Destiny - [D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2017-11-03]

[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2017-11-03]

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:00 AM PDT

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of the Nine Map

- Javelin-4

Game Mode

- Survival

7 Win Options

Beep boob awaiting results

Flawless Options

Beep boob awaiting results

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Let us reimagine how Cabal assault on the City might have gone

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:45 AM PDT

Few hours before attack. (Because it takes time to destroy satellites and around one hour to deorbit according to NASA; I know there are space magic and stuff, but I was not able to find any tech data on Cabal ships, so let's stick with NASA)

A Tower operator responsible for the sat feed: "Sir, we lost signal from satellites TS-02 and TS-15… 01, 04 and 23 are also gone."

Zevala: "What…"

The same operator: "We are losing them one by one, another two are dead."

Operator #2: "Sir, there is no feed, no status… nothing. Something or someone big…" interrupted

Zevala: "This code RED…" interrupted

Cade-6: "Wait-wait-wait. Is this 'Twilight-gap code RED' or 'Ikora-is-mad code red'?"

Zevala not listening to Cade": "I need every Guardian you can reach on planetary coms back to the City! Titans to the battle stations immediately. Defensive perimeter around the City. Every armed ship ready for takeoff. Start civilians' evacuation. Now!

I need scouting ships in a 1000 km around the City. Give me live updates on high- and low-altitude scan within 5000 km radius!"

Zevala on Tower coms: "Attention all Guardians! This is not a drill. The City is under immediate threat. Anyone not assigned to the battle station report to Vanguard ASAP to receive further orders…

And, yes… bring heavy weapons. To those who have Gjallarhorn – bring it, all of them, I know some of you have six, and hand it to the ones who do not! Take your heavy synths."

Hunters assuming sniper positions. Titans in heavy armor, teamed up in small squads, stand still staring at the sky. Warlocks are meditating. Small groups of Gjallarhorn armed Guardians led by Defender Titans are spreading around the City and on the Wall.

Sometime later, half an hour before the attack (Because it takes around 30 min to descend from the altitude of 130 km, and the entry point is 8000 km away from your destination; again according to NASA)

Operator #3: "Commander, we have multiple objects approaching Tower… ETA 25 minutes!"

Zevala: "Who are they?"

Operator #3: "It's… … Cabal, the whole Fleet… Sir." turns to Zevala in silence, shock and fear on her face

Zevala stands still for a moment.

Wide shot of the Tower.

Zevala tells an inspirational speech about our home, our people, and the Traveler, how the City never failed, and it will not do so today.

Everything is motionless and silent. Only the creak of the gloves around the weapons' handles can be heard.

A bit later, moments before the attack. Storm is raging.

Silhouettes of Cabal ships are visible in lightning flashes.

Battle unfolds.

Hundreds of Gjallarhorn rockets are launched crashing small ships, splitting into a web of wolf pack rounds covering the entire sky above the City in a myriad of explosions, tearing Cabal formations. Guardian's ships strike from flanks.

Dogfights across the sky.

Cabal bombards the City. The Wall is breached. Wards of Dawn everywhere protecting Fireteams.

Another Gjallarhorn rockets volley… and another… and another.

Cabal are pushing. Many defensive positions are in ruin, so is the Cabal Fleet. Legionaries begin to land, being immediately fist-of-havoced into oblivion. New troops come. Firefights all over.

The storm is colored orange and black. Orders, shots, screams and explosions merge and fuse.

Ikora: "They are attacking the Traveler!"

Zevala: "If the Traveler is gone – we are gone, the City is gone… Humanity is gone.

Give it everything we have! Long-range artillery. Every Nova Bomb and Golden Gun shot. Send Sunsingers' suicide squads to ram this MegaClaw (sorry, I do not know how it calls), self-res and continue on foot. Bring down shield first, engines second. As soon as shields are down, send every Guardian, every ship. Scrap this thing to pieces!"

One story mission later.

The MegaClaw looks lifeless and starts falling down. Cabal ranks are thinned, ships are scattered and being chased, Legionnaires are pinned in close quarters and are picked by shotguns and snipers. Only Ghaul flagship remains intact.

One story mission later.

Flagship shields are down. Guardians are on board, reaching the main deck.

Ghaul: "I. AM. GHA…" shoulder-charged, fist-of-havoced and punched to death by Fireteam of three Titans. Ghost tells a joke.

Several hours later.

Everything is silent again. Sky is calm. Only rare shots are fired in the distance.

A few days later.

Battle is over. Cabal are wiped. Casualties are enormous, but the City stands. Everyone is busy repairing, cleaning and mourning.

Sweeper bot is sweeping Cabal helmets.

Vaults are intact. D2 never happened. Crucible is still 6v6


EDIT: Your support is gold, thank you all. Also I don't know what happened (the week was tough probably), but I messed up two of three names I used. I play this game since the first day of D1 and I'm ashamed. I'll leave the original grammar, but it's Zavala and Cayde-6. As someone pointed out - English is not my first language, not even the second.

submitted by /u/Daniilthethird
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A sincere thank you to Bungie for addressing empty public spaces

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:45 AM PDT

I've spent the last 2 hours straight doing nothing but public events and I didn't arrive at a single one with less than 2 other people there already. I noticed a few times when I fast traveled, that I spawned in with other players, which I had never seen before when not in a fireteam. I've gotten in the habit of reloading spawn points until I find an instance with other players in it to get flashpoints done, and to do that with a couple characters in a row and not have to reload a single event was wonderful.

submitted by /u/figmaxwell
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Played Destiny 2 on Xbox one X

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:39 AM PDT

So I won a Taco Bell Xbox One X and it actually arrived at my house yesterday ahead of the release date so I gave Destiny 2 a whirl.

From the hour or so I played on the game, it ran A LOT smoother. Did several glimmer public events with no noticeable drop in frames. I'll run the raid this weekend and see how it performs in there as well. I think there might be some actual texture packs that I need to install as well but I have no clue.

