sense that we get aim assist when targeting invis fallen, but not invis guardians. It wasn't like that in D1 either. To compensate, reduce base dodge cooldown to 20s. When invis, you're completely off radar when running and jumping until breaking invis. Make invis slightly harder to see. When invis, remove the ability to be highlighted by scopes or Eye of Another World. Majors/Ultras in PvE can target and damage you, but with reduced accuracy.

All armor is customizable but works with same mod principles as weapons. No multiple perks per tree and you can change pre-set perks. Intrinsic perks (i.e. restorative, heavy, and mobile) are set and can't be changed (I like how certain armor looks lightweight or heavy duty), and each armor set drops with a pre-set armor, recovery, mobility bonus and one mod. The armor, recovery, and mobility bonus can be changed. Armor mods can be changed and are listed below. Class items don't provide armor, recovery, or mobility bonus, but can be equipped with an armor mod.

A. Armor Mods


 Remove perks that boost handling and recoil direction. Of weapon stats, armor pieces can only change inventory and reload speed.
 Certain vendors sell additional perks after completing certain events (i.e. raid, trials, iron banner)
 Remove subclass specific perks
 User decisions are primarily based on three questions. Do you want a buff to a certain playstyle? Do you want a significant armor, recovery, or mobility buff in a particular situation? Or, do you want a slight armor, recovery, or mobility buff active at all times?
 NOTE: The below list is not a complete list I'd expect in-game. I just brainstormed a couple ideas. Please let me know if you have any other ideas.



 Unflinching: doesn't reduce flinch, just makes you immune to high caliber rounds bonus flinch, explosive rounds screen shake, and anything else that shifts your aim like being tethered, the new singularity effects, and the revised Lethal Current (Read Part 2: Arcstrider).
 Increased radar range and higher fidelity like Keen Scout.
 Radar remains visible while ADS, however the range of your radar is drastically reduced. This is intended to provide 3rd Eye, but be a worse version than Knucklehead Radar and MIDA Radar. Also intended to mainly work for CQC and make it easier to be flanked. Initially, I thought to remove the thin, outer bar on the radar, but playtesting would be needed to see if it's balanced enough.
 Enemies on screen are highlighted to help acquire targets even when not ADS. You are also notified if someone is aiming at you from outside your field of view. Invis enemies are not affected.
 Increased super energy gained from double kills in PvP and killing majors/ultras in PvE (100% increase)
 Increased recovery after reviving a teammate for 3 sec (+4 recovery, caps at 10).
 Increased recovery after getting a precision kill for 3 sec (+4 recovery, caps at 10).
 +2 recovery



 Increased melee speed
 Reduce melee ability cooldown
 Increased grenade throw animation and grenades travel faster.  Improved kinetic reload speed (20% buff)
 Improved energy reload speed (20% buff)
 Improved power reload speed (20% buff)
 Arming and disarming bombs take less time (50% reduction)
 Improved reload speeds when last man standing or playing the objective (i.e. carrying the rift, capturing a flag, etc.) (50% buff)



 Reduced grenade ability cooldown
 Slightly improved damage resistance to enemy grenades
 Improved damage resistance against non-matching energy weapons and kinetic weapons when using super. Improved damage resistance against non-majors in PvE while using super.
 Increased weapon swap speed
 Increased power inventory
 Increased resilience when attempting an objective. (i.e. capturing a point, planting/defusing a bomb, holding a flag) (+4 Armor, caps at 10)
 Increases resilience after getting a precision kill for 3 sec (+4 Armor, caps at 10)
 +2 armor



 Increased slide distance (stacks with other perks)
 5 seconds of increased movement speed on spawn or revives (+4 mobility, caps at 10)
 2 seconds of increased mobility when shields are down (+4 mobility, caps at 10)
 Increased movement speeds when last man standing, a bomb is planted, or when carrying an objective relic (Rift, CTF, Raid, etc.) (+4 Mobility, caps at 10)
 Increased movement speeds after getting a precision kill for 3 sec (+4 Mobility, caps at 10)
 Improved reload speed after switching weapons
 Increased kinetic and energy inventory
 +2 mobility



 Reduced class ability cooldown
 Increased animation speed when activating class ability
 Secondary effects (i.e. incendiary dot, flashbang blinding, suppressor suppression, marked by foetracer and other exotic effects, etc.) duration is shortened slightly
 Improved vehicle top speed, handling, and weapon damage. (In terms of Shot-To-Kill, it really only helps the Warthog Replacement. Read Part 4: Big Team Battle for more info.)


