The Legend of Zelda - This 3d printed master sword I made for my son.

This 3d printed master sword I made for my son.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:19 AM PST

[OC] Fierce Die-Dedede

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:59 PM PST

Fierce Deity Link Fan Art

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:08 PM PST

Thought I’d surprise the Old Man with my skills

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:53 PM PST

I want the game after BoTW to be a direct sequel like Majora’s Mask.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:48 PM PST

I know it sounds crazy, but I want BoTW to have a direct sequel. It would be cool to have the "I saved the day", and what now concept that Majora's Mask had, except in a whole new way. The fun thing about Majora was that it really made Ocarina of Time Iconic by making it a pair.

I'm not really sure how they would go about it story-wise, but it could be pretty awesome.

submitted by /u/IkigaiMol
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I drew a picture of Kheel to put in my daughters lunchbox. Thought you guys might like it.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:26 AM PST

BotW was my first Legend of Zelda game: Does Zelda love Link?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:28 AM PST

The tree where you find the master sword during the flashback, Zelda wanted the tree to tell Link something. Has any of the games in the past ever hinted at this? Thanks!

submitted by /u/thattechtuck
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What's Your Favorite Zelda Moment?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:45 AM PST

Any moment that is jaw dropping or special to you. My favorite Zelda moment was when toon link jumped in the air and shoved his sword into Ganon's head since that was my first fight with Ganon.

submitted by /u/Tyler_M41
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Oracle of ages or Oracle of seasons?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:10 AM PST

Never played any of those, which do you recommend me?

submitted by /u/nacholin
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Since the Gerudo had their time to shine in BOTW, now it's the time for the Kokiri race to get some of the spotlight as well.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:37 AM PST

Before BOTW the Gerudo were the least flashed out race; we didn't know much about them and they appeared in few game with few named characters and a small area. Luckily in BOTW they finally decided to show us more about the Gerudo, not only in their main storyline but also in their town and surrounding areas which i loved it.

The Kokiri now have the short end of the stick. They don't appear since OOT (almost 20 years) and even there their appearance gets eclipsed by later races. They didn't even have their own temple! Basically after the first hours of the game they are just forgotten and became a missed opportunity.

The Kokiri race not only needs more flashed out characters and lore but would also present some interesting gameplay mechanics; like for instance the need to be disguised while entering their town/territory. In this case Link would need to turn into a children to enter the forest, which could include some puzzles relating to weight or size transformation. This would also open up the gameplay for a transformation in various races a-la MM, imagine turning into a Gerudo or Rito, two races that didn't had masks in MM.

Another interesting aspect that we could've seen with the Kokiri in the story is their unique view in society. Just like the Gerudo we saw a whole society compased of women vai, the Kokiris are all children. How do they see the adults? Do they even know they exist? Are the myths about leaving the Kokiri forest true? Just like in Gerudo we saw many NPC's telling us the average Gerudo thoughts, the Kokiri could do the same as well.

Lastly, something personal but i understand if Nintendo is against it, i feel like the Kokiri race have the potential to be the "creepy" race, and by that i mean more in their culture/area than in face value. The Lost Woods, Skull Kids and Forest temple were mysterious had many curses/speculations attached to them. We can potentially witness a Kokiri getting lost and turning into a skull kid, or an adult getting lost in the Woods and turning it into a stalfos, just like we were told by this little girl when we were trying to get the medicine to that punk guy. It would be perfect because no one in Hyrule would suspect a bunch of children to live in such a dangerously and creepy place.

EDIT: I know the Kokiri became the Koroks, people. But if we have both Zora and Ritos in the same game why can't we have both Kokiri and Koroks as well?

submitted by /u/scantier
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Ganon by Ai_Art

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:58 AM PST

When do you think the new Zelda DLC will hit?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:09 AM PST

I'm hoping early December. I'd like the first week in Dec., maybe an announcement at TGA, but I know I'll be too busy working on playing Xenoblade, lol.

Anyone else have any predictions? I'll say Dec. 8th, day after TGA air.

submitted by /u/dextermorgannnn
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Oracle Of Seasons fan art

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Keep your chin up.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:54 AM PST

Symphony of the Goddesses

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

I posted this in /r/vancouver's Events thread but I guess it's too late in the month to have been noticed. Anyway, if you're in the city and nothing to do on Thursday, maybe join a stranger for a night of symphony?

submitted by /u/tocilog
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Would they make a Nintendo switch windwaker remastered

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:03 AM PST

What if...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

to tide us over till the next big release, they reuse the assets for botw and have present day botw link and zelda travel to pre-calamity hyrule and help defeat ganon there? Since the champions would still be alive it might be you can use them too for other exploration / combat based stuff. Maybe even new champion specific shrines. Would you buy it? Knowing nintendo the next game might be vastly different and the wait is just too long. They can always do with zelda what they do with mario and reuse some assets for some more games

submitted by /u/superaural
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What happened 10,000 years ago

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:36 AM PST

Do you think that maybe the next Zelda game, may be set in the time where Link, Zelda and the rest of Hyrule flight Ganon, in Impa's story? Also how long after OOT is BOTW?

submitted by /u/Jguy97
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[Giveaway] 3DS Theme: Breath of the Wild

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:37 AM PST

Hi /r/zelda!

To avoid wasting 20 of my gold coins at the end of this month, i decided to exchange them for this theme* to give it away here (i already have it on my 3ds).

To participate just post a picture of your 3ds with your favorite zelda game in it :)

I'll pick a someone at random tomorrow.

*Green 2DS not included

submitted by /u/uglyasablasphemy
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New Zelda tattoo

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:26 AM PST

*shield breaks at the edge of a cliff*

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:50 AM PST

Did any of you use Majora's Mask to remember compass directions?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:02 PM PST

I did because its how i was able to make sure i was getting the directions correctly. I knew that North was Snowhead, South was Woodfall, West was Great Bay, and east was Ikana.

submitted by /u/QualityLennySpam
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Which game to play first as a beginner?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST

Hi r/zelda, Quick question. I'm new to the franchise and was wondering what game I should start with? I will be getting a switch soon, so is BotW good? I have never delved onto many other game series and I want to try something new. Thanks :D

submitted by /u/JaP_01
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