Dota 2 - Hero Discussion of the Day: Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition (November 21st, 2017)

Hero Discussion of the Day: Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition (November 21st, 2017)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:01 PM PST

Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition

Ancient Apparition, also known as Kaldr, is a ranged intelligence Hero. This spellcaster elemental being possesses high range, great attributes and strong semi-spammable spells. He is commonly played as a support and due to his high agility and an attack enhancing spell, he can be played defensively, as well as offensively. His ultimate is one of the most devastating spells in the game as it can hit multiple units, has global range, freezes health regeneration, and instantly kill units if low on life.


Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition, is an image projected from outside time. He springs from the cold, infinite void that both predates the universe and awaits its end. Kaldr is, Kaldr was, Kaldr shall be… and what we perceive, powerful as it appears to us, is but the faintest faded echo of the true, eternal Kaldr. Some believe that as the cosmos ages and approaches its final moments, the brightness and power of Kaldr will also intensify—that the Ancient Apparition will grow younger and stronger as eternity's end draws nigh. His grip of ice will bring all matter to a stop, his image will cast a light too terrible to behold. An Apparition no longer!

Roles: Support, Disabler, Nuker

Strength: 18 + 1.7

Agility: 20 + 2.2

Intelligence: 25 + 2.6


Damage: 44-54

Armor: 2.33

Movement Speed: 295

Attack Range: 675

Missile Speed: 1250

Base Attack Time: 1.7

Sight Range: 1800 (Day) / 800 (Night)

Turn Rate: 0.6


Cold Feet

Places a frozen hex on an enemy unit that deals damage over time, but can be dispelled by moving away from the initial cast point. If the enemy unit doesn't move out of the given range, it will be stunned and frozen in place after 4 seconds.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 125 10 700 N/A 2 After 4 seconds staying within range (dealing 30 damage over time during), the target is stunned for 2 seconds.
2 125 9 800 N/A 2.5 After 4 seconds staying within range (dealing 50 damage over time during), the target is stunned for 2.5 seconds.
3 125 8 900 N/A 3 After 4 seconds staying within range (dealing 70 damage over time during), the target is stunned for 3 seconds.
4 125 7 1000 N/A 3.5 After 4 seconds staying within range (dealing 90 damage over time during), the target is stunned for 3.5 seconds.
  • Dispellable

  • Magical damage

  • Cold Feet places an initial debuff on the target and places an icy marker at its current position upon cast.

  • As long as the target stays within 740 radius of the mark, it takes damage from the debuff and after 4 seconds it is stunned.

  • If the target moves 740 range away from the mark at any point during the initial debuff, the spell completely stops, removing the debuff and the marker.

    • This means even when the target moves back within range, it is not frozen or damaged further.
  • Cold Feet cannot be cast on units which already have the Cold Feet modifier or the Cold Feet Freeze modifier on them.

  • Deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting immediately upon cast, resulting in 4 instances.

  • The stun is applied 1 second after the last instance.

  • Can deal up to 120/200/280/360 damage to the target (before reductions).

  • Choosing the talent which replaces the cooldown with charges does not affect the ability's currently running cooldown. It does not get refreshed.

Kaldr's presence draws those around him into a frozen void, threatening to lock them in an icy prison for eternity.


Ice Vortex

Creates a vortex of icy energy that slows movement speed and increases magic damage done in its range. Lasts 16 seconds.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 80 4 1500 275 16 Enemy units are slowed by, while Ancient Apparition is sped up by 18%. Enemy unit's magic reduction is reduced by 10%
2 90 4 1500 275 16 Enemy units are slowed by, while Ancient Apparition is sped up by 22%. Enemy unit's magic reduction is reduced by 15%
3 100 4 1500 275 16 Enemy units are slowed by, while Ancient Apparition is sped up by 26%. Enemy unit's magic reduction is reduced by 20%
4 110 4 1500 275 16 Enemy units are slowed by, while Ancient Apparition is sped up by 30%. Enemy unit's magic reduction is reduced by 25%
  • Undispellable

  • All effects are provided by an aura. The modifier lingers for 0.5 seconds. The aura uses only one modifier.

    • On enemies, the modifier slows and reduces magic resistance. On Ancient Apparition, it increases movement speed.
  • Reduces most heroes' total magic resistance to 13.75%/10%/6.25%/2.5% (with talent: 7.75%/4%/0.25%/-3.5%), assuming basic 25% magic resistance and no other sources of magic resistance.

  • Reduces Visage's total magic resistance to -3.5%/-8%/-12.5%/-17% (with talent: -10.7%/-15.2%/-19.7%/-24.2%), assuming his basic magic resistance and no other sources of magic resistance.

