Hearthstone - New expansion name (obviously spoiler)

New expansion name (obviously spoiler)

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:41 AM PDT

So I'm at Blizzcon, the doors just opened and I took a greenscreen photo at the hearthstone tavern. There was a small icon at the bottom that read "kobolds and catacombs'' with the gold coins at the bottom as seen in the expansion hints.

Edit: https://imgur.com/a/C7hqM

submitted by /u/Stacksmchenry
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In 9 hours they will reveal the neew expansion so here is the BOLD PREDICTIONS compilation!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:30 AM PDT

Thanks for all the comments! Here is the compilation of the BOLD PREDICTIONS for the next expansion, have fun!

/u/mdonais - Bold prediction: Players will be surprised and happy!

/u/Grendelspawn - Southseas or Deadmines expansion. Will craft two golden Tickings if not.

/u/FauxSake - I know this isn't a prediction but if it is pirate themed, I'm gonna craft a golden Patches

/u/IDontCheckMyMail - If it's a pirate expansion I'm legit quitting the game.

/u/cgmcnama - They will release at least 1 card people will think is broken, 2 cards that are trash, 3 or more Pirates, and 4 or more Druid cards.

/u/MornarPopaj - Warrior will get 2 mana weapon. Paladin will get new staple legendary and Shaman will get legendary totem.

/u/AdamComposer - Some sort of ice totem for Shaman, a snowtem.

/u/Kwijiboe - The reveal season will kick off with a legendary Warlock card. And then we get a shitty deathrattle card and a card that shows off the new Expansions' Mechanic. Then no more reveals until after thanksgiving.

/u/HockeyBoyz3 - This is the expansion that Hunter gets some broken cards.

/u/Meret123 - A card that will broke prep so they can HoF it.

/u/VengarTheRedditor - Something along the lines of this tavern brawl where "if you have the mana, then you can cast the spell twice" mechanic will be used. I'm positive they used this brawl to test out that mechanic.

/u/rend- - Hunter gets a bad epic weapon and a minion specifically to use with Toxic Arrow (and it will still be bad).

/u/kingguy459 - They will try introduce more control cards, only to fail and become aggro taunts. The theme will probably another mountain or some shit.

/u/stonehearthed - 3 legendaries per class (total 33 legendaries), but they'll give TWO free legendaries with the single player adventure!

/u/TuntTun - If discard Warlock is viable I will eat my beans.

/u/mwieckhorst - Deck sizes will only be 28 cards since golakka crawler will be a 2 of in every deck.

/u/jamsi - Rogue and Shaman are going to get unusable legendaries. Freeze Shaman will become Tier 1. Discard Warlock will become Tier 1.

/u/Athanatov - Despite not getting any good cards, Rogue will once again manage to leverage their base set and the neutrals to become Tier 1 somehow.

/u/rngesius – fancy 0 1/1, sleeper card of the expansion, card to make Kripp salty about and card to make control Hunter great again

/u/boringdude00 - It will include no less than 7 cards that are 100% pure cancer.

/u/Flo_Topdick - Pirates versus Parrots

/u/Wenpachi - 5+ Mana Pirates that will see play only in the first week because of hype but, then, Golakka will put them to rest. Neutral 3-mana Lifesteal Elemental.

/u/Myrsephone – (…) 1. There will be a card or cards that make big changes to the mana cost of other cards, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to standardize how multiple cost-changing effects stack 2. There is a card or cards with very powerful "after a spell is cast" effects, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to clean up how these effects are triggered 3. There is a card that would be broken with Dreadsteed's original effect, so there is either a strong anti-Deathrattle card or a strong pro-Deathrattle card, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered changing Dreadsteed (and the Defile argument doesn't hold up because it already has a recast cap)

/u/GoatBoatToad - It will be called Pirates of the Caribbean (PotC) They will make 3 legendaries per class, but dont worry FTP players, because there will be a common OP card called Piratemare so all is fine. They will print Face Crab: 2 mana 2/3 Battlecry: Destroy a dark knight hero and gain +1/+1.

/u/VanishingVerdant - Every class will get at least one unplayably bad card. Except Mage. At least one class legendary will have nothing whatsoever to do with the expansion theme. Discard Warlock will still be awful. There will be a mech, which will suck. There will be an elemental. One. There will be no cards with inspire.

/u/Hutzlipuz - Crazy madman predictions: Pirate Shaman meta and Murloc Warlock meta

/u/green_meklar – Probably going to 3 (legendaries per class).

/u/BananadiN - Some rare/epic overvalue card that will finally make Discard Lock viable. A Legendary card that destroy both hero powers. (AKA the 'we dont want to nerf DK's so we will just print something to break it.)

/u/ksym_ - I don't know why, but I'm feeling that the expansion will literally be League of Explorers 2, with Marin being one of the new league members.

/u/pielover101 - Several freeze related cards for Shaman and Mage that will never, Ever, EVER see play.

/u/EddieHorner - Warrior will get broken 2 drop to make up for FWA nerf

/u/sodapopkinski - I think there will be some kind of mechanic involving ships. They're gonna go for a seafaring battle sort of vibe.

/u/QuickBASIC - It's an expansion based on Stranglethorn Veil and Booty bay. Pirates (Blackwater and Bloodsail), beasts, Naga, and Trolls (Gurubashi, Bloodscalp, Skullsplitter), and Murlocs and maybe tie-ins with the Defias Brotherhood and Darkmines. Captain Cookie will make a multi-tribe appearance.

/u/Camden_yardbird - Warrior gets a little arena love.

