Destiny - Daily Questions [2017-11-26]

Daily Questions [2017-11-26]

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

Be sure to read the New Players Guide, the Destiny FAQ, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also be sure to check the thread itself.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


  • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Better Devils Roll Question...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:30 AM PST

So I just got a Better Devils with Adaptive Frame, Fastdraw/SteadyHand/Sureshot, Extended/Flared Mag, & Explosive Rounds.

My current Better Devils has Adaptive Frame, Fastdraw/SteadyHand/Sureshot, Extended/Flared Mag, & Explosive Rounds.

Which of these is the better roll? I've been thinking about this all day and spent a few hours testing both back to back, but they seem the same (I'll be testing more tonight).

I'd like to have a long heated and engaging discussion about which of these is better.

Is the new Better Devils I got a god roll? Should I just go with the vendor Better Devils? Whice is better for PvE adaptive frame, or adaptive frame?

submitted by /u/Radiatin
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Bungie's/Activision's treatment of their fans (customers) is completely unacceptable, and they SHOULD face the music over it!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:29 AM PST

  • Completely ignoring and secluding half their fan-base (the "hardcore") when designing the sequel, because they can assume they have our money already? Unacceptable!

  • Assuming the "casuals" are too stupid to learn a game, so dumbing down an entire sequel? Unacceptable!

  • Completely scrapping fan-loved features from the first game because reasons? Unacceptable!

  • Failing to accept the fundamental problems within the game, and giving minimal to no communication to the community? Unacceptable!

  • Only bothering to fix a known not-working feature when external media begin to report on it? Unacceptable!

  • Continuously "circle-jerking" about the minimal successes whilst ignoring major issues within the game? Unacceptable!

  • Outright LYING to us? Unacceptable!

If this was ANY other company in the world, the mainstream media would be all over it. Newspapers and news outlets would be calling for the higher-higher-ups to resign! Why do gaming companies get a pass when it comes to fucking over people?

Edit 1 - Mass reply streak 5 hours later, here goes...

Edit 2 - Seen a few people saying that deej/cosmo should be aware of this. Just wanna say you can imagine the type of vague bullshit-y response they will give us. "We never excluded any fans during development, we aimed to make the game accessable to everyone. Some features were removed because they needed fixing to work with D2 systems. These systems were retuned because we wanted to take D2 into a new and brave direction. We are aware of all community problems and are constantly striving to fix them asap." I think I just did Deej's job for him!

Edit 3 - OKAY GUYS! "Half the fan-base" was over-zealous. I get it!

submitted by /u/LondonDude123
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Jim Sterling weighs in - Destiny 2 Caught Lying About End Game XP Gain

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:13 AM PST

You know it's bad when Jim Sterling wades in. Hopefully continued coverage of this issue outside the dedicated Destiny youtube channels will continue to bring needed attention.

submitted by /u/WoWAltoholic
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The poptart thing is gaining traction

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:48 PM PST

If there is one thing I personally wanted to come to light, it's this. And I hope more blogs and outlets report on the poptart thing.

I bought a crap ton of poptarts for my friends who couldn't access them in certain parts of Europe. And I saved 3 codes for myself. I must've spent 60$ on poptarts for clan mates who were abroad.

I feel cheated.

And now after bungie got caught cooking the xp and after their changes, 3 hours of iron banner and I still haven't earned a bright engram.

I hope this poptart thing blows up in their face. And I hope the sheer embarrassment forces honest dialogue.

I think it's sad that it's come to this. I just hope more news outlets, YouTubers and reddit keep this going. I don't think we should be tasked with keeping a company honest. But as a community, I'm sure we dislike what our favorite game has turned into.

EDIT props to /u/NFSgaming

If people are going to tweet to Kellogg's maybe use something like this as the format:

> Hey @KelloggsUS, do you have an official response to what Bungie did with Experience in Destiny 2 and how it affected your @PopTartsUS codes? The @DestinyReddit community and journalists would love to hear your opinion on the shady business practice they did.

submitted by /u/sheek360
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It is baffling to me that after 3 years of failure, PvP and PvE are STILL not separate.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:55 AM PST

Does bungie really think it's better for the game as a whole for weapons to "feel" the same in both PvE and PvP when it causes the PvP to suck and the PvE to suck.

Edit :for weapons

submitted by /u/NewCountry13
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A "shell of former glory" and "one of the last great studios" — what (former) Bungie employees tell us about their employer

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:51 AM PST

I have a general interest in how business are ran, of which company culture is an important aspect. As a Destiny fan, I've tried getting a sense of what's going on behind the curtains at Bungie, but it's pretty hard to get a proper look. I've read some interviews, heard some (random) statements, follow their official outlet and listened to some (technical) talks at conferences. It's all pretty shallow and secretive.

The recent uproar only made me more curious, as company culture is contributory to how a company handles situations like this. I stumbled upon Glassdoor, a company that collects reviews and ratings of other companies. Strangely, I never heard or read about Glassdoor before, possibly because they're practically invisible in my area (northern Europe).