Best $5 investment ever!

Edit: Adding picture for at least proof of having the console. Should have captured video but it was late. Will test more tonight but at that point other reviewers will probably have what you're looking for. I have tested glimmer event at chapel, smooth as butter.

submitted by /u/xdpizle
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Just finished the raid on PC with 5 random people I met on Discord. Wow.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:24 AM PDT

I'm a PC gamer who is new to Destiny. I bought this game knowing almost knowing about it, besides it being a grindy loot based shooter with an incredible PC port.

My impressions on Destiny so far were that it was a game to play just for fun, and not so much to be challenged or taken too seriously. Everything I played up to this point, including the Nightfalls, although fun, were fairly mindless (not complaining).

When the raid came out, I went on Discord to look for a group, and found a posting that said "LF1M for raid, please have no knowledge of the fights". We grouped up, and went out.

I could not believe what I was playing. This was not the same game. There were puzzles, secret passages, and ZERO handholding on the mechanics of the encounters. Where the hell did this come from!? Was not expecting that! I felt like this raid blasted me back in time to when I was 18 raiding Molten Core in vanilla WoW for the first time. That is a feeling I have not experienced in a very long time.

Overall the raid took our group about 9 hours over 2 nights, and it was a blast. I would encourage everyone to try the raid with a group where everyone is going on blind, and try to complete it without guides. My only complaint is that I had no idea how long this raid was going to take when I signed up for it. I was just expecting a simple little 10-15 minute strike with a gimmick for having 6 people instead of 3. Because of this, I grossly underestimated to my wife how long I was planning on gaming Wednesday night, and I had some explaining to do when I crawled into bed at 2:30, when I was only planning on gaming for about 30 minutes before going to bed (was worth it, by the way).

TLDR: Joined a raid group with 5 randoms that had no prior knowledge of the encounter expecting nothing out of the ordinary, and walked away feeling like I just cleared Molten Core for the first time back on my vanilla WoW days. Challenge yourself, take your time to enjoy the content of this game, then bask in accomplishment.

submitted by /u/eddiepfund
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[D2] Xûr Inventory Infographic [11-03-2017]

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:54 AM PDT

My apologies for the premature post and (again) not checking to make sure shit was accurate. 😬 I'm back at work for the first time in 60+ days and I've been rushing to get this finished this morning.

Perks have been fixed and everything should be good now.

Shop smart!

submitted by /u/thatdudereeg
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I think I solved the Cayde Stash Glitch.

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 07:32 PM PDT

I hadn't seen that this had been resolved yet, so I hope I don't look like a fool posting something everyone knew.

The bottom of the Cayde chest isn't solid, so as soon as the engrams appear, they drop through if you're not standing right next to them/actually touching them.

All three of these chests were opened within a few minutes of each other.

The first two were testing distance, but the third is the real treat.


This definitely needs more testing as many have pointed out. It's safe to assume the engrams aren't supposed to clip through the chest. But it's not safe to assume this is the solution to all empty cayde stashes. Either way, still bad.

People have pointed out that the stuff should show up in the postmaster. Yes, but we have some people claiming they had the same happen on the truck chest and the PM was empty. Also, can we prove that those empty chests from earlier runs didn't go to the PM and you just thought they were random world drops?

I'm going to jump into my son's account tonight, if he's got enough glimmer, buy the maps, try to get a solo EDZ instance so there shouldn't be random drops from battles of there, drive straight to the truck and see if I can get it to happen again. And check the PM. If I can get a good clip of that, I'll upload it and update the post.

submitted by /u/ACleverLettuce
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The Raid has been the best coop experience I’ve had in gaming

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:39 AM PDT

I've spending 3+ hours straight with 5 other guys who were teaching me the raid as we went through was one of the best experiences I've had while gaming. Not only were they patient but the other players were really chill and made the game a lot more wholesome. This was also the first time I used voice chat with complete strangers and actually had a blast. Just gotta day I'm lovin' this community so far.

submitted by /u/DarkFalconist
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My Guardian misses his gun.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:37 AM PDT

I still miss my Red Death, it felt, looked and acted like a great gun.

I gained it in a strike against the first machine.

I saw it sitting on the ground waiting for me.

Everyone left it.

Saying it will never be as good.

Abandoning it for more popular weapons.

For me it was love at first sight.

It's sounds still echo my memory.

The orders by the vanguard to destroy on sight ignored, then soon forgotten.

It first pulled me from the brink of death sucking the life from the falling fallen that had outnumbered me.

Giving me the ability to stand fast against the two armies moving against each other.

I was able to entrench myself in the open against the Vex.

Never needing to stop and rest.

I rewrote a time gods fate with it, holding the door open for my friends to escape time itself.

It sucked the life out of the thrall in the dark, pushing me to kill Crota and his bright sun.

I used its bloody bayonet to push through the house of wolves and bring justice to the betrayed.

I stormed the Dreadnaught killing Cabal, Hive and Taken, establishing a beachhead to assault Orix.


Then averting crisis soaked in the reincarnated blood of my enemies.

Showing the old lords that the old bayonet still holds true like a axe.

Returning to the once dead machine to show it the gun I stole before.

To return it to its death once again.

And I lost it after falling off the old tower.

I lost sight of my gun that I had since the beginning.

The gun that had held true to me for so long.

I coldly ran through the streets.

Hiding from a foe I long ago dismissed.

Hoping I can see it sitting on the ground once again to pick up and fire true.

Hopping to feel it's healing embrace once more.

I constantly wish I can search the grounds of the old tower longer to find it.

The gun that got me through it all, my first and last gun I wish I had.

The gun with blood of countless enemies that had soaked it's thorny side.

The gun that I dragged through it all.

The gun I had abandoned.

Gone forever.

submitted by /u/Just__A__Gentleman
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Massive Breakdown of the Trials of the Nine Weapons

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:02 AM PDT

If you're wondering where the numbers and full list of guns are, the Weapon Stats Spreadsheet has you covered.

