Pokémon GO - [Story] It took me 14 days with their 14 raids... but i fullfilled the promise i made to my starter.

[Story] It took me 14 days with their 14 raids... but i fullfilled the promise i made to my starter.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:59 AM PDT

Coming soon (Not really).

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:42 AM PDT

[Screenshot] Used Houndour to help capture Gastly

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:24 AM PDT

[Idea] Show the number of players at the raid above the gym.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:08 AM PDT

This way no one has to experience waiting for a raid to start only to have no one show up.

submitted by /u/br3no
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My 1 year POGO anniversary. 1,300 KM walked & down 25 lbs. I love this game, as flawed as it is.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:37 AM PDT

My kids and my wife play too. We walk around by the beach & have family POGO events. We are our own raid squad now & cant wait until we can trade with each other. There are things I don't love about the game but what can you do. Overall it's been a game changer for me physically & a lot of fun for us & the kids.

I don't play with a +. This is all engaged gaming.

I'll add a couple pics in the comments.

submitted by /u/thx316
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After playing this game daily for 366 days, I finally have my holy grail Pokémon. Thank you to the ghost player that helped me get it.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:08 PM PDT

Just saw Pokémon 238. Caught 235

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:17 PM PDT

Me (a collector) and my struggle to complete the Pokedex

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:01 AM PDT

[Rant] Sick of Losing Raids to Glitches

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:19 AM PDT

Niantic, I understand it can be difficult to admit flaws with your own product however the amount of Raids battles (and therefore passes) me and other players have lost due to glitches is unacceptable. =/



• Raids timer is supposed to start with 180 seconds. On numerous occasions when I start the battle it has less than 170. 10 seconds may not sound like a lot, but it's often the difference between a win and a loss.


• "Error" when in the middle of a Raids battle. Only way I've found to fix it is to turn Airplane mode off/on. Also extremely frustrating when the rest of the players involved in the Raid finish the battle so you're left without a team.


• General Framerate drops. I'm on a high-spec phone (HTC 10) - I shouldn't be having framerate drops at all. Introduce graphic settings if you're struggling with framerate optimisation. I'll happily turn down the Draw distance, Anti-Aliasing, etc. if it means I can maintain a stable framerate.


General connection/server lag. My WiFi is good and I have a solid 4G connection pretty much constantly in the city; it's not on my end.


Players should have their Raid passes refunded if they do not successfully complete the Raid. Not only would this alleviate the frustration of bugs, but this would also help players who "waste" their passes when no one shows up to the Raid.


Raid passes should unlock the reward and not be required simply for participation. It's 100x more infuriating when you've spent coins on a Raid pass only to lose it to unfair gameplay conditions. If you are going to pay-wall a major game feature please make sure it works flawlessly.

submitted by /u/Dan_Powell
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Nineteen people showed up for a four star Tyranitar raid in our small town at 9pm! I love the new gym system!

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:19 PM PDT

[Story] Gen 1 Gym Leaders & Elite Four: Pokémon GO Edition

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:19 PM PDT

I'm a sucker for nostalgia and decided to name each Gym Leader's signature Pokémon after their respective leader.

Here they are: Gen 1

I'll be doing this for each generation so if people like it, I'll post them whenever I've caught all of the necessary Pokémon.

submitted by /u/sokoteur
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Hitmons. Where the F are they!?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:19 PM PDT

I've got ONE Hitmonchan and I've seen ONE Hitmonlee in a gym but never out and about. Never had a tyrogue or a hitmontop.

How rare are these guys!? This is rediculous. I should have come across more than one in the year be been playing this game.

How about you guys how common are the hitmons in your area?

submitted by /u/AbsyntheMinded_
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With 5mins left we finally got 6 people to take down tyranitar, I crash as we beat him, rejoin on battle on 00:01 and just get this. Nice.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:20 AM PDT

So I guess today was my lucky day.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:16 PM PDT

Just barely over one year ago, I started playing this game. After all this time, however, I think this day is the best I've ever had ingame.