  • Successive casts of Ice Vortex do not stack. A unit can only be affected by one of them even when multiple of them are overlapping.

    • For the caster, this also means that standing within the own and an enemy Ice Vortex does not provide both effects to the caster.
    • Which effect is provided within the overlapping area is decided by which one affected the hero first.
    • When leaving the overlapping area, the modifier updates after its linger time, based on which area the hero still stands in.
    • Provides 200 radius ground vision at the targeted point for its duration.
  • Choosing the cooldown reducing talent does not affect the ability's currently running cooldown.

  • Choosing the speed change and resistance reduction increasing talent immediately upgrades all of Ancient Apparition's currently active Ice Vortexes, including already placed modifier.

Frozen, caustic winds are at the whim of Kaldr, chilling the field of battle.


Chilling Touch

A frigid gust enchants allied heroes, granting them bonus magical damage for a given number of physical attacks. Each attack slows the enemy movement speed. Ancient Apparition always receives the buff. Lasts 30 seconds.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 110 50 800 525 20 seconds (or 3 attacks) Buffs attacks by giving 30 extra magical damage per attack and slows the movement speed of enemies hit by 30% for 0.3 seconds
2 120 42 800 525 24 seconds (or 4 attacks) Buffs attacks by giving 45 extra magical damage per attack and slows the movement speed of enemies hit by 30% for 0.3 seconds
3 130 34 800 525 28 seconds (or 5 attacks) Buffs attacks by giving 60 extra magical damage per attack and slows the movement speed of enemies hit by 30% for 0.3 seconds
4 140 26 800 525 32 seconds (or 6 attacks) Buffs attacks by giving 75 extra magical damage per attack and slows the movement speed of enemies hit by 30% for 0.3 seconds
  • Dispellable

  • Magical damage

  • Chilling Touch places a buff on allied heroes within the area which enchants their attacks. Leaving or entering the area after cast has no effect.

  • The buff is only placed on allied heroes (including Meepo clones and Tempest Doubles), but not on illusions.

  • The buff is always placed on Ancient Apparition, even when he is outside the targeted area.

  • The damage is dealt as a separate damage instance before the attack damage is dealt, but relies on the attack to hit.

    • This means when an attack misses, or is disjointed, no damage is dealt but the number of attacks remaining is also unreduced.
  • Only successful hits reduce the number of left attacks and apply the damage.

  • The damage source is set to be the attacking hero, not Ancient Apparition.

  • Does not work against buildings, but fully works against wards.

  • Can deal up to 90/180/300/450 (Talent 330/500/700/930) damage per buffed ally, and 450/900/1500/2250 (with talent: 1650/2500/3500/4650) damage with 5 buffed heroes (before reductions).

  • Each attack places a new separate debuff, fully stacking with the slow of other attacks.

  • Recasting Chilling Touch refreshes the buff duration, resets the number of attacks, and updates the number of attacks and damage bonus based on the current level and talents.

  • Choosing the damage upgrading talent does not upgrade Ancient Apparition's already placed Chilling Touch buffs.

The Ancient Apparition's eternal knowledge brings a frigid enchantment to his allies.


Ice Blast


Launches a tracer towards any location of the battlefield, which must be triggered again to mark the area to be blasted by a damaging explosion of hail. The further the tracer travels, the larger the explosion will be. Enemies caught in the explosion, or who touched the icy ball of hail as it travels, are frostbitten, taking damage and prevented from regenerating or healing. If a frostbitten unit's health drops below a certain percentage, they will instantly shatter.

Level Mana Cost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 150 40 Global 275 + 50 * Time Traveled capped at 1000 8 Deals 250 damage on impact. Frostbite buff lasts for 8 seconds and deals 12.5 damage/sec. Units will be killed if their health goes below 10%
2 150 40 Global 275 + 50 * Time Traveled capped at 1000 9 Deals 350 damage on impact. Frostbite buff lasts for 9 seconds and deals 20 damage/sec. Units will be killed if their health goes below 11%
3 150 40 Global 275 + 50 * Time Traveled capped at 1000 10 Deals 450 damage on impact. Frostbite buff lasts for 10 seconds and deals 32 damage/sec. Units will be killed if their health goes below 12%
  • Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter: increases Frostbite duration to 17 seconds.

  • Upon cast, Ice Blast is replaced by the sub-skill Release.

  • The tracer projectile travels at a speed of 1500 until Release is cast, Ancient Apparition dies, or it reaches the map boundaries.

  • The tracer has invisibility and is never visible to enemies. However, with True Sight, enemies can see the projectile as a dot on their minimap.