Several things to note:

  • This breakdown is for Trials of the Nine weapons only.

  • Classes are broken down into Impact sub-classes.

  • These are strictly my opinions, so I'm very aware that a lot of people will probably disagree with them.

  • The Bolded Perk/Perks in each slot mean that I recommend using them. If there are no bolded perks, it means that I feel any of the listed perks are fine to use in the slot.

  • All Times-to-Kill are assuming Guardian has 200hp (9 Resiliency).

  • Pros and Cons are determined by comparing weapons within the same class, not by all weapons in general, and not by only the weapons within the archetype. If you would like a different or more specific comparison than what I have listed, feel free to ask and I can provide one in the comments.

Auto Rifles


Prosecutor - Energy

Pros - Very high range. Above average stability and reload speed.

Neutral - Average handling.

Cons - Very low aim assist and mag size. Below average recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Kill: 1.07s (8 crit 1 body ), 1.60s (13 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 450
  • Impact: 29 (23 crit, 16 body)
  • Range: 73
  • Stability: 48
  • Reload Speed: 50
  • Handling: 51
  • Mag Size: 32
  • Recoil Direction: 69
  • Aim Assist: 44


  • Sights/Barrels - Chambered Compensator, Corkscrew Rifling, Polygonal Rifling
  • Magazine - Slideways, Tap the Trigger
  • Set Perk - Hip-Fire Grip

Actually one of my favorite ARs in the game, Prosecutor tends to be overlooked due to being in the same archetype as Uriels. The range and stability are strong points here, not to mention Tap the Trigger which is a very underrated perk. Combine that with Hip-Fire for close quarters battles, and you have a weapon that functions well at all AR ranges, while other weapons in the archetype can tend to struggle at the edges. In addition to this, it's also one of the only ARs in the game that has a sight other than the typical Red Dots, as the standard reticle is very reminiscent of the Red Dot ORES from Destiny 1, which was my go-to on any full auto weapon. If you've been looking for another weapon to supplant Uriels and Last Hope in your energy weapon spot, or maybe Uriels just isn't getting it done for you, I highly recommend this one!

Pulse Rifles


Relentless - Kinetic

Pros - Above average range.

Neutral - Average recoil direction.

Cons - Below average stability and reload speed. Low base handling. Very low aim assist and mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 1.20s (2.66 bursts, 8 crits), 2.27s (4.33 bursts, 13 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 320
  • Impact: 33 (26 crit, 16 body)
  • Range: 60
  • Stability: 54
  • Reload Speed: 42
  • Handling: 32
  • Mag Size: 27
  • Recoil Direction: 65
  • Aim Assist: 39


  • Sights/Barrels - Chambered Compensator, Full Bore, Extended Barrel
  • Magazine - Slideways, Headseeker
  • Set Perk - Snapshot Sights

Unfortunately a member of the "High-Impact" archetype, which makes it basically useless by default. The weapon just has far too slow of a RoF to pair with the current amounts of damage it does, which combines to make it both limiting in optimal engagements types and unforgiving of missed shots. Which is a shame, because the combination of solid range, Headseeker, and Snapshot Sights should have made this a fun weapon to use, but in practice, it just doesn't feel lethal or enjoyable to use. Even in the archetype, it's a weak weapon stat-wise, with it having the lowest base range and recoil direction, combined with poor stability. All in all, I'd say avoid it in any competitive gametypes, even high level quickplay.

Hand Cannons


Judgment - Kinetic

Pros - Above average range, stability, and aim assist. High recoil direction.

Neutral - Average reload speed.

Cons - Below average mag size and handling.

  • Time-to-Kill: 1.30s (2 crit 2 body), 1.73s (5 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 140
  • Impact: 84 (61 crit, 45 body)
  • Range: 50
  • Stability: 48
  • Reload Speed: 46
  • Handling: 48
  • Mag Size: 9
  • Recoil Direction: 95
  • Aim Assist: 75


  • Sights/Barrels - SteadyHand HCS, TrueSight HCS, HitMark HCS
  • Magazine - Slideshot, Opening Shot
  • Set Perk - Moving Target

    On console hand cannons are pretty far from the meta, but if you want to give them a shot, Judgment is a pretty solid choice. For the archetype, it compares favorably in range, aim assist, and recoil direction, and the stability is about on par. The only real drawback is the less than ideal mag size of 9, but I would say the combo of Opening Shot (increased accuracy on the first round fired from the mag) and Moving Target (increased aim assist and movement speed when ADS) more than offset it. These combine to make the gun feel a lot sticker and more accurate than most other weapons in the archetype. Due to this, I have a feeling it's going to be very popular on PC once some people get it this weekend. Highly recommend it, especially if you're finding Better Devils just isn't really the hand cannon for you.

Scout Rifles


The End - Energy

Pros - Very high mag size. Above average stability. High handling.

Neutral - Average range, reload speed, and aim assist.

Cons - None.

  • Time-to-Kill: 1.33s (3 crit 2 body) , 1.67s (6 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 180
  • Impact: 62 (48 crit, 34 body)
  • Range: 46
  • Stability: 47
  • Reload Speed: 46
  • Handling: 50
  • Mag Size: 16
  • Aim Assist: 60


  • Sights/Barrels - Chambered Compensator, Corkscrew Rifling, Polygonal Rifling
  • Magazine - Slideways, Auto-Loading Holster
  • Set Perk - Pulse Monitor

Unfortunately, there isn't much to say about this weapon other than don't take it into PvP. The perks are, for some reason, seemingly geared exclusively towards PvE and reloading the weapon, but there are several scouts in the Precision archetype that are better in both PvE and PvP. Stats-wise it does well for itself, with solid stability, handling, and mag size, but the truth is Nameless Midnight is better against AI enemies, and Tone Patrol is better against players in the Crucible (thanks to having High Caliber Rounds). Basically, there's no reason to use this weapon.