/u/bellic11 - Mage will get a "Do you people even play your own game?" legendary.

/u/GreemBeans - A really, really mediocre epic card will be revealed.

/u/Patatokeftes - We will get a pathetic Razakus Priest "counter" card.

/u/heythisisntmyspace - My bold prediction is that people will play 10k+ dust control decks for the first week and then settle into meta 3k or less dust aggro decks.

/u/GeotheHSLord - The Warlock Legendary is gonna let us choose which cards to discard. Not necessarily in this expansion but someday for sure.

/u/maskdmirag - Bold prediction, in continuing to mine over arching idea from the paper TCG, we're going to get either Mounts or pets introduced as a class type. To go really bold, my prediction is that they will exist on the board, can't attack, will modify your hero power in some small way, but can be removed by the opponent by damage (attacking or targeting) serving as a soft taunt.

/u/tortovsk - Priest will get a Dragon-synergy legendary Quest Mage will get more support and become a tier 1 deck Druid is getting more taunt-synergy cards than anything else There will be a 4 or 5 cost neutral legendary with a disruptive effect

/u/TwinIon - My hope is that we only get one legendary per class.

/u/jentso - Everyone will enjoy it for a week or two until the OP deck "just plain not fun to play against".

/u/alt_alenante - Single legendary card for class. I think we will see less warcraft lore in this expension. Also a pack filler mech.

/u/Taxouck - Crackpot guess I've made elsewhere and reposting in this thread cuz' it fits: next expansion is un-MTG style. Expect bonkers-silly stuff.

/u/Zoltarr777 - Well so far the themes of the expansions this year have been based on the Year of the Mammoth, Un'Goro being ancient, Frozen Throne being icy, and the picture they released has bones, which would fit as well. So it's something to do with archeology or finding buried treasure, so pirates fit but so do some other ideas.

/u/AggressionSsb - It's just all pandas

/u/MixesQJ - There will be a legendary card(s) central to the theme that people will initially include in every deck or build around only to eventually find out that it(they) are overrated a la Quests and Lich King.

/u/ZiggyZobby - Hunter is gonna get a 1 mana 1/3 that is gonna be a pain for the coming years.

/u/shaolin_cowboy - There will be a new card that gives a discount to Naga Sea Witch, so you can play new card into Naga Sea Witch and have a board full of giants by turn 3. It will be great! /s

/u/Fikoblin - Expansion about Lordaeron.

/u/robiton - I feel like we are going to see Reno show up again. Though very unlikely with the same affect mind you. That whole we are going to be rich just speaks to these pictures.

/u/Mescallan - Full board effects like world enchantments or landscape changes. Every set in recent memory has had a unique card to it old gods: c'thun MSOG: Tri Class Ungoro: quests KFT: Hero What dynamic have they not implemented yet? The next set will have a unique style card and the main aspect of the game that they haven't effected is the battlefield.

/u/ziggy107 - Next expansion will be Cones of Dunshire

/u/WiryJoe - Considering the new Warlock, I'm guessing a demon expansion

/u/Kill_Dash_Nine - It is not going to be pirate.

/u/AnduinPurify - Murloc Pirates VS Beast Priest

/u/SgtBrutalisk - We saw the introduction of build-around class legendaries in Un'Goro and the same continued in KFT, so my guess is that the next set will have more of it. To fortify the game's relevance and abate the dwindling player numbers, the set motif will be firmly planted in Warcraft lore, so my guess is a strong villain such as Archimonde and the appropriate theme – demons. We will see a brand new concept that will only be explored in this set – Fel. Fel changes the playing field for that player in some way, by giving beneficial auras to his minions, cards and spells that can't be removed (think Lakkari Sacrifice reward that spawns imps). Though Fel is supposed to be a destructive energy, the effects will be positive and only apply to the owning player, because Team 5 doesn't like cards that interfere with the other player's plan. The class legendary will be a demon, with some of them having an absolutely bonkers effect and others being just an afterthought. In any case, the class legendary will seemingly be playable on its own but will take a bunch of epic cards specifically designed to support it for a deck with reasonable winrate. For example, Lakkari Summoner epic minion that draws the demon legendary from the deck for consistency. Each class will get a solid non-legendary demon as well, there will be the usual cutesy vanilla minion for girls to slobber over, wacky unplayable epics and Warlock will get yet another almost-there Discard card that will cause even the masochists to pull their hair out.

/u/shoobadinger - I think it will be Goblins vs Gnomes 2.0 to cash in on the nostalgia fator

/u/FiremanHandles - I think the new expansion will be "Jungle Inferno."

/u/OMGWhatsHisFace - There is going to be a big change in the way we use/obtain mana.

/u/Sherrydon - Defias brotherhood themed expansion would be my prediction

/u/RealMysterio - Warlock gets a discard legendary

/u/EarlDeDarkwood - We will get boards/ lands (from mtg) finally added to the game. Boards that change the game in various ways: All minions get +1/+1 etc They might call them artifacts instead of lands I think.

/u/richie_ea - Since Priest was shit 2 expansions ago... I think Priest will get another broken card in this set.

/u/SuperBearMan - I have three predictions for this upcoming expansion. 1. Priest will not be tier 1 2. Shaman becomes tier 1 3. Hunter gets good enough cards to compete in the top tiers

/u/drpootawn - I think Warrior will get a new epic weapon to help all its archetypes . 2- mana 3- attack 2- durability 800 dust for 2 of those sounds about right.