  • The invisibility also causes the typical shockwave effect caused by some invisibility sources, which is visible to the enemies if they have True Sight.

  • The tracer projectile itself is harmless. It neither deals damage, nor places the debuff.

  • The explosion radius starts at 275 and increases by 50 for every second the tracer has traveled, capped at 1000 radius.

    • Thus, it takes at least 15 seconds to reach the maximum radius, equaling 22500 units traveled.
  • The tracer provides 500 radius flying vision around itself as it travels. This vision does not last.

  • The tracer blocks neutral creep camps. The dome indicating the area and the second projectile do not.

  • The debuff is only placed on heroes, clones and creep-heroes, but not on illusions.

  • The debuff can also be placed on spell immune or invulnerable, but not on hidden units.

  • Unlike the debuff, the explosion damage hits all enemy units, including creeps, excluding buildings and wards.

  • The debuff prevents the current health of affected units to increase in any way. The only exceptions are Sunder, Decay, Time Lapse, Supernova and Whirling Death.

  • Units with the debuff on die instantly when their health drops below the threshold. The kill is credited to the source of the damage which brought them below the threshold.

    • However, if it was caused by self-inflicted damage, Ancient Apparition is credited for the kill.
    • An exception to this is when the Ice Blast debuff is applied to a Meepo and all of his clones. The death will count as a suicide, if the original Meepo uses the suicide of Bloodstone; it will not be credited as a kill for Ancient Apparition.
  • Shallow Grave prevents affected units from dying to the shatter for its duration. Invulnerable units cannot shatter.

  • The debuff deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting 1 second after the debuff is applied, resulting in 8/9/10 instances.

  • The debuff itself can deal up to 100/180/320 damage (before reductions).

  • Together with the explosion, Ice Blast can deal up to 350/530/770 damage (before reductions).

Ice storms from ages past flow through Kaldr's frosty limbs, crashing into the world and turning its inhabitants into monuments to his eternal power.

Talent Tree

Level Option 1 Option 2
25 +4% Ice Blast Kill Threshold (+1%) OR 4 Charges of Cold Feet
20 +80 Chilling Touch Damage OR +8% Ice Vortex Slow/Resistance (+0.2%)
15 +20 Health Regen (+4.6%) OR -1.5s Ice Vortex Cooldown
10 +10% Spell Amplification (+1.7%) OR +60 Gold/Min


Best against

Opponent hero Advantage
Huskar 4.59%
Abaddon 3.06%
Necrophos 2.82%
Bristleback 2.81%
Visage 2.70%

Worst against

Opponent hero Advantage
Anti-Mage -5.25%
Clinkz -4.52%
Storm Spirit -3.86%
Broodmother -3.56%
Phantom Lancer -3.12%

Recent Changelog


  • Increased base health regeneration from 0 to 1.5.

  • Increased base mana regeneration from 0.01 to 0.9.

  • Chilling Touch

    • No longer slows allied attack speed by 20.
    • Now applies a stacking 30% movement speed slow on attacked targets, lasting 0.3 seconds each.
    • Reduced damage from 50/60/70/80 to 30/45/60/75.
    • Rescaled buff duration from 30 on each level to 20/24/28/32.
    • Redesigned talent tree
    • Level 10: +10% spell damage amplification or +60 gold per minute
    • Level 15: +20 health regeneration or 1.5s Ice Vortex cooldown reduction
    • Level 20: +80 Chilling Touch damage or +8% Ice Vortex movement speed slow and magic resistance reduction
    • Level 25: +4% Ice Blast kill threshold or replace Cold Feet cooldown with 4 charges


  • Increased Ice Blast mana cost from 100/125/150 to 150 on each level.


  • Increased Cold Feet stun duration from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 to 2/2.5/3/3.5.


  • Increased strength gain from 1.4 to 1.7.

  • Reduced base health regeneration from 0.25 to 0.

  • Increased attack range from 600 to 675.

  • Ice Vortex now increases Ancient Apparition's movespeed by the same values as it slows enemies when standing within its area.

  • Level 20 left talent: Replaced 35 seconds respawn time reduction with 8% Ice Vortex movement speed slow and magic resistance reduction bonus.

  • Level 20 right talent: Replaced 35 movement speed bonus with 400 Health bonus.


  • Cold Feet
    • Rescaled damage per tick from 37.5/50/62.5/75 to 30/50/70/90.
    • Reduced cooldown from 13/11/9/7 to 10/9/8/7.


  • Reduced Cold Feet mana cost from 150 to 125.


  • Level 25 left talent: Increased Chilling Touch damage bonus from +80 to +100.

  • Level 25 right talent: Increased Cold Feet number of charges from 3 to 4.