A Swift Verdict - Energy

Pros - Very high range and aim assist. High recoil direction.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low handling and mag size. Low stability and reload speed.

  • Time-to-Kill: .93s (5 crit), 1.40s (7 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 260
  • Impact: 51 (41 crit, 30 body)
  • Range: 57
  • Stability: 46
  • Reload Speed: 32
  • Handling: 43
  • Mag Size: 12
  • Recoil Direction: 95
  • Aim Assist: 85


  • Sights/Barrels - Tactic SAS, Target SAS, Shortspec SAS
  • Magazine - Slideshot, Threat Detector
  • Set Perk - Zen Moment

Another disappointing weapon from the Trials set, A Swift Verdict just has difficulty stacking up against other weapons in the same class. Number 1, it's an energy weapon, which means that you'd have to give up either Last Hope or Uriels to use it, which doesn't make sense. Number 2, even if you wanted to try a different sidearm, it's in possibly the worst archetype of sidearms, killing in 0.93s but requiring 5 critical hits. Not to mention the body shot time to kill is an abysmal 1.40s with 7 shots. You'd be better off using Drang, or the Omolon or SUROS sidearms, easily. Good perks don't make up for the weak archetype, and the stats (with the excpetion or range and aim assist) aren't even great. I say stay away, unless you're looking for a challenge.

Sub-Machine Guns


Adjudicator - Kinetic

Pros - Very high range. High aim assist. Above average recoil direction and stability.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low reload speed, handling, and mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.90s (10 crits), 1.20s (13 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 600
  • Impact: 25 (20 crit, 16 body)
  • Range: 60
  • Stability: 46
  • Reload Speed: 24
  • Handling: 29
  • Mag Size: 27
  • Recoil Direction: 93
  • Aim Assist: 54


  • Sights/Barrels - Chambered Compensator, Corckscrew Rifling, Polygonal Rifling
  • Magazine - Slideways, Hip-Fire Grip
  • Set Perk - Dynamic Sway Reduction

Although I'm not a fan of the 900 RPM SMGs at the moment, I very much love the 600 RPM ones. Better range, damage, time-to-kill, better stability, they basically run the gauntlet of stats and come out on top in most circumstances, with the exception of mag size, reload speed, and handling, which I can deal with. So that being said, even though the Antiope is by far the more popular of the two, I wouldn't sleep on the Adjudicator. Primarily, it has better stability and recoil direction than the Antiope, and the Hip-Fire Grip and Dynamic Sway Reduction combo means you're very accurate firing from the hip or ADS. It won't be able to compete at the ranges that the Antiope can, but inside it's own optimal engagement distances I actually feel it's the stronger weapon.

Sniper Rifles


The Long Walk

Pros - Very high range. Above average inventory.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low stability, reload speed, handling, and aim assist. Low mag size.

  • Time-Between-Shots: 0.83s
  • Rate of Fire: 72
  • Impact: 90 (394 damage per crit shot, 158 per body shot)
  • Range: 80
  • Stability: 28
  • Reload Speed: 41
  • Mag Size: 3
  • Aim Assist: 48
  • Inventory: 41
  • Handling: 33


  • Sights/Barrels - Chambered Compensator, Corckscrew Rifling, Polygonal Rifling
  • Magazine - Slideshot, Outlaw
  • Set Perk - Quickdraw

Possibly one of the best snipers in the game due to a singular perk: Quickdraw. Sniper rifles were hit very hard in D2 with an overall handling nerf, and most of them (outside of the Lightweight archetype) can be difficult to use without a Power Weapon Handling mod on your armor. The Long Walk completely bypasses, that, giving you Quickdraw right off the bat for guaranteed snappy ready and ADS speeds. On top of that, it does a solid amount of damage per shot, making it fairly easy to body shot Guardians who already were hit by a teammate, and the ability to boost range and stability, as well as partially refill the mag by sliding helps as well. Stats across the board are not great, but that's to be expected from the Aggressive archetype of snipers, and none of it worries me. If you like sniping in PvP, I definitely recommend this weapon.



A Sudden Death

Pros - None.

Neutral - Average range, reload speed, inventory, and mag size.

Cons - Below average stability and aim assist. Very low inventory.

  • Time-Between-Shots: 1.33s
  • Rate of Fire: 80
  • Impact: 80 (24 per pellet, 9 pellets to kill, 288 total)
  • Range: 32
  • Stability: 33
  • Reload Speed: 39
  • Mag Size: 5
  • Aim Assist: 30
  • Inventory: 38
  • Handling: 32


  • Sights/Barrels - Chambered Compensator, Barrel Shroud, Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • Magazine - Slideshot, Snapshot Sights
  • Set Perk - Threat Detector

I've actually found my recommendations have flipped 180 degrees from D1 in terms of what type of shotguns I usually recommend for PvP. I used to say go high-impact or go home, thanks to them having by far the best one-shot-kill distance, and using low-impacts for their faster RoF wasn't even close to a fair trade-off. Now, however, Bungie has switched things around on us and started giving low impact shotguns like Hawthorne's higher range, even though they do less damage. This has the intended effect of bringing their one-shot-kill distances of high impact and low impact weapons much closer together, although the Aggressive archetype (like Sudden Death) can still kill in fewer pellets from a blast (9 compared to 10 for Hawthorne's). If you do choose to forgo the increased RoF for a weapon which hits a little harder, than A Sudden Death is an excellent option. I really like Slideshot as a perk on shotguns (since I spend most of my time with them sliding anyways) as it boosts the stabiliy and range immediately following a slide, which is a match made in heaven. Threat detector allows you to ready the weapon faster when enemies are near you, which is also a nice bonus. Unfortunately the stats for the most part aren't top notch, which is probably necessary otherwise the gun would be hands down one of the best shotguns out there. Range, reload speed, inventory and mag size are all average when compared to shotguns as a whole, but within the Aggressive archetype they look much more favorable, placing first or second across the board. Aim assist is a little worse, but on a shotgun that's not a huge deal. Overall, if you've been looking for a shotgun with a little more oomph (perhaps to take down the roaming supers) I definitely recommend this weapon.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Faction Rally - What you need to know v2

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:34 AM PDT

Good Afternoon Guardians!