Anyway, recent (2016/2017) reviews of current and former employees of Bungie shed some light on this subject. I thought it was interesting enough to share some of the statements I came across with my fellow Destiny fan(atic)s. It might give you some insight as to why the current situation is what it is, and what's going on behind their closed doors.


It's hard (if not impossible) to tell which reviews are (partly) legit and which ones aren't. Take them with a grain of salt. The reviews are interesting, but to me they're nothing more than just another source, of which some information may be utter bullshit, and some may be (close to) the truth. Also, there are mixed feelings about the quality of Glassdoor altogether.

Make sure you don't believe what every random user on the internet says. If you think there's a shared sentiment that you want to believe, do so, but make sure to make up your own mind, and don't base your opinion just on these reviews. I have shared them with you, because I enjoyed shifting through them and it gave me a peek behind the curtains.

With this post I do not intend to to proof why Destiny 2 has become what it is, nor do I want to proof that Bungie's culture is the worst of all tech companies out there. On the contrary, I believe Bungie isn't unique in its flaws, nor that they have bad intensions with us, their employees or their games.

The Good

  • Great perks (fe. well stocked kitchen, beer at work, coffee carts, gym membership).
  • Surrounded by very talented, intelligent and passionate people (as co-workers).
  • Focus on work/life balance (at least an attempt to maintain a good work/life balance); there are no requirements for overtime.
  • Enormously talented, largely friendly, supportive individuals
  • Constantly pushing the creative and technical envelope as a studio and as a team.
  • Culture is very centered towards creating a great product.
  • The "job" itself is fun and brings a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
  • Bungie is one of maybe two or three privately held AAA companies in gaming and has been around for 20+ years. That should be an endorsement in of itself if you've been in the industry for more than a few years.
  • QA is treated magnitudes better than at other studios in my experience (though it's still not great). Testers are generally treated like people, and now that certain old guard managers are gone they're actually treated like adults.
  • There's a lot of employee involvement in things outside of work. People go on camping trips, visit other cities, go to concerts together, etc. It's much more of a community among employees.

The Bad

  • Gap between salaried and hourly employees (different, less benefits for hourly employees, aswell as zero flexibility).
  • Micromanagement of (hourly) employees.
  • Crunch falls more heavily on certain departments. Some people will end up working 100 hour weeks in order to do the work of people who refuse to work more than 40.
  • Too concerned with playing things safely design wise, and too low of opinion of their player-bases intelligence, to allow for any interesting innovation.
  • Terrible at talking / planning any kind of advancement or career growth. If you want to advance, go somewhere else, then come back.
  • A lot of "well, I made Halo, so obviously the way I want to do things is the right way." attitude among the older employees.
  • Sprints are short and overzealous.
  • There are also times when the road blocks are tribal knowledge and not well documented. You need to hunt for the information that should easily be found.
  • "Don't ask, don't tell" attitude towards personal stress and mental health issues.
  • Direction can take a long time to take form. Very large, slow moving beast.
  • The contract to company employee transition is a mess and handled in a very secretive matter.
  • Culturally, the company is very socially awkward. Be prepared to see anti-social employees who will ignore you in the studio even after you had lunch with them, this includes your own team members.
  • The application / interview process can take a long time; like half a year long.
  • Bungie has grown so much in the last couple of years, it's almost completely lost it's fun culture. Everything has been toned-down and people get sent warnings from HR for relatively tame statements.
  • Meetings. Meetings all the time. People are much less productive than they could be due to the number and length of meetings. Senior engineers spend more time in meetings than they do programming, and there are a few who have completely stopped coding due to spending all their time in meetings.
  • It's frowned upon to criticize the game or Bungie's shortcomings as a studio or employer. Every team meeting consists of a circlejerk of praising the amazing 10/10 product and patting each other on the back for the wonderful job everyone's done.
  • Career growth is often available only for a very small number of people in the company; a lot of times upward movement only happens for people in the right place at the right time, or for whoever is management's current golden child.
  • Financial budgeting seems terrible. Profit sharing gets postponed repeatedly, but then the company does things like give thousands of dollars to employee clubs like the mushroom club and coffee club.

The Ugly

  • Management is filled with people who were talented contributors, but have no clue how/want to actually manage.
  • Used to be a thriving meritocracy, however promotions are now given more to people who spend half their day schmoozing with management and actively refuse to or are incapable of doing their actual jobs, than the people doing the work and getting things done.
  • Management frequently will not get involved with the work being done, until it is nearly complete. Often causing it to have to be completely scrapped and redone due to it not fitting their "vision", that they could not bother to share beforehand.
  • Certain members of upper management will literally yell at their coworkers, until they acquiesce to their demands/ideas.
  • Disagreeing with management is a fast path towards being excluded from meetings, even on areas you own.
  • While mental health services are available via the benefits, work-induced stress and depression are NOT good ideas to mention to your manager. Management tends to quietly cull individuals struggling with work-induced stress, depression, or anxiety if it is brought up or noticeable, even if individuals are performing well. That is not the sign of a healthy studio.
  • Tools are proprietary and tools team is under-staffed. This adds up to (not the worst) but definitely not the best tools to work with.
  • Office politics. There are so many little cliques and intrigues; Bungie has the most political work environment than almost any other studio I've been at. There's a whole culture of secrecy around things which shouldn't need to be behind closed doors.
  • Management is absolutely terrible at planning and execution, particularly at the upper levels. Every single release, things end up getting remade at the last minute because of poor planning, or things which COULD have been achieved end up never getting done because leaders decided there wasn't enough time or resources to accomplish them, until it's far too late and they realize their mistake.


