Dota 2 - Daily 7.07 Discussion: Winners and Losers

Daily 7.07 Discussion: Winners and Losers

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 02:31 PM PDT


Hero Past Winrate Current Winrate Change Pickrate Change
Medusa 46.07% 56.73% +10.66% +0.40%
Beastmaster 43.60% 53.77% +10.17% +0.24%
Anti-Mage 49.42% 57.41% +7.98% +2.09%


Hero Past Winrate Current Winrate Change Pickrate Change
Centaur Warrunner 54.72% 57.90% +3.17% +7.58%
Anti-Mage 49.42% 57.41% +7.98% +2.09%
Chaos Knight 55.13% 57.23% +2.11% -2.79%
Spectre 56.43% 56.93% +0.50% -1.37%
Underlord 55.91% 56.81% +0.90% -1.33%
Medusa 46.07% 56.73% +10.66% +0.40%
Vengeful Spirit 51.74% 56.67% +4.93% -0.64%
Omniknight 54.20% 56.27% +2.07% -1.42%


Hero Past Winrate Current Winrate Change Pickrate Change
Morphling 45.81% 37.54% -8.27% -0.30%
Tiny 46.07% 38.07% -8.00% +8.42%
Necrophos 56.76% 52.20% -4.56% -8.31%
Monkey King 47.45% 44.21% -3.24% -4.30%
Bloodseeker 53.82% 50.66% -3.16% -7.26%
Templar Assassin 44.88% 41.97% -2.91% -1.32%
Windranger 49.00% 46.24% -2.76% -1.90%
Spirit Breaker 56.16% 53.99% -2.17% -5.23%
Phantom Assassin 53.29% 51.15% -2.15% -0.39%
Earthshaker 50.82% 48.80% -2.02% -7.25%

Dark Willow

MMR Bracket Pickrate Winrate
<2k 8,40% 47.43%
2k - 3k 9.09% 48.72%
3k - 4k 10.17% 49.71%
4k - 5k 10.14% 49.97%
>5k 7.40% 51.12%
Lane Presence Winrate
Safe Lane 42.32% 50.23%
Off Lane 26.10% 49.11%
Mid Lane 23.92% 46.34%
Roaming 6.92% 54.59%


MMR Bracket Pickrate Winrate
<2k 8.49% 38.72%
2k - 3k 9.51% 35.54%
3k - 4k 9.50% 35.32%
4k - 5k 9.53% 36.57%
>5k 7.15% 38.26%
Lane Presence Winrate
Safe Lane 48.87% 33.29%
Off Lane 37.65% 39.71%
Mid Lane 10.61% 36.49%

Data from Dotabuff some time on November 2. See more trends here. Data does not include Turbo mode.

submitted by /u/coronaria
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AMD Sapphire Dota PIT League Season 6 - Quarterfinal 4 - vs Fnatic

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:08 AM PDT

AMD Sapphire Dota PIT League Season 6

Presented by Dota PIT

Need info on the event? Check out the Survival Guide.

See here for today's schedule and results

You can either Sort by new or use the Comment Stream.

Coverage: Liquipedia | JoinDota | GosuGamers

Streams: English | Russian

Quarterfinal 4 (Bo3) vs Fnatic

Game 1 - Fnatic Victory!

Game 2 - victory!

Game 3

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Welcome to Midas Mode! Rules, Schedule, and Surprises!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:44 AM PDT

Status Resistance, what i think sucks;

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:08 AM PDT

allright, i know i'm nobody, but while i like the idea of status resistance, there's a few case where i feel it shouldn't apply.

first of all, it shouldn't apply to every kind of banish (OD's prison, SD's disruption..., and by extension, stuff like eul's/tornado) the reason is very easy: teamplay in dota is important, comboing spells between teammate is a thing, and it's just not possible to adapt your timing for every possible value, especially in a split second.

Edit: after all, those disables aren't stun, they disable, but they also protect the target for the duration, so their main usage is comboing. making comboing sort of "random" for those spells feels like bad design.

Edit2: also, those spells typically don't have a stun bar, making chaining stun even more difficult.

second: it shouldn't apply to channeled stun (fiend's grip and shackles). channels are debuff that disable the caster and the target, and seeing fiend's grip last 3 second on a late game DK is just ridiculous.