The rally is upon us! The biggest Fashion competition call to arms of Destiny 2 so far is returning and Guardians are given a game changing decision to make:

Which faction should I join? Obviously FWC this isn't easily answered in text alone - Below I will detail the event and what you need to know going into the 'Faction Rally'

Please be aware you CANNOT join a faction until it launches at Weekly Reset this Tuesday 2017-11-07 (And don't forget the daylight savings changes if it comes for you, -1 on the clock)

There have also been some changes from the first Rally on Console detailed in This Week at Bungie which I have also detailed below

To the victor, belongs the spoils

Last time out, Dead Orbit won the week so congrats to the Space Goths on their victory! Footage of DO upon hearing the good news - So if you support Future War Cult or New Monarchy, don't let them make it 2 for 2!

If you wanna be in my Gang

So what is the Faction Rally? Extract from This Week at Bungie:

Each of the factions of the Tower (New Monarchy, Dead Orbit & Future War Cult) is having a rally to collect resources for its cause. They're recruiting Guardians to gather supplies for their faction and destroy enemy resources. They'll offer a suite of rewards to help the Guardians rise up against any enemy threats. As an incentive, each faction has set aside a powerful weapon to entice players to choose their side. The faction whose Guardians collect the most faction packages will be declared the winner. The winning faction will offer the weapon to everyone, but all who pledged loyalty will receive it with a huge discount as repayment for their contributions to their faction's cause.

I want in!

  • You must be level 20 and have finished the campaign before you can Pledge

Awesome! So what do they offer for my services?

  • Best way to show you this is This week at Bungie from the previous week - If you scroll down, you will see each item all 3 Vendors are selling as well as the 3 'Special' weapons. Only the winning Factions gun will be available.

Further down in this post, is an Armour list for you to check out also of what you can roll the dice to obtain

How much of a discount?

  • 50K Glimmer is the price for everyone at the end of the Rally - Reduced to a mere 1000 Glimmer for the winning faction. So choose wisely. You can still buy the winning factions special weapon if you aren't on the winning side, it will just still cost you the full 50K of Glimjamins

  • To clarify, If you are on the losing side, your Special Weapon will NOT be available.

  • From Bungie Help to Confirm

Characters who did not pledge to the winning Faction can purchase the Winner's Offering for 50,000 Glimmer.

Characters who did not pledge to any Faction during the Faction Rally event can purchase the Winner's Offering for 50,000 Glimmer.

What Power level is the reward?

  • It will be scaled to your Power Level

Will this be up every week?

  • Factions in appearance, maybe. The Rally however, will not - 1AM Pacific on November 14th is the end of the Rally so contribute to your choice as much as possible before then!

  • Once the Faction pledge buff expires, players will no longer be able to earn Tokens to cash in to their vendor.

What if I don't win? Can I cover my bases?

  • Sure can! If you have 3 Characters, set one in each Faction. No matter what happens, you'll get a discounted weapon at the end

  • Your pledge is CHARACTER BASED, not account so you can rep multiple factions across 3 characters or maybe even 3 characters in one if that's how you roll

Well can't I just loot a vendor and move to the next one?

  • No. Your pledge lasts until Reset next week. Any remaining Tokens you have can be donated to the Faction but no further Tokens can be earned.

So if we win, does anything change in the world?

  • Confirmed by Bungie that the tower will be decorated in the winning colours of the Faction who comes out on top!

Does joining a Faction mean I lose out on other tokens? Strikes / Raid for example?

  • Nope! Your regular tokens will still drop as normal alongside your Faction boosting Token rewards

  • Tokens come from various places in the world - All your main activities such as Lost Sectors, Nightfalls, Strikes and Raid

  • You can turn in tokens just like any other Vendor across D2 for rewards on each rank up. These scale based on your current rank up level for all vendors

Any way to see our fractions progress Vs the others?

  • No there is not. It's a blind competition, hopefully you make the right choice!

Any way to see my own Faction Rank Progress?

  • There sure is, Destiny Status - Enter Gamertag / PSN and go to 'Reputation' on your desired character

So what's new?

The Faction Vendors are now in various places around the Tower. They do show on your map so you can find them easily. They also have some mysterious secrets behind some Keys including the 'Lootapalooza Key' and the 'Dance Party Key'

The Vendors have specific Loot so each one is different - Including armour, weapons and shaders - Here's a look at the new armour sets courtesy of u/Koury713 and his great work in the armour sets Post

Class Armour Set Type Faction
Hunter Anti-Extinction Heavy Dead Orbit
- Simulator Survivalist FWC
- Sovereign Mobility New Monarchy
Titan Anti-Extinction Heavy Dead Orbit
- Simulator Heavy FWC
- Sovereign Restorative New Monarchy
Warlock Anti-Extinction Heavy Dead Orbit
- Simulator Restorative FWC
- Sovereign Mobility New Monarchy

For a list of all the Weapons available this time around, see this great post by u/volcanoborn

List of all Faction Rally Weapons 2017-11-07 - I've listed some recommendations of the Rally further down this post

So far, the consensus is - FWC have the best stuff for PVE - Dead Orbit are cool and edgey and New Monarchy have the best armour sets - That of course is just tower Radio talk, make up your own mind where you wish to fight for your Light to Party

What we know so far

Faction Rally

  • Upon entering the Tower you will be notified via a quest marker to visit each of the 3 Factions. Once done, you can pick the faction who you wish to represent

  • Once selected, a daily Milestone will appear in your Director, your mission to loot Lost Sectors in the EDZ. Completion rewards a reputation package (A bunch of coins)