  • Level 15 left talent: Increased health regeneration bonus from +25 to +30.

  • Level 15 right talent: Replaced +15 Intelligence with 1 Ice Vortex cooldown reduction.

  • Level 20 left talent: Increased respawn time reduction from 30 to 35.

Previous hero related threads

Hero discussion of the day, 20.09.2011

Hero discussion of the day, 28.12.2011

Hero discussion of the day, 24.10.2012

Hero discussion of the day, 30.09.2013

Hero lore discussion, 23.05.2017

Hero tips for Ancient Apparition

Previous hero discussion

Razzil Darkbrew, the Alchemist (November 14th, 2017)

No Valve Artwork | Voice Responses | In-game Icon | Dota Cinema Video Overview | Dota2Wiki page | Liquipedia page | Hero discussion archive

submitted by /u/Laccnow
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Midas Mode Day 5 Match Discussions

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:36 AM PST

Midas Mode

Presented by Moonduck

Sponsored by Antlion, ggbet, Bomb Sauce, Kennedy Space Center

Need info on the event? Check out the Survival Guide.

See here for yesterday's results and VODs

You can either Sort by new or use the Comment Stream.

Moonbuck Balances

Team Starting of Day End of Day Series Record Match Record
Team Liquid 11,727 M 11,727 M 3-0 6-0
Evil Geniuses 11,019 M 11,019 M 0-2 2-4
OG 8,824 M 8,642 M 2-1 4-3
OpTic Gaming 7,039 M 7,039 M 3-0 6-1
MidOrFeed 10,970 M 6,970 M 0-3 1-6
VGJ.Storm 6,225 M 6,225 M 1-2 3-4
Immortals 6,046 M 6,046 M 1-1 2-3
Natus Vincere 5,757 M 5,757 M 1-2 2-4

Hero Prices

Today's Bounties

Name Bounty Explanation Completed By
All Yours 800 M Before 30 minutes get Roshan below 200hp and all chat: "Rosh is all yours!" To complete the challenge, your team may not kill Roshan for the next 5 minutes.
Walk Of Shame 800 M 1st player to die from your team must walk from one side of the river to the other without leaving the river while their team spams "SHAME SHAME SHAME". If the player dies on the way, they either give up, receiving no moonbucks, or try again.
Sacrifice 750 M Deny an item, all chat what it was. If the enemy denies a more expensive item, they get the bounty instead. You may one-up their deny and so on and so forth. When the first rax of the game falls, the bounty ends. Doesn't double if you win. MoF
Pick My Hero 600 M During the pick phase allow the enemy team to pick one of your heroes. Say "pick my hero" if the enemy does not pick a hero you pick the hero for free and receive the bounty.
Dota Trivia Night 600 M Multiple times per game a caster types a dota trivia question. The first team to answer 3 correct wins. Answers are taken from both teams as soon as they are asked, first to answer correctly wins 1 point from either team. MoF
Gotta Go Fast 500 M Every player must start with brown boots
Jedi Counsel 300 M Every player buys a force staff before any barracks falls.
Treasure Hunt 300 M Hide a bottle in the enemy jungle and announce treasure hunt in the all chat if after 5 mins the enemy doesn't find the bottle you win moonbucks.
Big Spender 300 M Win the beginning blind auction. Can be won multiple times by the same team. MoF
Hostage Negotiation 0 M When a player is about to die his teammates may pause the game, they can then offer the other team an amount of moonbucks to let that hero live. You can only do it once. If the enemy team accepts the bribe, and leaves the hero alive, (the hero must live for at least 30s) they receive the moonbucks. If they deny the offer (or kill the hero) they lose 25% of the offer from their own moonbucks. Asking to spare a hero when they are going to die anyway negates the challenge.

Day 5 Suggestion Thread

Day 5 (Wednesday Nov 22)

ID Team vs. Team Result Cntdwn (EST) PST GMT CET SGT AEDT
M6 vs MoF 11:00 8:00 16:00 17:00 0:00 3:00

Match 6: OG vs MidOrFeed

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   2:1  


Countdown times are in EST. Second series will start 30 minutes after end of first series. All times are subject to change based on the length of matches and delays.

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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I hate this fucker, remove plz

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:36 AM PST

All Standard Hero Builds updated to Patch 7.07c + Revisions of 7.07(+b) updates [200 changes]

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:00 AM PST

Congratulations to the winner of adrenaline cyber league

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:28 AM PST

Can we say it ?? Navi is back after beating VP 3-1 at the grand finals and claiming 65,000$ wp crystalize, dendi, general , rodjer and sonneiko worths mentioning that the last tournament that navi won was 07.24.2016 after beating secret 3-1 at starladder i-league .