/u/bryanfeanor - We are going to see "TREASURE" like quest with a Dk as a reward or ship cards and a buch of nagas, proably a spell called drown

/u/lolobiga - Freeze Shaman is going to be a thing. I hope they'll implement some new mechanics. Also, how do you know about the pirate theme?

/u/BerZirx - Something to do with time travel to bring back some dead main characters in WoW or Warcraft.

/u/KamahlFoK - Instead of an expansion, they go back and make useless cards relevant, so that they can call expansions full fledged expansions, and not 85% dust / 15% content.

/u/LucasTheBau5 - My bold prediction: this expansion does nothing to the meta, and dual classes becomes a thing

/u/cloudwalkr123 - my guess it will be Booty Bay

/u/TauntIsCheat01 - I hope they won't figure out something like the quests or the hero cards to give each class two leggies again.

/u/escape_of_da_keet - Something related to the new WoW expansion that will be announced so that they can double up on advertising.

/u/Atindelta - Hoping for some quality memes.

/u/AnotherPlebEnters - Naga tribe + a naga eating murloc

/u/pjvm2000z - Dragons vs Pirates.

/u/shaolin_cowboy - I personally love the Arakkoa because they remind me of the skeksis from the Dark Crystal. I hope the expansion is Arakkoa themed. Probably won't happen though.

/u/Xtatica - I feel like they will release a mechanic called "bounty". Much like quests, the bounty will be completed when X task is completed.

/u/CaesarMode - The expansion will bring a shitstorm that will plague the standard meta until the rotation. Mama, I'm scared. What if they create cards with mixed tribes, like Murloc Pirates, or Elemental Beasts? Or a single legendary card that has synergy with every tribe?

/u/pootisgodsamongus - I'm praying for more card space in decks, 30 seems way too limited.

/u/terrance511 - dead class get 'buff' from few single unbalanced card instead of evaluate the particular class problem. 1 or 2 expansion later the said few cards broke/op the ecosystem repeat every expansion. they are pro card designer btw.

/u/Nuggabita - The legendary people will meme the most about will be a staple in a tier 1 or 2 deck.

/u/Popsychblog - The expansion will have a lot of pirates no one will want to play because golakka crawler exists.

/u/Starsam69 - Priest will get some broken ass cards to complement its weak basic set and Reno Priest in Wild will be the most broken deck of all time in any format of this game

/u/CCImposter101 - Each class get two legendary like Un'goro and The frozen throne

/u/EvelynShanalotte - They're going to come up with some completely unexpected new archetype that won't be viable. (Like Freeze Shaman) Worgen will finally become a tribe. There's going to be a 6 mana neutral Legendary that will be an auto-include in every aggro deck.

/u/Scrotom - I am hoping it'll be something about ogres but probably not.

/u/mackeneasy - Sir Finley card that lets you pick a DK hero power

/u/oceanchamp8 - Each class will get a legendary battleground ish spell as their second class legendary to keep that then alive

/u/xGearsOfToastx - Unexpecting 1 drops that completely dominate the meta like always. Another staple Paladin legendary that is too good to not include, but Paladin still won't be tier 1. A "crazy" Warlock legend that is seemingly crazy good, but way too niche and Zoo is the only viable Warlock deck. More Patches despite every other deck running Golakkas and that somehow isn't a problem apparently. Some Arena class is going to get an obviously busted card in the common/rare slot, and its going to be TalonPriest/Firelands Portal all over again, like always. Warrior gets a card similar to Bolster/Purify, somehow drops even lower than 30% winrate. They see this, say its on their radar for 2 months, then add an occurrence bonus to 3 mana Fiery War Axe for extra BM to Arena players.

/u/wtfduud - Pirate expansion.

/u/shadyape4 - Im praying that they keep it to one legendary per class and add a few more neutral legendaries.

/u/ToxDrawace - The did something pretty big for each of the last 2 xpacs - quests and then heroes. I'm really curious what new thing they will be adding for this one. Maybe every class will get a weapon, but they aren't used for attacking; instead the durability decreases from doing something else. Maybe Mage's will be something like "Spells cost 1 less mana. After you cast a spell, lose 1 durability." They mentioned wanting to help out the Warlock quest - maybe the weapon could be "When you discard a card, it will be added to your deck. Lose 1 durability." And since the theme is pirates, weapons make sense, too.

/u/Snoppkeso - more aggro cards as usual

/u/dingobabybaby - Wouldn't legendary class spells be the next logical step? Of course, it doesn't jive with Pirates... I'd love an expansion with just one legendary per class so I can actually feel remotely completist in my collection.

/u/BigUptokes - Southsea Expansion: Every class gets a pirate legendary

/u/zsolthk - They will definitely keep doing the 2 legendary per class, honestly, I like it too, and for now, it seems to be working with the legendary drop rate changes. They will definitely announce a new card type, this seems to be the theme of expansions now. Warrior seems a bit undertuned to me, comapred to all the other classes, they will definitely have something on store for Warrior. By the way, I'd appreciate some new good Mage cards as well. Druid is still OP, I don't think there will be any very good new cards for Druid, but well, prove me wrond Blizzard! Themewise, I really really hope it will be Bling Tron :D ! Realistically, I think it will definitely have to do something with goblins, well, because they are greedy. Anyway, I can't wait!

/u/Husskies - The only guess I'm pretty certain about would be Captain Cookie as a legendary. They might decide to put in Vanessa Van Cleef as a new Rogue legendary too.