So I was at a park that was supposedly a Magikarp nest, as I still don't have a Gyarados yet, and this guy showed up. One Razz Berry/Ultra Ball later and she's mine. I know of some high level players that still haven't gotten a Shiny Magikarp, and I'm level 25, so I felt blessed. After that excitement it must be my lucky day. After more walking, my 10km egg starts to hatch. I still don't have a Snorlax or Lapras, as well as some other rares. Unfortunately I get...

a Chinchou. (WHY IS THAT A 10KM HATCH NOW)

FUCK. Oh well, at least I can evolve it and get a new dex entry. Anyways, I'm left dissapointed that I don't have some of those rares.

Now it's 9:42 PM and I'm chilling at home, listening to music or whatever, when I check the nearby and see... a Snorlax shadow. I jump out of my chair and sprint over to the water tower. I climb up to it and encounter this. I caught it in the same manner as my amazing Magikarp.

So now I want to ask, what was your luckiest Pokémon GO day?

submitted by /u/BedlingtonTerrier
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Life's a gym, raid it.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:28 PM PDT

[Idea] Let the Pokemon in a gym help you with a raid at that gym

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:21 PM PDT

I'm mostly a solo player, although I've sort of joined a group of players in the last few days to do raids with. But before that, I had no hope of ever completing a 3+ level raid.

I think it would be really cool (and make sense) for the Pokemon that are in a raid gym to help with the raid. I mean isn't the idea of the raid that the boss has "taken over" the gym? So shouldn't the Pokemon there want to help you in kicking it out? I think it would help out solo and small group players, even if it's just a little bit, and make the battle feel a little more dramatic with a team of AI Pokemon helping you out. You could be limited to only getting help from the Pokemon if they're on your team or even if they're specifically your own Pokemon, but I'd personally vouch for letting them all help everyone. Has anyone else thought of this or think it's a neat idea?

submitted by /u/dasyakky
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Do Better, Niantic

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:18 AM PDT

I wonder if the heads at Niantic don't know how difficult Pokémon Go is without 3rd party assistance and I'm not talking about spoofing here either. I don't need to do that since I live in a 🔥 area and I'm not a fan of it. But wow nothing within the app teaches you anything about IVs, how to best utilize incubators, where to hunt, what's best suited to power up, despawn timers for wild pokémon (like with raid eggs SMH), who's best to attack/defend with, type advantages, etc.

I have literally learned everything from 3rd parties such as The Silph Road, vloggers such as Trainer Tips and Pokémon Go Hub. I only wish I had known about them earlier before I maxed out my 40% pokémon (LOL) who I thought were 🔥 due to them having high CPs. Thanks for that by the way, Niantic. Have you any idea how long ot takes to mine for dust? 😐😐😐

Stop me if I'm wrong but there's no accuracy when it comes to the in game appraisal system. Simply amazing/a wonder/battle with the best of them can mean anything from 82% to 98%. Clicking on tips does you no good. The professor just tells you the same old nonsense about what a pokéstop is and how to dodge in battle. "Oh wow. Thank you, professor. Now where can I go to get some ultra rare pokémon or find out the base stats of what I have caught"? A notification system would be nice. I mean if 3rd parties can do it why not you? Hell you could even make it user driven like the Silph Road's map for nests that's updated by actual people.

Do better, Niantic. I love the game but y'all need help.

submitted by /u/AceTheFace954
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[ART] Playing in the Suburbs

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:54 PM PDT

[Story] Someone asked me to take a gym from them and I didn't. Should I feel bad?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:01 AM PDT

After the recent update, a new gym popped up on the outskirts of my town. It's a bit out of my way, but I checked it out in my free time. No one else had taken it so I chucked a Vaporeon in and went on my merry way. Two days later, it had returned and I found out an Instinct player took it. I went and took it back the next day, only for the same Instinct player to retake it within an hour, so I decided it wasn't worth it and went to take on the gyms in town.