Want to read more and / or see for yourself? Most of the above statements come from the following reviews:

  1. "Bungie Great for Some Employees, Not So Much for Others"
  2. "Shell of former glory"
  3. "Great benefits"
  4. "Talented individuals, but dark underside to work culture"
  5. "Amazing company. Very employee-centered"
  6. "QA Tester - Contract"
  7. "One of the last great studios."
  8. "Better than many game studios, but that's not saying much"
  9. "Nightmare managers and terrible working conditions"
  10. "Challenging, Amazing people, but terrible work conditions."


  1. Augmented the disclaimer and moved it to the top.
submitted by /u/petezza_
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Here is what's really going on with the new EXP system

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:28 AM PST

Objective Determination of the new EXP-to-level after the 'experience fix'

Method Data was collected over the course of two hours and tabulated into 15-minute sections. Two sources were used: DIM and the in-game experience bar. Every 15 minutes of playtime DIM's experience was noted and data was tabulated for the same window after the two hours were completed.

Observed time was spent doing as many Public Events as possible, in order to establish a large data set.

Collection performed without any modifiers to EXP gain: No 3x, no fireteam medallions, etc.

Predictions The update released by Bungie disabled experience scaling, however, observations have been made that there is now a large discrepancy between DIM's reported EXP and the amount of EXP collected in the game.

Based on a quick calculation done prior to the major data collected, there appears to be a 2:1 ratio of Ingame:DIM reported EXP.

The Predicted value for EXP is therefore 2x the quantity DIM reports.

Data/Findings DIM consistently reports half of the Ingame experience earned. The predicted value of 2x DIM experience is reflected in the data collected.

Graph 1 The linked graph compares cumulative gains of experience between two methods and shows the predicted experience gain (2x DIM's Value)

Graph 2 The linked graph displays change in experience per time interval (Hours) and compares: predicted (DIM x2), DIM, and Ingame values.

Conclusions The web API is still reporting that experience comes out at 80k per bar. Source Experience per bar is now 160k, which suggests that Bungie's API is reporting half of the correct values or that Bungie has decreased experience gain across the board by 50%

There was no observed scaling of experience over the time played, the gain was steady and linear over the course of two hours of farming.

With this information, it appears that actual gains to the player after the update are significantly lower than expected Based on EnergiserX's Findings The player now gains 50% of EXP as opposed to 44% of EXP.

(Based on EnergiserX's XP from total session divided by DIM's reported value at end of session)

TL;DR and Takeaway

*The 'New' Experience bar is 160k points to complete

*Bungie's update only appears to offer players 6% of the Experience lost due to scaling

*The actual EXP scaling has been conclusively removed post-update.


Thank you to /u/EnergiserX for his two previous reports, they have shed light on this problem and appear to have catalyzed a change in experience gain Energiser's articles can be seen here: Article 1 Article 2

Also thank you to Energiser because I stole his title format

Thank you to /u/never3nder_87 and /u/jamiller13 for asking and answering questions about DIM's experience metrics (respectively). That post can be viewed here: DIM Experience Post

Edit: Forgot to include my data, all of it can be seen on this spreadsheet (Google Sheets) Sheets

The grinding video used can be seen here: Grinding Video

submitted by /u/Aercus
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Here is What was Really Going on with XP in some “Longer or Fixed Duration Activities”

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:53 AM PST

TLDR: Meditations didn't seem to count as a Longer Duration Activity, and XP was scaled down similarly to Patrols or Public Events. The Leviathan Raid XP did have a scaling up factor… but also suffered from the same scaling down factors as other activities, which means XP ended up roughly as displayed in game.

This is a follow-up post to the XP scaling investigations that spanned these submissions:

lbeLIEvel – Let's talk about the XP cooldown

OOpiumBear – Regarding the latest doubt about EXP gains having a cooldown or not I decided to test it

TheHawkNY – Continuing the XP investigation

EnergiserX - Here is What is Really Going on with XP in Destiny 2

Bungie's Statement

For background, please check the above links.

Bungie's statement on the matter included the following:

XP will scale up when playing longer or fixed duration activities like Crucible competitive multiplayer matches and the Leviathan Raid, and XP will scale down when playing activities that can be quickly, repeatedly chained, like grinding Public Events.

While my previous investigation did cover some 'quickly, repeatedly chained' activities like Public Events, I didn't look too deeply into what was going on with activities like Strikes, the Crucible, or the Raid. I had recorded the data for Meditations, and a majority of a Raid run, but never got around to analysing them… well, I figure it's only fair that I do, to give credit to Bungie where due.

