DayZ - Im looking for him gary, But I think he is in another thread

Im looking for him gary, But I think he is in another thread

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:25 PM PST

The things we do..

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:23 AM PST

I heard their howls before I saw them. They pierced the forest around me, echoing through the dawning sky as my heart stopped and my stomach sank. Off in the distance in front of me I could see the pack. Their white and grey fur jetting between the trees as I made an about face and sprinted down the hill back into town, stumbling in the dark, eyes shooting back and forth looking for a place to hide. The pitter patter of their paws growing louder as they quickly closed the gap between us. I pulled out my CZ75 and checked my mag. Three rounds. "Fuck" I thought to myself as I barreled down the steep slope hoping I was heading in the right direction, their vicious growls getting louder and louder as they got closer. That's when I saw him, slowly jogging up the hill, oblivious to the threat behind me. Through my gasps I made out one simple word. "WOLVES!" He looked at me, and for a split second I thought I was dead. Then he shouted back. "Follow me! There's a hunting stand!" This man didn't know me, and he could of just turned around, leaving me to my demise, instead he chose to help. Side by side we ran through the woods, wolves biting at our legs and back, blood pouring from my thigh as I felt the gnashing of teeth agaisnt my flesh. "I don't think we are going to make it!" I yell, my vision slowly fading grey. "Should we fight them? He asks, looking at me, ready to help me or fight to the death. I gulped and looked back at him. "I'm sorry" I softly muttered before discharging two 9mm rounds into his right knee. He screamed in agony and fell to the mossy forest floor as I took off, continuing down the hill towards the hunting stand. He screamed for me to come back. To help him. But I just kept running, his screams of terror and for help slowly fading as I escaped into the sunrise. I sat in the stand and bandaged my wounds, watching the predators feast on their prey before slipping away quietly myself, living to fight another day. He saved my life, that I'm certain of. I just wish I could get the look of betrayal in his eyes out of my head. Thank you..

submitted by /u/Muppetchristmas
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Dont think this was the best idea

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:02 PM PST

Keeping an eye out

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 04:07 PM PST

3 Status Report left until Christmas

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 02:44 PM PST

GIB OR NO GIB ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ???


submitted by /u/Lijazos
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Bad_module_info crashes?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:22 AM PST

Hello, I've been having crashes with this very often as of late. I don't know how to resolve this and it's actually getting really frustrating, because in some cases I'll queue up for some server for over 15 minutes only to crash the moment I get into the server.

I've already tried numerous things, and one of the things I've read on the internet is disabling fullscreen optimizations for the .exe's, which hasn't solved the issue for me.

Before anyone says anything, I made a bug report on bohemias bug tracker but I'm hoping someone else knows a solution that will actually let me play the game without crashing all the time. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Tx606
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Would it make sense for cars to spawn with matches?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:23 AM PST

Was playing yesterday on the running man's server and found 3 broken cars and 2 trucks abandoned and broken all up north. I had no matches but what a waste of vehicles.

Just a thought :-)

submitted by /u/dayznewaccount
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New Old Comeback

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:50 AM PST

Hi there,

i played the Arma 2 Mod a lot. Then i instantly bought Dayz Standalone...

But.. i stopped... it was horrible.

Now my boyz and me are back again.

What should we do? Play the standalone? The Arma 3 mod/arma2/mod?

What the best and the most important the most crowded? Where is the game experience the greatest? Are there cars in the standalone? And respawn of loot?

Hope you can help :)

Greetz snux

submitted by /u/snux__
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DayZ Screenshots throughout the time

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

Top of the world.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:01 PM PST

dayz standalon day 3

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:52 PM PST

Best mod options currently aside from SA?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:56 PM PST

What is my best bet for playing the mod? Exile mod on arma 3? or is their better ones currently?

submitted by /u/loonlake5
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We should do Mod Monday or something like it! (Arma 2 Dayz mod)

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:11 AM PST

After seeing that meme of at the top of the reddit, I got the feels for Arma 2 Dayz again. We as a reddit should all find a mod server to play on together, we could team up or go solo, and maybe every once in a while we meet up on a Monday or a set time that works for most. This could be a shit storm or a great idea. Let me know if you guys would be down cause I really wanna play mod now!

submitted by /u/FadezGaming
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What all is changing in beta?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:13 PM PST

The last time i touched this game was in January 2014 ( OR 15) what all is being changed for the long due beta? Will it fix the jank of trying to equip and pick up items? Is there a list of new and changed features out there?

submitted by /u/ZebraLord7
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DayZ Beach Bandits

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:54 PM PST

Can anyone help me with a problem I seem to be the only one having?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 06:42 PM PST

Ok so, my google fu is pretty good but for some reason I am having no luck finding someone, save for a SINGLE dead thread on this subreddit, who is having the same issue as me. I have a brand new laptop, these are the specs. It plays Skyrim in ultra super duper graphics mode. Destiny 2 runs flawless. Battlefront 2 (the demo not the game. fuck you EA) was bent over by my laptop and spanked. HOWEVER When I start DayZ Standalone normal it comes up looking like this. It also flashes as indicated in this shitty gif. If i choose to start in "DayZx64" it looks like THIS. Its like halfway off my screen and if i go into the options and change it to windowed it goes back to freaky deaky color mode.

I have tried everything, uninstalling, reinstalling to a new partition. Changing all the settings to crap low. Verifying integrity like 20 times. I have deleted config files (ones that i could find) and modified startup files to make sure its running in admin mode and NOTHING works.

I played this game on my Asus g74sx that I purchased in 2011 and it ran fine. It runs fine on my desktop that only has a gtx 970 in it. Im constantly on the move, hence the gaming laptop and i would literally suck on any body parts of whoever can provide me a fix for this. I will not be able to address this post again until late tomorrow night as I will be out of town and at a hockey game but after that I will check this and work with whomever thinks they have the answer.

Or ill just go back and see if anyones still playing the mod....... but with .63 coming out id love to get this fixed! Please DayZ friends and family!

submitted by /u/MrBigBMinus
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Our House

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:58 AM PST

Zombie checking the roof

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 07:58 PM PST

Saw a zombie checking his roof today.

submitted by /u/lederhosen-hippie
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Will dayz beta come this year?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:25 AM PST

I dont want to be one of those guys I just forgot what they said and I would like to know

submitted by /u/TheOriginalMarra
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Favorite activities

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:27 PM PST

What are your guys favorite thing to do on dayz sa besides exploring and pvp?

submitted by /u/Duggle1512
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I miss not being able to make a splint yourself :(

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:01 AM PST

DayZ Standalone my adventures

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:44 AM PST

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