Edit2: also at the moment, thos spells get cut down in duration sharply, losing a lot of their duration. same for any DoT spell not tied to a slow.

third: although it already works like that, i'm still pointing it out: it shouldn't work on aura style debuff (chronosphere, BH, static storm)

TLDR: status resistance should only affect "shoot and forget" style debuffs, as opposed to channels. it also shouldn't affect disruption style debuffs to not screw with comboing/setting up between teammates.

submitted by /u/Chad_magician
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Today is gaben's birthday

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:32 AM PDT

Happy birthday gaben!

submitted by /u/scalerize
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[7.07] Recommended/guide item icons are way too big

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:03 AM PDT

Fire lady:3

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:17 AM PDT

When Nyx is daily bonus hero

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:25 AM PDT

Jerax God

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:20 AM PDT

Bane in 7.07

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 02:20 PM PDT

In the Hero build creator it's impossible to skill Morph's first talent because his abilities are displayed separately and there is no option to scroll down

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:53 AM PDT

Picking screen still shows old shrine locations

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:42 AM PDT

A request from Warlock

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:49 AM PDT

Hello Reddit!

I recently was at the Hamburg Major as one of the Cosplayers (Warlock)

Sadly I was not able to get a lot of pictures of myself in costume. Feelsbadman.

So i would ask of you guys if you could PM me any pictures, videos or interviews that you find or have of me in Costume.

That would be very very nice. Almost as nice as the new Mercedes-Benz E-class Sedan...

But no seriously it would be very appreciated!

submitted by /u/Glorious_sTag
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Four more heroes are in the works?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:55 AM PDT

If Pudge can hook runes, Clockwerk should be able to hook to a runes

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:19 AM PDT

Hookers need equal rights too.

submitted by /u/ELDIABLIU
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Techies stealth kills the ancient in one hit.

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 06:05 PM PDT

Some items are listed twice in the shop window

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:46 AM PDT

New lore/Possible Artifact foreshadowing in the new voicelines!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:15 AM PDT

So, 7.07 is here, and with it comes lots of new voicelines for Dark Willow and Pangolier (and technically Bladeform Legacy Juggernaut, but since those lines aren't new per se I won't be talking about them too much). However, these lines discuss a lot of new concepts that haven't really been established before in Dota lore. It's safe to say some of these things will be explained more in the future (especially with Artifact supposedly expanding on Dota's lore). For this reason, I've decided to compile all the most interesting new voicelines, as well as making my best attempt to fill in the blanks with minimal headcanoning (I am not Slacks).

The Tyler Estate

(Dark Willow killing Silencer) "I'm not going to the Tyler Estate!"

(Dark Willow meeting enemy Anti-Mage) "You think you can drag me to the Tyler Estate?"

(Dark Willow meeting Anti-Mage) "Word is the Tyler Estate has you on retainer."

(Dark Willow meeting Silencer) "How's teaming up with Anti-Mage working out for ya?"

(Pangolier meeting Silencer) "How go things at the Tyler Estate?"

(Bladeform Juggernaut meeting Anti-Mage) "We heard about your partnership with the Tyler Estate… how's that working out?"

The Tyler Estate appears to be some kind of organization that both Anti-Mage and Silencer work for. Given the nature of these two heroes, it's safe to say they don't like magic.


(Dark Willow killing Treant Protector) "Leaving Roseleaf was a mistake."

(Dark Willow meeting Bloodseeker) "Oh I saw you years ago in Roseleaf! Kept my distance though, you know, so I wouldn't get murdered."

(Dark Willow meeting Clockwerk) "I don't know how close you are to Timbersaw? But if you care about his safety, tell him to stay clear of Roseleaf."

(Dark Willow meeting Treant Protector) "I admire what you did in Roseleaf. I mean it was stupid, but admirable."

(unused Dark Willow line, context unknown) "I found this in what was left of Roseleaf. The Bronze Legion thought they were going to fend off the Red Mist Horde. They weren't ready for what awaited them."

(Pangolier meeting Legion Commander) "You reaped what you sowed in Roseleaf, Tresdin... you will get no sympathy from me."

It seems Roseleaf was the site of an enormous battle between the Bronze Legion (led by Legion Commander) and an army of treants (possibly led by Treant Protector). Bloodseeker and Dark Willow were also there, though their role in the battle was unclear. At any rate, it seems that the trees won. The trees at Roseleaf may be the same ones that destroyed Timbersaw's hometown of Augury Bay.

The Jasper Circle

(Dark Willow killing an enemy) "The Jasper Circle couldn't do it better."

(Dark Willow meeting Meepo) "Listen Meepo, I'm not saying the Jasper Circle wants to kill you, I'm just saying that they're losing faith you're going to pay them back."

(Dark Willow meeting Nyx Assassin) "You ever work with the Jasper Circle?"

(Dark Willow meeting Riki) "You work with the Jasper Circle, right?"