  • As the milestone says 'Daily', I believe this will change each day much like the usual Daily mission we get

Max rank up of 30

  • After you surpass 30 rank ups, the following drops will turn to Shaders - I don't have much info on this since I haven't hit that peak yet but after 25, that's when your Shaders kick in

  • To see what your own personal Rank is with your faction, use this - Destiny Status - Enter Gamertag / PSN and go to 'Reputation' on your desired character

Lootapalooza key

  • It has been reported that the 'Lootapalooza Key' has been received from completing the Raid. Once used, a mini game opens up in the tower with Chests for you to discover including a buff of which lets you jump higher to reach the treasures

  • Reported that a raid completion isn't a guaranteed key. So still waiting on exactly how to get the key

Dance off Key

  • The 'Dance off Key' still remains a mystery. It seems to be be a random drop from completing certain activities so may RNG be with you in hunting them down

  • Each Faction has a 'Dance off' area in their space

A new Public event

  • A new public event has appeared within the world where you take on supply caches of your enemies. Give 'em Hell, Guardian

I will add / update these sections when info comes in


  • Not to try and influence your choice but last time out FWC glitched and gave out weapons and armour AFTER reaching rank 30. Food for thought

  • Exotics have a chance of dropping from ranking up your pledged Faction

  • As Faction rewards cap at 30 and you stop getting Weapons and Armour and begin to only drop shaders, check your personal progress here so you can know when you've broke the ceiling - Destiny Status - Enter Gamertag / PSN and go to 'Reputation' on your desired character

How can we be the very best? That no one ever was?

Previously, there was 'Farming routes' which could help you pick up stacks in no time at all but following the recent changes as per This Week at Bungie, it won't be so straight forward so below is your scope for token rewards and how to get the most out of them -

Strikes now reward faction tokens at a range of 5 to 9 faction tokens per completion (up from 3 to 7)

Nightfall now rewards 10 to 18 faction tokens on first completion per character

Completing Heroic Public Events now rewards 5 faction tokens (down from 8)

Destroying enemy resources no longer rewards faction tokens

Opening Lost Sector Chests now rewards 3 faction tokens for each fireteam member

I can update this with some prime farming routes when the appear, looks as though fast travelling to Public Events paired with raiding nearby Lost Sectors could be the key to being the most efficient in getting to Rank 30

Bacon Bits of the Rally

Back in the Golden Age, I used to do Weapon reviews every week on the random rolls from Vendors so to relive the good times, here's my recommendations on weapons to look out for in next weeks Rally. The Weapons are what I look for when deciding to focus on donation wise so hopefully this can help some of you on the fence to make your choice

FWC would be my clear choice if you were interested in going for Weapons alone

New Monarchy

  • Interregnum XVI (Energy Sidearm) - SUROS Rapid-Fire - High-Caliber Rounds - Snapshot Sights

These things usually get looked over because of the Omolon ones being so dominant. HCR here though could change that. If you are close up and causing consistent flinch, you should (for the most part) be coming out on top with this thing. It's also full auto so no need to worry about follow ups, if you're accurate, you could be dealy

  • Honor's Edge (Sword) - En Garde (Winners Weapon)

Besides looking cool as hell, En Garde is very useful in PVE in a tough situation because switching and attacking fast deals extra damage so it's great for when you're being overwhelmed by mobs and aren't using something that can dispatch them too quick. Now some will slate this because it doesn't stack damage or regen ammo but that's because it's not meant to be used that way, it's light and snappy and a lot of fun (Just like Quickfang)

Honorable Mention - Older Sister III (Energy Hand Cannon) for possibly being the coolest looking Hand Cannon in the entire game

Dead Orbit

  • Escape Velocity (Kinetic Submachine Gun) - Lightweight - High-Caliber Rounds - Grave Robber

Light and Snappy, great to have if you prefer a more ranged Kinetic and with HCR in the bank it could be one of the picks of the week. These things melt in Close Quarters and will only make you harder to hit if you're landing shots with HCR

  • Guiding Star (Kinetic Auto Rifle) - Rapid-Fire / High-Caliber Rounds / Moving Target

Recoil may be the issue for some with this one which usually is the trade off with Rapid Fire weapons but with a Steady Hand, this thing could be very effective in PVE and PVP. Mods may help tame this thing much better than the Stats suggest but that's a trade off up to you

Future War Cult

  • Stochastic Variable (Energy Submachine Gun) - High-Caliber Rounds / Tap the Trigger

The pick of the SMGs for me because this one has much great scope for being quick on the draw to react so aggressive players / if you like to get in their faces in PVP. HCR and the initial boosts from TTT are a great perk set of this type of gun

  • Memory Interdict (Grenade Launcher) - Implosion Rounds OR Remote Detonation / Rampage

First perk set is up to you, if you've got a good aim, go IRs because this will get the best out of Rampage which to be honest will be great on this GL. 3x stack damage on kills for a Heavy could drag this GL to challenging with the best out there with taking out mobs. They get a lot of flack but GLs are really effective in the right hands and these perks are a good example of that. I've used Grenade Launchers through the Raid and they have been surprisingly effective considering they get some flack for not being effective. If you want to try one out, I can't recommend this one enough

  • Enigma's Draw (Kinetic Sidearm) - High-Caliber Rounds / Zen Moment

D1 Veterens rejoice, Wormwood has returned! Not as fast firing as fan fave The Last Hope but with it's perks set, it may benefit it more being played slower but with a high aim assist stat also, it's definitely worth a look for those who don't like 'Spraying' with a Last Hope but do like a Sidearm as back up to their Kinetic

  • Heart of Time (Energy Pulse Rifle) - Dragonfly / Tactical Mag

It's low impact is the concerning feature on this one because it has Dragonfly and the faster you kill them with a headshot, the more effective that perk can be. That said, it's different in terms of weapon offerings. It's harder to judge without using this one because sometimes stats deceive but if you join FWC, this would be my main pick for PVE

The Last Word

I'll update any new info I come across - Excited to get myself covered in New Monarchy Shaders

It's also a double special one for me because it is also my Birthday (So let's party). Definitely getting too old now

Happy Rally, Guardians!