If you're interested in my methodology, please see the previous thread, I don't want to make this post longer than it already is.

One change is that the orange line on all the following graphs has been changed to represent the scaling factor (Estimated Real XP / XP Displayed Ingame). Values above one were being upscaled, meaning players are being rewarded more than expected. Values below one were being downscaled, meaning players were not getting as much XP as they thought. Values around one mean players were getting the right amount of XP.

I have also had to estimate the DIM XP at the end of some of the Raid encounters… I never really intended to use that footage for testing, and as such didn't diligently take values from DIM between every encounter. The estimates are based on the pixel movements in the progress bar, and are generally within 20% accuracy… so just take a grain of salt on those ones. This doesn't affect the accuracy of any 'Complete Raid' analysis.

All testing was performed with the Clarion Call buff active

Meditations - Graph

For the first two Meditations, cutscenes launched immediately upon finishing the mission. This hides the XP value and progress bar. As a result, I took the activity completion XP from the 3rd Meditation and applied it for the first two. I was able to estimate the pixels of progress on the XP bar by looking at the bar the previous and next times it was visible.

The Well Rested Buff was active for the first Meditation, but expired with the activity completion XP. I assumed that Well Rested applied to none of the activity completion XP, which will have the effect of artificially decreasing the amount of XP lost across that time.

XP earned by kills throughout the Meditations was generally rewarded at 50% to 100% of what was displayed ingame, similar to the behaviour previously observed in patrols.

A public event I completed during the second Meditation rewarded less than 20% of the displayed XP - 5470 XP : 900 XP (16.5% recorded)

The end of activity XP was rewarded at between 20% and 30% - 11500 XP : 3600 XP (31% recorded) – 11500 XP : 2250 XP (19.6% recorded) – 11500 XP : 2250 XP (19.6% recorded)

Leviathan Raid

Encounter XP Displayed Ingame XP Recorded (DIM or Pixel Estimate) XP Recorded (%) Kill XP Scaling Range End of Encounter Scaling Range
Complete Leviathan 64176 51617 80.4% n/a n/a
Gauntlet 20616 20366 98.8% 60-120% 90%
1st Castellum 5244 ~3375 ~64.4% 78–83% 50%
Royal Pools 10408 ~8325 ~80% 70–110% 45%
2nd Castellum 5750 ~4050 ~70.4% 67–82% 65%
Pleasure Gardens 10700 ~6525 ~61% 90-96% 79%, 48%
3rd Castellum 4170 ~3150 ~75.5% 65-114% 68%
Throne Room 7288 ~6075 ~83.4% 74-92% Didn't complete

The Low-intensity encounter at the Pleasure Gardens generally rewarded kill XP at an even or slightly downscaled rate (80% - 100%)

The Medium-intensity encounters at the Gauntlet and Royal Pools rewarded kill XP at an even rate overall, but sometimes upscaled and sometimes downscaled (60% - 120%) High-intensity encounter in the Castellum or Throne Room generally rewarded kill XP at an even, or slightly downscaled rate (70% - 100%)

End of encounter XP was downscaled by ~50% in all cases except for three. Initial Completion of Pleasure Gardens was downscaled to 80% (the 7000 'Access to Calus' XP was then immediately scaled down by 50%). Gauntlet completion XP was scaled down to 90%. One Castellum encounter only suffered downscaling to 65%. In all cases this seems to be the result of earning little kill XP towards the end of these events, meaning that the scaling had already tuned down substantially.


Meditations didn't count as a "Longer Duration Activity", as no XP upscaling appeared to occur

An upscaling factor did apply to some XP earned in the Leviathan Raid. In many encounters it was countered or overwhelmed by the downscaling factors, leading to a slight XP loss in my test.

Overall, the Raid suffered from only a minor downscaling to earned XP.

Activity Total XP from DIM Total Time spent (active) XP/min
Patrols & Public Events 227807 1:41:30 2244
Meditations 34174 0:28:43 1189
Slow Patrol - Test 3 from previous post 4149 0:08:16 503
Leviathan Raid 51517 1:49:30 471

Even with the positive scaling factor trying to improve things, and the negative scaling slowing everything else down… well you can see from the table above. The Raid still wasn't particularly rewarding in terms of XP across my tests. Not that earning XP is the point of doing a Raid.

The final overall graph of everything combined

Final Spreadsheet of everything

And I'm out. I thought I'd spent too much time on the first post, but this second one was so much worse. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll have the motivation to do anything on what is happening since the deactivation, or any future changes.

Edit: Formatting and writing 'milestone' instead of 'meditation' about 6 times...

submitted by /u/EnergiserX
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It's sad that despite all Bungie's attempts, D2 is not an "eSport, nor is it fun to watch

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:45 AM PST

... far from it. Still.

When I was bored on weekends during D1 I would watch streamers doing Trials carries. Especially when folks would do double carries - that shit was ridiculous and fun to watch. I hated dying to snipers and I wished people would use a primary all the time but damn, those clips of people constantly doming with a LDR or 1KYS were pretty good.