Edit : and xboct <4

submitted by /u/END666
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Production Value

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:51 AM PST

Crystallize confirmed XBOCT reincarnation

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:30 AM PST

This patch in a nutshell

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:34 PM PST

You ban Anti-Mage - he's in every game. You've gotten sick of him.

Medusa is instantly picked because her hardest counter has just been removed.

You prepare to cry in fear of Medusa becoming increasingly impossible to kill over the next 55 minutes.

You plead for your team to group up and push before Medusa comes online. They don't. They AFK farm the jungle.

Medusa outfarms them. She now has a Skadi. She's now pushing with her team behind her. You can't initiate on her nor her team mates.

You force a fight and lose; their heroes are too durable. You've just lost a rax and your morale.

Medusa equips her strap-on, downs 200mg of adderall and bends your teammates over, and, one by one, breaches their forsaken area with rapid oscillations. You're now in the fountain, anticipiating the end of your game.

You queue up again. You ban Medusa - she's in every game. You've gotten sick of her.

Anti-Mage is instantly picked.

submitted by /u/hashfan
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VP vs Na'Vi effect

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:22 AM PST

The newest CTY meme in China

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:36 AM PST

cty the Napoleon

When Napoleon returned from Elba to Paris, the headlines appeared in the French newspaper changed from "The Monster has escaped from his place of banishment" to "Yesteday evening His Majesty the Emperor made his public entry and arrived at the Tuileries."

Since the biggest CN dota meme forum Supergamer's comments to CTY after he joined Secret as a stand in are changing in the same direction, people now call CTY as Emperor Napoleon, we just waiting our Emperor make his public entry and arrive at Sgamer.

As for the trophy, LGD took it already as usual.

submitted by /u/Whatiftheyget
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An analysis of the new daily bonus hero pool: does rewarding players with a free mango affect their real-life fruit eating habits?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:22 AM PST

TL;DR: Icefrog manipulates helpless DotA2 players to eat their fruits.

Hello everyone,

With the introduction of patch 7.07, much has been said about the changing nature of DotA2. The game has not been static; there have been large changes to the core of the game in the last two major patches. Some people welcome these changes, arguing in favor of keeping the game fresh, while others lament they no longer recognize the game they once loved.

Indeed, Icefrog has major influence on the direction of gameplay, but until 7.07, there has been little evidence to suggest that he is trying to also influence his player-base's real-life behavior. The introduction of one major change to DotA2 in this patch may be a watershed moment in Icefrog's design strategy, as he shifts from solely updating the game, to slowly updating the players. With the newly introduced feature of a rotating bonus hero pool, Icefrog presents players with a positive reward (mango) for making use of the feature (picking or randoming one of the available 10 heroes). Put simply, positive reinforcement is conditioning players to use the bonus pool: pick one of these 10 heroes and you get something of value in return. The player then considers the free mango a reward, and associates the fruit with a sense of gain.

The purpose of the following analysis will be to assess what effects the introduction of the bonus hero pool had on players' real-life fruit consumption, and asks the following basic question:did players who made use of the new bonus hero pool eat more fruit in the two weeks following the release of patch 7.07 compared to their baseline fruit consumption? To this end, a two part survey was designed and posted on both the DotA2 subreddit and my Twitter feed to garner participation. The first part of the survey was posted before the release of 7.07, while the second, follow-up survey was sent two weeks after the release of 7.07 to those who participated in the first survey. As a side note, only part one of the survey was posted on reddit and Twitter (part two was sent directly to those who completed part one), and while neither post gained much attention (less than ten upvotes on reddit, minimal likes on Twitter) it is interesting to note that nearly 90% of my responses came from reddit (154 vs 21)—suggesting this platform's ability to reach survey participants, even with minimal post interaction, is superior to Twitter.

In total, 175 users responded to part one of the survey. Participants were asked to leave a unique ID (reddit or Twitter username) so their responses could be matched between the two parts. A combination of users not responding to the follow-up survey, or not listing matching usernames between the two, led to only 64 complete responses available to accurately study (36.57% of responses in part one) , with reddit users being both more responsive, and better in leaving a matching username. Therefore, these 64 respondents' answers to both surveys were used to answer the question of whether or not their fruit consumption increased after taking advantage of the bonus hero pool.