For all other information on the event, see for the Faction Rally Page

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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Since everyone is sharing their requests, here's mine: Party Up option after an activity.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:25 AM PDT

This idea comes from Halo 3, where after a game, during the post game results, teammates could opt in to Party Up by pushing X. Everyone that opts in gets put into a party and put back in to matchmaking as a new group. If you didn't like your team, you could not push X and you would be put back in to matchmaking solo or with your original party.

This would be useful for everyone on all platforms and since you no longer go back into strikes with the people in your group, it would fix that issue. Players on console can't type if they don't want to voice chat, so having a button saying "I would like to remain a party" would be good for them, and players on PC or console can signal they want to remain a group even if their teammates don't join team chat.

I agree with everyone here how silly it is that features were removed from Destiny 1, but I also think that Bungie is missing an opportunity to implement good features from their past releases also.

submitted by /u/GuiltyAir1
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Please don’t go Dead Orbit for the rally

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 06:54 PM PDT

They have a crappy grenade launcher compared to an amazing fusion rifle and a sword. There is no reason to even go for Dead Orbit.

Edit: Front Page! Woooooooooow! Hi Mom! But for real thanks everyone and I'm loving the discussion. I'm see a lot of people agreeing as well as disagreeing. Just nice to have a post that's not talking about how "bad" the game is.

Edit 2: Holy cow! I wake up and this just blew up even more! It started as kinda just a shit post but I've been loving every response so far. I love seeing the community engaged in conversation about things like this. Thanks for all the amazing replies and making this my best post on Reddit ever!

submitted by /u/zTwiDashz
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[D2] Xûr Megathread [2017-11-03]

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:02 AM PDT

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.



Exotic Item Class Power Level Cost
Graviton Lance Pulse Rifle 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x29 Legendary Shards
Young Ahamkara's Spine Hunter Gauntlets 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
Mask of the Quiet One Titan Helmet 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
Nezarec's Sin Warlock Helmet 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

Sort comments by New to join the conversation!

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Of all the big bads we've faced Ghaul is the weakest

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:32 AM PDT

I've just cut and paste this from my post. This isn't meant to be serious, just my opinion and a bit of fun! It isn't meant to be based on who was the hardest to play against or anything specific in terms of who was a raid boss.

All those saying Ghaul is strong and not weak, the traveller fears Oryx and the Hive and others aligned to the darkness. Ghaul wasn't even that. And besides if we hadn't killed him the traveler would have just blown him up anyway.

So what, he got to the traveler and for a brief moment starved us of our light, but let's face it.....

Atheon - Time travelling manipulator of reality

Crota - Son of a Hive God, invincible but for his sword, slaughtered hundreds of guardians. Thousands of years old

Oryx - A God personally gifted power by the Deep. Can only be killed in his own realm. Can take the Will of enemies to fight for him

Aksis - Bio enginered overlord of death and destruction. Can self replicate and change others

Calus - Has a massive planet eating ship. True leader of the Cabal has thousands of other versions of himself.

Skolas - Meanest mofo the galaxy has ever seen. Even the Nine are afraid of him. (Actually hardest boss in Destiny pre nerf).

Ghaul - Pissed off space turtle with a grudge against humanity, has a an army.

Randal the Vandal - Eats gjallarhorns for breakfast and craps over all who dares kill his pet shank.

It's not Canon I know, but really our enemies need to be a bit more threatening.

submitted by /u/DaBi5cu1t
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I would love to see a mode that’s like Smash TV where four guardians compete in a horde mode, with over the top commentary by Shaxx.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:06 AM PDT

I think I just described Mad Moxxy's Underdome from Borderlands.

Edit: to clarify, I see this as a purely competitive mode, everyone fighting for first place. No cooperation.

submitted by /u/Bar_Har
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The Gun seen in the Curse of Osiris Trailer is not Thorn.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:58 AM PDT

After hearing these rumours and getting relatively excited, I decided to do a zoom and enhance.

This is the best shot we get of the gun Doesn't look like Thorn to me, but still could be.

Zoom! Looks more like a classic revolver with a huge Iron Sight.

Enhance! Yeah, definitely not Thorn. Sorry to burst everybody's bubble.

submitted by /u/Uberwolf_
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Emperor's Respite should never be in rotation for Control

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:10 AM PDT

Playing Emperor's Respite makes me feel incredibly powerful, or stupidly weak in depending on which spawn I spawn in on. It is way too easy to box in C, please take it out of rotation for Control.

EDIT: Fixing the flag spots is also a good idea (and would likely be more probable)!

submitted by /u/Celest_Clipse
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Exotic Sparrows should have selectable perks to make them actually exotic

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:07 AM PDT

Considering how meh exotic sparrows are with the only difference being a brighter plume of exhaust, I think a nice little buff would be that they can have all of the perks for a sparrow available and have them able to be selected.

What I'm trying to say is that all exotic sparrows should come with it insta summon and I'm pissed that the one I got doesnt :\

submitted by /u/thought78
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PVP would be much better if Mobility and Resilience were useful

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:32 AM PDT

Yeah, I know that Resilience is useful, up to a point. But it hits hard diminishing returns after 4 or so.

What if Resilience actually scaled so that at 10 Res, you were actually a little harder to kill? Or what if the higher your Res, the less flinch you took? Makes, sense, right? You're Resilient! Or maybe higher Resilience allows you to carry more Heavy Ammo? Or increases your Melee damage?