(Dark Willow being selected) "It probably wasn't the wisest idea to turn down the Jasper Circle, but I'm no one's errand girl."

(unused Dark Willow line, context unknown) "The Jasper Circle always wanted to have it both ways. Naughty deeds mixed with professional ethics. It was never going to be for me."

(Pangolier meeting Meepo) "You owe the Jasper Circle a considerable debt, no?"

The Jasper Circle appears to be a guild of assassins. Riki possibly works for them, and they're looking for Meepo. Dark Willow was considered for the Jasper Circle, but they were too orderly for her.

Iron Fog

(Dark Willow killing Tinker) "You think I'm scared of robots? You know how much time I spent in Iron Fog?"

(Dark Willow meeting Bane) "Hey Bane. Have they seen what they do to people in Iron Fog? It'll be great research for that... nightmare thing you do."

(Dark Willow meeting Tinker) "Word of advice. Never visit Iron Fog."

A place (it could be a city, though my first guess is it's some sort of Dark Reef-like prison) full of machines and horrifying torture. Dark Willow has evidently spent some time there.

Weeping Rose

(Dark Willow meeting Dark Seer) "I'd love to pick your brain on how to rob Weeping Rose."

(Dark Willow meeting Medusa) "I heard the rumor there are some gorgons being moved through Weeping Rose."

(Dark Willow meeting Winter Wyvern) "I'd love to see what books you have in your collection. I'm sure there's some that would fetch a great price in Weeping Rose."

(Dark Willow being selected) "Not many people can say they've been kicked out Weeping Rose, but I am an exceptional talent."

(Pangolier meeting Lion) "I know you seek harbor in Weeping Rose, but be careful... all of the Quorum's gifts have strings attached."

This technically isn't new, as an earlier comic mentioned Monkey King fighting the Quorum of Weeping Rose, but as it's never been elaborated on beyond that I think it's worth mentioning.

Weeping Rose seems to be some kind of place (presumably a town, as "quorum" implies it has its own government) with a large amount of valuable merchant activity, selling rare items for considerable amounts of money. When one considers this, it's possible the gorgons "being moved through" are actually being sold, and that Lion could unknowingly meet the same fate. When one considers Pangolier's warning about the Quorum, coupled with Monkey King fighting them in the past, it's safe to say Weeping Rose has a considerable amount of political corruption.

White Spire

(Dark Willow meeting Chen) "Chen, I'm telling you. You and me can make a killing in White Spire."

(Dark Willow meeting Meepo) "When the battle's done, you and me are going to White Spire to play the Couriers."

(Pangolier meeting Meepo) "Be careful betting on the Courier Races... Gondar does not play fair."

The site of a racetrack where patrons bet on courier races (this is the real reason Volvo removed the speed burst). Dark Willow, Meepo, and Bounty Hunter all seem to frequent there. It's unclear if White Spire is the name of the town the racetrack is in, or the racetrack itself.

I'm admittedly getting into crazy fan theories here, but I think it's also possible that White Spire is the unnamed town we have previously seen in Dota comics. Known features in this town are a bar and cage fighting, so courier races would fit in with the lowbrow entertainment it's already known for. In addition, the very name "White Spire" gives the aura of a place of significance (the first thing that comes to my mind is the White-Gold Tower), and given all the heroes congregating there the mystery town is likely an important place in the Dotaverse.

Sorla Khan

(Dark Willow killing Axe) "Be grateful that I found you before Sorla did."

(Dark Willow meeting Disruptor) "You're much more reasonable than Sorla."

(Pangolier killing Axe) "After fighting Sorla Khan, you are a sorry disappointment…"

(Pangolier meeting Disruptor) "I apologize for lumping you in with the Red Mist Horde... you're nothing like Sorla Khan."

(Bladeform Juggernaut killing Axe) "This is why Sorla Khan took your place."

(Bladeform Juggernaut meeting Axe) "Axe, when this battle is over we must discuss what to do about Sorla Khan."

Sorla Khan (whose gender isn't specified, though from the feminine name I assume she's a woman) seems to be an Oglodi, the same race as Axe, Disruptor, and Warlock. More importantly, she's a leader in the Red Mist, the army Axe belonged to before he became a one-man army. Apparently the Red Mist survived (or at least a new one appeared to take its place) the many Pyrrhic victories Axe dragged it through, now under Sorla's leadership. She also seems to hate Axe, and possibly be even more violent than he is. It's possible she's related to Axe, whose real name is Mogul Khan, though as Dark Willow points out "Khan" might be a title, not a name.