/u/mofaspombanabalaia - no pirate set, pirates will be a theme for some of the classes (i guess Rogue and Paladin) but the central theme of the expansion will be something else (i'd guess a westfall-stranglethorn-south sea expansion) there will be a legendary minion for each class, maybe we'll have some more hero cards or quests but i guess there will be some sort of faction or tri-class thing for the other legendaries, i don't think a completely new card type will come out if there will be any other tribes it will be either plants or something very specific like nerubians, kobolds or naga i guess they will explore some more deathrattle related mechanics, with the Druid Secret Deathrattle and turn-based deathrattle

/u/flaggschiffen - They experimented with a couple of things: non minion permanents (Warlock Quest, Brawls), Mill (Gnomeferatu), Discard (Treachery + Howlfiend, Dirty Rat). Maybe we see another one of those or maybe another experiment with a mechanic we haven't seen in hearthstone before such as deck manipulation (if we do it's probably going to be overcosted aswell). I have the feeling these cards exist to test the waters. They also couldn't exactly have anticipated all the nerfs they did. I mean obviously all cards they nerfed were probably on a watch list, but still. So dispite the expansion seemingly having something to do with pirates (treasure and the fox guy) I doubt Pirate Warrior will get a lot of new toys. I also doubt Jade/ramp Druid will get much love this expansion after UI. On the other hand I doubt they could have forseen that the FWA and Innervate nerfs made room for Keleseth decks to the extend they did, maybe powerful tempo/agressive pirate synergy for Rogue's incoming.

/u/DreYeon - Not going to move the game much and we will hate 4 tier 1 decks in 2 weeks. So nothing new LUL

/u/TheBQE - Here's what I'd like to see. • Something that counters quests for other classes, since Alexstraza singlehandedly ruins the Priest Quest. • A charge minion with an effect that is triggered by "if this minion didn't attack this turn." • A vanilla class minion with more stats than it should have. Like a 3 mana 4/4 with no drawback. • Reverse quests/quests that negatively impact your opponent, rather than benefit you. "When your opponent has done X, do Y." Like secrets but you know what they are and they're more long game triggers. • "Deathrattles don't trigger." • "Battlecries don't trigger."

/u/ogbajoj - If not this expansion then the next I reckon they're gonna nick Amulets from Shadowverse. We already saw them experiment with Sherazin and Warlock's quest, and cards like Drakkari Enchanter seem made to support those sorts of things.

/u/WombatOfWar - If we're looking at Pirates I wouldn't be surprised to either see Ninjas of some variety, or otherwise the coin or coin variants as a card type Lacimaci - I want a full RNG based card like Yogg-Saron was.

/u/prince40000 - Paladin tier 0

/u/OrcaSaidI - New card type: Treasure or something like that.

/u/NoriNatsu - Something Booty Bay Related

/u/CursedChi - Warlock discard mechanic will become OP and actually work in the meta.

/u/nothing_in_my_mind - We will see dual tribe cards, such as a Murloc/Pirate and a Mech/Pirate.

/u/Darth_Fatass - I feel like they might try to bring Warlock back in the meta again. Also with Finja rotating out next year I think a murloc legendary is possible, but it also might come next xpac

/u/Durenas - Ben Brode will sing a sea shanty.

/u/GGABueno - There's going to be new Treasure kind of cards. Not like heroes, but like Quests in that they're just spells but that function in a similar and unique way.

/u/potatoelemental - 4 legendaries per class and no freebies

/u/MarukoRedfox - Pirates... IN SPACE!!!

/u/icejordan - There will be another set of class legendary spells A card will be released that makes discard Warlock viable (like tier 2 or 1 viable)

/u/Lukeweizer - Discard will still suck.

/u/rklimavicius - Since the word "Treasure" is everywhere in promo texts, I imagine some kind of a new mechanic Treasure, maybe a chest on the board with some special cards inside, which can be unlocked by any player midgame.

/u/BassCopter - I think there will be some new pirate themed mechanic - something like "Plunder: give this minion +1 attack" where you have to attack the opponent's face to activate Plunder.

/u/jsmeer93 - There will be a minion that reads "whenever a minion is played, silence it"

/u/M00SHMAN - Warrior 2 mana 3/2 weapon. With text "This weapon can only attack minions"

/u/Malacath_terumi - Priest Pirate Legendary : For the rest of the game, after you play a card, your hero power cost 0. 3 mana 3/1 charge.

/u/Mystic511 - The first card revealed will enrage everyone in this subreddit Blizzard will push Discard mechanic for Warlock again Hunter will get some weird control card or mechanic that will confuse everyone Another class will get a ridiculous 10 mana card. It will be called Ultimate [Class Pun]. stringfold - Bold prediction -- they will announce that major changes will be coming to Hearthstone in 2018 -- either (finally) a new game mode, or (finally) a revamped client with additional features and which is easier to patch. Probably to coincide with the Hearthstone New Year (in April).

/u/JuRiOh - If it is indeed pirate-themed, Nagas could be a new tribe. They are popular in WoW and there is many minions and bosses. I believe some of the Adventures had Bosses that played Naga cards that don't exist yet as real cards(they were quite overpowered though). For a new Card type, it could be a Treasure(Pirate Booty) that's in the deck and maybe does something special when drawn(and gets better the later the turn it is drawn) or requires a certain amount of activations of a new mechanic before it can be played. So similarly to C'Thun you can have cards that are a bit mediocre but have a "Booty" tag that helps you unlock the power of your Treasure card, which could also be a card that will always be on bottom of the deck by default but is drawn automatically when unlocked(simialr to quests but doesn't waste a card slot in your hand). [Edit]: A Pirate Expansion would also get people to craft Patches with their hard earned dust just before he rotates out the expansion after, genius Blizzard!