As for Mobility, there's so much potential, so little use right now. Why doesn't it make your sprint faster? Or let you reload quicker? ADS, weapon swap, all could be improved by Mobility. It could affect Hunter's dodge cooldown, or make you significantly faster while your super is active...

submitted by /u/Grand_Theft_Motto
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Let us view the stats of our encounters even when we don't fail

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 12:05 AM PDT

It seems rather silly to me that we can currently only view all the stats of our raids/strikes when we fail. We should also be able to see them when we succeed, or better yet, let us view the stats live.

submitted by /u/everas
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Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:56 AM PDT

After days of wandering the public spaces wasteland, who knew there were SO MANY GUARDIANS. We are everywhere! Knocking out High Value targets, pointing to hidden chests and tackling public events.

With every location I fast traveled into there were at least 3 or 4 other Guardians battling along with me. I got to stomp a Cabal injection rig with Guardians like NovaBombYourMom and take down giant Servitors with iEatSuperGlue.

I haven't had this much fun on Patrol since the game dropped. Thanks for the fix Bungie!!

submitted by /u/TemporalCoyote
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Ghaul would have been much more menacing as the raid boss when he stole the opposed to Robo-Toad in Prince's Bedroom as the raid boss.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:31 AM PDT

Ghaul was so built up from the trailers and teasers and was SUCH a weak boss. Do you feel he would have been a cool raid boss in that form?

submitted by /u/liamsnorthstar
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Kinetic Trace Rifle Idea: "Collidescope"

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:44 AM PDT

So I've been mulling over a whole host of trace rifle ideas, but this particular one has been nagging at me above all others and I need to get it out of my head before bed. So, here's the basics of my idea for a kinetic Trace Rifle.

Name: Collidescope

Rarity: Legendary or Exotic

Flavor Text: Oh... I get it...

Ammo: 60

Rate of Fire: 600rpm

Unique Trait 1 - Particle Gun: Instead of firing a laser, this weapon fires a pulsed stream of iron particles at extremely high velocity.

Unique Trait 2 - Pulse Laser Primer: Particles are primed for fire via a laser vaporizing thin layers of an iron block. Pulses are limited to one second duration to ensure consistent stream density for maximum armor penetration.

And that's it for the moment. I'm not sure how the rest of the stats work well enough to build the whole gun, but the basic idea is there. It's a kinetic damage weapon firing short pulses that deliver 10 ticks of damage per pulse with pin point accuracy. Functioning somewhere between a pulse rifle and a scout in that it would deliver excellent crit damage without significant range falloff. Or perhaps it would retain high damage against heavily armored yellow bar targets? I dunno. I'm sleepy and high so this whole thing might just be garbage, you decide!

submitted by /u/HiveFleet-Cerberus
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[Spoiler]All Faction Rally Weapon Rolls for Next Week

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 09:26 PM PDT

Hey guardians,

Since Bungie has released the possible Faction Weapons drops for next week's Faction Rallies, I thought I'd put all the rolls for the weapons in one place. Data acquired from DestinyDB. Weapon names that are italicized are the Faction Rally Rewards.

New Monarchy Weapons

Maxim XI (Sniper Rifle)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Adaptive SSO-05 Sniper Alloy Magazine Snapshot Sights
SSO-07 Sniper Flared Magwell
SSO-08 Sniper

Good Counsel IX (Kinetic Scout Rifle)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
High-Impact SD Thermal Armor-Piercing Rounds Hip-Fire Grip
LC Ranged Tactical Mag

Interregnum XVI (Energy Sidearm)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
SUROS Rapid-Fire Tactic SAS Accurized Rounds Snapshot Sights
Target SAS High-Caliber Rounds
QuickDot SAS

Older Sister III (Energy Hand Cannon)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Adaptive HitMark HCS Alloy Magazine Ambitious Assassin
SteadyHand HCS Armor-Piercing Rounds
Crossfire HCS

Honor's Edge (Sword)

Frame Edge Perk 1 Perk 2
Adaptive Tempered Edge Burst Guard En Garde
Jagged Edge Enduring Guard

Future War Cult Weapons

Stochastic Variable (Energy Submachine Gun)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Lightweight Candle PS High-Caliber Rounds Tap the Trigger
Torch HS3 Accurized Rounds
Phase Magazine

Memory Interdict (Grenade Launcher)

Frame Launch Perk 1 Perk 2
Adaptive Confined Launch Implosion Rounds Rampage
Countermass Remote Detonation
Hard Launch

Enigma's Draw (Kinetic Sidearm)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Precision Control SAS High-Caliber Rounds Zen Moment
Tactic SAS Accurized Rounds
Target SAS

Heart of Time (Energy Pulse Rifle)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Rapid-Fire Candle PS Steady Rounds Dragonfly
Impulse MS3 Tactical Mag

Timelines' Vertex (Fusion Rifle)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Adaptive Spark PS Enhanced Battery Snapshot Sights
Torch HS3 Accelerated Coils

Dead Orbit Weapons

Haunted Earth (Kinetic Scout Rifle)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
High-Impact IS 5 Circle Tactical Mag Field Prep
Model 6 Loop High-Caliber Rounds

Escape Velocity (Kinetic Submachine Gun)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Lightweight IS 2 Classic High-Caliber Rounds Grave Robber
IS 5 Circle Steady Rounds

Guiding Star (Kinetic Auto Rifle)

Frame Sights Perk 1 Perk 2
Rapid-Fire IS 2 Classic Appended Mag Moving Target
Model 8 Red High-Caliber Rounds

Contingency Plan (Energy Scout Rifle)

Frame Barrel Perk 1 Perk 2
VEIST Rapid-Fire Smallbore Appended Mag Auto-Loading Holster
Extended Barrel Accurized Rounds
Corkscrew Rifling

Truthteller (Grenade Launcher)

Frame Launch Perk 1 Perk 2
Lightweight Confined Launch Concussion Grenades Quickdraw
Linear Compensator Black Powder
Hard Launch

Hope this helps some who might be wondering which factions to choose next week.

submitted by /u/volcanoborn
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