Now, here's where things get interesting. A while back, former Valve artist Drew Wolf posted Artifact concept art. Two drawings feature a red-skinned woman who could very well be a female Oglodi. While Valve has confirmed that this concept art is out of date and no longer reflective of Artifact's current state, I have reason to believe that this concept art is Sorla Khan and that she will appear in Artifact.

And speaking of Drew Wolf's portfolio...

Pierpont and Mazzie

(Dark Willow meeting Clockwerk) "You're not friends with Mazzie, are you? I hate that little runt."

(Dark Willow meeting Crystal Maiden) "You friends with any Sapphire Archons? I have some, uh, issues that I would love to have smoothed out."

(Pangolier killing Crystal Maiden) "Pierpont had high hopes for you… oh well."

These are technically two different things, but since they lead to the same revelation (and it's a major one), I thought I'd lump them together.

Drew Wolf's website also contains concept art for an "Untitled Fantasy Game", which I'll be calling UFG from now on for brevity's sake. While there was no explicit connection between UFG and Dota, when the concept art was first posted most assumed they were related, as the art has a heavy Dota vibe. My personal theory is that UFG is the "fairy RPG" that Valve ultimately cancelled, its gameplay being partially incorporated into Left 4 Dead while its setting was retooled for Dota.

That last part, at least, seems to now be confirmed. According to that concept art, UFG's cast included Pierpont, the Sapphire Archon and Mazzie.

So, these shared characters seem to make it official: UFG is part of Dota's canon. And while I'm entering super-headcanon mode here and can very well be wrong, I'm going to go as far as predict that eventually we will properly see some or all of UFG's cast, whether in Dota, Artifact, or supplemental material such as comics. Maybe, extremely unlikely as it is, UFG could even get made after all, a full-blown Dota RPG! (OK, probably not, but I can dream.)

Lorlin Lasan

(Dark Willow getting First Blood) "Just like Lorlin showed me."

(Dark Willow meeting Riki) "How's Lasan doing?"

(Pangolier killing Meepo) "This fate is better than what Lorlin Lasan had in store for you…"

Based on the context of these lines (trained Dark Willow, works with Riki, hates Meepo), Lorlin Lasan is presumably the leader, or at least a high-ranking member, of the Jasper Circle.

Dark Willow, Kunkka, and Tidehunter

(Dark Willow killing Kunkka) "You were supposed to go down with your ship!"

(Dark Willow killing Tidehunter) "I'm hunted by Kunkka, thanks to you!"

(Dark Willow meeting enemy Kunkka) "What happened to you wasn't my fault!"

(Dark Willow meeting enemy Tidehunter) "This is all your fault, Tidehunter!"

(Dark Willow meeting Tidehunter) "I still have dreams of that day at sea, Tidehunter."

(Dark Willow meeting Tidehunter) "This isn't a partnership, Tidehunter. Never forget that."

(unused Dark Willow line, context unknown) "I wish I never stowed aboard that ship. Some trophies aren't for celebration, they're reminders of what can go wrong."

From the sound of it, Dark Willow had stowed away on Kunkka's ship (presumably to steal something) on the day he was maybe-killed by Maelrawn the Tentacular. For reasons that aren't clear, Kunkka seems to blame Dark Willow for what happened, and hates her for it. Dark Willow hates Tidehunter, claiming he was the one responsible. And of course, Tidehunter hates Kunkka, creating a lovely triangle of hate.

Let me know if I missed anything.

submitted by /u/Mimantians
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Jet Fighter Phoenix is Fun

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 06:05 PM PDT

NoFear & the rising star of NA scene, Bryle, are EU & NA FPL Champions in October!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:14 AM PDT

Courier died at start of game in RTZs game

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 07:53 PM PDT

[7.07] [Tinker] Tinker's Rearm still does not work for all new items

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:01 AM PDT

this is a reminder

submitted by /u/alakefak
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Arteezy - "Go bait, someone fuckin run in like an idiot. Pudge, go in buddy."

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 07:14 PM PDT

Solo Refresher + Refresher Orb Shadow Shaman Insanity

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:49 AM PDT

Pudge says "Bloody creeps" when he hooks a rune

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 01:07 PM PDT

Unplayable, needs fixing asap

submitted by /u/goodwarrior12345
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Pangolier's responses are done on the Wiki

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 09:04 PM PDT

14.2 MB Update

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 10:27 PM PDT

  • Fix to the courier issues people have been facing.

Courier Updates

  • Courier no longer auto spawns if you buy it in-game. Instead it will still go to your inventory / stash depending on where you are.
  • Courier item when dropped to the ground cannot be destroyed.
  • It is possible for enemies to steal a dropped courier.

Patch Size: 14.2 MB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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