Fast forward a week and I decided to check on this gym again. Not only was his Rhydon still there, it was starving and no one else had defeated it or fed it or added backup. No one else had been by in that time, so either no one knew about the gym or cared about it. Decided to try and take it back, but when I arrived, a guy there asked if I was playing Pokemon Go. I said yeah, and he asked me to take the gym from him.

Now, I wanted to take the gym at first, but seeing the guy who owned the gym wanting me to take it made me not want to take it. If I did, he'd take it right back and get his coins. I wouldn't get anything and I didn't have time to fight over a gym that I wouldn't hold for more than 5 minutes. So I decided not to take it. I told him I had to go and he didn't believe me. I left anyway and I heard him give out to me, which made me giggle inside. Should I have taken the gym? Or was I right not to bother?

P.S. It's coming up on 10 days since his Rhydon took the gym and it's still there wasting away with no help.

submitted by /u/SHSLMathNerd
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So...raid battles...alone...

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:38 PM PDT

Um, just wondering if anybody else has the same issue: Raids popping up all the time near you with nobody else around to join.

Also wondering what the highest tier raid you can do solo is. I am aware of the many charts floating about but they cannot be right. I got a Flareon from a level 3 raid (I'm only at Lvl 29 btw) by myself by drowning it with a literal army of Vaporeon. Even though most charts say it's a suicide mission solo. I'm sure there's some complex algorithms to explain it but why scare people away from raids they could win when type advantage seems to be the greatest factor? Or did I just get lucky?

submitted by /u/Sirensoundwave
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[Discussion] Is there any point to powerful defenders anymore?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:28 PM PDT

With the change in the gym system there is no value to holding a gym for any more than 8 hours. Rather than working with your team members to build a strong gym that will stand for days/weeks now you'd be better off with gyms turning over frequently. I know when I am looking for a gym to take down (and send those mons back to their trainers so they can get their coins) I am looking for Gyms that are easy targets, i.e. ones were there are several low level mons or one where all the mons have lost their motivation.

Given that new realization I no longer place strong defenders in Gyms or waste stardust to create a strong defender. I am putting 10 CP mons in gyms hoping they get knocked out before too long.

submitted by /u/feessh
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[Discussion] I feel that this game should teach people basic game mechanics more than it does. Type effectiveness and all that.

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:10 AM PDT

So I was doing my normal Pogo rounds, walking around the park with all the stops and I see 2 kids sitting on a bench frantically tapping away. I deduced immediately that they played Pokemon, but as I'm a single white male and they are 2 kids I didn't go anywhere near them. At first.

About 10 minutes later I here them pleading with their mum to let them try just one more time, and so I figured they were trying to catch the Machamp that was in the gym where they were sitting. Also deduced that as they hadn't done it yet they likely wouldn't be able to. So I went over and asked their mum if it would be OK if I were to KO the raid boss for them, which they got excited over.

We all join the raid and when it starts I notice they're both using Tyranitar, who as most of us know gets absoutely wrecked by fighting types. I also seen them use a Snorlax and an Ursaring. Little wonder they couldn't take him down (he hits super hard btw)

I feel like if more people had a basic understanding of the games mechanics they would be able to enjoy it better, and be better able to participate.

TLDR: Helped a bunch of kids take down raid boss Machamp cause they had no idea their most powerful Pokemon were terrible choices to use, and would never have been able to beat him cause of it.

submitted by /u/AusSpyder
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[Question] Murkrows are annoyingly tough to catch

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:27 PM PDT

Is there a datamined catch ratio list? I'm finding it odd that 400-1000 murkrows are much harder to catch than most other Mons. For examle, I caught a 1264 Rhyhorn earlier which had a green circle when I was using an ultra ball, yet murkrows as low as 400 are borderline red/orange.

Is it just me? I've noticed something similar with Squirrel as well. Sorry if this is common knowledge, it's just frustrating that it's seemingly murkrow for me! And I'm trying to get a good one for when it's evolve is in.

submitted by /u/Kipwar
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