Supers and abilities changes

My super should be my scorestreak. If I'm slaying and dominating the objective, I should be rewarded – real-time and in-game. And when I'm using it, it should feel like I'm using an AC130 from Modern Warfare 2. I should be able to shred through uncoordinated teams. I should never feel scared to use my super. Like the AC130, it should be possible to counter it, but only with deliberate and skillful execution. Downing a super should feel like 4-manning Crota.

Also, I really like the new combos and abilities of the Arcstrider and Sentinel within their super. The super vs super game play should be expanded upon as the best way to shutdown an enemy super. Here are some changes I would like to see:

A. Overall

 Keep Supers on current cooldown rate
 Increase super energy gained from kills/objectives by 100%
 Super energy gained from orbs seems fine (haven't paid too much attention to this). Double kills or skilled execution (Golden Gun headshots) with a super should drop 1 orb, not a panic Nova Bomb kill on one low health guardian…
 Increase movement speed of all roaming supers (except Dawnblade and Stormcaller. Read the following sections for the reasoning) to make them more lethal (balances out PvE).
 Slight decrease of kinetic weapons and non-matching energy/power weapons damage against supers
 Slight increase of matching energy/power weapons damage against supers
 There should be replayable missions taught by Cayde, Zavala, and Ikora that teach the mechanics of each subclass with boundless light. (i.e. Arcstrider combos, Nightstalker invis effects, etc.) NFL Madden did this with its Madden school. Rocket League did this too. Can even make it like a mini-game with objectives/high-scores/grades. Can be against Vex/Hive etc. or A.I. guardians programmed to perform a certain move (i.e. shielding Sentinel)
 Trip Mine grenades should be able to kill 0 Armor guardians.
 For Incendiary, Suppressor, and Flashbang grenades, keep total blast radius unchanged, but increase the size of the blast radius before the damage starts to drop-off. Increase the rate of damage drop-off between the inner blast radius and outer blast radius to compensate. These grenades should deal the same amount of damage as Trip Mine. Incendiary gets a small damage boost from the DoT and capable of killing 3 Armor guardians
 For Pulse, Solar, Vortex, Voidwall, and Thermite grenades, remove the priming phase before damage starts. Slight increase of blast radius.
 Reduce the damage per tick in Pulse nades and modify the other listed grenades so that they each have the same damage profile. For the Pulse nades, remove the damage drop-off from center. Keep the damage consistent throughout its entire range.
 Lightning, Spike, and Storm grenades should deal 20% more total damage than pulse-style grenades. Their priming phase before they can deal damage offsets the increased damage.
 Flux, Magnetic, and Fusion grenades should do the same damage and be able to kill guardians with 9 armor. Remove tracking. Keep a small amount of aim assist. It should feel similar to the Gunslinger's Throwing Knife. It's balanced with the long detonation times and zero damage potential if missed.
 High tracking grenades like the Arcbolt, FireBolt, Axion Bolt, and Skip Grenades should stay as is.
 Low tracking grenades like the Scatter and Swarm grenades should deal more damage than high tracking grenades. A full hit from either plus a melee should kill 2 Armor guardians.
 All grenades have same cooldown.


Total duration grenade damages in tiers listed from highest to lowest should be:
 Arc Web Storm
 Magnitude Lightning, Lockdown Spike
 Arc Web Pulse
 Magnitude Pulse, Lockdown Vortex, Lockdown Voidwall
 Lightning, Spike, Storm
 Thermite (w/ DoT)
 Pulse, Solar, Vortex, Voidwall
 Flux, Magnetic, Fusion
 Incendiary (w/ DoT)
 Suppressor, Flashbang, Trip Mine
 Scatter, Swarm, Arc Web Arcbolt
 Arcbolt, Firebolt, Axion Bolt, Skip