Each survey was comprised of about ten questions which asked players about both their real life and DotA2 habits. Ultimately, only one question from part one was relevant, while the other nine were simply there to distract respondents from identifying the purpose of this study. That question was: "How often do you eat fruits?" Available responses were: Once a day, 3 to 5 times a week, Once or twice a week, Two to three times a month, or I do not eat fruits. The relevant follow-up questions in part two asked if players had used the new bonus hero pool (Yes or No), and also their opinion on it (Like it overall, Neutral, or Don't like it overall), in addition to how often they had eaten fruit in the past two weeks (Daily, 3 to 5 times a week, Once or twice a week, Only once or twice, or I did not eat fruit). In order to denote change in fruit consumption, the above responses were converted to numerical ranks as seen in the table below (please note, tables may not appear properly on mobile):

Response from Part 1 Response from Part 2 Rank
I do not eat fruits I did not eat fruits 0
Two to three times a month Only once or twice 1
Once or twice a week Once or twice a week 2
Three to five times a week Three to five times a week 3
Daily Daily 4

A participants' responses between two surveys could then be compared by finding the net change between the two ranked values in each survey. For example, if a participant went from eating fruits once or twice a week (rank 2) to three to five times a week (rank 3) the net gain would be +1 (2-->3). To test whether or not there was a net increase in the amount of fruit consumption across all 64 participants, I applied a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test to the data, which showed no significant difference between fruit consumption before and after patch 7.07 (p=0.26).

Roughly two-thirds of participants (42/64) stated that they had used the new bonus hero pool since the patch release. Therefore, I repeated the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test using only answers from those 42 participants, and those data suggested that there was a significant change (increase) in the amount of fruit consumption (p=0.04). As a further proof of principle, I next only considered the data from those 42 participants who stated they liked, or were neutral to the bonus hero pool. The logic to exclude those who did not like the change was based on the idea that those participants would not likely view the mango as a reward, and therefore were less likely to associate real-life fruit as a positive. Of the 42, just above 60% (26/42) either liked or were neutral to the bonus hero pool. The full data set for the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test applied to these 26 participants can be seen below (table may not load properly on mobile):

Rank from Part 1 Rank from Part 2
2 4
2 3
3 3
4 4
1 3
2 4
1 3
1 1
2 1
3 3
2 3
3 4
2 4
3 3
2 3
2 3
2 2
2 3
1 4
3 4
2 3
3 3
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 3

These results are of particular interest, as the Z-value (-3.4623) yields a more highly significant corresponding p value (0.00054) when only this subset of 26 participants who liked or were neutral to the bonus pool change were considered. The mean of ranks between participants in part one versus part two also reflect a significant increase in average rank (part one=2.04, part two=2.96). Taken together, these results strongly suggest that those who took advantage of the new bonus hero pool had an increase in fruit consumption during the two weeks post patch 7.07 release, compared to their baseline fruit consumption pre-7.07.

Indeed this pilot study has a number of limitations that should be addressed. The sample size was not particularly large, especially when considering smaller subsets of data as in the text above. Further, this study only assessed one time-point after setting a baseline, and additional data points would need to be taken over time to better understand trends in fruit eating behavior. To statistically test the data, a ranking system akin to a Likert scale was applied to rank fruit eating consumption rates. The Likert scale is not a perfect fit for these data, nor is it easy to test paired Likert data for significance. There is debate in the literature over the appropriateness of using a t-test (or other methods) versus the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test applied here. A sign test was not used, as I preferred a way to incorporate degree of change between surveys: a simple + change does not fully capture the magnitude of going from rank 1-->4. Even with its faults, I believe the signed-rank test can be an appropriate test for this study due to its conservative nature, with caveats of course.

Overall, this study has presented the first evidence to date that Icefrog's patches to DotA2 can change players' real life behavior. This first of its kind paired study followed participants' fruit eating habits over a two week course post-7.07 (now you get a bonus mango picking a bonus hero) and compared it to baseline consumption pre-7.07 (no bonus mangoes). The total cohort (n=64) did not exhibit a statistically significant increase in fruit consumption. However, sub-cohorts of only those who had tried picking a bonus hero (n=42), and of those 42, those who liked or were neutral to the change (n=26), revealed statistically significant increases in fruit consumption. Thus, I propose the incorporation of a bonus mango into the game has led players to change their fruit eating habits, potentially leading to more healthy lifestyles. Future patches should be studied in detail to assess for additional efforts by Icefrog to influence players' real-life behavior. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your comments.

submitted by /u/DotA2Analyst
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Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:07 AM PST

Tommorow is THANKSGIVING so turkey day themed bounties are preferred for out NA teams!

submitted by /u/SirActionSlacks-
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Adrenaline cyber league trophy lifting BibleThump

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:30 AM PST

it seems we have forgotten this

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:10 AM PST

Belgium says loot boxes are gambling, wants them banned in Europe

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:38 PM PST

Thank you SirActionSlacks

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:43 AM PST

This Midas Mode tournament has been so good, I almost cant believe we didnt have it earlier, thank you Slacks, you've made me laugh the whole week and thanks to all the guys and teams working in it and having fun!!

submitted by /u/Mink_12
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Akke is now 7k

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:43 AM PST

Daily reminder that Medusa's ult sound is still completely messed up since the duration change

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:49 PM PST

The first second of the ult is fine, but to make up for the duration buffs from updates and talents, the middle part of her ult is just looped over and over again. Annoying af.

