DayZ - Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance.

Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:00 PM PST

Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance from 07:00 GMT.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Lame Excuse Report - 28th November

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:01 AM PST

r/DayZ after yesterday's SR...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:23 AM PST

Status Report - 28th November

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:52 PM PST

At least change how loot is being distributed on 0.62

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:44 AM PST

Please Devs hear me out, and I'm not alone in this...

Since the removal of a lot of items from helicrashes, the most exciting way of getting loot was taken away from us, and now the loot in towns are a big mess.

Whenever you go to Balota or Komarovo there will be a shit ton of shotguns/Sporters/Izh18/Pistols in it, that should be distributed across Cherno/Elektro/Berezino. This is just to say low tier gear.

Now on the high end of things, it is unmanageable to keep an UMP/FN-FAL/VSS. Due to the fact of the gun itself being so rare and it is most likely impossible to, in one no abusive life (no server hoping, no glitching, no hacking) get these items, let alone some of the famous clothing like the Smersh vest set that was huge back in the day.

What I propose to you is: Get at least one or two guys to mess around the economy. Change the files so rare equipment spawns and rare weapons spawns always with mags at least, it's not like we find UMP's and FALs everyday anyway, make helicopter and rare stuff spread across the military check points, spread the loot from Tisy as it is not fun to go there every single season one play. Spread the Koramovo/Balota loot to the main towns as they are ghost towns right now and add a really small chance of high tier gear there, you guys can do it based on the rarity of FALs/VSS Mags in games, this will add a surprise element to unaware people playing this game for the first time.

This will definitely not slow down development if the team is as big as you guys say it is, you guys have changed even the sway of guns after years telling the community it was too much of a hassle to do so.

Change the loot, have satisfied people until beta comes, because the way I'm seeing things, you guys are only achieving BETA on experimental by the middle or the end of 2018.

Just please... Do something about the actual situation.

submitted by /u/ThyWhisper
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Hey /u/skullduggery69, time to eat your shorts!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:23 PM PST

Dinner Is Almost Ready

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:43 AM PST


Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:48 PM PST

Bohemia and Dayz is a complete disappointment and a chain of broken promies. | 2015 is going to be one hell of a year for dayz" - Peter at the end of 2014 | "Sooner than you think" - Brian in 2016 | "In 2 months" - Eugen 3 months ago in gamescom

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:16 PM PST

  • "2015 is going to be one hell of a year for dayz" - Peter at the end of 2014
  • "Sooner than you think" - Brian in 2016
  • "In 2 months" - Eugen 3 months ago in gamescom

The real problem here is that bohemia made 90 million € and the company owner pocketed most of it while letting a skeleton crew "try" to lift the junk arma engine out of a 20 year old hole. No excuse in the world can explain how this amount of money results in a game being developed this slow. Especially that BS patch last year was insulting, that had new tree colors and nothing else.

Bohemia what is the explanation for this screw-up? All the expectations we gamers had. If this game had a real publisher model, it would be complete and of quality. Because then the developers had to work for the money they are getting paid, but this pressure is gone because we customers gave all that money to them. And this an example on why early access is a failure. Developers are being paid for an expectations and the delivery and quality is far below the expectations. They got paid huge amounts and have no obligation to make it worth it.

The lesson is, do not buy bohemia early access products, they will not reinvest most of the money back into it. Because if they had, the game would be complete already.

And just skip the stupid status reports and replace them with a single sentence telling what the expected delay is to delivery.

submitted by /u/Joe41444
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You know shit is real when 1k+ people in this sub

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:37 PM PST

Couldn't help myself at noticing this.

submitted by /u/ThyWhisper
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I applaud the dev team on their latest status report

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:07 AM PST

Just as a change of pace really, I'm glad the dev team have put out the status report they did. It's nice to see hicks not waffling on and we finally FINALLY have some real information as to the current state of the game.

Yes, its a blow that beta won't be this year, or even early next year by the sound of it. But, we now know how much work still needs to be done and the expectation has gone. The status report was detailed and informative, it might seem on the surface that not much has been put out there but the detail lies in what's gone unsaid.

I'll play something else for a couple of months until beta drops. Its no big deal really.

The hype built up around beta has injected new life in to this sub, which was dead. It shows that people really are just waiting.

I wanna see videos and pictures in the next one though. Switch it up again.

submitted by /u/holston5
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I will wait.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:28 PM PST

DayZ is the reason I built my computer back in 2012. The mod was still thriving and I was having a blast. When the standalone first dropped it was buggy but a very fun experience, and it's where I met my friend now of almost 5 years! Granted, the SR was very disappointing and a stab to the heart for many. I understand that they do not have a large team working on the game and major issues come up. I still have hope, I will still wait. For now it's CSGO and Escape from Tarkov but DayZ is like that one EX I can't get out of my head. I'm ok with that. Hopefully one day we can see this subreddit populate again with eager players and light hearted memes. Until then however, I'm out. But I will be back, and I hope you all will be too.

submitted by /u/Aphme
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Perfect time for this picture! Everyone hop on the train! CHOOO CHOOOO

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:48 AM PST

Planned Features: water streams!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:41 AM PST

I'm happy. You have to always look on the bright side of life.