B. Hunters

Reduce base cooldown of hunter dodge to 20s



 Boost running movement speed to be tied with a buffed striker as the fastest running super in the game. Stacks with Stomp-ee5 or perks that increase sprint speed.
 Increase animation speed of dodge while in super
 Increase distance gained while dodging while in super
 Decrease time between dodges while in super
 One dodge of an Arcstrider should cover slightly more ground than running. Multiple dodges should not cover more ground than running.
 Decrease distance gained by swinging arc staff
 Slight increase to distance gained by using R1+R1+R2 combo during the R2 portion
 Slight increase to arc staff animation speeds during a combo (R1+R1, R1+R2, R1+R1+R2)
 Slight decrease to arc staff animation speeds following the combos (R1+R1, R1+R2, R1+R1+R2)
 The combos with extended range (R1+R2, R1+R1+R2) should have slightly more range, width and hit detection. It should also have a more visual effect showing the range and width of the blast
 R1+R1 and R1+R2 kill supers with less than 5 armor
 R1+R1+R2 can kill all supers except a shielding Sentinel
 Improve auto-aim of arc staff swings, especially to mid-air enemies
 Keep the only move an Arcstrider can do in air is the R1 swipe and R2 slow ground-pound.
 The combos should each have unique names and be taught be Cayde in a replayable mission.
 Combination Blow should change where melee ability (not melee) kills grants increased melee damage. Stacks up to 5x. Similar damage profile as Winter's Guile.
 Arc Staff hits should not stun-lock Majors and Ultras.
 The lightning aftershock from Lethal Current should stun-lock Majors, Ultras, guardians (Unflinching negates this. Read Part 2: Armor Mods for more info), and vehicles.
 Lightning Reflexes should grant bonus damage to the R1+R1+R2 combo. Still doesn't kill a shielding Sentinel. Mainly a PvE boost. Stacks with Raiden Flux. Kills a shielding Sentinel with Raiden Flux



 The Golden Gun with six shots should extend its timer slightly after each kill, be granted combustion, and it shots deal a small AoE effect on impact. Combustion should be like the Sunshot where it can chain fiery explosions, but also ignites hit enemies.
 Precision Golden Gun shots from bottom tree should kill any super below 5 armor. A follow up body shot should finish up all supers
 3 body Golden Gun shots kill all supers
 2 Golden Gun shots destroy Ward of Dawn
 Celestial Nighthawk one shots all supers at any range and with any armor with a body shot. It destroys Ward of Dawn and kills anyone through by penetration. Can kill max armor shielding Sentinel
 Slightly improve aim assist on throwing knives within Synthocepts's melee range
 Explosive Knifes should have a larger blast radius and more visual effect. No damage increase.



 Tether should suppress all abilities on hit.
 Tether should not kill on hit
 Shorten delay of tether activation slightly
 Animation of firing bows should be increased slightly
 No damage resistance while firing bow
 Tethered opponents do significantly less damage to you and allies
 Tethered opponents do not receive bonus damage. This makes Raid encounters easier to design and balances the class with Arcstriders and Gunslingers. The Nightstalker is intended to be a defensive, stealth subclass with a super focused towards add-control and team support. You can still deal high damage to a single target with Moebius Quiver. Indicate Bloodbound is included on the top tree and add Light of the Pack to compensate for the removed damage buff.
 Voidwall should be much taller and suppress jumping abilities if hit. Height should match 5 mobility single jump height
 Keen Scout should keep you off radar when crouching for 1 additional second
 Invis should not toggle off aim assist
 Invis should keep you off radar at all times while invis, prevent being highlighted by scopes or Eye of Another World, and be slightly tougher to see. Shouldn't be easier to see while sprinting or jumping.
 Majors can still target and hit invis players, but at a reduced accuracy
 Effects of invis and tethered enemies should be taught in game by Cayde in a replayable mission.


C. Warlocks


 Top tree is a fighter jet. Bottom tree is a bomber.
 Winged Sun should offer an improved Icarus (no in-air accuracy loss). The loss of mobility and ability to change direction quickly while in mid air balances this out.
 Phoenix Dive (while out of super) should have an increased initial animation speed. Keep a small delay once landed.
 While in super, the Icarus Dash should not use up super energy. The Dawnblade super should move at normal guardian speed while running on ground, but in midair and dashing, it should be the fastest class… period. Faster than buffed Arcstrider. I should feel like an F-22 raining fiery death from above and thrust vectoring all over the place. I should own the skies.
 On the bottom tree, Phoenix Dive (While in super) should be more similar to the Titan's Death from Above in D1. Give it some directional control and aim.
 Both trees should be able to do a Dark-Drinker swirl in-air and on-ground when pressing R2.
 The fiery pulses from the sword swings should move faster on top tree and should not slow you down or change momentum. Bottom tree should remain the same as current version.
 Radiance style grenade spam should be given while in super to bottom tree and doesn't use up super energy. Add to Fated for Flame
 2 swings kill all supers below 5 armor Three swings kill all supers
 Dark-Drinker swirl kills all supers below 5 armor. It also has a slight animation cooldown between the swirls. The same rate-of-fire of the original Dark-Drinker might work.
 Death from Above kills all supers below 5 armor. Doesn't destroy Ward of Dawn
 A Death from Above slam followed by a Dark-Drinker swirl should be able to all supers and Armor of Light guardians