/u/Ouroboros_Ent - Bold prediction: they'll give some really good cards to Hunter thinking they'll be used in a deathstalker control Hunter, but they'll turn out much better in a aggro Hunter so face Hunter will smorc its way back in the meta #aSpiritClawStory

/u/A-NI-MA - Gadgetzan 2: Han'cho's Revenge

/u/ShapedUniversal - Hunter shit legendary

/u/KrWH1Z1 - there is a really bad 6 mana 4/4 Shaman legendary!

/u/BakaJayy - Warlock will get the all powerful discard deck card.

/u/Jelleyicious - There will be a pirate themed 'walk the plank' mechanic.

/u/lucon - Im waiting for that late game card for Mage that shuffles random secrets into the deck for you to pull out with glacial mysteries.

/u/elyveen - Kul Tiras, since my prediction of next WoW xpac is this, and they are pirates, might as well be the same for Hs?

/u/Pugnatwo - -Blizzard has learned from the Un'Goro and KoFT reveal seasons that going 2 (or more!) weeks after the initial reveal is too long. Instead they will likely be going with 1 week after Blizzcon to start the new reveal season (November the 13th) and likely make it last for 2 weeks, give 1 week to theory craft everything and release on the week of December 4th, likely on 12/7 in NA. -They are going to go back to 1 legendary per class and more neutral legendary minions. -Warrior gets a new low cost weapon and reddit F2P Master race will be displeased. -New tribe will be added. New Mechanic will be based on tribal synergy (think gain +1 attack and 1 Health for each Pirate and Murloc you have on the field type thing. Dual tribal cards. -New Reno Jackson Legendary for singleton decks to continue. -New Elise Type legendary with a treasure map to follow quite similar to the golden monkey. -Tone will be Very LoE based: Light hearted and fun to take a break from the serious nature of KoFT.

/u/Saurian_Flame - I don't want multiple Class Legendaries this expansion. They somewhat lead to a more expensive expansion, and I miss having a number of Neutral Legendaries that I could still use in every Class. Having the four Neutral Legendaries that we've gotten these past two expansions mean that they, in theory, should be strong, and universal. That has hardly been what we've seen. Only one Neutral Legendary for the past two expansions have been "safe." The rest are wild cards (pun intended). Blizzard, give us back our Neutral Legendaries!

/u/FrigidVengence - Seeing as the theme is speculated to be pirates, I think there's a chance we could see quests come back. That would just fit the flavor of the set so well.

/u/BerrySour - I'll say we will get Blizzard's version of Planeswalkers.

/u/criffo - Ninjas vs Pirates

/u/DavidJohnYVR - I hope there are some new quests that aren't legendaries

/u/kakolo - We are getting legendary spells for each class and the theme will be.... Pandarea

/u/pennysalem - Mage will get a "at the beginning of your turn, *" secret

/u/zwegdoge - Warlocks of the Discarded Meta

/u/5132017402pm - Mage will get a card that makes their quest insane, and it will be nerfed 1.5 months after the interaction is discovered. /u/69hailsatan - I really hope quests come back, having different quests with different rewards would be sweet

/u/pm_me_your_genetals - Hunter will get a secret that says when a minion attacks your hero it goes into your hand for 0 mana.

/u/Zireall - Can I have a hopeful prediction of a reveal similar to LoE? With a release too close to be true ?

/u/Ensatzuken - They will print trash Mage cards and the only barely playable one will still be complained like the most broken unfair card ever from reddit.

/u/79rettuc - I predict that we'll have another expansion with 0 mechs.

/u/MichaelDeucalion - Reno Hunter will continue to slowly increase in viability

/u/XErTuX - They will announce a new client.

/u/WarmheartHS - My prediction is: They would continue introducing new card types, tribes and mechanics, but those would linger for this expansion only. The tribes and cards introduced would never be mentioned again. We won't see any more Heroes, Quests. See also: Mechs, Dragons, Elementals, Inspire, Tri-class They would still continue pushing two "everybody's favorite" tribes, murlocs and pirates. At this point everybody hates them, but who cares, "murlocs are hi-la-ri-o-us! MRGLGLGL!" voinbobar - Druid will get another taunt unit, some sort of "gain X/X if you control a taunt".

/u/bluntfaith - There will be new OP cards for Priest.

/u/Dadosh - I bet they'll make a keyword for end of turn effects

/u/gw2master - Following what they did with the resurrect mechanic, Warlock card, 5 mana: Discover a minion you discarded this game, summon it.

/u/magicaldesks - Hunter will have another way to change hero power like the past 2 expansions (dinomancy and dk) except it will be on a cheap minion and so that you don't lose tempo, something like 1 mana 1/3 beast your hero power becomes "give a beast +1/+1 and lifesteal"

/u/freakuser - I am hoping for reprints of cards. Honestly there were some fun cards that used to be in standard

/u/xNuts - Rogue will get a spell for 4/5 mana that gives you a value (Hallucination,Burgle,Thistle Tea)

/u/jmxd - I predict insane OP Hunter legendary They have 0 good legendaries and have been quite bad as a class lately

/u/THEREALSPARTAN9001 - We'll get a shitty taunt minion to balance Stonehill defender in arena. Fucking Lich king.

/u/SunbleachedAngel - I think it will be more about treasures and sea creatures then pirates. Also I expect to see more of those "immortal things that stay on board forever"

/u/j0ssu - They will push more midrange-control Hunter cards

/u/Ameistake - Defias Brotherhood or something else with thieves.

/u/Svartben - Each class will get their own legendary boat card.