I don't think this feature was on a feature list until now and was something I asked about in several Q&As.

As far as I know, I don't have a terminal illness, I can wait.

submitted by /u/five_seven_clown
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Why delay week to say beta won't be this year

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:43 PM PST

1 major update all year... Do they not realize how many people they just displeased by delaying and intentionally hyping this still... It was detailed as desired but there was no reason to take an additional week after tweeting "details of release in next sr"

submitted by /u/XhyruZ
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/R/Dayz today

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:42 PM PST

Just practicing my ninja moves

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:30 PM PST

Do you think DayZ popularity will rise once again once the final build releases?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:16 PM PST

I am very curious to hear what others opinions are on the future of this game. I personally have faith in the devs to ultimately and finally deliver a great game that sparked from a highly intriguing concept with more detail than any other game I have seen done before. But the real question is once DayZ has it's final release build, will the amount of community/players fill up the servers and populate the game to substantial numbers(around as much as Early Access concurrent players upon first week of Early Access release)? My hope is on PC it will have plentiful popularity across the world but it needs to be marketed well, which I don't really see happening. People will need to be notified that this game is (finally) done and it has potential to be very great/popular. And hopefully releasing it on the Xbox platform(and presumably/hopefully on the PlayStation platform as well) will also increases popularity and concurrent players. So what do you all think?

Have some hope for the game, patience can lead to greatness.

submitted by /u/Shaggi_
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DayZ developers to their fans right now

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:53 AM PST

New survivor needs some inventory enlightenment

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:33 AM PST

I was initially rocking a Hunting Backpack (30slot) and everything seemed to work alright. I had been switching weapons and items smoothly and I managed to defend myself using weapons.

I was running out of inventory space, so I started looking for a bigger backpack. I came across a damaged Mountain Backpack(35slot), and decided that it was a good deal for me. So I swap everything into my new mountain backpack and I'm ready to roll.

Only to realise later that I had lost my Skorpion somewhere back in the woods when I had to pull my CR75 out. I was like.. 'what the heck?' I finally found my Skorpion, but since I switched to the new backpack, I keep having this problem..

Notice in the video that everything is well organised in my backpack, and the pistol is in its holster. My hotkeys were set after I placed everything the way I wanted to.

  1. Empty hands

  2. Skorpion

  3. CR

  4. Skorpion again

and by that time, the CR is in the Skorpion's place..

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Is it a bug ?


Pistol does not go back into Holster and messes things up

submitted by /u/demonic_fetus
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New Management | Dayz village ep. 1

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:12 PM PST

How are they going to add a stamina system but not give us bikes in the next patch?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:54 PM PST

Hello Devs, you there?

submitted by /u/MeowMagafe
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What has happened in your life since DayZ entered Alpha?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:11 AM PST

I thought it'd be fun to list the things that have happened in our lives since DayZ Early Access was released. My goal is to give scale to the length of the development cycle.

Here's my list:

-Bad breakup

-Son turned 7


-Got promoted

-Got a new computer

-Met a woman

-Fell in love

-Son turned 8

-Moved in with the girl

-Got promoted again

-She got severely ill

-She got better

-Became a partner in a business

-Got a new computer

-Got a new car

-Got engaged

-Son turned 9

What about you?

submitted by /u/failbirdtown
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The official DayZ remaining playerbase list of reasonable demands before Christmas 2017

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:42 PM PST

There are no Noobs left in this game. The ones that remain are the most dedicated, least burnt out group of them all. The remaining players understand the work/time required to create the new player engine and i personally have no bones about the development process and fully support the devs taking their time to put out the right game... That being said.. The remaining player base is deserving of a few things. And im not talking about Christmas trees In Electro. If we are going to be playing .62 " as is" for another 6 months we are going to need a few reasonable things.

  • Redistribute the loot. We arent asking for VR compatability here, just remap the loot so that every house in Balota doesnt have 4 shotguns and some other remote towns spawn rare stuff giving people a reason to go to the ghostland that is NEAF for instance. Again. Not a huge time investment for the devs and would buy some positive vibes from the playerbase

    *Let us spawn in Cherno again only once Loot is redistributed.

Those two things would be two simple gestures of good faith from the devs to us and SHOULDNT take very long to do. If anyone has any REASONABLE demands to add to the list feel free. If these demands arent met so help me god i swear to forever hold noobies up in game and rob their pants and shoes.. Forever. The ball is in your court Bohemia.

submitted by /u/RacksDiciprine
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Don’t get too hyped! Just in case!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:59 PM PST

I know everyone is expecting something big but after what happened to The Long Dark and their count down, people got way too hyped and ended up thoroughly disappointed.

It's best to expect little and either not be surprised and happy or hugely surprised.

submitted by /u/WhyRedTape
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The Green Dragon Tavern, opening event. (DayZ Village)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:27 AM PST

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