This is how it sounded when it was fine - HERE Sound warning obviously.

But since that sound effect only lasts about 7 seconds and Medusa's ult can be up to 9.5 seconds long now, the looping of the middle bit just makes it sound horrible.

EDIT: Jesus I just tested the sound in demo mode and it seems to get more fucked up every minor update. Even when the ultimate is level 1 and 5 seconds long like it used to be, the sound effect is completely messed up.

submitted by /u/Gr4b
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When you ask Valve for a new patch and it finally arrives.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:19 AM PST


Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:29 PM PST

OD casting Navi vs VP right now

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:08 AM PST

submitted by /u/detestrian
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I intentionally didn't install Dota on my SSD to see loading screens for longer

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:41 AM PST

volvo pls gib the ability to use our loading screens as a backdrop on the main menu ;__;

submitted by /u/Dnera_
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Invoker's skill floor is broken (opinion, in detail)

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:00 AM PST

I am basing this opinion to my own experience (2100+ games, etc), to dotabuff pick/win rates according to brackets and the appearance of Invoker in the pro scene. According to dotabuff then (mind it includes bonus mango day, so the pickrate numbers are overall higher):

29.66% pickrate and 47.57% winrate at the <2k bracket.

29.81% pickrate and 46.14% winrate at the 2k-3k bracket.

29.98% pickrate and 47.19% winrate at the 3k-4k bracket.

29.57% pickrate and 48.94% winrate at the 4k-5k bracket.

20.00% pickrate and 45.25% winrate at the 5k+ bracket.

I specifically remember the pickrate at 5k+ (where I play) being around 17%-18% some days ago. I justify this thanks to the bonus hero feature, that caused a "burst" of popularity that probably will be diminished over the next few days.

In any case, it makes little sense to me when one of the most (if not the most) difficult hero in the game has better success in lower brackets than the highest one, especially when there is an almost 10% difference in pickrate. This obviously implies that Invoker's success more or less depends on the actions taken against him and not so much on Invoker himself. With that I mean people of the 3k-5k bracket are less aware of how to fight against him and end up losing to a hero they shouldn't. But the issue on the highest bracket is Invoker's lack of initiative.

Most core heroes come online and have the ability to "force" their existance upon others, one way or another. Invoker is pretty bad here. He is forced to purchase a 4200g item that easily gets countered by the innate abilities of 41 heroes, plus items such as force/pike/glimmer/hood/eul/bkb/manta and talents such as magic resistance/hp/etc. At the moment, there is no stage in the game where he is the strongest. A fast Aghanim's does not come with fast levels and when those come, the counter items are already online. For example, at minute 20 Invoker is supposed to have a peak. But that peak is countered by manta from AM (e.g). Every core hero more or less has a characteristic that enables him to take action. For example, AM uses mobility and abyssal to burst out enemies. Other cores use brute force. For example, Queen of pain delivers magical/pure damage in an instant. Death prophet draws attention through her ultimate. Puck disables and bursts (dagon, etc). But what is the role of Invoker if he cannot use his spells?

Let's imagine a scenario with the two supports being equipped with a glimmer and a force. Let's imagine the enemy Juggernaut/Naix with innate immunity (jug case) and manta or added bkb. But even in cases where there is no innate magic immunity Invoker faces the same issues. For example Luna will have pike/manta/bkb. There is practically 0 time window (counting the 2.9s of lift time) for Invoker to land himself alone his spells. It comes to no surprise that Invoker has an advantage (dotabuff) versus heroes like Chaos Knight and Wraith King. They have no multiple ways to dodge him. Also, if you add to that lineup the offlaner with the forcestaff and the blademail, plus the ability to initiate on you, it pretty much is impossible for Invoker to even consider a big combo. It would be fine if this was just one case, but aren't most lineups like this?