/u/carefree_bg - My only hope is that they stop with the 2 legendary cards per class because the game is really expensive like this.

/u/Habama10 - New card type: treasure or loot or item. OR Im pretty sure they will continue the trend (a quest and hero for every class) with a new type of card again. Oh, and at least one freeze card for Mage, and a heal for Shaman.

/u/ProxyGamer - Legendary Murloc, maybe cookie?

/u/djchrissym - 6 mana 3/3 battlecry: shuffle 2 copies of this card into both players decks

/u/doengo - freeze Shaman will be pushed Really Really hard, at least one Shaman legendary that involves freezing

/u/DiegocentricHS - It will be the return of the Reno but with a new title. Reno, Treasure Hunter: Fill your hand with coins.

/u/0neToo - Discolock will be 100% OP or still 100% unplayable. No middle ground.

/u/Ender_Melons - Lifesteal minions (...) we will get possibly 1, MAYBE 2 of them in the next expansion. We WILL get Hero cards, possibly just 1, being some weak ass Neutral. The Expansion I think will be League of Explorers sequel. Meaning we will get a 2nd version of Finley, Reno and Brann. But we wont get another Elise as we just got her in UnGoro. This explains the Pirates and such as there was a Naga section in the LoE adventure. I would love to see a new and better Rafaam card or give the League another villain, expand the rogues gallery. We will get 1 secret in the entire expansion. They will make a defensive form of Patches. Perhaps a 0/4 Taunt minion that gets summoned when you play a (insert non-pirate tribe here). Possibly this could be the Shaman Totem Legendary. Summon a Totem and then this 0/4 comes shooting out of the deck. There will be another card that will change your Hero Power (but not like a Hero card im talking more Shadowform-esk) If this is a Pirate set I will imagine/hope they change some of the cards that are tribe-less to become Pirates, like Cutpurse, Edwin. The ones that are obvious but for some reason never became Pirates. I think all classes will get 2 legendary cards again (even though I hope they dont) I think the 2 legends per class each set is just a theme in Year of the Mammoth.

/u/Captain_Aizen - control will also be worse.

/u/princesshoran - Legendary spells

/u/Cepstral - Pirates and moar Patches support. Finally he will become viable.

/u/Valdream - I have a hunch about a new mechanic that would be like "secret minions". You play a secret minion for a fix cost, and drops on the board as a x/x face down minion (minion value depends on the fix cost per class). So the opponent doesn't know what it is. When the minion is killed, the card flips over and becomes what it is really + reveal effect. Could be tinkered, like minion doesn't stay on board or no reveal effect. Every class could use these.

/u/loth85 - The new expansion will NOT be about pirates.

/u/YingYangYolo - Druid will get some broken taunt and/or taunt synergy minions to make up for the loss of jade

/u/C3PP - Predicted that it'll be Booty Bay back when that 3-set picture was released in April. Looking like I'm right. Booty is best because pirates, beasts in the jungle, new elemental destruction due to Deathwing (in WoW). New mechanic: asking for pages of green hills, you can trade with your opponent (collect them all!)

/u/Moogzie - 4 legendaries per class and a 2 mana 3/2 Warrior epic weapon

/u/-xhad - OW cards is my predictions very unlikely to happen but still a prediction nevenless.

/u/HyperDoodle - I think that all classes will get cards to change up their meta deck instead of following it such as token Shaman.

/u/Kingbeaversquid - There will be some troll themed cards since in WoW the pirate town Booty Bay is in Stranglethorn Vale, which is home to the Gurubashi trolls and the famous raid/now dungeon Zul'Gurub. I'm predicting a Hakkar legendary card along with some other bosses from that raid.

/u/hellomotos - Marin the fox has some sort of discover and or shuffle into your deck ability *Warlock's** discard card allows you to influence which card is discarded somehow ie 'only discard minions while this is in play' Hunter gets some form of card draw Priest gets a powerful aoe ability Paladin gets a 5 mana buff card Mage gets a new secret and it sucks Rogue gets a really really good legendary *new neutral silence card

/u/Diablonoob3 - A legendary that gives us dual class! More discard cards for Warlock!

/u/presto841 - They are going to print good 2-drops to try and get people to stop playing keleseth whenever they can

/u/p-O-rtal - The first Priest weapon: Epic, 3 cost, 1 attack, 3 durability Silence the targeted minion. Effectively, your Priest has the ability to silence 3 minions over 3 turns, but takes daMage from each minion it silences, and the weapon is at risk of being destroyed. Alternatively, it can be used as a ping. I bet it'll be released December 1st eh?

/u/Stcloudy - Ninjas vs pirates

/u/bidurpls - Field spell cards. Something like Umi - all murlocs have +2/+1.

/u/Planfive - The new set will be released on friday as well

/u/Michael_Loda - Pirate set with One Piece reference (lots of Blizz people love this manga/anime, it must happen)

/u/ItsPieManHD - They will stop trying to force discard Warlock

/u/ComboPriest - Marin is going to be fun but really weak. If it was strong, people would get furious, so Blizz will make him unplayable.

/u/Omegeria - Shaman will get some busted ass cards, it's been long enough that people are done with complaining about Shamanstone and the cards they've gotten have been very lackluster this year. Also it's the last expo of the year, so they'll likely print more busted cards than other sets.

/u/Grassblox311 - They're adding more useless Freeze Shaman cards, and they will print yet another discard legendary

/u/DeGozaruNyan - The expansion is really about ninjas, the pirate theme is a red herring.