Fixed rolls: That's part of the reason why we have fixed rolls on weapons and armor, right? So it 'evens out' the playing field? In D1 I remember people saying that grinding for a god-roll Hopscotch Pilgrim or Eyasluna gave the grinders an unfair advantage. Or people with T12 armor would have an objective advantage?

Ability cooldown: Encouraging the use of weapons instead of abilities in D2 - you know, I hated getting stuck with a Fusion Grenade. You know what I liked doing? Sticking people with a fusion grenade. And watching someone pull some hero shit with a well-timed super was pretty great, too.

TTK: This high TTK thing to encourage team shotting... nope. Oh look, 4 people ganging up on 1! Or look at that guy who got caught by himself run away!

Watching D2 PvP is akin to watching paint dry (from my little experience doing it, since most streamers have moved on). These were supposed to be changes to make it more competitive? More balanced? No one will watch a balanced game if it ain't fun to watch.

Edit: Stupid closing quotation mark missing. Dammit.

Edit 2: Yes, Bungie has never explicitly said that they wanted to be D2 to be an eSport despite taking steps towards that during D1 (like with this partnership with Red Bull and this MLG event). My points still stand, though.

submitted by /u/thirtytwoutside
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I want my silver for medallions refunded!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:38 PM PST

People can come to Bungie's defense and argue that it is not that bad, that they had their reasons. But we were all taken advantage of through purposeful deception!

The game launches with Fireteam Medallions. They were even promoted through Poptarts or Rockstar or whatever. Everyone started using their silver to buy them. I imagine many ppl, in their launch haze spent money on Bright Engrams to support Bungie, and then cashed it in for Medallions. And then everyone got to grinding. How did they grind? Through PEs! Why? Because they were purposefully made the best way to gain experience and it isn't even close. Even after all the Rally buffs and nerfs, they remain far and away the best xp grind.

And at launch they implement a HIDDEN mechanic that purposefully deceived us into believing that we are gaining experience. Only after weeks of testing (by the community)do they finally admit that they did it. It wasn't a mechanic used to even out the experience. It was done to deceive us into thinking that the time we spent was earning us more experience than it was. And ppl kept buying Medallions so they could earn bright engrams and more.

I go to YouTube and it's as if creators are hung up on the throttling itself. Ya know what. They could have lowered the xp gain for one. Or they could have shown us that if you constantly play PEs, there are diminishing returns. But they didn't. They chose to hide it from us entirely while 80% of the community continued to log in and farm PEs. It isn't the throttling itself. It's the deception that should have everyone worried from now on!

I've had it with this IP. And any IP that continues to spend their time thinking of ways to deceive us. I don't even care if it's purpose is to make money. I understand that. I know businesses have to maximize profit. It's the shady manner they have chosen to travel, instead of working with communities to think of more imaginative ways to make content that we would gladly pay for.

TLDR: To Bungie and Activision....This is an IP that millions would gladly pay to support for a long time. But you have chosen to take that for granted. It isn't the throttling mechanic that is the problem. I'm done supporting any dev or publisher that would purposefully deceive us for any reason, monetary or not.

submitted by /u/joab777
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My friend recently celebrated his 30th birthday. As a present I decided to allow him to decrypt his favourite exotic in real life.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:08 AM PST

Edit: it's nice that a bit of kindness can still make the front page in amongst all the outcry over the XP debacle.

Although in a way it's also slightly saddening - I can recall exactly when my friend got his Hawkmoon (first chest in Crota's End when it used to spawn there and give exotics before they patched it). I couldn't say that about any Destiny 2 exotics, which goes a long way to showing us the difference between the two games. Hopefully one day I will be able to recall such details in Destiny 2 as well.

submitted by /u/inverse-skies
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840 Iron Banner tokens, 42 Engrams later.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:35 AM PST

I know people probably have had worse experiences, but 840 Tokens later. I'm still 2/5 Pieces needed for the Iron Banner set. I feel like i've just gone and wasted my week away slaving away for a goddamn elusive armor set. The change can't come any sooner but then again. Specific wording. "You will be able to purchase weapons for Legendary Shards and Tokens" or something along those lines definitely make me feel really uneasy.

Cayde wasn't lying when he said there'd be tons of loot. He just didn't specify that 95% of it would be duplicates.

Edit: While i expected people to have the same problem. I didn't expect it to be this bad. It definitely needs addressed, just sucks having to wait a month.

submitted by /u/Owlcoholic_
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Iron Banner armor grind un-rewarding and boring.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:15 AM PST

61 iron banner packages for Hunter and I can't complete one armor set.

Playing Clash over and over again with an average package rate of 1 per hour after challenges is mind-numbing.

submitted by /u/Loxley17
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I love Destiny... but I feel Bungie has lost its Halo magic.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:12 AM PST

Yes, I know... Destiny is not Halo.

But the truth is that Destiny's roots are in Halo. There's a ton of shared elements after all.