There is an argument on this subreddit, that Invoker is very good late game, because he has 10 skills. This argument is wrong, at least on the higher bracket. Invoker would be very good late game, if he had a true disable. I personally have success late game as Invoker, not through spells, but nullifier and bloodthorn. But I average almost 700gpm with Invoker which is not something common and even with this advantage of gold, I find it extremely difficult to play a hero with low innate survivability and no true disable late game. At best, its a high risk - high reward situation. Generally speaking, every hero that is good late game has a true disable and unfortunately items such as hex do not count in our case, since we are talking about an AoE hero and a hero specific disable. Even on those situations, you lose 2.9s from the 3.5s of the hex due to tornado. And sadly, you have to use tornado if you hope to deal enough damage for the kill.

But, in any case, someone could say: "Well, yeah, you are correct at what you're saying, but Dota is a team game and Invoker can always count of his team to land his spells". And this is another reason why Invoker -specifically- has a crippled skill floor. Bad design. Or to be more accurate, his design and idea of playstyle got mixed through the changes he went through during the past 2 years. Because Invoker was specifically designed to lose damage and efficiency every time he depended on his team.

To explain the above, let's see how meteor works. Meteor takes 1.3s to land and deals its main procs every 0.5s. To a static enemy, with absolute perfect placement you get 4 main procs. To get 4 main procs, you need an extra 1.5s (first proc occurs when meteor lands). Through deafening blast, with absolute perfect execution, you can have a maximum of 7 main procs. That is a 43% damage increase of meteor and if that is the case, you need another 1.5s to land those (3 more extra procs). We also have to consider the fact that Chaos Meteor has secondary burns that increase even more the amount of time needed for the spell to deal the maximum damage possible. An extra 3s after the final main proc is required. What most people are not aware of, is that having your mouse a bit wrong when casting, it causes you to lose main procs. So Invoker is not about just casting his spells, its also about placing them correctly. I had made a video regarding the mechanics of Chaos Meteor here!. You can check it out if you want to learn more.

As a result, you really do not want to throw the meteor before your teammate's stun/disable lands. So, assuming that you have your mouse right on the spot and are withing range, you need to wait 1.3s for meteor to land after the teammate's stun and at least 4.5s (6s with deafening blast included) for the whole damage to be dealt. This results in a total wait time of 5.8s(7.3s). There is obviously no disable in the entire game that can guarantee Invoker maximum efficiency. The only skill capable of granting Invoker a very good amount of efficiency is Chronosphere.

Regarding that, you see why the argument "Just synergize with your team" is not as strong as with any other hero. QoP for example can take full advantage of stunned enemies to easily deal 100% of her damage. So most of the heroes.

Keeping that in mind, you start seeing the logic behind Invoker's design. You need to have good placement, so you need a long setup spell. However, it would be unbalanced for that setup spell to leave your enemies vulnerable to your team. Therefore, Invoker got Tornado. In addition, there was also a need to gain that few extra seconds after the enemy lands from Tornado so the damage is dealt. Also, meteor had to be strong but not that strong if based on a teammate's stun. Therefore, Invoker got deafening blast which served those two purposes. Invoker would be efficient through his own ability to cast his skills and not through his teammate.

But if Invoker was allowed both, that is to be forgiving and easy to use while still keeping his current skill cap, good Invoker players would be buffed beyond any imagination (pre and during 6.86). That is the reason behind the deafening blast nerf. Invoker's winrate dropped just by 1% after such a huge nerf. The reason is that it did not matter. Almost nobody was capable of reaching that point where he could use refresher properly to dominate the game by one shotting anyone. Invoker became OP through the accumulated buffs he got to make him easier to use and more forgiving. But the changes that occured afterwards "split" Invoker in half.

In the end, that is the issue. Invoker is partialy designed to lose effectiveness when he depends on his team to act. But now he has no other choice. And that is the "brick wall" of Invoker, faced only by the more experienced players on higher brackets. That is why I consider Invoker to have a bad design at the moment. His skill cap is crippled, due to this schizophrenic design of "two personalities", one being the easiness to use and the forgiving enviroment and the other being some lost artifacts of a past logic, that have Invoker self sufficient and punish blunt synergy.

Since Invoker has reached 30% pickrate and people have grown tired of seeing him on lower brackets, perhaps it is time to rework the hero, cut down the forgiving aspects and rebalance the skill floor and cap. The high pickrate allows such a change. But in any case, when Invoker is changed next patch (and he will be changed when 3 of his talents are basically lighsabers), do not buff him in a noob friendly manner. It will just increase his pickrate even more.

TL;DR Invoker seems to be split at two. In one aspect, he is bad at synergizing by design. In the other aspect, he is forced to synergize due to his current state. Plea for a rework/readjustment?

submitted by /u/DaredevilGR
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can't wait for new ranked seasons

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:29 PM PST

TP manacost still not show

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:49 PM PST

Update Incoming

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:41 AM PST

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