/u/DatGecko - Something that freezes for Warrior. They tried to push freeze on Shaman, now maybe on Warrior? Also Warrior will get an over-hyped best-card-of-the-set that will see minimal play.

/u/grimthebunny - A bunch of really strong Pirate decks will become viable, and then instantly become nonviable once Patches rotates out and Bilz will never print a decent Pirate ever again.

/u/FlyBoyG - Rogue will get their first every taunt minion.

/u/DennisSmithJrSmith - Warcraft 4

/u/Spiffy87 - New mechanic will be like MtG's old phasing mechanic. Every other turn, your minion will phase out of the game, becoming unusable, invincible,and untargetable. The keyword will be "ethereal.

/u/JelloBisexual - Warrior gets an unusable epic

/u/Twinner69 - This will be the first introduction of Marvel Comic book heroes and villains to the World of Warcraft world. It will be tastefully done and will in no way be motivated by greed.

/u/AfterShave997 - More discard cards that suck ass

/u/ShiningSter - It would be nice to see another keyword or a current mechanic turned into one.

/u/Cranzy - The card reveal process will be a mess (again) and everyone on here will get upset(again)

/u/Exorrt - I predict a 6 mana 9/9

/u/Conbot406 - I think it'll be deadmines or some iteration of (...), that being said I really hope they don't overdo the pirate stuff and do something with lore to make it more hearthstone friendly like they did with ungoro and gadget.

/u/ToxaZ - I would like a card like "change every random effects discover". Maybe it'll make discard lock valuable.

/u/Graysmith - It'll be themed around the Scourge and the fall of Lordaeron. There's a reason you were able to unlock Prince Arthas as a hero.

/u/Nerdtron93 - Elemental are still exploring the water (teehee), so I doubt any new class yet. Seems very strong pirate theme, so a much more aggressive meta. Which I really want because lack of good aggro is why we have this high-roll meta in the first place. I'd like to see dual class legends stay. Way harder for a class to completely miss the mark that way. And strong neutral legends are bad for the game.


/u/Squircle_MFT - Paladin gets a card that makes his DK hero power viable

/u/Triggered_Trumpette - This isn't really bold but I predict Hunter's cards will all be godawful except for one common vanilla-statted 3 drop with a very slight upside like "give a friendly beast +1 Health"

/u/TheSolidSnivy - New discard-based Warlock Legendary that will be laughed at and parodied, but it actually makes Discard Warlock at least a Tier 3 deck. Aishi_ - More shitty 6 mana 4/4's

/u/hahcore - Warlock will get vanilla stat minion with powerful effect for discard archetype

/u/zairossplz - The meta will be truly balanced and all 9 classes will be viable. MacMoustache - The class legendaries will be weapons this time, Mage will get something that synergises with spells, Warrior will get some weird weapon involving armor and/or board clear and Priest will get a lifesteal weapon.

/u/MrUrsus - There will be a new Legendary Spell card type.

/u/I_am_the_great_one - Warlock will get a card that summons a random discarded minion. EG: 6 mana 4/5 Battlecry: Summon a random discarded minion.

/u/z-wizzy - The pirate murloc from Tavern Brawl is going to be in it. Warlock is going to get a godawful discard legendary.

/u/josephus1811 - Blood Queen 2?

/u/Omnifi - Priest will continue to get utter garbage early game drops when all I really want is a 2 mana 2/4.

/u/Tsobaphomet - Warlock will get a discard card that randomly makes their hand worse

/u/carryApple - 1st neutral Spell called "You never know" Each turn this is in your hand, transform it into a random spell.

/u/-rotten- - Inspire mechanic will come back

/u/Drakenmar - Shaman gets: Wrap It Up 0 Mana Spell Automatically give your opponent the cards they need for their ridiculous win scenario. Let's get it over with.

submitted by /u/Time2kill
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[Livethread] New Expansion Announcement - BlizzCon 2017 Opening Ceremonies

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PDT

Marin The Fox Revealed!

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:19 AM PDT

Moorabi Top Tier Arena Card Confirmed

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:13 AM PDT

Can you spot it?

I rate this gameplay 30/30

How this happened: He first played Frost Lich Jaina, so I had to Kazakus potion for 10 mana with 6 dmg clear with summon 3 friendly minions in the hopes of outskilling my opponent, got Hydra and Blood of the Ancient One (from a pool of about 6 or 7 minions). Then I played Moonglade Portal and it gave me Moorabi, and he was not able to remove it.

The play was to attack Bittertide into taunt and blood of the ancient one into the water elemental, and play the copy you get from moorabi to get a 30/30. He then had to frost bolt the 30/30 to stay alive for another turn, and so I just played another 30/30 in his face.

And then things went out of hand. Yeah, I won the game, dirtiest game I have had in a very long time.

submitted by /u/wuzzybuzzy
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I’m really hoping that the next expansion goes back to having only one class legendary each

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 11:53 PM PDT

As much as I love the quest and death night mechanics, I kinda miss having a whole heap of neutral legendaries that can be used in a variety of decks. Does anyone feel the same way?

submitted by /u/0j5rJ8L1Fu92rQmMg61l
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Trump has some great F2P lists.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:30 AM PDT

At the end of his F2P run, Trump discusses some other budget Classes / decklists that it might be viable to climb with. They were at the end of a gameplay video, and it's not obvious (from description etc.) that the video contains them unless you happen to sit and watch all the way to the point they come up. That's why I thought I'd post the end of the video here, in case people missed it and are interested in some good lists.

They're mostly based on which Death Knight you open from the KFT prologue fight.