 The bolts of an uncharged Scatter grenade should have very little tracking. About 0.5 m radius from each individual bolt. Sort of like a Gunslinger's Swarm nade.
 Boosted Scatter nades from top tree should have more aggressive tracking, larger blast radius and larger target acquisition range. Approx same range as boosted Axion Bolt and it should look like Gjally Wolfpack Rounds when talking about the aggressive tracking
 Charged Scatter nades should be significantly better than charged Axion Bolts, but uncharged Axion Bolts should be significantly better than uncharged Scatter nades.
 Axion Bolts from the slowva bomb should track slightly more aggressively.
 Both Nova Bombs one shot supers with 5 or less armor. The Vortex effect or Axion mini-bombs can finish the job of higher armor supers.
 Both Nova Bombs destroy Ward of Dawn on impact. Enemies in Ward of Dawn may die from the Axion bolts or Vortex aftermath.
 Skull of Dire Ahamkara gets added ability of increasing damage of the Nova Bomb. Capable of killing all supers including shielding Sentinels.



 Increase distance covered by using Ionic Blink
 Ionic blink should not take away extra super energy. The time lost of possible using the super by going through the blink phase is a fair trade off.
 Keep the current movement speed. It should be slower than Arcstrider and Striker, but the tree with Ionic Blink allows added maneuverability and evasiveness.
 While in super, Landfall should also grant the ability for R2 to fire a concentrated thunderbolt from your hands. It has greater range than the normal arc attack, but caps out at around 25m. While executing this move, there is an animation delay before firing the bolt, movement is stopped when executing this, and there is small animation delay after firing the blast. Uses a third of your super energy. Gives the Stormcaller some ranged effectiveness in line with the Sentinel (and to a lesser extent, the buffed Arcstrider) and allows it to somewhat compete with a flying Dawnblade. 2 shots all supers. Basically a ranged landfall that can be fired in front of you. Does precision damage. If it hits a precision shot, it one-hits all supers except for shielding Sentinel.
 Storm grenade should have a much larger blast radius, shorter fuse delay, and visible cloud. Once the lightning strikes start to occur, it should last longer and have more strikes. It should be a vicious storm, not a passing afternoon rainshower. One of the coolest and most unique nades has been underutilized because it has a long priming phase and small range/blast radius.


D. Titans

Barricades should match the color of the subclass and have the same element strength/weakness principle as blocking swords, PvE shields, and active supers.



 Improve damage resistance of a shielding super. It should survive all unboosted supers.
 Slight increase of shield radius. Increase the visual indicator opaqueness
 Shielding shouldn't speed up the super usage unless taking damage. Similar to Infinite Guard of Warlock sword.
 Golden Gun can't do precision damage though shield. Each Golden Gun shot should take away ⅛ of your super energy.
 Celestial Nighthawk should destroy shield, penetrate it, and kill the sentinel
 Improve hit registration and auto aim of melee attack.
 Same Voidwall buff as Nightstalker
 The current 3 melee combo should kill all supers.
 Two shield throws should kill any super below 5 armor
 Improve tracking and aim assist of thrown shields.
 Suppressor grenades should suppress more enemy abilities in PvE



 In addition to more damage, Terminal Velocity should grant a larger blast radius the longer time spent in air
 Slightly reduce the priming time of Lightning nades
 For Flashbang nades, increase the duration of being blinded by one sec, and the blinding effect shouldn't change the farther away from center you are. Like a Suppressor or Incendiary nade, if you're hit at all, you receive the full secondary effect. Magnitude increases the blinding duration



 Drastically increase the tick rate of the Thermite grenade. Increase width and height. Ignites enemies.
 Explosive Pyre should cause all enemies killed by abilities to explode and ignite enemies hit by the explosion (Similar to Mortar Blast)
 Vulcan's Rage should cause the explosive molten embers from thrown Hammers of Sol to also ignite enemies. Improved tracking.
 Getting a kill with Mortar Blast should refill your melee charge
 Sun Warrior should also grant an overshield. The loss of mobility is a fair trade off
 Sun spots should be slightly wider and last longer. Should also ignite enemies
 If not already, all Titan shoulder charges (Hammer Strike, Seismic Strike, and Shield Bash) should have the same animation speed with and without enemy contact. (Seismic Strike seemed the fastest, but I could be wrong).


TL;DR: If you could combine Halo: Combat Evolved's gunplay and vehicular combat; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's intricate map design and player perk selection; and Pokemon Red & Blue's loot mechanics and customization… That's the game I want to play!


EDIT: If you want to check out another section, they're listed below:


Part 1: Weapon Changes
Part 2: Armor, Supers, and Abilities Changes
Part 3: Exotics Changes
Part 4: PvP Changes
Part 5: PvE Changes

submitted by /u/Ursus_Volitans
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My Cayde-6 cosplay is almost finished! Wanted to give you an update.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:44 PM PST

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