Both are FPS franchises. Both have science fiction settings and stories. Both have ensembles of unique enemy types. In fact the Halo and Destiny enemy archetypes are quite similar. Cabal and Brutes, Captains and Elites, Vandals and Jackals, Thrall and Flood, etc. Ghost is even like Cortana, and the Traveler seems like something built by the Forerunners. Holiday? That's Echo-419. Cayde-6? Buck (same actor and everything!). Sleeper Simulant? Try Spartan Laser. Pike? Don't even act like that isn't a Ghost.

So... Yeah, Destiny isn't Halo.

But I think that they're similar enough that they tend to raise some expectations from veteran Halo fans.

Honestly, the best parts of D2's campaign were moments where it felt like I was playing Halo. Driving a tank through tunnels? Hell yes! Destabilizing a reactor and outrunning the blast? Is this 2001 again? I loved it!


Bungie, do what you need to do to make Destiny unique.

But don't forget the things that made us love your games in the past.

I'd love to drive a 1 + 2 vehicle around the EDZ. Seriously, how awesome would that be? I can just hear Devrim on the radio, "Guardians! I'm deploying a light assault vehicle in your area. Please, try not to scratch it."

I'd love a public event where a massive Vex walker shows up, and the only way to kill it would be to board it and take it out from the inside.

I'd love if there were friendly marines on the battlefield, just to hear their banter!

I'd love to actually fly my Jumpship in low orbit and take out some enemy bogeys.

ANYWAY... sorry. I'm on a nostalgia overload. I started playing Halo with my sons recently. I keep thinking about how great it was, and how much I wish Bungie would just say, "Fuck it, we're going full Halo on this bitch."

I guess I close by linking some of my favorite Halo moments. Enjoy.

Two Scarabs

Defending an orbital platform

This whole level.... which is bigger than any of Destiny's worlds by the way.

submitted by /u/NeroJoe
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Remember when Bungie said that they hope we would complain about the game having too much story and content? Here's a refresher.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:03 PM PST

This subreddit is very reminiscent of what The Division subreddit was after its launch

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:29 AM PST

Lots of complaints/issues being pointed out (including the idea of lack of endgame content), developers not talking to their players, and decisions rolling out that seem tone-deaf in nature. Even ridiculous exploits people found to avoid doing boring/unrewarding content are here.

Although I guess there is a difference between Weep cave and something like this:

Or this: (Which I still don't know how this was found in the first place)

Eventually The Division became a worthwhile game to play, but it took A LOT of time. Here is to hoping Bungie figures things out faster for their sequel than a company that hadn't created a game like this before.

submitted by /u/Suros_Perfected
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(x-post from /r/Games) Yo Bungie, realtalk for a sec? Here is some advice from Gabe Newell you're going to need going forward from here on out.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:01 PM PST

Original post by /u/Mr_Pickle.

If you haven't listened to the whole quote directly from the podcast I suggest giving it a little listen (link above in the original post with timestamp). Otherwise here is a paraphrase also by /u/Mr_Pickle:

You have to stop thinking that you're in charge and start thinking that you're having a dance. We used to think we're smart [...] but nobody is smarter than the internet. [...] One of the things we learned pretty early on is 'Don't ever, ever try to lie to the internet - because they will catch you. They will de-construct your spin. They will remember everything you ever say for eternity.'

You can see really old school companies really struggle with that. They think they can still be in control of the message. [...] So yeah, the internet (in aggregate) is scary smart. The sooner people accept that and start to trust that that's the case, the better they're gonna be in interacting with them.

Edit: To be clear I felt this old quote back from 2013 is very relevant to the current situation involving the xp fiasco and the frustration about the lack of/poor communication from Bungie. I would like to hear other's thoughts on the matter, but would be very interested in any of the devs that frequent the subreddit to weigh in their thoughts. Not that I expect that to happen with PR and all that, but it is nice to have hope :)

submitted by /u/WarlockBear
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Bungie has exhausted its player base's Goodwill

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:27 PM PST

Which is why there's so much anger compared to Destiny 1.

Bungie, for reasons that can at least be understood given what happened with Destiny 1, seems to have assumed we would keep playing no matter what. I mean Year 1 was a lot more miserable than any part of Destiny 2 and we kept playing through that without leaving, so why would we suddenly leave if Destiny 2 was a step back in some ways? The problem was that Bungie had badly misunderstood where a lot of that good will came from, and how easy it would be to lose it.

I've been playing since Day 1, and played through all the updates to the game. What's kept me playing, and willing to understand some of Bungie's mistakes, was the fact that they were doing something new and a sense of forward motion, and from following the community over those years I've seen that others have similar feelings. Destiny had flaws, but it was something entirely new, so of course it would be partly flawed, so it was easy to cut Bungie some slack there, and it was still fun to play.

Those flaws were also with the loot and reward systems, not the gameplay, the areas where Bungie was least experienced. They were breaking new ground and got some slack from the playerbase for it, as games that are that ambitious usually do. Mass Effect's Mako and Gunplay systems weren't perfect, but given everything else Bioware was trying to do people were willing to give them some space, with the assumption it would improve in time. Destiny got the same benefit of the doubt, and it delivered on those promises too. The Dark Below and House of Wolves improved the story and progression, The Taken King was a massive step forward in all respects, and while Rise of Iron wasn't as large a step forward, it and Age of Triumph perfected the loot system and were a good holdover for Destiny 2. A sense of progress and that Bungie was doing something entirely new had helped sustain the original Destiny, but they wouldn't be there for Destiny 2.