Here they are.

submitted by /u/SeemsImmaculate
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I'd rather have the Old Gods in Arena than Death Knights

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:40 AM PDT

The Devs kept saying the old gods were not good in arena, especially C'thun because the cards were too specialized. Which is imho a complete wrong argument, since most C'thun cards had decent stats (2/3, 3/2,...) and could easily be used without C'thun.

Old God cards would actually be fun in Arena, compared to the situation we have with KFT now:

Looking at KFT, we have single cards which completely screw up Arena due to them being so overpowered that they can decide the game on their own. Not even talking about DK cards themselves, which shouldn't have been implemented in Arena in the first place, there's Bonemare, Cobalt Scalebane, UI, and Lich King cards, which simply wreck the Arena balance.

Here's hoping the next set brings more balanced cards and those mentioned get banned from Arena, or at least rebalanced.

submitted by /u/MidnightQ_
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Secretly choosing your Deathrattle: The unpraised mechanic that we should see more of in future expansions.

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 06:13 PM PDT

The only card, Fatespinner, that has this mechanic has gone extremely unnoticed, mainly because it isn't that awesome of a card. Imagine if Discover were only one card in an expansion but it were just an absolutely terrible card. Imagine what we'd miss out on (discover is probably the most popular mechanic, I'm sure most would agree)!

I think secretly choosing Deathrattle effects and other effects is an awesome mechanic that got overlooked by other powerhouses in the druid class. I'd love to see more non-Secret secretive choices in game.

Great mechanic!

submitted by /u/WarnerHS
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Dane on Twitter: YT HS content got demonetised. So disheartening to see this happen to such a chilled HearthStone streamer!

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 06:14 PM PDT

I'm just glad that Pirate Warrior is done in the meta for the new expansion

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PDT

Seriously, thought it was going to last till rotation ruining every meta. But we will actually experience a new meta without that deck being considered very prominent.

submitted by /u/PushEmma
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Draw your Predictions for the next expansion in MS Paint.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:25 AM PDT

Credit to abonet619 for the idea from last year. Make a prediction then draw it in Microsoft Paint.

submitted by /u/JoeNapoli97
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Prince Keleseth + Patches OTK

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:32 AM PDT

RIP Free to play status, 2014-2017

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 07:22 PM PDT

Paid $5 to enter a tournament at a Fireside Gathering, won a $20 balance Hearthstone (well, battlenet) card. Technically, I dropped some money and I'm getting packs from it, so, yeah.

Feels good. And I love the social interation that goes with playing in a local tournament.

submitted by /u/Zeekfox
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Are we seriously going to have a hearthstone expansion that isn't leaked or spoiled early

Posted: 02 Nov 2017 02:21 PM PDT

Blizzard is going to unveil what the next expansion soon yet no leaks have come yet, this is suprizing because most of the time it gets spoiled early such as Ungoro, KFT and WotOG. Good job blizzard for keeping a secret for once

submitted by /u/Rocomet
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New Expansion is Kobolds and Catacombs

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:11 AM PDT

Blizzard learned from their mistake and bought the identity protection from godaddy for koboldsandcatacombs.com, whois + dig reveal nothing... BUT a quick nmap revealed they have port 443 open, meaning HTTPS. And guess who signed the SSL certificate?


Yep. Obscure website bought a month ago, has SSL by Blizzard.

Kobolds and Catacombs, ladies and gentlemen.

EDIT: Whoops, sorry for mentioning the name in the title :/

EDIT 2: Nmap revealed more evidence of Blizz activity. https://i.imgur.com/T0gxDSz.png

EDIT 3: In my rush I forgot to thank /u/Stacksmchenry, who found the name originally at Blizzcon

EDIT 4: So now the site redirects to play hearthstone :) Quick fix by bliizz. Well played.

submitted by /u/redxblood
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New Card Marin revealed :o

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:19 AM PDT

Just get a mail of Blizzard telling me it's the last chance to get the ticket and this was also in the mail !!! English: invoke a 0/8 chest for your opponent (destroy it to get a treasure !)


Edit: with a blizzard link (not a fake !!) http://media.wow-europe.com/email/2017/Blizzard/blizzconocvt/upsell/images/header-HS_fr-fr.jpg

submitted by /u/pofilo
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When your warlock game goes just right

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 09:16 AM PDT


Coining a 2 drop on turn one ended up being the best decision i ever done.

submitted by /u/MikeMagic94
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[Livethread] Hearthstone Announcements @ BlizzCon 2017

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:05 AM PDT

Remember when you raised prices due tonthe strength of the dollar?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 12:58 AM PDT

Well maybe it's time to look back at those changes and reverse them because the euro is at a very good level against the dollar and has been stabily for some time now but blizzard has no interest in passing the savings on to their customers and just wants to milk them for more money

submitted by /u/darragh180HS
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Name of the new expansion?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:41 AM PDT

Is "Excavated Treasures" the new expansion name or what is?


Source: https://twitter.com/G2Rdu/status/926261941483347968

submitted by /u/Jokaes
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Never ending game?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:07 AM PDT

So, I am currently in a game where the opposing player played Usher of Souls and Necrotic Geist played Deathspeaker on both then played defile. Turn ended about 5 minutes ago, but it just keeps killing ghouls over and over and increasing C'thun. Let's see just how long he can keep this up.
Edit - C'thun was up to around 127/127 when the opposing player finally decided to concede. Well played Spookshow420.

submitted by /u/LifeIsBizarre
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Dumb Ways to Kill Your Opponent in Miniature Warfare - HysteriA

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:28 AM PDT

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