Bungie wasn't doing something new anymore. They'd been improving the game for 3 years at this point, and we'd seen that they'd learned lessons over the original Destiny's life. Which meant that when those lessons didn't carry over all that goodwill went away with them. They'd also lost some inherent goodwill from creating Destiny 2, as they weren't creating a whole new genre anymore, just working within one. The fact that Destiny 2 felt like a massive step backward hurt it just as much, killing any sense of progression from Destiny 2. What was supposed to be the next major step forward turned out to be several steps backward, and ate through the last of the goodwill Bungie had built up.

Which meant there was nothing to buffer the anger or stop the avalanche of salt. Without the sense of the game getting better, and the fact that the game was now dramatically less fun, most of the games players turned on it. Silence from Bungie combined with no indication they were taking our suggestions meant that any announcement was met in the most negative way possible, as no one was wiling to give them the benefit of the doubt.

If you've been wondering why people are so angry and why they might be nostalgic for even Year 1, this is it. At least in Year 1 things were getting better, and the mistakes were understandable. Now it feels hopeless and we can't even understand why or how this happened.

Fixing this is going to be a long and difficult road for Bungie, and this post is already running long so I won't go in-depth on it here, but just fixing what's wrong with the game won't be enough, they need to start moving forward again at the same time, and that won't be easy. Hopefully this has at least helped to explain why people are so much angrier over Destiny 2 than the original Destiny, as I think part of helping the game recover will be helping the community recover, and to do that we have to understand how things got so bad.

submitted by /u/FlareEXE
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What feels like to hit up D1, two months in D2?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:26 PM PST


Now Let's give credit where it's due, D2 is BEAUTIFUL compared to D1, storytelling is a huge improvement.


public spaces feel more interactive, and rewarding.

The GUI isn't clunky like in D1

It feels more like an open world experience.


The rpg element went to shit

Strife speed? You mean 1 hour trying to turn around to kill something 1 feet away from me?

I literally got 5 supers in one strike D1, orbs flying, fun.

I felt powerful but never OP. In D2 I feel clunky AND slow

Guns, specially veist scout rifles feel like ticking guns

Customizing subclases? you mean two choices?


I got two blues and shit from a heroic strike in D1, more or less like in D2, but after my reputation exceed certain number I could purchase guns and gear DIRECTLY from vendors, and could still grind for engrams with random roll every time I ranked up.

D2? Hit them tokens and get random gear

I had so much fun today, that not even coming from a 60 FPS from pc to 30Town ps4 felt bad. It just felt


EDIT: not having to go to tower for everything feels great, points to D2

Being able to replay story and strikes whenever I want UUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH

submitted by /u/Lancelot980
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D2 DIM and XP - Exact numbers from bungie API and other bits

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:31 AM PST

Someone in the r/destinyitemmanager was asking for info. Some of you here might find this interesting or useful with regards to XP specifics.

My first stab at figuring out how DIM calculates that bar... :
Open DIM on Desktop, in Chrome preferably. Hit F12 on your keyboard. R-click the tiny hard to precisely r-click bar just below your character, and select inspect. It will display a % width. "style="width: 64%;"" < and it will display the hover text "press-tip="Prestige Level: 44 28460xp until a bright engram."". I couldn't figure out the math, but there is a formula there I think if you spent some time with it. In my example 28460 represents 36% of the total. 64% has already been earned. So what is the number that represents the 64%? Not sure if correct: 28460 / .36 = 79055 79055 is supposed to represent the total XP needed for level. 79055 - 28460 = 50595 50595 is supposed to represent the amount of XP you have progressed thus far in this level. (64%)

My second stab at gathering info:
Its so hard to describe this to a layman, assuming you are with regards to web development and programming. F12 dev tools, console, elipsis, search term "return i.xpTillMote", click first result, wait for it to load a very large javascript file, file is condensed, click pretty print icon "{}" bottom left of file. Place breakpoint around line 3159 (click on the line number to add a breakpoint), then refresh the page and allow the breakpoint to be hit. Once at the breakpoint you can mouse over variables. This will net you EXACT numbers. The style width of 64% I had above is actually rounded from .64425 etc. There is also all of the exact info right there. For example, instead of what I calculated 79055, the total XP for level is 80000. Where is this data acquired? I am not sure. Looking through the API there is a lot of data. Maybe if I get more time I can grunt through it and the 21000+ line javascript file of insanity.

And my final attempt produced the answer to the question "where is DIM getting its information?":
EDIT: It comes directly from the API. If you first look at the image I linked above you will see a HASH "2030054750". Searching the result set of request URL "*pooptastic*018452844272/?components=100,102,103,200,201,202,204,205,300,301,302,304,305,306,307,308" (which obviously is data coming directly from for the hash will net you this data returned from that URL:

Sorry if this post formatting sucks, I am no pro at reddit formatting. I also made little to no effort in cleaning up the post. This is mainly targeted at those few players / users who are trying to get numbers for comparison sake and tracking. The net result here is that you can use this information (and a little skill) to gather exact numbers easier. Also in one of the images I linked I made a couple notes on the data I was seeing that I thought was interesting.

submitted by /u/jamiller13
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I don’t hate this game but I think it hates me.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:12 AM PST

Are the iron banner rewards random? I have had 17 iron banner packages. The first one I opened was an armour piece. The next 16 packages have all been guns! I actually thought I was doing something wrong. Has anyone else been this unlucky?

submitted by /u/RossJustBossed
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Everything Destiny 2 went Backwards on.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:19 PM PST

This is a post from Bungie Forums I found, all credit to PZK JuggerJipps, the orginal author, the original link can be found here

I don't mind D2, I don't play it much at the moment but I'll be trying out the DLC because I generally like Destiny. However, I just don't understand why D2 went backwards on so many things that worked perfectly fine in D1. Why was all of this removed?

  • Private matches

  • Stike specific loot

  • Crucible playlist selection

  • Strike playlist selection

  • Bounties

  • Raid weapon perks

  • Raid ships

  • Vendors having an inventory

  • Vendor ranks

  • Secret exotic weapon quests

  • Adept trials weapons

  • Weapon upgrading (you can still have fixed perks, but having to unlock them would add some grind back)

  • Planetary materials

  • Skill tree customization

  • Rumble

  • Heroic strikes and modifiers

You can argue that D1 didn't have a lot of these features and that most are on the way or probably coming to D2, but why should they need to be added? Shouldn't 90% of these things have been included at launch? I like Destiny, I'll continue to play as the game gets better. It just should have had universally loved features from D1 at launch.

submitted by /u/pokegoing
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The problem with Iron Banner is that completing a full set of armor is the only clearly defined goal.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

So, there's been a lot of posts, both with this Iron Banner, and the previous one, about players grinding out hundreds of tokens and still not receiving a full set of Iron Banner gear. In response, some have pointed out that in D1, it was pretty much impossible to collect a full set of armor in a single Iron Banner. So why is there so much more disappointment going around? I believe it has to do with the broader structure of D2, or rather, the lack of it.

Iron Banner has always been a grind. What's more, it was a grind that specifically forced you to come back over multiple months to earn a complete set. Even in Year 3, when everyone was 'showered with loot,' it took at least two separate Iron Banners to get a full set of both weapons and armor, and that's if RNGesus was kind to you. However, the key thing to note here, is that each month had a structure, and its own goal to work towards.

In Year 3, Efrideet would offer two weapons and two armor pieces for sale. How much you played determined how much you could get. Level 3 got you the armor pieces, level 4 got you a heavy or special weapon, and level 5 got you a primary. There were also four bounties, two armor and two weapons, that would randomly drop any piece of Iron Banner gear. Assuming RNGesus was in a good mood, and you finished the bounties on each character, you could earn, at most, 12 of the 15 armor pieces, and 8 of the 10 weapons. That's 80% of the available loot, and that's only if you were lucky and didn't get any duplicate drops.

However, getting a complete set wasn't the end goal of a specific Iron Banner. The way it worked was you would get one character to rank 5, then power level your two alts, completing extra bounties along the way. Once you got to level 5 on all characters, and finished all your bounties, that was it. You were done for the months. You could, if you wanted, keep playing for a chance at alternate rolls on the gear, but in general, once you hit level 5, you could say that you 'completed' the tournament. The system gave you a tangible goal to work towards.

Enter D2 and the Great Token Apocalypse. Right off the bat, from the very first Iron Banner, all the armor is in the loot pool. Wow! So much loot! However, the only real way to get this loot is to insert tokens into Lord Slotmachine, earn an engram, and collect whatever random gear drops out. At no point do you unlock the monthly gear, or reach a level cap, or get any indication that you've 'completed' this month's Iron Banner. Sure, at any time you can decide "eh, enough's enough. I'm good with 3 of 5 pieces of gear," but that has nowhere near the same sense of satisfaction or completion. Furthermore, there's no strict guarantee that next month will actually let you finish your collection, since all drops are random. RNG will probably be as unforgiving then as it is now. So might as well just push through it and hope for the best. Except...Saladin just gave your your 15th sidearm, instead of that one helmet you need.

What they did with this was take away player control. In D1, you were guaranteed a certain amount of loot for a certain amount of time invested. They gave you a set goal to work towards. Now, there's no guarantee of return for time put in. The only definable goal is collecting a full set of armor, but you have no idea how much time that will take. You could get it with just five packages, or you could turn in 100 packages and still not have a full set.

tl;dr: In D1, you could collect at most, 80% of the loot in one sitting, but had a clearly defined goal. In D2, all the loot is available, but it's completely random, with no structure. This is frustrating.

If you made it all the way through my rambling wall of text, thanks for reading. I'm not really suggesting any solutions, but this is just my take on why there's so many complaints regarding the progression. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Glamdring804
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